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The Pigman by Paul Zindel: English 9 Unit Project

ASSIGNMENT: Select ONE of the four project choices below to complete.



• Create a “movie” trailer for the novel (2-3 minutes in length).

• Include the book title and author,

• Use appropriate music to play in the background.

• Your “movie” trailer should summarize the novel in some way and resemble the style of movie trailers that we see. Don’t give away the ending! Make it suspenseful!

• Post your movie trailer on .

• Write one paragraph describing your choices and include the web address for your trailer.


• Create a fake Facebook page for one of the main characters of the novel (John, Lorraine, or Mr. Pignati).

• Use the format I have posted on my website under “The Pigman” Facebook Project.

• Complete all five slides of the Power Point “Facebook” template including: 6+ photos, 6+ status updates, favorite books, movies, music, biographical information, and more!

• Print out your “Facebook” pages.

• The pages should show important moments for the character(s), lessons they have learned, photos of important people, likes, dislikes, etc. Bring him/her to life!


• Create a “virtual” soundtrack of 15 songs (one for each chapter) that relate to the various themes, concepts, and emotions within your novel. (You do not need to print out lyrics or burn CD’s.)

• Create a CD cover that includes the name of the book (movie), author, and other eye-catching artwork.

• Lyrics must be clean and filth-free. No profanity and vulgar language.

• You will also create a CD insert that provides a list of the songs and artists used to make the soundtrack. Include the chapter #, song title, artist and the year the song was released.

• After each title/author/year information, include a TWO sentence explanation of how the song relates to the chapter and why the idea is important. Other illustrations may be used if you wish.


Chapter 1- “You Dropped A Bomb on Me” The Gap Band 1982

➢ When John was a freshman, he was known as “The Bathroom Bomber.” This nickname introduced John to the reader as a trouble-maker.


• Create a 4 page scrapbook for John, Lorraine, and Mr. Pignati.

• One page for each character and a final page for the moments they shared together.

• On each page, include: 3 or more photos, words/phrases to show their personalities, a quote they

would live by, important moments in their lives, and anything else you think they would want to include in a scrapbook page.

Scoring Rubric

10: Exceeds standard

8: Meets Standard

6: Approaches standard

4: Below standard

2: Little or no effort shown

|Criteria |Description |Student Assessment |Teacher assessment |

|Supporting Evidence |task is accurate with elaboration and | | |

|(Details and Elaboration) |development |_____x 5 = |_____x 5 = |

|X 5 |connects to outside knowledge | | |

| |reflects a deep understanding of the novel | | |

| |insightful interpretation of task | | |

|Presentation |overall presentation is creative and visually | | |

|(Creativity and Neatness) |appealing |_____x 3 = |_____x 3 = |

|X 3 |exceptionally neat | | |

| |uniquely presented | | |

| |follow directions, includes all elements | | |

|Mechanics |void of errors in spelling, grammar, | | |

|X 2 |punctuation, and capitalization |_____x 2 = |_____x 2 = |

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If the teacher’s score and your score are similar, extra points will be awarded as follows:

0-2 point difference 5 points

3-6 point difference 3 points

7-9 point difference 2 points

10-20 point difference 1 point

For example, if you give yourself an 85% and the teacher gives you an 83%,

your overall grade for the portfolio will be an 88%!!!

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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