PDF Norwex Themed Parties

Norwex Themed Parties

1. Norwex Necessities 2. Outdoor Options 3. Bath and Body 4. Awesome Additions

Introducing our customers to Norwex one step at a time has many benefits such as:

A shorter party.... Time is so precious and one of the most common objections we hear is.... "I don't have time".

By focusing on specific areas and products we are able to show and explain the many benefits of Norwex in greater detail, making the decision to purchase a more informed one which will result in higher sales; not a token buy.

Friends will book parties from each other because they will understand "there is more to see and learn". Hosts will also be eager to re-book because of this.

The "Themed Party" series helps us develop complete Norwex users not just one time customers!

Increased Business Interest- our parties are informative, fun, and SHORT , We don't require a truck to haul all of the products nor does it take numerous trips back and forward to the car when we arrive and leave! Remember, they watch all of this!!

For someone considering doing the business it will not be so daunting - they will also learn step by step, starting with Norwex Necessities (the Extenda Kit) and offer alternate parties as they become more confident and have added more products to their kits.

Although the parties can be held in any order we highly recommend that hosts start with the "Norwex Necessities".

This party introduces the basics of Norwex; why it's unique and how it works. It demonstrates the money and time-saving advantages of our products by showcasing our Ultimate Home Conversion Kit. (This kit also contains the Dream Starter Kit, the Small Antibac Kit, and the Mop Starter Kit 1..... lots of kit selling opportunities for you!)

NORWEX AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED 12 Baylink Avenue PO Box 408 Deception Bay QLD 4508

Phone: 07 3204 9444 Fax: 07 3204 9966 1800 NORWEX Email: support@.au Web: .au

ABN: 85 129 561 262

By starting with an "Indoor Home" clean that the Norwex Necessities addresses, we now have our springboard to other parties;


"We have an amazing range of environmentally friendly cleaning and nourishing products for your home- inside and out, your cars, bikes, boats etc., AND we also cover personal care! To ensure you get the most valuable information about our products, we break our parties into 4 different Themes, which allows me to step you through the products building on your product knowledge and purchases bit by bit. Today we are going to be doing a "Norwex Necessities" party which will cover cleaning surfaces predominately inside our homes. We also have "Outdoor Options", Bath & Body" and "Awesome Additions" parties which I will talk more about a little later!"

Note: With each themed party (during your introduction) cover the basics of Norwex; why it's

different, why and how it works and then inform of what "theme" you are presenting today and inform approximately how long it will take (remember to inform of time taken so to increase your chances of them focusing their attention on what you are doing...not worrying about other things)

1. Norwex Necessities This party would be done in and around the kitchen/ living area. We recommend that you do not do a bathroom demonstration at this party, however you can talk about a bathroom clean when explaining the Kitchen Scrub Cloth, Enviro Cloth, Window Cloth and Cleaning Paste - saying something like; "these products can be used in multiple ways in and around your house... not only are they used in this area of the home they are also used in the laundry and bathroom areas" - which helps you plant seeds for other parties.

Demo Suggestions: Enviro cloth- cupboards, walls, skirting boards, chairs, table etc. All Purpose Kitchen Cloth- greasy build ups, range hood, cupboards/ shelves (outdoors on BBQ ) Kitchen cloth- washing dishes, wiping down benches, refrigerator etc. (remind people that a cut with a knife will not be covered under warranty) Tea towel- weave allows for great absorption and quicker drying time Window Cloth ? For light soilage use with spray bottle, for heavier soilage wipe with an Enviro Cloth first then polish/dry off with the Window Cloth. Kitchen Scrub Cloth- Can be used on the sink, on Teflon pans or spoken about saying "it's great in the bathroom or on pools and pool fences." Norwex Mop ? Use the Wet and Dry Mop pads to show how easy our system is to use

NORWEX AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED 12 Baylink Avenue PO Box 408 Deception Bay QLD 4508

Phone: 07 3204 9444 Fax: 07 3204 9966 1800 NORWEX Email: support@.au Web: .au

ABN: 85 129 561 262

Products that can help plant "Booking Seeds" from the Norwex Necessities party:

OUTDOOR OPTIONS: Cleaning Paste Car Wash Mitt Kitchen Scrub Cloth

BATH & BODY: Kitchen Scrub Cloth Window Cloth Enviro Cloth Dusting Mitt

2. Outdoor Options This is a great party to conduct in an alfresco area, a park picnic area or any other outdoor area. It is definitely an option to offer to the guests who say their home is too small, they may be renovating, or they don't particularly want people inside. Remember though, that we can successfully conduct this type of party inside also, (We don't want to miss this booking opportunity because it might be too hot, cold or wet etc. to venture outdoors). If you decide to conduct this party inside, start your introduction as normal then ask the guests to accompany you to the outdoor area where you will show them a few of our products working on outdoor surfaces, then take them back inside to conduct your close of sale and order taking service.

Demo Suggestions: All Purpose Kitchen Cloth- wipe over BBQ for squeaky clean finish after using a Kitchen or Enviro Cloth and Spirinets Oven & Grill Cleaner - on BBQ Enviro cloth- use on outdoor furniture (also on sliding glass door or window along with the Window Cloth if time permits) Car Wash Mitt- car/boat/bike etc- Only demonstrate on a small area. Car cloth- After using the Car Wash Mitt, use the Car Cloth to show superior shine and sparkle Cleaning Paste- Rust on bicycles etc. Kitchen Scrub Cloth (and Descaler if needed) ? on Perspex/Glass pool fences (along with the Enviro Cloth to wipe residue away) Rubber Brush- great on car and boat carpet and outdoor fabric furniture (especially if a cat or dog lives there!) Leather Shine ?use on outdoor furniture. Can be used on unsealed wood as

NORWEX AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED 12 Baylink Avenue PO Box 408 Deception Bay QLD 4508

Phone: 07 3204 9444 Fax: 07 3204 9966 1800 NORWEX Email: support@.au Web: .au

ABN: 85 129 561 262

well as PVC furniture. It is also fantastic in the car interiors and seats. Travel pack ? promote them as necessary handbag/glove box items. Norwex Mop- Use the Wet Mop Pad to clean eaves or walls to remove mould

mildew dust and debris. Dishmat ? Talk about its uses in caravans and camping situations

As you can see, there many possibilities to highlight and then sell the Ultimate Home Conversion kit doing an "Outdoors Option" party. If customers only purchased 1 or 2 items at the "Norwex Necessities" party because they just wanted to "try" it first, don't be surprised if they buy up big this time!

3. Bath & Body This party is ALL things bathroom and body! (Replacing the traditional pamper party). Along with the Ultimate Home Conversion Kit, we display and demonstrate our amazing personal care products, body cloths and towels. By encouraging guests to smell and feel (engage more senses) you will have better results in your sales. We suggest you do a "quick" bathroom clean first, and then settle the guests back into their seats so you can pass around the cloths, towels and personal care products to try. (Oh, so relaxing!)

Demo Suggestions: Bathroom

Kitchen Scrub Cloth- shower base if build up of dirt/soap scum present Enviro Cloth ? clean the mirror first and then the basin and vanity unit Window Cloth - dry over mirror for streak and lint free finish. Dusting Mitt ? Use to remove dust, fluff and hair De Scaler- Use if needed otherwise just talk about it while demonstrating the

cloths Cleaning Paste - Use if needed otherwise just talk about it while

demonstrating the cloths Sanira- Explain the benefits of this product


Bath and Hand Towels or Body Pack - feel the luxurious softness! Hair Turban ? Pop it on while explaining the benefits of using it- this usually gets a giggle! Make-Up Removal Cloth or Baby Body Pack - Ask someone if they would like to remove their make-up; offer the cloth as a gift to encourage a volunteer

NORWEX AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED 12 Baylink Avenue PO Box 408 Deception Bay QLD 4508

Phone: 07 3204 9444 Fax: 07 3204 9966 1800 NORWEX Email: support@.au Web: .au

ABN: 85 129 561 262

Personal Care Range ? Pass around these products and have cotton tips available for the guests to try them, (the sample cards are a great alternate to use). You could even offer a hand or foot scrub

Tip: To save time and show the Olive Oil Salt Scrubs effectiveness, we suggest you have the Salt

Scrub and a Norwex Hand Towel set up at the kitchen sink, this way you won't have to worry about bowls for rinsing.

4. Awesome Additions This party allows you to go into greater detail about the products we never seem to get enough time to talk about! If the themed party format has been followed and we have taken our hosts and guests through 2 or 3 parties, this party will be a BREEZE!

Your hosts and customers are now well on their way to becoming complete Norwex users, they will be telling you what they do with their products, where and how! Introducing people to the business opportunity is also so much easier after they have seen you a few times ?don't be surprised if your loyal customers or hosts decide they want to join Norwex!

This party will normally take on a "go with the flow" type format. Ask your hosts (as part of your Host Coaching) if there is anything specific that they want you to cover, apart from the "Awesome Additions".

Chances are, that you will find people that haven't seen a Norwex demonstration at any of the themed parties and this will not be an exception... if you have newcomers in attendance at any party, invest a little more time with them during your 1 on 1 to fill them on products and their uses... this is another BOOKING opportunity!

Demo Suggestions: Carpet Stain Buster - Be Careful! Be aware that it may not remove all stains and also you have to know the type of carpet or upholstery you are working with and whether the Carpet Stain Buster is able to be used with it Refresh Odour Neutralizer - A little spritz in the air is all you need Fresh Wash ? Use in conjunction with the Veggie & Fruit Scrub Cloth (take some grapes to demonstrate on) Dish Mat ? Place the grapes on the Dish Mat once you have cleaned them Optic cloth ? Ask if anyone would like their glasses or phone screen cleaned Lint mitt ? Use on clothes or upholstery

NORWEX AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED 12 Baylink Avenue PO Box 408 Deception Bay QLD 4508

Phone: 07 3204 9444 Fax: 07 3204 9966 1800 NORWEX Email: support@.au Web: .au

ABN: 85 129 561 262


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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