
Name:________________________________ List No._____Classroom: _______ Date: _________________ -14176788693Subordinating Conjunctions WorksheetSubordinatingconjunctionsPurposeExampleAs OnceBefore WhileWhenAs soon asAfterWheneverUntilAs long asStill TillWheneverTo showtimeThey remodeled the library while school was out. When I study, I do well on my tests.She mailed the letter as soon as she could.Before the tornado hit, grandma called to warn us.AsBecauseSinceSo thatIn order thatTo showcause andeffect orpurposeSince the tutoring lab opened up, he's been doing better with math.She can't wait for snow because she loves to ski.IfEven ifIn caseProvided thatUnlessWheneverTo show aconditionThe crickets begin chirping whenever night falls.If you need help, you only need to ask.As ThoughAlthoughEven though WhereasWhileTo showcontrastThe flower bloomed even though it was winter. Though I don't get to ride, I still love horses.AsAs thoughAs ifTo show similarityHe spoke as if he knew the topic well.WhereWhereverTo show placeWherever Mary went, the lamb followed.AlthoughAsAs thoughEven thoughJust asWhereasWhileGranting concessionsHe had fun in class even though he didn’t like English.For clarification on these concepts, please refer to the Subordinating Conjunctions handout.Identify Subordinate Clauses:In the following sentences, underline the subordinate clause. Hint: find the subordinate conjunctions, then underline the clause that contains the subordinate conjunction.Example: Since the train was on time, passengers were able to board quickly.As soon as I have enough money and time off from work, I would like to travel through Europe.Working is pleasant even though I would rather be on vacation.Whenever I want to play a game, I call my friend Sue.Getting homework done for school is a challenge wherever you decide to do it.The stranger was mysterious as if she had something that she would rather keep to herself.Edit with Subordinate Clauses:In the following sentences, identify the subordinate clause and fix the comma error if necessary. Remember, you will only need a comma at the end of the subordinate clause if the subordinating conjunction comes first. Note: There is one correct sentence!(Use the chart above for assistance finding the subordinating conjunction.)Example: After working so hard during the school year, I was very excited for summer.Taking summer classes can be a good idea, in order that you can graduate sooner.While moving into the dorm room on campus we were distracted by the music from a frat party across the street.I got a better grade in my English class, because I decided to go to the Writing Center to get help on writing my papers.Since graduating from high school, I decided that going to college would be a good idea so I can get a better job.Though I spend a lot of time with my family and working I still manage to find time to get good grades at bine the short sentences by using the subordinating conjunction provided to create a complex sentence.Finish eating your breakfast. Brush your teeth. After______________________________________________________________________________I have to stay for tutoring. I failed the quiz in math. Because______________________________________________________________________________We won’t have practice today. It is raining. Since______________________________________________________________________________I woke up. I saw that it was snowing! When______________________________________________________________________________You eat your vegetables. You cannot have dessert. Until______________________________________________________________________________ ................

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