
Name: _____________________________________ Period: ______________

Invertebrate WebQuest

The most numerous and diverse group of animals on the planet are the invertebrates. Many invertebrates are notorious pests and do adversely impact human life. However, there are others that may be ugly, gross or creepy yet human life depends greatly on their existence.

Begin your WebQuest at:

➢ Like all URL’s, this web address is case sensitive and must be copied exactly in order to find the site.

1. Read the sections “Benefits” to answer the following.

a. What is the more pleasant name used for earthworm feces (aka “poop”)?

b. List the three specific soil nutrients that are increased by the action of earthworms.

c. What are the two physical benefits to the soil created by earthworm burrows?

2. Forrest Gump and his Bubba Gump Shrimp Company make a great movie scene but the reality is nearly all shrimp eaten in the United States were grown on a shrimp farm, probably outside the U.S.

Go to to answer the questions in this section.

a. List the leading shrimp producing countries in the Eastern and Western hemispheres.

Eastern Western

b. What are the only two species of shrimp typically grown on shrimp farms?

c. What is the estimated yearly dollar value of farmed shrimp world-wide?

d. What specific socio-economic benefit do shrimp farms bring to the people in the producer countries?

Leave Wiki for a moment and go to

e. What environmental problems are associated with shrimp farms? (Hint: there are 3 main problems; summarize each of them)

3. A large number of food crops are pollinated by invertebrates, especially insects.

Visit for the next two questions.

a. List at least 12 fruit or vegetable crops that you think are grown in Connecticut that rely on insect pollination.

b. Explain why it is accurate to include steak and milk as insect pollination products (hint: alfalfa).

4. Check out and also

• What is the name given to the recent decline in honeybee populations and when did the decline begin?

• List and explain at least four causes that contribute to honeybee population decline.

• Identify the cause of bee population decline that the media incorrectly reported that you (and most other Americans) are partly the cause of.

5. Of course, not all human encounters with invertebrates are pleasant, especially when it comes to parasites. Research sites you find yourself to find the following information about the most common parasitic worm in the United States: pinworms. CANNOT be Wikipedia (just because you’ve been there all period, not because it is inaccurate).

1 Give the scientific name of the organism that causes the problem.

a. How does the organism infect a human?

b. What are the symptoms or problems caused by this organism?

c. How can you avoid getting it?

Reference(s) – List the name (if available) and URL of website(s) used to answer question #4:


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