ENG2D - Exploration of contemporary media issuesTASK: In pairs or alone, learn about a contemporary media issue or concept by exploring how it appears in pop culture and real life. CONTEMPORARY MEDIA ISSUES/CONCEPTS: Below is a list of issues/concepts that are part of the normal and pandemic* media landscape. Choose ONE item from the list and learn about it. (The more specific/narrow your scope, the easier it will be.) Cyber warfare Contact tracing & privacy* Video meeting hacking * Cyber bullying Gender identification/ portrayal Cyber identity and expression Social media addiction Distracted driving Manipulation in advertising Click baiting Online learning* Telecommuting*Intellectual property/piracy Privacy on social media Social media shaming/vigilantism Stereotyping in pop culture Social media and entrepreneurship Virtual medicine* Memes as a tool of persuasion Online shopping addiction* Medical myths* Video game addiction Technology and sleep disorders Video game therapy Social media and anxiety Online dating & safety Interactive television Netflix binge watching Social media and social/political revolutions Communities transitioning online*Online cancel cultureHave an issue that’s not on the list? Talk to your teacher before you start!RESEARCH: Once you’ve chosen your issue/concept, explore how it’s portrayed in pop culture and how it exists in the real world. Pop culture portrayal #1: Movie / Series / YouTube video / Music / Documentary Pop culture portrayal #2: Meme, Instagram/Twitter/Reddit post, etc… Two news media articles/videos/audio* One interest/advocacy group website* *These sources will need to be tested using Mr. Blauer’s Source Credibility Scale?SURVEY: Conduct a brief online survey of your peers using Google Forms. Your survey will include: An identified purpose written in a line or two. (Eg: “This survey is meant to gauge binge watching habits among teens.”) FIVE unique & meaningful questions that can advance your understanding of your issue/concept. (Eg: “How many times have you binge watched on Netflix?”) Note: Each question must be prefaced with some contextual information to help your respondents answer your questions properly. (Eg: “The term ‘binge watching’ refers to watching multiple film or episodes in rapid succession, for example, an entire Netflix season or film trilogy in one day.”) ___________________________________________________ The Bottom LineHere’s what you’re doing with all this stuff (it’s not too much!)GABBING: Each individual/pair will talk about what they learned in a small group video setting. Here’s what you’re going to share and talk about. Video clip (5min max) or image of your media issue/concept as it’s portrayed in pop culture FOUR insightful takeaways from your research (one for each source) THREE insightful takeaways from your survey SUBMITTING: There’s just a few things to submit to Mr. Blauer Your Source Credibility Scale? (for your news media & advocacy sources) Your survey results EVALUATION: A mark will be provided based on the rubric (see reverse.) If working in pairs, each partner needs to be equally involved in the project to receive the same mark. Please contact your teacher if there’s a problem. CRITERIAINFLEVEL 1LEVEL 2LEVEL 3LEVEL 4CONTENT: Focused, detailed and insightful information about media issue presented to class /L3Poorly focused, detailed and/or insightful information Inconsistently focused, detailed and/or insightful information Largely focused, detailed and insightful information about media issueHighly focused, detailed and insightful information about media issueSURVEY:Purposeful, well-written, effectively designed survey /L2Limited purpose to survey. Poorly written and/or designedInconsistent purpose. Inconsistently effective writing and/or designLargely purposeful survey, effectively written and designedHighly purposeful survey, sharply written and designedRESEARCH: Use of relevant and meaningful research sourcesSource defence /L1Poor timeliness & relevancePoor accuracy & completion of source defenceInconsistent timeliness & relevance Inconsistent accuracy & completion of source defence Largely timely & relevant sourcesHighly timely, relevant & meaningful sourcesAccurate & complete source defenceNOTE: Students may be marked separately where there is a significant discrepancy in work and/or performanceStudent: __________________Contribution _________________________________ Student: __________________Contribution _________________________________ RATING SOURCESUse these charts to rate your sources according to authority, autonomy, recognition, bias and editing/oversight. Identify each source using MLA formatting.Source 1: _______________________________________________________________CRITERIA*Authority0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5Obtains its information from others Actively investigates/reports/studies*Autonomy0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Tied to an invested interest Completely independent *Recognition0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Never heard of ‘em Everyone knows them *Bias0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Limited perspective/editorializing Balance of perspectives*Editing/oversight0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 & organization Zero A lotSource 2: _______________________________________________________________CRITERIA*Authority0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Obtains its information from others Actively investigates/reports/studies*Autonomy0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Tied to an invested interest Completely independent *Recognition0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Never heard of ‘em Everyone knows them *Bias0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Limited perspective/editorializing Balance of perspectives*Editing/oversight0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 & organization Zero A lotRATING SOURCESUse these charts to rate your sources according to authority, autonomy, recognition, bias and editing/oversight. Identify each source using MLA formatting.Source 3: _______________________________________________________________CRITERIA*Authority0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5Obtains its information from others Actively investigates/reports/studies*Autonomy0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Tied to an invested interest Completely independent *Recognition0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Never heard of ‘em Everyone knows them *Bias0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Limited perspective/editorializing Balance of perspectives*Editing/oversight0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 & organization Zero A lotSource 4: _______________________________________________________________CRITERIA*Authority0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Obtains its information from others Actively investigates/reports/studies*Autonomy0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Tied to an invested interest Completely independent *Recognition0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Never heard of ‘em Everyone knows them *Bias0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Limited perspective/editorializing Balance of perspectives*Editing/oversight0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 & organization Zero A lotRATING SOURCESUse these charts to rate your sources according to authority, autonomy, recognition, bias and editing/oversight. Identify each source using MLA formatting.Source 5: _______________________________________________________________CRITERIA*Authority0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5Obtains its information from others Actively investigates/reports/studies*Autonomy0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Tied to an invested interest Completely independent *Recognition0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Never heard of ‘em Everyone knows them *Bias0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Limited perspective/editorializing Balance of perspectives*Editing/oversight0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 & organization Zero A lotSource 6: _______________________________________________________________CRITERIA*Authority0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Obtains its information from others Actively investigates/reports/studies*Autonomy0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Tied to an invested interest Completely independent *Recognition0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Never heard of ‘em Everyone knows them *Bias0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 Limited perspective/editorializing Balance of perspectives*Editing/oversight0…………1………….2…………3……………4…………….5 & organization Zero A lot ................

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