Elements & Principles of ART

Name:______________________________ Grade:_________Period:_________ Still Life – Graphite PencilSelf-assess before you turn in your rubric. Elements & Principles of ART – We look at art for the elements - color, shape, space, line, value, texture and form.We learn the principles of art – pattern, rhythm, movement, balance, contrast, emphasis, and unity. Then we use them to make art too! 1-DOES NOT MEET2-MEETS SOME3-MEETS4-EXCEEDS SOME5-EXCEEDSStudent does not . . .. . .define or give examples for any of the elements or principles of art. Student will…….accurately define and give examples for some of the elements and principles of art. Student will . . .. . . accurately define and give examples for each of the elements and principles. Student will . . . …accurately define and give examples for each of the elements and principles used.…provide additional written information of how they used the elements & principles within their own artwork.Student will . . .…provide additional written information of how value was utilized within their artwork.. . . describe and make connections on the use of the elements & principles showing exceptional understanding in theory and production.List and define two Elements of Art used in your Still Life Drawing and explain how you used them in your art.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What two Principles of Art are most reflected in your artwork? Define the principles and explain how you used these principles in your art. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explain hierarchy, overlap, and proportion. Does your Still Life have 10 specific values? Describe how you created value with pencil? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Art Production – We learn about how art is made and we create our own art.1-DOES NOT MEET2-MEETS SOME3-MEETS4-EXCEEDS SOME5-EXCEEDSStudent creates . . .. . . a project that fails to follow the directions for how it should be made.… does not create a Still Life or it is very minimal. Student creates . . .. . .a project that adheres to some of the directions given for completing the project.… a Still Life that is incomplete.Student will . . .. . .complete a project accurately following the directions given.…include an 3-5 objects in their drawing. … include a minimum of 6 different values. …complete a work that has background. … add show contrast in the Still Life. Student will . . .. . .complete a drawing as directed with a degree of originality beyond expectations.… use 7-8 value choices that create a unified Still Life... add detailed and smooth value transition within the drawing.…create additional contrast and detail.to enhance the painting. …Student will . . .. . .complete an original and sophisticated work.…create additional value 8 -10 or more values that transition almost without differentiation to enhance the drawing with a high degree of expertise. … In order to “Meet “a student Must:Photographed in the MacBook ? Photograph a Still Life with 3-5 of items of your choice. ? Use graphite pencil to create a Still Life drawing with a minimum 6 different values ??Create a Still Life with proper, hierarchy, overlap, and proportion. Write about what inspired you to create your drawing. What items did you choose and why? What did you consider before you completed it? Do you like the final product? How would you change it if you were to do it again?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Art History and Aesthetics – We hear about artists both past and present. We respond with our own voice.1-DOES NOT MEET2-MEETS SOME3-MEETS4-EXCEEDS SOME5-EXCEEDSStudent does not . . .. . . participate in class art critiques.. . . identify the artist/culture & title/style of the artwork.…does not correctly answer the questions about the artist/ style of artStudent will . . .. . .sometimes participate in class art critiques.. . .write either the name of the artist/culture studied or the title/style of the art work studied…correctly answer one of the questions about the artist/ style of artStudent will . . .. . . participate in art critiques.. . . identify the name of the artist studied and the title or style of the art work studied…correctly answer questions about the artist of artStudent will . . .. . .regularly participate in class art critiques by making connections to other artwork. . .write to identify additional information about the artist and about the history of the artwork.. . .write a more detailed reflective response to this lesson.Student will . . .. . .actively participate in class art critiques through presenting connections and analyzing art.. . .research & identify additional information about the history or culture of this artwork that was not presented in class.. . .Write a insightful reflective response to this lesson.In order to “MEET” a student MUST:Identify the culture, artists or style of artworkAnswer the following questions about the artist or artworkWhat still-life did you choose to write about? _____________________________ What Country is the artist from?_____________________What is the artist’s full name? _________________________________________ What is the style of the artwork? ____________________List THREE qualities or characteristics of artists’ style. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Give at least two additional facts about the artists life: To earn a 4 or5 write a more detailed response. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Life-long Learning SkillsI demonstrated effort this project. YesNo Comment: ___________________________________________________I used my time constructively.YesNoComment: ___________________________________________________I produced quality work. YesNo Comment: ___________________________________________________I respect the rules in Art.YesNoComment: ___________________________________________________Steps in creating a Still Life plete the practice “Value Shading” worksheetComplete a valued drawing of a sphere, cube, cone, pyramid and cylinder in your sketchbook.Photograph 3-5 objects of your choice placed in a way that creates, hierarchy, overlap, and proportion. Use a light source.Print a copy of the picture or draw from your computer. Start by setting up the background or stage of the still life, Use a light pencil to create the contour lines of the basic shapes of your items. Then begin to use a graphite pencil to add value and contrast to your drawing. Remember to meet you need a minimum of six values. Use the blending stump to create a smooth value transition to your drawing.Take pride! Do the best job you can. Congratulations you have just created a unique Still Life Drawing. ................

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