Renaissance Artist WebQuest

Renaissance Artist WebQuest


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Click on “Early Life”- read the first two paragraphs and answer:

1. What is his name synonymous with?

2. What conflicting powers was he caught between?

Click on “Mid Years”- click on “ceiling of the Sistine Chapel” (it’s blue)- on the next page click on the word “ceiling” (again blue)- look at Michelangelo’s work.

Click on “Final Years” and read the section “The Last Judgment” and answer:

1. What was the scandal with this painting?

2. Finished in 1541 The Final Judgment was significant because….

Leonardo Da Vinci-

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Read the paragraphs on the right hand side and list 1 interesting fact from each section about Leonardo.




Click on the Scientist Link-

1. How did Leonardo study the human body?

Click on the Inventor Link-

List two things he invented…




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1. What was Donatello’s official name?

2. What two materials was he considered a master of?

3. What city was he born in?


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1. What was he most famous for painting?

2. How old was he when he died?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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