Sports and Entertainment Marketing Syllabus

Sports and Entertainment Marketing Course Syllabus


Mike Hanafan (Room 2814)

Conference Time: Before School (6:30 a.m. – 7:15 a.m.) Phone: 281-634-2193

Sequence in the Curriculum

This course is offered to freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.


Marketing and business concepts are taught through the sports and entertainment industry. Students are given many opportunities to design marketing strategies, appropriate products, and promotional activities for sports and entertainment events. Marketing research, the marketing mix, target markets, demographics, risk management, legal issues, and insurance are major topics covered in this course.

Topical Outline

1) World of Marketing

a. What is Marketing

b. Economics of Marketing

c. Case Study-Olympic Benefits

2) Connections and Contrasts of Sports & Entertainment

a. History of S & E Marketing

b. Similarities in Marketing

c. Differences in Marketing

d. Case Study-New Kind of Kick

3) The Sports Market

a. Sports Marketing Profile

b. Categories of Sports

c. Case Study-Cardboard Collectibles

4) Sports Products

a. The Consumer and Sports Products

b. Economic Impact of Sports Marketing

c. Case Study-Arena Product Advantage

5) Product and Price Decisions-Sports

a. Product Design

b. Pricing and Strategies

c. Case Study-From Old to Gold

6) Sports Market Research and Outlets

a. The Research Process

b. Outlets-The Place Decision

c. Case Study-A Place for Athletes

7) Branding and Licensing

a. Branding

b. Licensing

c. Case Study-Race for the Prize

8) Sports Promotion

a. Planning the Promotion

b. Advertising and Sales Promotion

c. Public Relations and Personal Selling

d. Case Study-Calling Online Athletes

9) Sports Marketing Plans and Careers

a. The Marketing Plan

b. Sports Marketing Careers

c. Case Study-No Sweat

10) The Entertainment Market

a. Entertainment and Marketing

b. Types of Entertainment Businesses

c. Case Study-A Lasting Landmark

11) Entertainment Products and Marketing

a. Types of Entertainment Products

b. Media Product Marketing

c. Case Study-Master of Tickets

12) Product and Price Decisions-Entertainment

a. Branding and Entertainment

b. Price Decisions

c. Case Study-Music Matters

13) Entertainment Market Research and Outlets

a. Targeting Entertainment Markets

b. Research Methods

c. Entertainment Outlets and Venues

d. Case Study-Brands Online

14) Images and Licensing

a. Images and Merchandising

b. Licensing and Royalties

c. Case Study-The Circus Reinvented

15) Entertainment Promotion

a. Promotional Mix

b. Variety of Promotional Methods

c. Case Study-Musical Promotions

16) Entertainment Marketing Plans and Careers

a. Entertainment Marketing Plan

b. Entertainment Marketing: Education and Careers

c. Case Study-New Adventure

Course Objectives

* Students will identify business concepts that satisfy economic needs for sports and entertainment.

* Students will describe the importance of the sports and entertainment service marketing.

* Students will relate the marketing functions to sports and entertainment events.

* Students will demonstrate acceptable human relations skills.

* Students will integrate listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills in sports and entertainment marketing.

* Students will recognize the impact of nonverbal communication when promoting sports and entertainment events.

* Students will apply self-developments skills necessary for service marketing.

* Students will apply interpersonal skills to accomplish service marketing objectives.

* Students will define the management process and management styles.

* Students will recognize the impact of and value of diversity.

* Students will define and understand key economic concepts.

* Students will define distribution channel members for service industries such as sports and entertainment.

* Students will recognize the need for financial planning in service marketing.

* Students will define pricing strategies and objectives for sports and entertainment events.

* Students will identify the functions of a promotional plan.

* Students will identify business risks and legal needs.

* Students will relate the role of selling and customer service.

* Students will list career opportunities in sports and entertainment marketing.

* Students will relate marketing to sports and entertainment.

* Student will identify entertainment desires for a diverse population.

* Students will conduct marketing research.

Textbooks & Slides

✓ L. Farese, D. Grossman, G. Nicholson. 2005. Sports and Entertainment Marketing. McGraw-Glencoe

✓ John Adamson. 2004. Law for Business and Personal Use. Thomson South-Western.

✓ Chapter Slides on Student Drive>S & E Marketing Hanafan

Teaching Strategies

Lecture and Class Discussion Cooperative Learning

Enrichment Activities Critical Thinking Cases

Research Case Studies

Profiles in Marketing Business Week News

LAPS In-class Projects



➢ Guest Speakers

➢ Contract Law

➢ Economics Basics

➢ Creative Advertising Project

➢ International Business Times (Sports)

Grading Breakdown

50% Daily Work

50% Major Grades (Tests and Projects)

Supplies Needed:

← Willingness to Learn

← Notebook (3-ring binder)

← Blue or Black Pen

← Pencils


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