List of Proclamations and Regulations Enacted in the ...

[Pages:6]List of Proclamations and Regulations Enacted in the Period between January 2018- February 2019

No. Year and No.

1. 241th Year No. 19 1 3

2. 241th Year No. 20 1 4

3. 24th Year No. 21

4. 24th Year No. 22

Proclamation or Regulation

Title or Content.


Year ? 24th

Regulation No. 422/2018

National Animal Genetic Improvement Institute Establishment Council of Ministries Regulation

Proclamation No. 1069/2018

Proclamation No. 1065/2018 Regulation No. 423/2018

French Development Agency Credit Facility Agreement for financing the Relocation and Modernization of the Addis Ababa Abattoirs Enterprise Project Ratification Proclamation

Forest Development, Conservation and Utilization Proclamation Mining Operation council of Ministries Regulation

5. 24th Year No. 23 6. 24th Year No. 24 7. 24th Year No. 25 8. 24th Year No. 26 9. 24th Year No. 27 10. 24th Year No. 28 11. 24th Year No. 29 12. 24th Year No. 30

13. 24th Year No. 31

14. 24th Year No. 32 15. 24th Year No. 33

Proclamation No. 1067/2018 Proclamation No. 1071/2018 Proclamation No. 1072/2018 Proclamation No. 1070/2018 Proclamation No. 1074/2018 Proclamation No. 1076/2018 Proclamation No. 1068/2018 Proclamation No. 1080/2018

Proclamation No. 1081/2018

Proclamation No. 1079/2018 Proclamation No. 1082/2018

Ethiopian Red Cross Society Re-establishment Charter Proclamation Federal Justice and Legal Research and Training Institute Establishment Proclamation

Electronic Signature Proclamation

Revised Family Code (Amendment) Proclamation

Driver's Qualification Certification Proclamation

Public Private Partnership Proclamation


Plant Breeder's Right Proclamation

French Development Agency Credit Facility Agreement for financing the Addis Ababa City Administration Solid Waste Management Program Koshe - Reppie Dumpsite Final Project Ratification Proclamation

International Development Association Loan Agreement for financing Live-Stock and Fisheries Sector Development Project Ratification Proclamation

Ethiopian Geospatial Information Agency ReEstablish the Proclamation

Proclamation to Ratify The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and people's Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa

16. 24th Year No. 34

17. 24th Year No. 35 18. 24th Year No. 36 19. 24th Year No. 37

20. 24th Year No. 38 21. 24th Year No. 39 22. 24th Year No. 40 23. 24th Year No. 41 24. 24th Year No. 42 25. 24th Year No. 43 26. 24th Year No. 44 27. 24th Year No. 45 28. 24th Year No. 46

29. 24th Year No. 47

30. 24th Year No. 48 31. 24th Year No. 49

Proclamation No. 1077/2018

Proclamation No. 2/2018 Proclamation No. 1083/2018 Regulation No. 424/2018

Proclamation No. 1073/2018 Proclamation No. 1075/2018 Proclamation No. 1084/2018 Proclamation No. 1085/2018 Regulation No. 425/2018 Regulation No. 426/2018 Proclamation No. 1086/2018 Proclamation No. 1088/2018

Proclamation No. 1087/2018

Regulation No. 427/2018 -

African Development Fund Agreement for financing Addis Ababa Electric Power Transmission & Distribution system Rehabilitation and upgrading Project Ratification Proclamation

State of Emergency Proclamation Issued to Defend the constitution & Constitutional Order from threat Council of Ministers Proclamation

Constitution & Constitutional order Defense from threat State of Emergency Proclamation No. 2/2018 Approval proclamation State of Emergency Proclamation issued to defend the Constitution and the Constitutional order from threat Proclamation of Council of Ministers Regulation. -

Raw Hides and Skins Marketing (amendment) Proclamation

Industrial Chemical Registration & Administration Proclamation

Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (Amendment) Proclamation

Energy (Amendment) Proclamation

Electrical and Electronic Waste Management and Disposal Council of Ministers Regulation

Republican Guard Establishment Council of Minsters Regulation

International Development Association Financing agreement for financing the Ethiopia Electrification Program Ratification Proclamation

Proclamation to repeal acceptance and approval of Proclamation No. 1083/2018 of State of Emergency Proclamation No. 2/2018 to defend the Constitution and Constitutional order from threat Proclamation

International Development Association financing agreement for financing Urban Institutional and Infrastructure Development Program Ratification proclamation

Federal Housing Corporation establishment Council of Ministers (amendment) Regulation


32. 24th Year No. 50

33. 24th Year No. 51

34. 24th Year No. 52 35. 24th Year No. 52 36. 24th Year No. 54 37. 24th Year No. 55 38. 24th Year No. 56 39. 24th Year No. 57 40. 24th Year No. 58 41. 24th Year No. 59 42. 24th Year No. 60

Proclamation No. 1092/2018

Proclamation No. 1091/2018

Proclamation No. 1089/2018 Proclamation No. 1095/2018 Regulation No. 7/2017 Proclamation No. 1094/2018 Regulation No. 429/2018 Regulation No. 430/2018 Proclamation No. 1090/2018 Proclamation No. 1096/2018 Proclamation No. 1093/2018

The agreement on the Employment of Domestic workers between the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Government of The kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ratification Proclamation

Agreement Between the Government of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopian and the Government of the Russian Federation regarding cooperation and Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters ratification Proclamation Procedure of granting and implementing Amnesty Proclamation

Dire Dawa Administration Charter (Amendment) Proclamation

The House of Peoples' Representatives Rules of Procedure and Members' Code of Conduct (Amendment) Regulation

Addis Ababa City Government Revised Charter (amendment) Proclamation

Council of Ministers Regulation to control lead in paint Council of Ministers Regulation to dissolve Hawassa Agricultural Development Enterprise

Hazardous waste management and disposal control proclamation

Granting of Amnesty to Outlaw who have participated in different crimes proclamation

2011 Fiscal Year Federal Government Budget Proclamation

No. Year and No.

1. 25th Year No. 1 2. 25th Year No. 2 3. 25th Year No. 3 4. 25th Year No. 4 5. 25th Year No. 5 6. 25th Year No. 6

7. 25th Year No. 7

Proclamation or Regulation

Title or Content.


Year ? 25th

Regulation No. 431/2018 Regulation No. 432/2018 Regulation No. 433/2018 Regulation No. 434/2018

Land Bank and Development Corporation Regulation, Council of Ministers Regulation Ethiopian Diaspora Agency Establishment Council of Ministers Regulation The Coffee Marketing and Quality control Council of Minister Regulation Foreign Employers guarantee fund establishment council of Ministers regulation

Regulation No. 435/2018

Definition of powers, duties and organization of the Job creation council of Ministers regulation

Regulation No. 436/2018 -

Definition of powers, duties and organization of policy studies institute council of ministers regulation


8. 25th Year No. 8 9. 25th Year No. 9 10. 25th Year No. 10

11. 25th Year No. 14

Proclamation No. 1097/2019 Regulation No. 437/2018 Regulation No. 438/2018 Proclamation No. 8/2018

Definition of powers and duties of the executive organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation

Definition of powers, duties and organization of the customs commission regulation

Definition of powers, duties and organization of the Technology and Innovation Institution council of Ministers regulation

Administration of Employees of the office of the Federal Auditor General House of peoples' Representative

12. 25th Year No. 17 13. 25th Year No. 18 14. 25th Year No. 19

Regulation No. 444/2018 Regulation No. 445/2018 Proclamation No. 1100/2019

Definition of power, duty and organization of the Irrigation development commission regulation

Definition of powers and duties of the public enterprise holding and administration agency regulation Defense forces proclamation

15. 25th Year No. 20 Regulation No. 446/2018

Definition of powers, duties, and organization of the sports commission and the national sports council establishment council of Ministers regulation

16. 25th Year No. 21 Regulation No. 447/2018

Council of Ministers energy regulation

17. 25th Year No. 25 18. 25th Year No. 27 19. 25th Year No. 29 20. 25th Year No. 30 21. 25th Year No. 31 22. 25th Year No. 32 23. 25th Year No. 33 24. 25th Year No. 35

25. 25th Year No. 36

26. 25th Year No. 37

27. 25th Year No. 26

Regulation No. 1103/2019 Proclamation No. 1102/2019 Proclamation No. 1101/2019 Proclamation No. 1111/2019 Proclamation No. 1107/2019 Proclamation No. 1199/2019 Proclamation No. 1113/2019 Proclamation No. 1119/2019

Proclamation No. 1117/2018

Proclamation No. 1116/2019

Proclamation No. 1110/2019

The air service agreement between the government

of the Federal democratic republic of Ethiopia and the government of the state of Israel ratification


Reconciliation proclamation



Administrative boundary and identity issues commission establishment proclamation

International development association loan agreement for financing economic opportunities program ratification proclamation

Cooperation agreement between the government of the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia and the government of kingdom of Morocco in the field of agriculture ratification proclamation

International development association financing agreement for financing development policy proclamation

Organizations of civil societies proclamation

Agreement for cooperation between the government of the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia and the government of the people's democratic republic of Algeria in the field of Communication and Information ratification proclamation Bilateral Trade Agreement concluded between the government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the government of people's democratic republic of Algeria ratification proclamation

Agreement between the government of the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia and the government of the people's democratic republic Algeria on the field of livestock and fishery proclamation

Refugees proclamation

28. 25th Year No. 27 Proclamation No. 1112/2019 Food and medicine administration proclamation

29. 25th Year No. 28

Proclamation No. 1121/2019

The memorandum of understanding between the government of the Federal democratic republic of Ethiopia and the State of Qatar on cooperation in the field of education, higher education and scientific research


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