A.P. Physics B Summer Assignment 2013

Advanced Placement Physics is a rigorous course that requires exceptional proficiency in algebra, trigonometry, and geometry. For this summer assignment, students will complete a problem set on mathematical skills needed for success in AP physics. Finally, we will put all of those math skills learned in the first years of high school to the test!

Your Work: It is essential that you show all of your work to support your mathematical responses. If you only provide answers, you will get NO credit.

Academic Honesty: Do your own work! There are differences between

working together, getting help, and copying. Make sure that you are clear on these differences as well as the school policies concerning cheating.

To contact me during the summer: If you have any questions for me, feel free to email me. Be sure to put “AP Physics B” in the subject matter, and make sure you put your first and last name on it somewhere so I know from whom I’m receiving it. Michael.Roth@appo.k12.de.us

Summer Assignment:

The following is a list of some of the math skills needed for AP Physics.

• Pythagorean Theorem

• Using Trigonometric ratios to find missing sides of triangles

• Law of Sines

• Law of Cosines

• Solving linear equations

• Solving quadratic equations

• Using scientific notation

• Converting between units of measurement

• Problem solving by putting mathematical word expressions into equations

• Solving equations with rational expressions

• Solving equations with radical expressions

• Solving equations with logarithmic expressions

• Solving systems of equations

• Finding the perimeter, area, volume, and surface area of figures

• Significant figures

• Using formulas

Due Dates: The assignment will be due the second day of school in August.

Directions: The following are situations we will encounter throughout the course in AP physics. These problems are mathematical in nature and can be solved without any knowledge of physics. For each of the following, please put any answers larger than 999 in scientific notation (4 digits or more), and simplify where applicable. Also, be sure to put units on all answers.

Oh, and one last thing. Before starting with any trigonometric problems (sine, cosine, and tangent), make sure that your calculator is in “degrees” and not “radians”. If you are using a TI – 83 or TI – 84, go to “mode” and make sure “degree” is highlighted.

1) Simplify to find the value of T (Period of a simple harmonic motion):


2) Simplify to find the value of K (Kinetic energy):


3) Simplify to find the value of F (electrostatic force):


4) Solve for [pic] (resistance in a parallel circuit):


5) Solve for the value of θ (angle of refraction)


6) Find the value of [pic](maximum kinetic energy)


In part I of the AP physics exam, the multiple choice section, calculators are not permitted. Therefore, many AP problems ask for students to use variables only. In the following section, solve for the indicated variable. Do not plug in any values for any variables.

7) [pic]Solve for a (acceleration)

8) [pic] Solve for x (displacement of a spring)

9) [pic] Solve for g (acceleration due to gravity).

10) [pic] Solve for r (distance between two masses).

11) [pic] Solve for v (velocity of an object).

12) [pic] Solve for t (time). Hint: this is a quadratic function

13) [pic] Solve for T (temperature).

14) [pic] Solve for [pic](critical angle).

15) [pic], Solve for [pic] (distance of the image from a mirror/lens)

In AP physics, we use the KMS (kilogram, meter, second) system for measurement. However, some problems are often given in other units of measurements. The formulas we will be using in this class are based on the fact that the units of the variables are measured in KMS units. Therefore, we must be able to convert to these units. For each of the following, please convert measurements to the indicated units. If you do not recognize a prefix, you may need to look it up.

16) 4008 g = _______________ kg 17) 1.2 km = _______________ m

18) 823 nm = _______________ m 19) 298 K = _______________ oC

19) 0.77 m = _______________ cm 20) 8.8x10-8 m = _______________ mm

21) 1.2 atm = _______________ Pa 22) 25.0 (m = _______________ m

Geometry plays a large role in the physics of surroundings. Solve the following problems.

23) Solve for the measurement of angle C


24) Find the value of θ. (Assume lines l and m are parallel)


25) A circle has a diameter of 5.4 cm.

a) Find the circumference in meters.

b) Find the area in square meters.

For the questions #26-29 find the indicated values using the diagram below:


27) ( = 55o and c = 32 m, solve for a and b.

28) ( = 45o and a = 15 m/s, solve for b and c.

29) b = 17.8 m and ( = 65o, solve for a and c.

30) a = 250 m and b = 180 m, solve for ( and c.

31) Solve the system of equations for a.



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