Singular and plural pronouns worksheets 2nd grade

[Pages:6]Singular and plural pronouns worksheets 2nd grade

In the last lesson, we learned that pronouns are words like 'he', 'she', or 'it' that take the place of nouns. Plural pronouns like 'they', 'we', and 'us' take the place of plural nouns. Tip: Plural means more than one. It's the opposite of singular, which means just one. Does the sentence below have a plural subject? The girls baked bread today. The subject is girls. Girls is plural. So yes, the sentence has a plural subject! We can use a plural pronoun to take its place. Let's use they. They baked bread today. They is a plural pronoun. List of Plural Pronouns 1. First Person When you're talking about a group that includes you, use: we, usWe do our best every day.They are grateful for us. 2. Second Person When you're speaking to someone, use: youYou are doing great!You all are doing great. Tip: You is used for both singular and plural nouns. 3. Third Person When you're talking about a group that you're not part of, use: They, ThemThey are a great team.Give the prize to them. So, when do we use they versus them? That depends on if the pronoun is the subject or object of the sentence. Subject Pronouns We, you, and they are plural subject pronouns. Use them to replace plural subjects. We ate a nice dinner last night. You all got a high score in the test. They jumped into the swimming pool. Object Pronouns Us, you, and them are plural object pronouns. Use them to replace plural objects. The teachers told us to be quiet. Mother asked you to wash the dishes. Sarah gave them a hug. They gave them a gift. Great job learning about plural pronouns. Try the practice to make sure you got it. Page 2 Pronouns are words that replace nouns. Whenever you talk about yourself, use the pronouns I and me. I am happy. Cassie gave me a gift. I and me are called personal pronouns. They replace your real name. So when should we use I versus me? I vs. Me Use I when you are the subject. Here are some examples. I walk to school every morning. I play the guitar. I will visit my grandma tomorrow. Tip: It doesn't matter if you're talking about the past, present or future. If you are the subject, use I. Use the pronoun me when you are the object. For example: This cat loves me. Tip: the object is the part of the sentence receiving the action of the subject. Zach always asks me to help him with his homework. My mother hugged me. Great job learning about the pronouns I and me. Now, complete the practice to master using I and me correctly. Page 3 Pronouns are words that replace nouns. To talk about a group of people that you're a part of, use the pronouns we and us. We live in a log house. The dog is barking at us. We and us are the plural forms of I and me. So when should we use us versus we? Let's find out. Using We or Us Use we in the subject. Use us in the object. Let's look at some examples of we. Jen and I went hiking today.We went hiking today. Mike and I are riding our bikes.We are riding our bikes. Dad and I will go camping tomorrow.We will go camping tomorrow. We is always in the subject. Us is always in the object. Tip: the object is the part of the sentence that receives the action taken by the subject. Let's take a look. Mother baked a cake for John and me.Mother baked a cake for us. He taught my classmates and me.He taught us. The dog is chasing Gary and me.The dog is chasing us. Great job learning about we and us. Now, complete the practice to master what you learned. Page 4 Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. They're used to avoid repeating nouns over and over. There are nine different kinds of pronouns. Let's learn about a new type - possessive pronouns. So What Are Possessive Pronouns? Possessive pronouns show possession or ownership. Here's a big list of possessive pronouns: Mine, Yours, His, Hers, Its, Ours, Theirs Possessive pronouns replace possessive nouns. That's Sally's bird. That bird is hers. They answer the questions: Whose it is? or Who has it? For example: This doll is mine. Mine is the possessive pronoun. It tells us who owns the doll. Here's another example: These books are theirs. Theirs is the possessive pronoun. It tells us who owns the books. Mine is in the singular form. Theirs is in the plural form. Singular vs. Plural Possessive Pronouns Some possessive pronouns are singular. They have one owner. Take a look: MineI already ate mine. YoursThe last piece is yours. His Hers ItsThe shirt still has its tag. Tip: Its is a possessive pronoun like his. Both have 3 letters. It's is a contraction of it is. Plural Possessive Pronouns To describe something owned by more than one thing, use plural possessive pronouns: Ours Yours TheirsThese seats are theirs. Yours is a special kind of pronoun because it can be used in both singular and plural forms. No Apostrophe You may have learned that to make most nouns possessive, you add an apostrophe ( ' ) and s. But with possessive pronouns, we don't do that. Hers NOT her's.Its NOT it's.Yours NOT your's.Theirs NOT their's. Just remember don't use an apostrophe with possessive pronouns like yours, theirs, and its. Examples That is Lara's toy.That toy is hers. Hers is the possessive pronoun. Those cards are Joe and Kevin's.Those cards are theirs. Theirs is the possessive pronoun. Think you got it? Try the practice. Page 5 Pronouns are words that replace nouns. Here are a few: I, me, my, mine, he, she, it, they, their, theirs Pronouns can be in either the subject or the object of a sentence. She is beautiful and kind. People adore her. What Are Reflexive Pronouns? Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of a sentence are the same. Maria can see herself in the mirror. Herself is a reflexive pronoun! Tip: We use herself so we don't have to repeat Maria twice. Think about it: It would be weird to say: "Maria can see Maria in the mirror." Let's learn a few more reflexive pronouns. Singular Reflexive Pronouns MyselfI love myself. YourselfTake care of yourself. HimselfThe cat grooms himself. HerselfAnnie was proud of herself. ItselfThe car can drive itself. Plural Reflexive Pronouns OurselvesWe made it ourselves. YourselvesGo enjoy yourselves! ThemselvesThey cooked the meal by themselves. Do you see a pattern? Reflexive pronouns can be formed by adding the suffix "self" or "selves" to the end of the base pronoun. your + self = yourself them + selves = themselves Remember that a reflexive pronoun should match the subject's gender and number. Great job learning about reflexive pronouns. Now, master using reflexive pronouns on your own in the practice. Page 6 In the last few lessons, we learned all about nouns. Nouns are words for people, places, or things. Verbs are different. Verbs are words for actions or events. Every complete sentence has a verb! Most verbs tell us about actions. They're called action verbs, of course. Take a look at this sentence: Jen eats a big breakfast every day. Eats is the action verb. What's the action verb in this sentence? Jack played soccer yesterday. That's right! Played is the action verb. Great job learning about action verbs. Now, practice what you learned. Page 7 Verbs can describe actions in the past, present, or future. If a verb describes things that are usually happening or true, we say it's a present tense verb. Check out these present tense sentences: They read books every day. Sally likes story books. Read and likes are present tense verbs. They describe what's true right now. When to Use Present Tense Verbs Use present tense for facts, general truths or habits. He drinks tea at night. This shop opens at 10 o'clock. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. They live in California. Use present tense for actions that are done repeatedly or regularly. She swims on Tuesdays. We play at the park on Saturdays. Use present tense verbs with the words always, never, often, sometimes, and usually. My father always brings us to the park on Sundays. Betty and her sister usually sleep late on weekends. Dan never eats broccoli for breakfast. Writing Present Tense Verbs Present tense verbs go between the subject and object of a sentence: Subject + Verb + Object Subject is someone or something that does the action. Verb is the action that's being done. Object is someone or something who receives the action. Take a look: Phil plays the piano. We like cake. Forming Present Tense Verbs Did you notice that sometimes present-tense verbs end with an -s and sometimes they don't? Most verbs follow this rule: Add -s to the present tense if the subject is a he, she, it. Take a look: We walk. I walk. They walk. You walk. She walks. He walks. It walks. Annie walks. You'll learn more about this rule in the lesson on Subject-Verb Agreement. Great job learning about present tense verbs. Think you got it? Try the practice. Page 8 Before we learn something new, let's review. Sentences Review Sentences tell a complete thought. All sentences have a subject and a verb. Verbs are the action being done by the subject. Great job reviewing. Now let's learn something new. What Is Subject-Verb Agreement? In the English language, subjects and verbs must always agree in number. That means subjects and verbs must either both be singular, or both be plural! Tip: Singular means only one. Plural means more than one. That's why we say: The dog is playing. Not: The dog are playing. Tip: 'is' and 'are', and 'am' are different forms of the verb 'be'. Which one you use depends on the subject! Tip: 'to be' is an irregular verb, which is why the forms are so different from each other. They don't follow a pattern. Using 'Is', 'Are', or 'Am' Use 'is' with singular subjects. Itachi is strong.He is proud. Use 'are' with plural subjects. We are proud. The dogs are playing. Here are all the ways to use 'to be': I am happy.You are happy.He/She/It is happy.We are happy.They are happy. Remember: You have to match the form of 'be' with the subject! That's called subject-verb agreement. Tip: 'agreement' means not having a difference, or seeing things the same way. Subject-Verb Agreement in Regular Verbs Great job learning about subject-agreement with the irregular verb 'be'. Luckily, most verbs are not irregular. So what pattern do regular verbs follow? Regular verbs have a base form, like: walk Then we add things like -s to the end to match the subject. walks Using 'Walk' vs 'Walks' We don't say: We walks to the store. Instead, we say: We walk to the store. or Jill walks to the store. So when do we add the -s? The Rule to Remember If the subject is singular or he, she, it, add -s to the base form. Annie walks. She walks. He walks. For all other subjects, don't add the -s. I walk. They walk. You walk. We walk. Examples The children like fruit. Children is a plural subject. So we use the base form of the verb. Let's try another example. Jeff likes fruit. Jeff, the subject, is singular. So we add -s to the base form of like. Great job learning about subject-verb agreement. Now, complete the practice to help you remember what you learned for longer. Page 9 Verbs are words that tell us about actions. Verbs can describe past, present or future actions. In an earlier lesson, you learned that verbs that describe the present are called present tense verbs. Verbs that describe the past are called past tense verbs. The tense of a verb tells you when it happened. Past Tense Examples Julie and Matt played at the sand pit yesterday. Nate stopped at the crosswalk. The man caught a fish. Baker Ben baked some bread this morning. How to Make Past Tense Verbs Add '-ed' to the base form of most verbs to make them past tense. walk - walked add - added jump - jumped ask - asked cook - cooked play - played fix - fixed For most verbs that end with a consonant, a vowel, and another consonant, double the last letter before adding '-ed' to make it past tense. For example: skip - skipped rub - rubbed plan - planned stop - stopped drop - dropped But don't double the last letter if it's an x or w. box - boxed Also, there's another tricky rule. We'll cover it here if you're curious, but it's ok if you don't get it. You'll learn more about syllables and accents later. Don't double the letter if it's a two syllable word and the accent of the word is on the first syllable. open - opened Tip: Just memorize that one. If a verb already ends with an 'e', just add a -d. Take a look. live - lived force - forced bake - baked glue - glued joke - joked If the verb ends in a consonant + y, then change the y to an i, and add 'ed'. study - studied cry - cried hurry - hurried Irregular Past Tense Verbs Irregular verbs don't follow a rule for becoming past tense. So you just have to memorize them! Here are some examples: eat - ate run - ran go - went break - broke say - said catch - caught sell - sold write - wrote For other irregular verbs, their past tense is just like their base form. No changes at all. cut - cut hit - hit set - set put - put Subject-Verb Agreement in the Past Tense Earlier, we learned that present tense verbs must agree in number with their subject. We called that subject-verb agreement. That's why sometimes we say "walk" and other times "walks". Karen walks to school. The children walk to school. The rules for present tense verbs are a little tricky. But we have some good news! There's no subject-verb agreement for past tense verbs! That means the verb is the same for singular and plural subjects. Karen walked to school this morning. The children walked to school yesterday. Did you notice that we used the same form of "walk" for both singular and plural subjects? Awesome! Great job learning about past tense verbs. Think you got it? Try the practice. Page 10 The verb 'have' is used to tell when someone owns something. 'Has' is another form of the verb 'have'. It means the same thing. So when do you use 'have' and when do you use 'has'? Using Have or Has Rule 1 Use have when the subject is plural. Tip: Plural means more than one. Take a look: The children have some homework. Cats have cute faces. Rule 2 Use have when the subject is any of these pronouns: I, we, you, they Let's look at some examples. I have brown eyes. We have everything we need. Rule 3 Use has when the subject is singular. Singular means only one. Jim has to go to a party. This house has a pool. Rule 4 Use has when the subject is any of these pronouns: he, she, it Let's try it. She has a new car. Great job learning all the rules for using have vs. has! Here's a summary to review. Think you got it? Try the practice. Page 11 Kevin had corn for a snack. This sentence uses the verb had. 'Had' is the past tense of have. We use it to tell about something that was true in the past, but not anymore. My father had a big dog when he was growing up. Singular and Plural Subjects 'Had' is used with both singular and plural subjects. The same word is used for subjects that are one or more than one. She had a cat. They had a cat. Good job learning about had, the past tense of 'have'. Now, you're ready for the practice! Page 12 The dog is sleepy. So far, you've learned that verbs can describe actions, like 'play', 'kick', and 'run'. 'is' in the sentence above doesn't describe an action. But 'is' is still a verb! 'is' is called a linking verb. So, What Are Linking Verbs? Linking verbs connect a subject to more information about it. Tip: they're also called "be" verbs. Is connects the word sleepy to the word dog. Common Linking Verbs The most common present tense linking verbs are: is, are, am Tip: present tense verbs describe things not in the past or the future, but right now. Let's learn the rules for using 'is', 'are', and 'am'. Is vs. Am vs. Are Rule 1 Use 'Is' for singular subjects. For example: The sun is shining brightly. Think about it: There is only one sun. The subject is singular. So we use 'is'. Tip: singular means just one. It's the opposite of plural, which means more than one. Rule 2 Use 'are' to describe plural subjects in the now. For example: The leaves are green. Rule 3 Use 'are' with the pronoun you. You are happy. Rule 4 Use 'am' with the pronoun I. For example: I am excited! Past Tense Linking Verbs When we write about how things were in the past, we use past tense linking verbs like 'was' and 'were'. 'Was' is the past tense of is. For example: The kitten was hungry.Now the kitten is full. 'Were' is the past tense of 'are'. The children were hungry.Now the children are full. 'Was' is the past tense of 'am'. I was hungry.Now I am full. Great job learning about present and past tense linking verbs! Think you got it? Try the practice to see. Page 13 So far, you've learned that past tense verbs describe the past. Oliver ran yesterday. You've also learned that present tense verbs describe things that are generally true. Oliver runs sometimes. But how do we describe things that are happening right now, this very moment? We use the present continuous tense! Present continuous tense verbs describe what's happening right now. Present Continuous Tense Examples Oliver is running. They are playing ball. The verbs "is running" and "are playing" describe things happening right now, as we speak. We call them present continuous tense verbs. The present continuous tense of a verb has two parts: a present tense "be" verb+ a present participle Let's learn about each of those two parts. 1. Present Tense "Be" verbs There are only three present tense "Be" verbs: is, are, am Tip: we also call them linking verbs. 2. Present Participles The present participle is formed by adding "ing" to a base verb. base verb + ing For example: swim + ing = swimming play + ing = playing read + ing = reading eat + ing = eating There are some special rules for making present participles. Let's learn them! Making Present Participles Rule 1 If a verb's base form ends with a silent e, drop the e and add "ing". For example: bake + ing = baking move + ing = moving Rule 2 If a base form ends with a consonant, vowel, consonant, double the final consonant then add "ing" to make it a present participle. For example: run + ing = running sit + ing = sitting Rule 3 If a verb ends in "ie", change "ie to "y" then add "ing". For example: lie + ing = lying tie + ing = tying Remember: A present participle always ends in "ing". Great! So we just learned that a present continuous tense verb has a 'be' verb like 'is', 'am', or 'are' followed by a present participle. Using the Present Continuous Tense in Sentences Think of the present continuous as the answer to this question: What are you doing now? Here are some examples: I am working. Sarah is studying. We are walking. You are running. Just make sure to use the right 'be' word. It has to match the subject! Note that the "be" verb always comes before the present participle. Great job learning to use present continuous tense! Think you got it? Try the practice. Page 14 To describe actions in the future, we use simple future tense verbs. I will ski next week. We will play at the beach tomorrow. Using the Simple Future Tense The simple future tense is used to: 1 describe something that is sure to happen, My father will celebrate his fortieth birthday tomorrow. 2 to tell about what we want to do in the future, I will buy a toy. 3 and to tell what we think will happen later. I think it will rain tonight. Making the Simple Future Tense Let's learn 3 ways to make the simple future tense. 1. Using 'will' Add 'will' before the base form of a verb to make the simple future tense. will + base form of verb For example: will + go = will gowill + play = will playwill + eat = will eat Tip: You don't have to think about subject-verb agreement for the simple future tense. That's because the same form is used for both singular and plural subjects. He will go. They will go. 2. Using 'shall' Instead of using 'will', 'shall' can also make the simple future tense, but only when the subject is either I or we. I shall be late. Tip: Shall isn't used very often. It's a bit old-timey. 3. Using 'going to' This rule is a bit tough to explain, but once you see examples, it'll be easy. So let's take a breath. And when you're ready, read through the rule. You can make the simple future tense by adding a "be verb" like 'is', 'are', or 'am' and "going to' before the base form of a verb. I am going to draw We are going to swim He is going to laugh So we just learned another way to make the simple future tense! Tip: Make sure to use the right be verb. There are only three: am, are, is. Be verbs should match their subject! Simple Future Tense Review The simple future tense is used to answer questions like: What will you do later? What are you going to do later? Create simple future tense verbs by adding will, shall, or a "be verb" + going to before the base verb. For example: I will play at the park.I am going to play at the park.I shall play at the park. We are going to swim at the beach on Saturday. Great job learning about the simple future tense. Think you got it? Try the practice. Page 15 So far, we've learned that verbs can show actions. I ran quickly. But not all verbs show actions. For example, you learned about linking verbs. They describe the subject without showing an action: The dog is excited. In this lesson, you're going to learn about another kind of verb that doesn't show action. It's called a helping verb! What Is a Helping Verb? A helping verb does not show action. Instead, it helps another verb show action. For example: The dog has found a bone. 'Has' helps the verb found show action. The squirrels have eaten some nuts. Has and have are helping verbs. We learned how to use has and have in an earlier lesson. Do you think there are other helping verbs? Yes, there are a good handful! Here are a few: is, are, am, was, were, should, must, need They help other verbs show action. Let's learn to use the most common helping verbs. Is, Are, Am The man is singing. They are reading a good book. I am walking. Is, are, and am, are all present tense forms of the same verb, be! Using Is, Are, or Am Use 'is' for singular subjects, and for the pronouns he, she, and it. Mary is singing.He/She/it is singing. Use 'am' for the pronoun I. I am singing. Use 'are' are for plural subjects, and for the pronouns you, we, and they. The students are singing.You are singing.We are singing.They are singing. Tip: Helping verbs always come before the main verb. Was and Were So far, you've learned that the helping verbs... is, are, am ...are present tense forms of the word be. Be also has past tense forms: was, were Here's how to use them: WasI was singing.He/She/It was singing.Johnny was singing. WereYou were singing.We were singing.They were singing. Tip: the forms of be can act as linking verbs, or helping verbs. Take a look. She is singing.Helping verb She is happy. Linking verb Great job learning about helping verbs. Now, complete the practice! You'll learn more and remember for longer. Page 16 Present tense verbs describe what's true now or happening always. For example: Abby plays the piano at birthday parties. Past tense verbs tell about what already happened. For example: Benny played soccer yesterday. Did you notice how the past tense of play was formed? We just added "ed" at the end. It's easy because play is a regular verb. But not all verbs are regular. Some verbs are irregular. They don't follow the -ed pattern. Irregular Verb Patterns Irregular verbs don't follow the normal rules when switching tenses. But some irregular verbs still follow patterns. Let's learn a few. 1. End with a "t" Some irregular verbs end with "t" in the past tense. For example: spend - spent keep - kept lose - lost build - built sleep - slept 2. Vowel Change All irregular verbs have vowels in them. Vowels are a, e, i, o, and u. For some irregular verbs, the past tense is formed by changing the vowel. For example: run - ran sing - sang drink - drank ride - rode write - wrote come - came ring - rang wake - woke drive drove stick - stuck begin - began break - broke grow - grew sit - sat leave - left Did you see how the vowels changed in the past tense? 3. No Change at All There are also irregular verbs where the past tense is the same as the present! Look at these examples: cut - cut bit - bit set - set put - put shut - shut The present tense is the same as the past tense. Tip: With the word "read", the past tense is spelled the same but pronounced in a different way. read - read In the past tense, we write "read" but pronounce it as "red". 4. Really Just Irregular It's great that some irregular verbs still follow patterns. But there are irregular verbs that don't follow any pattern at all. To know their past tense, you just have to memorize them! For example: go - went say - said teach - taught buy - bought catch - caught think - thought do - did eat - ate fly - flew tell - told tear - tore leave - left These verbs are irregular. They don't follow a pattern. So you really just have to memorize them! Great job learning about irregular verbs! Now, complete the practice to master these irregular verbs on your own. Page 17 Sometimes, instead of saying two words like: It is sunny. ... we can shorten them into one word: It's sunny. It's is called a contraction! What Are Contractions? Contractions are the short form of one or two words. They usually have an apostrophe '. Here are some examples. There's a great park to play in. 'There's' is a contraction of 'There is'. She's playing soccer. She's is a contraction of 'she is'. They're a happy family. They're is a contraction of 'They are'. How to Make A Contraction To make a contraction, we put two words together, drop some letters and replace them with an apostrophe '. Here's how we make a contraction for is and not. is + not = isn't We put the words together, drop the 'o', and replace it with an apostrophe ( ' ). We can also form a contraction of just one word. Cannot can't We took out the letters n and o. Then, we replaced them with an apostrophe. Other Examples of Contractions Contractions make your writing more casual and less formal. Tip: Casual means you're more likely to use it with your friends than with a professor. We often speak with contractions. Here are other examples of contractions: I am = I'm he is = he's she is = she's it is = it's there is = there's you are = you're we are = we're they are = they're does not = doesn't do not = don't has not = hasn't have not = haven't he will = he'll she will = she'll we will = we'll let us = let's Great job learning about contractions! It's vs. Its Ok, let's learn one last thing. You may see sentences like this: It's flapping its wings. It's is a contraction for "it is", while its is a possessive pronoun like "his". It's a little tricky, but you'll get the hang of it! Now, you're ready to ace the practice. Page 18 In an earlier lesson, you learned that the subject of a sentence must always agree with its verb. Agree means the subject and verb match in number. That's why we say: The boy is running. Not: The boy are running. The same thing is true with pronouns. Pronouns are words that replace nouns, like he, she, it, we, I, and you. Pronouns should agree in number with their verb. Take a look: He/She/It is running. They are running. We are running. You are running. I am running. Tip: is, are, and am are all forms of the word be. It's irregular. So memorize those . Now let's learn about pronoun-verb agreement with regular verbs. Rules for Regular Verbs 1. Add -s to He, She, It When you use the pronouns he, she, and it, add "s" to the end of the base verb to make it present tense. He paints nice pictures. She dances very well. It wags its tail when its happy. 2. When NOT to add -s When using the pronouns I, you, we, and they, don't add "s" to the base verb. Take a look: I like cake.It's not "I likes cake." You swim quickly. We read a lot of books. They study every night. We don't say, "They studies every night." Great job learning about pronoun and verb agreement. Now, complete the practice. Page 19 Nouns are words for people, places, or things. Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Uses for Adjectives Adjectives can answer many questions. 1. What kind? I bought pink shoes for dance class. Pink is an adjective that describes shoes. 2. How many or how much? I had four rubber ducks in the bathtub. Four is an adjective. 3. Which one? Grab the last duck, not the first one. Last and first are adjectives. Adjective Order Usually, adjectives come before the word that they describe. I put on red shoes. But sometimes they come after too. The shoes are red. Practice Identifying Adjectives What is the adjective in the sentence? I ate the sour candy. Great! Sour is the adjective. The noun is candy. Let's try another one. What are the adjectives in this sentence? I only wanted pink and yellow balloons for my party. That's right! The adjectives are pink and yellow. You can have more than one adjective in a sentence. Let's try one more! What is the adjective in the sentence? I had five dollars to buy lunch. Yes! Five is the adjective that describes how many dollars you had. Great job learning about adjectives. Now, ace the practice! You'll remember for longer. Page 20 Adjectives describe nouns. The bigger dog got the treat. Bigger is an adjective that compares. Let's learn about two types of adjectives that compare: comparative and superlative adjectives. Don't be scared by the big words: comparative and superlative. You probably know how to use these types of adjectives already. Let's look at comparative adjectives first. What Are Comparative Adjectives? Comparative adjectives compare two nouns. Add -er to the end of any adjective to make it a comparative adjective. Long, Longer Adjectives can compare people, places, or things. Comparing People ShorterLast year Jeff was shorter than Jill. TallerJeff grew a lot. Now he is taller than Jill. Faster Slower Comparing Places Can you think of any adjectives that compare places? Here are some: QuieterThis is a quieter neighborhood. LargerCalifornia is larger than many countries. SmallerJapan is slightly smaller than California. Comparing Things Can you think of any adjectives that compare things? Here are some: SmallerThat box is smaller than this bin. Colder Better What Are Superlative Adjectives? Superlative adjectives like 'best', or 'tallest', compare three or more nouns. To make most adjectives superlative, add -est. Tallest Strongest Longest The smallest dog is 3.8 inches tall. Did you know that the smallest dog in the world is a Chihuahua? Identifying Adjectives Can you find the adjective that is used to compare? The turtle is slower than the rabbit. Slower is the comparative adjective. How did we know? It has the easy to spot -er ending. Let's try another one: What's the superlative adjective here? The biggest roller coaster in the United States is in New Jersey. Tip: We know that the United States has more than two roller coasters, so we use -est to compare them. One last example. Does the sentence below have a comparative or a superlative adjective? My sister is younger than me. The adjective younger ends in -er. So we know it's a comparative adjective! Great job! Now, you can compare with adjectives. Complete the practice to help you remember. Page 21 So far we've learned about nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Let's Review Nouns are words for people, places or things. Verbs are action words. Every sentence has one. They tell what the subject is doing, or how it's being. Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Now let's learn about one more important part of speech: adverbs! So What Are Adverbs? Say adverb out loud. What do you hear? Add + verb Adverbs add more to a verb! Take a look at the adverb quickly: The adverb quickly tells about how the verb ran is done. Tip: Adjectives describe nouns. Adverbs describe verbs. Adverbs that Tell How Many adverbs tell how a verb is done. They usually end in -ly. happily easily quickly Sarah stacked the books carefully. Tip: Not all words that end in -ly are adverbs. For example, family is not an adverb. It's a collective noun. Adverbs that Tell When and Where Adverbs can also tell when and where a verb happened. alwaysWe always play hide and seek. backRun back for your sunglasses. Look at this sentence: I sometimes eat my peas at dinner. What's the adverb above? First, find the verb. Eat is the verb. What adverb tells when or where you eat? sometimes Sometimes is an adverb that describes when you eat your peas. Practice Identifying Adverbs What is the adverb in this sentence? Bill searched everywhere for his lucky hat. Yes! Everywhere is telling where Bill looked for his lucky hat. The verb is searched. Bill searched everywhere. Let's try another one. What's the adverb in this sentence? Maria tied her roller skates slowly. What's the adverb? Good job! Slowly is the adverb tells how Maria tied her roller skates. 'Tied' is the verb. Let's try one more! What's the adverb? We built my treehouse yesterday. That's right! Yesterday is telling when your treehouse was built. Built is the action word, the verb. Yesterday is the adverb. It adds more to the verb. Great job! Learning about adverbs that tell how, where, and when. Now, complete the practice! You'll learn more and remember for longer. Page 22 Different words with the same meaning are called synonyms. Rich, Wealthy Rich and wealthy mean the same thing. They're synonyms. Garbage, Trash Garbage and trash mean the same thing. They're synonyms too. Happy, Joyful Happy and joyful mean almost the same thing. They're synonyms too! Practice Finding Synonyms Can you think of a synonym for couch? Yes! Sofa is another word for couch. What's a synonym for afraid? That's it! Scared is another word that means afraid. What's a synonym for bunny? Great job! Rabbit is another word for bunny. Great job learning about synonyms. Synonyms are different words with the same meaning. Now, you're ready to ace the practice! Page 23 Antonyms are words that are opposites of each other. Can you think of some words that are opposites of each other? Add - Subtract Sweet - Sour Teach - Learn Remember: antonyms are words that are opposites. Tip: Antonym is the opposite of synonym! Practice Finding Antonyms Can you think of an antonym for float? Great! Sink is the opposite of float. Try another one! Can you think of an antonym for awake? That's it! Asleep is the opposite of awake. Let's try one more! What word is an antonym for sunny? Yes! Cloudy is the opposite of sunny. Great job learning about antonyms. Now, ace the practice. Page 24 Commas are a punctuation mark that can separate words or ideas in a sentence. Commas have many uses. Commas tell you to take a pause, like: Tammy, did you feed the goldfish? Are you ready to go, Jim? Write commas around people's names when you ask them a question or give a command. Please wash the dishes, Marry. Commas also help combine three or more words in a list. Take a look: Kittens, puppies, and babies are cute. Think of commas like glue. They slow things down and bring things together. Sometimes, we write commas in places because it's the convention, which means that's just the way people decided to do it! For example, the convention for writing dates in the United States is to use commas like this: Monday, May 5, 1980 We add commas after the day of the week and after the day of the month in a date, just because that's how people all decided to do it. We use commas in the greeting and closing of a letter. Dear Dad,Thanks for the great trip. You are the best!Love,Timothy Commas are used between the names of a city and state. Miami, FloridaChicago, Illinois Let's practice! Where would you place a comma in this sentence? We had hot dogs hamburgers and a salad for lunch. Great! We need to place a comma between each item in the list to separate them. We had hot dogs, hamburgers, and a salad for lunch. Where would you correctly place a comma in the date? Sunday March 10 2016 Yes! We need to place a comma after the day of the week and after the day of the month. Sunday, March 10, 2016 Let's try one more! Where would you correctly place a comma below? We live in Houston Texas. Good job! We need to place a comma after the city. We live in Houston, Texas. Great job learning about commas! You'll learn even more about them in the next lessons. Now, try the practice to get the hang of using commas on your own.

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