Public Health Law 101 - Unit 1





?Source: Tobey JA. Public Health Law. Third Edition. The Commonwealth Fund. New York, 1947.


?Instructor: this is an essential slide, as the objectives frame the order of content included in this unit. ?Core concepts and definitions will include: federalism (U.S. governance and legal system), police powers, and definition of "law." ?Sources of law necessary for public health practice will include: constitutions, statutes, administrative law, and common (case) law. ?Constitutional safeguards protecting individuals' rights will include: the Bill of Rights and the Due Process clauses of the 5th and 14th Amendments, and how they provide checks on government authorities.


Note to instructor: this is an optional slide. ?*Source of slide: MMWR 1999: Vol. 48 / No. 12 ?Purpose of slide is to, at onset of course, further stimulate class participants to begin actively thinking about role of law in relation to each major public health achievement listed in slide. ?If used, either simply display and move on to next slide, or invite class participation to discuss role of law for all or for only selected achievements. For example, for each listed achievement, invite course participants to give 1-2 laws that contributed to the public health achievement (e.g., for motor-vehicle safety, laws include speed limits, safety-/seat-belt requirements, airbag requirements, blood-alcohol limits, highway funding contingent on minimum legal drinking age). ?An alternative is to use this optional slide to conclude this unit or as a starter in subsequent units.




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