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Processor/Handler Organic ApplicationProcessor/Handler Organic System PlanFarm or Business Name: Applicant Name: Title: Phone: Email: Preferred Contact: ?Email ? PhoneContact Name: Title: Phone: Email: Preferred Contact: ?Email ? PhoneAdditional Contact: Title: Phone:Email:Preferred Contact: ?Email ? PhoneWebsite:Mailing Address:City:County:State:Zip Code:Year Applying for Certification: Does your business also process/handle non-organic products?? Yes? NoPlease provide the physical address/location of the business, with detailed directions from Albuquerque, NM to the site: Attachments: ? Map (required)? Supplier List (required)? Flow Chart (required)? Product Profile (required)? Labels? Organic Certificates? SDSs ? Off-site storage verification? Private Labeling Agreement(s)? Pest Control Material List (required)? Other: ___________________Affirmation of Organic ApplicantI, ____________________ as an authorized representative of ______________________ depose and declare that I will: Fully comply with all applicable organic production and handling regulations in accordance with Title 7 CFR Part 205 National Organic Program Rule.Establish, implement and update annually an organic production or handling system plan that will be submitted to the New Mexico Department of Agriculture (NMDA).Supply NMDA with all information required to verify compliance with the National Organic Program Rule.Permit onsite inspections with complete access to the production or handling operation, including non-certified production and handling areas, structures, and offices by NMDA inspectors. These inspections may be announced or unannounced at the discretion of NMDA, or as required by the Administrator of the National Organic Program.Maintain all records applicable to the organic operation for not less than five (5) years beyond their creation.Allow authorized representatives of NMDA, or the US Secretary of Agriculture access to these records during normal business hours for review and copying to determine compliance with the National Organic Program Rule.Submit to NMDA the applicable fees as described on the fee schedule which is current at the time of payment (See Page 25)Immediately notify NMDA about any application, including drift, of a prohibited substance to any field, production unit, storage sites, facility, livestock, or part of an operation.Immediately notify NMDA of any change in our certified operation or portion of it that may affect its compliance with the National Organic Program Rule, including additions or deletions of crops & fields; new inputs (fertilizers, pest control materials, processing aides, etc); facilities; ingredients & products; changes to managers; responsible parties; contact information or email address.Understand that willful violation of organic rules and regulations may result in suspending or revoking your organic certification, and in extreme cases may lead to state and federal fines and penalties.Understand that submitting this application in no way implies granting of certification by NMDA. Understand that this form becomes a legally binding document upon submission to NMDA.Print Name: Title:Signature of Authorized Representative: Date:Section A. General Information §205.201 , 205.401National Organic Standards 7 CFR 205 require an organic system plan that is verified and approved by an accredited certifying agent. A certified operation must update this system plan on an annual basis in order to verify continued compliance. Please remember that your plan may change. Changes or updates must be approved by NMDA prior to implementation. Submit changes and updates by email, letter or fax. Keep copies of all applications, forms and documents you submit to NMDA. Organic recordkeeping forms are available at Please provide a brief description of your business:Type:Individual (Sole Proprietorship)Individual “Doing Business As”CorporationLimited Liability Company (LLC)Educational Institution/Public Institution/Non-ProfitGeneral PartnershipCooperativeOther:__________________How many employees do you have? Number of employeesEmployee ClassificationPermanent Full-TimePermanent Part-TimeSeasonalCertification SummaryHave you ever previously applied for organic certification? ? Yes? NoIf yes, please list the year(s) and certifying agency to which you applied:Are you currently certified organic or have you ever been certified organic? ? Yes? NoIf yes, please list the name of the certifying agency and the year(s) certified by that agency:Have you ever been denied certification or had your certification suspended or revoked? ? Yes? NoIf currently certified by NMDA, were issues noted or has information been requested that is still outstanding? (see your last correspondence from NMDA)? Yes? No?N/AIf yes, please note conditions or information requested and how you have resolved the issue: Do you plan to import any ingredients, processing aides, packaging, etc.?? Yes? NoIf yes, please indicate from which countries:Do you plan to export any ingredients?? Yes? NoIf yes, please indicate to which countries: Other Inspections:Which other agencies inspect/audit your facility?Please specify which agency/organization? State/Local? Health/Food Safety? Independent (AIB, Fair Trade, etc.)? OtherSection B. Organic Product Composition and labeling §205.301 – 305●Product Profile & Label Proof for each product must be approved before organic certification. Submit label proofs for approval before printing.NMDA is NOT responsible or liable for non-compliant or incorrect labels.●If any changes are made to a formula, an updated Product Profile must be submitted before production.●The statement “Certified Organic by New Mexico Department of Agriculture” must appear on the label immediately below the contact information ofthe handler or distributor of the product.●Labels must identify each organic ingredient in the ingredient statement with the word, “organic,” or with an asterisk or other reference mark which isdefined to indicate the ingredient is organically produced.●Use of Organic Seal is optional. You may use the either NMDA Organic Seal or the USDA Organic Seal, or both. The NMDA Organic Seal may not bedisplayed more prominently than the USDA Organic Seal.●Products must carry a tracking /date code that can be used to trace your production dates & records.●Ingredients must not be produced using excluded methods (GMOs), sewage sludge, or ionizing radiation.●Salt & water are excluded from the calculations but must be free of prohibited additives.●“Organic “ and “100% Organic” products may not contain non-organic processing aids, flavors, colors or ingredients unless they appear on theNational List of Allowed Substances NOP § 205.605-606.●You may not sell new products (products not certified organic last year) as organic until they appear on this year’s Organic Product List.Please list all or your organic products below. ? Product list attachedProducts labeled “ORGANIC”- 95% of product must be Certified Organic ingredients. All other ingredients and processing aids must be on the National List: §205.600-606.? None? AttachedNew Product This Year?List all Sizes of this ProductProduct Name (as it appears on label)Products labeled “100% ORGANIC” must contain only ingredients that are Certified 100% Organic, including all processing aids, and all agricultural ingredients.? None? AttachedNew Product this Year?List all sizes of the productProduct Name (as it appears on the label)Products labeled “MADE WITH ORGANIC (SPECIFIED INGREDIENTS OR FOOD GROUPS)” must contain at least 70% organic ingredients and may use the phrase “made with organic (specified ingredients or food groups),” to modify the name of the product in retail display, labeling, and display containers. Statement must not list more than three organic ingredients or food groups.New Product this Year?List all sizes of the productProduct Name (as it appears on the label)Products with less than 70% organic ingredients- Organic ingredients may ONLY be identified in the ingredient statement. The word “organic” may not appear elsewhere on the label.New Product this Year?List all sizes of the productProduct Name (as it appears on the label)Section C. Ingredient VerificationHow do you verify that ingredients or products you receive are currently certified organic according to the National Organic Program? ? Obtain current organic certificates from suppliers? Obtain current organic product lists from suppliers? Verify through the Organic Integrity Database? Other: ________________________If more than 1 supplier is used, fill out Addendum 1, Supplier List. Your application is considered incomplete without it.Do you source ingredients from uncertified vendors?? Yes? NoIf yes, how do you verify that the vendor’s product matches the supplied organic certificate?How do you prevent the use of non-organic ingredients or processing aids that have been produced using genetically modified organisms (GMOs), sewage sludge, or ionizing radiation? Please check all that apply:? Not applicable, only using certified organic ingredients, products or processing aids? GMO testing? Letters from manufacturer? Other (specify):_______________How do you verify that products handled by your company are free of prohibited processing aids?? Not Applicable, no processing aids used? Letters from manufacturers? Other (specify):__________________Are sulfites, nitrates, or nitrites added during the handling or processing of organic products at your facility? ? Yes? NoIf salt is used in your products, do you have verification that the salt is free from prohibited flowing agents or other prohibited materials? ? Yes? No? N/ABusiness Name:Date:Product Name (Exactly as it appears on the label): Product Labeling Category:? 100% Organic (Every ingredient is Certified 100% Organic) ? Organic (Contains at least 95% Certified Organic Ingredients) ? Made with Organic Ingredients (Contains 70-95% Certified Ingredients)IngredientsHave you verified that nonorganic ingredients are not produced with any of the following:Ingredient (Include Additives)Supplier/Manufacturer (If more than one supplier for the same ingredient, list both separately)OrganicCertifying Agency of Organic IngredientExcluded Methods (GMOs)Sewage SludgeIonizing RadiationWeight or Volume% of Finished ProductA.Weight of Organic IngredientsB.Total Weight of FormulaC.Percent of Organic Ingredients: (A/B) x 100PROCESSING AIDS: (1) Substance added to a food during processing but is removed in some manner before the food is packaged in its finished form(2)substance added to a food during processing, is converted into constituents normally present in the food, and does not significantly increase amount of the constituents naturally found in the food; and (3) substance added to a food for its technical or functional effect in the processing but is present in the finished food at insignificant levels and does not have any technical or functional effect in that food.Product ProfileComplete one form for each organic product containing more than 1 ingredient.Section D. Chain of CustodyIndicate which handling categories apply to this facility and your company. Check all that apply.? Processor of multi-ingredient products? Wholesale Grocery Distributor? Marketing Company? Processor of single-ingredient products? Warehouse/Storage Facility? Brokerage? Packer of raw agricultural products? Re-pack of previously packaged and/or processed products? Other (specify):_________________What specific type of handling or processing occurs at this facility (i.e. baking, milling, canning/jarring, grain cleaning, repacking, etc.)?Does your company own the organic products that are handled at this facility? ? Yes? No? BothIf yes, at what point do you take ownership of the ingredients or products handled at your facility? Parallel Production: Do you handle or process (or plan to) the same product in both organic and non-organic form? ? Yes? NoIf yes, please provide a list of the products that you handle or process in both an organic and non-organic form. Please attach a separate sheet of paper if necessary.Private Labeling, Sub-ContractingDo you plan to custom process or custom label organic products for other companies?? Yes? NoIf yes, please complete Addendum 2: Private Labeling, ContractingDo you plan to contract with any farms or other facilities to produce, process, store or label organic products?? Yes? NoIf yes, complete Processing/Handling Addendum 2: Private Labeling, ContractingIs your company responsible for sourcing the ingredients for the organic products processed at your facility? ? Yes? NoIf no, please identify the responsible party or parties.Please indicate how organic products handled or processed by your company are marketed. Check all that apply. Bulk Sales to Food ProcessorsRetail or Bulk Sales to Food Distributors or Retail StoresExportDirect Sales to ConsumersOther (specify):_________________Section E. Harvest and Transportation of Organic Crops §205.103, 205.270, 205.272Does your company arrange for, or is your company responsible for the HARVEST of organic crops? ? Yes? NoIf No, move on to question 2.If yes, how do you ensure there are no non-organic crop residues in harvest equipment?? Equipment used for organic crops only? Equipment is cleaned prior to organic crop harvest or useIs harvest equipment cleaning documented?? Yes? NoIf yes, please indicate what type of cleaning documentation is maintained: ? Clean truck/equipment affidavits? Clean out records? Other (specify):___________________Does your company arrange for, or is your company responsible for the TRANSPORTATION of organic crops?? Yes? NoIf no, move on to question 3.If yes, how do you ensure there are no non-organic crop residues in transport equipment?? Equipment used for organic crops only? Equipment is cleaned prior to organic crop harvest or useIs transport equipment cleaning documented?? Yes? NoIf yes, please indicate what type of cleaning documentation is maintained:? Clean truck/equipment affidavits? Clean out records? Other (specify):____________Does your company provide HARVEST CONTAINERS to farms for organic products?? Yes? NoIf no, move on to Section F: Receiving-Incoming Organic Products.If yes, describe them. Are the containers: ? New? Used for organic crops only? Cleaned prior to use? Lined prior to use? Other:______________How are harvest containers identified/labeled as “organic”?Section F. Receiving-Incoming Organic Products §NOP 205.103, 205.270, 205.272How are organic products received at your facility? Please check all that apply.? Bins? Bulk trailer? Bulk bags? Totes? Drums? Wholesale boxes? Retail packages? Other (specify):______________What receiving/shipping documents accompany incoming organic products? Please check all that apply.? Organic Certificate/Product Lists? Transaction Certificate? Field ticket? Clean truck/equipment affidavits? Invoice? Purchase order? Bill of lading? Scale ticket? Contracts? Certificates of analysis? Other (specify):____________How are products identified as “organic” on your internal receiving documents?Do you assign an internal lot code at the time of receipt of ingredients/products?? Yes? NoIf yes, please describe the lot code system.Section G. Cleaning, Sanitation §205.103, 205.270, 205.272Handling practices and procedures must present no contamination risk to organic ingredients and products from commingling with non-organic products or contact with prohibited substances. Procedures used to maintain organic integrity must be documented.Check al cleaning methods used prior to processing or handling organic products: ? No cleaning or purging occurs- Move on to Section H: Packing-Processing? Sweeping? Scraping? Vacuuming? Soap and water? Compressed air? Manual washing? Clean in place (CIP)? Purging of equipment? Steam cleaning? Sanitizing? Other (specify):______________Please list all cleaning/sanitation materials used on food contact equipment/surfaces.? None used- skip to question 7.Cleanser/SanitizerOn which equipment surface?Used prior to organic handling or processing?Frequency of UseCheck if cleaning is documented??????Is the use of cleansers/sanitizers followed by a potable water rinse?? Yes? NoDoes your facility test food contact surfaces or rinsing water for cleanser/sanitizer residues?? Yes? NoAre Quaternary Ammonia products used prior to processing and/or handling organic products?? Yes? NoIf yes, what steps are taken to prevent contamination of organic food? Describe how your operation ensures organic products are not contaminated by prohibited cleansers/sanitizers.? N/AIs equipment is purged prior to handling or processing organic products? ? Yes? NoIf yes, describe purge procedures, quantities purged, documentation of purge, and how the amount purged suffices to clear equipment of non-organic product.List documentation maintained for ALL cleaning, sanitation, and/or purge practices and procedures.Section H. Packing, Processing §205.103, 205.270, 205.272Which types of production records are kept? ? Equipment clean-out logs? Product specification sheet? Ingredient inspection forms? Ingredient inventory? Batch logs? Ingredient usage reports? Production log? Shift production log? QC reports? Waste log? Shrinkage log? Ingredient inventory reports? Finished product inventory reports? Packaging reports? Other (specify):____________Are products identified as “organic” on production documents?? Yes? NoIf no, please describe how commingling is prevented.Are your packing or processing lines and/or equipment dedicated for use with organic products only? ? Yes? NoIf no, please describe how you ensure organic products are not contaminated with prohibited materials or commingled with non-organic products during packing and/or processing.How are partial pallets/boxes/drums of organic products handled and how does your company ensure they are protected from commingling with non-organic products during packing or processing? ? N/ASection I. Post-Harvest Materials §205.272, 205.601A post-harvest material is a substance that is used on a raw organic crop prior to packaging or processing of the crop. In order to use a post-harvest material on an organic crop product, the material must be an approved agricultural product or must be listed in section § 205.601 of the National List.Please indicate what type(s) of post-harvest materials are at your facility. Check all that apply.? None Used- Move on to section J- Processing Aids? Waxes? Flotation agents? Anti-foaming agents? Anti-microbial agents? Anti-fungal agents? Sprouting inhibitors? Sanitizers? Other (specify):___________Please list all post-harvest materials used at your facility in the table below. Please be sure to indicate which materials are used with organic products. Please attach a separate sheet of paper if necessary.Used with organic products?Post-harvest MaterialWhat is its function?Source/ContactIs the substances on the NOP National List?? Yes? No? Yes? No? Yes? No? Yes? No? Yes? No? Yes? No? Yes? NoSection J. Processing Aids §205.272, 205.605-205.606A processing aid is defined as (a) substance that is added to a food during processing, but is removed in some manner from the food before it is packaged in its finished form; (b) a substance that is added to a food during processing, is converted into constituents normally present in the food, and does not significantly increase the amount of the constituents naturally found in the food; and (c) a substance that is added to a food for its technical or functional effect in the processing, but is present in the finished food at insignificant levels and does not have any technical or functional effect in that food.?To use a processing aid in an organic product labeled as “100% Organic” the processing aid must be Certified 100% Organic.?To use a processing aid in or on an organic product labeled as “organic,” or “made with organic (specific ingredients or food groups),” theprocessing aid must be an approved agricultural product or must be listed in section 205.605 of the National List.? NONE USED- Move on to Section K: WaterPlease indicate what types of Processing Aids are used in the manufacturing of products at your facility. Check all that apply.? Enzymes? Filtering agent? Anti-sticking or release agents? Anti-caking agent? Other (specify):____________Please list ALL processing aids used at your facility. Please indicate which materials are used with which organic products. Please attach a separate sheet of paper if necessary.Processing Aid (Brand Name)Used on which product?What is its function?Source of aid and contact informationOn the National List?Certified Organic?Section K. Water §205.103, 205.272, 205.601, 205.605? Not Used- Move on to Section L: StorageHow is water used at your facility? ? Ingredient? Product transport (fruit floating, etc.)? Cleaning equipment? Cooking? Cleaning organic products? Steam? Cooling? Other (specify):____________Source of water:? Municipal? On-site well? Other (specify):____________Does the water meet the Safe Drinking Water Act?? Yes? NoIs water treated on-site?? Yes? NoIf yes, please indicate what water treatment processes are used.Do you use municipal water?? Yes? NIf no, please describe source:If no, please describe how you monitor water quality:Is bleach, chlorine, calcium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, or sodium hypochlorite used for disinfecting and sanitizing food contact surfaces at your facility?? Yes? NoIf yes, how do you test chlorine levels to ensure levels do not exceed the maximum residual disinfectant limit under the Safe Drinking Water Act (4ppm)?Chlorine/bleach testing frequency:? Hourly? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Other (specify)Please describe how you document the results of your monitoring or testing:Is steam used in the processing or packaging of food products? ? Yes? NoIf no, move on to Section L: Storage.If yes, does steam have direct contact with organic food products?? Yes? NoIf yes, which of the following do you use?? Steam filters? Condensate traps? Testing of condensate? Testing of finished products? Other:_______________Are boiler water additives used during food handling or processing?? Yes? NoIf no, move on to Section L: Storage.If yes, please list all products used as boiler additives in the table below. Please indicate which boiler water additives will be used during handling or processing of organic food products.Name of Boiler Water AdditiveUsed During Organic Handling or Processing?Source Name and Phone #Is it on the National List?Attach SDS and/or label information for boiler additives you plan to use during organic handling or processing.If boiler water additives are used during organic processing, please indicate how you use them and how organic integrity is maintained:Section L. Storage §205.270, 205.272Does your company store organic products? ? Yes? NoIf no, move on to Section M: Packaging and Shipping ContainersIf yes, please provide details: UseLocation and Name/Number of Storage Area(s)Off Site? *Type (bin, bay, cooler, etc.)CapacityStorage Unit Dedicated Organic?YesNoIncoming Raw Product StorageIngredient StoragePackaging Material StorageIn-process StorageFinished Product StorageOther (specify)Other (specify)?Off-site Storage Verification attached *Off Site storage name, location and contact: Describe how you ensure organic products are not contaminated with prohibited materials or commingled with non-organic products at ALL storage locations:Section M. Packaging and Shipping Containers §205.270, 205.272Practices and procedures must present no contamination risk from commingling with non-organic ingredients/products or contact with prohibited substances. Packaging materials, bins, and storage containers must not contain any synthetic fungicides, any preservative, or any fumigants. Reusable bags or containers must be cleaned if they have been in direct contact with prohibited substances or non-organic ingredient/product. Procedures used to maintain the organic integrity of ingredients or products must be documented.Does this facility pack organic products into retail packages or place organic products in storage or shipping containers?? Yes? NoIf no, move on to Section N: Shipping-Outgoing ProductsIf yes, what types of packaging materials or storage/shipping containers do you use? Check all that apply:PaperCardboardWoodPlasticGlassMetalFoilWaxed paperPolyOther: ________Are all packaging materials and/or storage and shipping containers food grade?? Yes? NoHave any packaging and/or storage and shipping containers been exposed to synthetic fungicides, preservatives, or fumigants?? Yes? NoAre packaging materials and/or storage and shipping containers reused? ? Yes? NoIf yes, please describe how organic ingredients/products are protected from contamination when placed in the reused container.Please describe how you identify packages or containers as organic (sinage, lot numbers, etc.)Is all packaging and labeling equipment cleaned of organic identification prior to all subsequent conventional runs?? Yes? No? N/ASection N. Shipping-Outgoing Organic Products §205.103, 205.270, 205.272How do organic products leave your facility? Please check all that apply:? Bins? Bulk trailer? Drums? Bulk bags? Totes? Wholesale boxes? Retail packages? Other (specify):____________Please indicate what shipping or sales documents are maintained by your company. Please check all that apply? Pallet/tote ticket? Bill of lading? Sales invoice? Clean truck affidavit? Purchase order? Scale ticket? Contracts? Other (specify):_______Do all documents clearly identify products as organic? ? Yes? NoDoes your company arrange outgoing product transport?? Yes? NoIf no, move on to Section O: Pest ManagementIf yes, have transport companies been notified of organic handling requirements?? Yes? NoHow does your company ensure outgoing transport units are cleaned prior to loading loose, bulk organic products? ? Not applicable, only packaged products are shipped? Clean truck/equipment affidavits? Clean out records? Other (specify):__________Are organic products shipped in the same transport units as non-organic products? ? Yes? NoIf yes, please indicate what steps are taken to segregate organic products.? Use of separate pallets? Organic product shrink wrapped? Separate area in transport unit? Organic product sealed in impermeable containers? Other (specify):_______________Section O. Pest Management §205.271●Pest management practices begin with the removal of pest habitat, food sources and breeding areas, and prevention of access to the facility.Environmental factors such as temperature, light, humidity, atmosphere, and air circulation may also be used to prevent pests. Control of pests maybe accomplished by mechanical or physical controls including, but not limited to, traps, light, sound, or lures and repellants that use non-synthetic orsynthetic substances consistent with the National List § 205.605-606.●If these measures are not effective, a synthetic substance on the National List may be used, provided the certifying agent approves use of thesubstance, method of application, and measures taken to prevent contact with ingredients or organic products. Use of pest control products must bedocumented and included as part of the organic system plan.What type of pest management system does your facility use? ? N/A? In house- Name of Person Responsible: ______________________? Contract pest control service- Name, contact info: _____________________________If materials are used, complete Addendum 3, Pest Control Materials? Pest Control Materials AttachedCheck all potential pest problems at your facility:No pest problems? Crawling insects? Flying insects? Rodents? Birds? Other (specify):______________Check all pest management practices used at your facility: ? Good Sanitation? Removal of exterior habitat/food? Clean up spilled product? Sealed doors and/or windows? Repair of holes/cracks? Screened windows/vents? Physical barriers? Air curtains? Monitoring? Incoming ingredient inspection? Ultrasound/light devices? Release of beneficials? Sticky traps? Electrocutors? Pheremone traps? Mechanical traps? Freezing treatments? Heat treatments? Vitamin baits? Fumigation*? Fogging*? Sprays-crack, crevice, perimeter, etc*?Other:______________________*The use, frequency, and method of application of all pest controls- especially fumigants, fogs, and sprays- must be approved by NMDA. Please explain how organic ingredients, products and organic product packaging are protected from exposure to these substances at your facility.? N/ASection P. Quality Assurance §205.103, 205.270, 205.272A certified operation must maintain records regarding the handling of organic products. These records must be adapted to the particular business or operation, must fully disclose all activities and transactions of the certified operation in sufficient detail to be readily understood and audited, must be maintained for five years, and must be sufficient to demonstrate compliance with NOP Rule.Do you have standard operating procedures for organic processing and/or handling? If yes, please attach a copy. ? Yes? NoDo you have a Quality Assurance program in place?? Yes? NoIf yes, please indicate what type of program.? ISO ? HACCP? Total Quality Management? GAPS? Other (specify)_________Section Q. Recordkeeping §205.103National Organic Standards require organic producers to maintain records concerning the production and handling of organic products. These records must fully disclose all activities and transactions of the operation in sufficient detail to be readily understandable and auditable and must be available for inspection and copying. You are required to maintain records related to organic production for 5 years and have them available during inspections. Records include but are not limited to product formulas/profiles, labels, facility maps/flow chart, ingredient organic certificates/ purchases/receiving, production/batching records, residue testing, shipping/transportation logs, storage/inventory records, sales.Be prepared to submit copies of all records requested by NMDA.Be prepared to produce all records requested by your inspector at the time of inspection.Be prepared to conduct a traceability audit on a randomly selected product.Be prepared to conduct a mass balance on any given ingredient for a period of anic recordkeeping forms are available at Section R. Map & Product Flow §205.270, 205.272Please attach a Facility Map/Diagram and a Flow Chart for each different processing and/or handling line at your facility.The flow chart(s) must:Show the movement of all organic products, from incoming/receiving through production to outgoing/shipping.Indicate where ingredients are blended, added, etc.Indicate all equipment and storage areas associated with organic products.The map(s) must include: A complete floor plan that includes rooms (and their usage), doors, coolers, storage areas, etc.All buildings, including storage areas.Processing machinery/equipment (ovens, mixers, etc.)The following areas: receiving, staging, and shipping.Total square footage.Section S. Natural Resource Conservation §205.200How do you sustain biodiversity in the operation and its surrounding areas?Erosion control: ? Native plants landscaping? Vegetative cover? MulchBuildings, parking lot, roads: ? Vegetated swales? Rain gardens? Vegetated filter strips? Roads located to minimize effect on in-stream habitat and fish passageWaste management: ? Dust collection systems with up-to-date permits? Pre-treatment of wastewater before entering wetlands? Constructed wetlands? Dispose of processing waste before it harms wildlife? Other: ___________________Section T. Past Year’s Organic Sales & ProductionSales include distributors, grocery stores, internet, farmer’s markets, restaurants, etc.Please list by general product type (milk, nuts, nut butters, herbs, lip balm, body oil, pasta, tortillas, breads, etc.)Sales Report Attached ?Organic ProductProductionSalesTotal of Unique Brand Name ProductsAll Unit Sizes (lbs, oz, sacks, etc.)Wholesale Sales (Rounded to nearest dollar)Retail Sales (rounded to nearest dollar)Total Certified Organic Sales for Past YearPercentage of SalesType of SalesNumber of EmployeesType of EmployeeFarmers MarketsPermanent Full TimeOn-Farm SalesPermanent Part TimeCSASeasonalWholesale Marketing and jobs- Help us show the importance of organic farming in New Mexico’s economy.RestaurantRetail storesOther (specify):Organic & Non-Organic percentage of annual production:% Organic% Non-OrganicBusiness Name:Owner Name:Application FeesAs a reminder to all applicants, cost share reimbursement is being handled by the Unites States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) now. Please contact your local county FSA agent for more information about the current requirements and processes of the Organic Cost Share Program. Please refer to for more information about the Organic Certification Cost Share Program. All other inquiries, including applications must be submitted to FSA.Application FeeNEW Applicant FeeNot Certified Organic by NMDA Last Year? Application Fee = $750.00RENEWAL Applicant FeeCertified Organic by NMDA Last Year? Renewal Fee = $500.00Application Fee= $Inspection Fees: An hour rate of $65/hour plus mileage and per diem will be charged for inspections.Late Fee (For RENEWAL applications postmarked after the anniversary date of the operation.)Renewals received 30 days after anniversary date? Late Fee: $100.00Renewals received 60 days after anniversary date? Late Fee: $200.00Renewals received 90 days after anniversary date? Late Fee: $500.00Late Fee= $Application Fee + Late Fee=TOTAL FEES= $Business Name:Authorized Representative Signature:Date:Fee PolicyFees are NOT REFUNDABLE.Make checks payable to “NMDA”If new or additional fields or products are added after the annual inspection is complete, additional costs will be incurred. A cost estimate will be provided: If a second inspection is necessary, you will be billed for the actual cost of the inspection and the actual cost of the desk audit ($65/hour) to complete the additional inspection.In cases where no second inspection is required, you will be billed for the actual cost of the desk audit ($65/hr). Payment must be received before the new or additional fields/products are certified organic and added to the Organic Product List and the Organic System Plan.Mailing ProcedureMail Application and Fee Payment Documents to:NMDA Organic Program 2604 Aztec Road NEAlbuquerque, NM 87107Or email application to ................

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