
Name: Period: Date: Date Due:

The Plant Kingdom

What are Plants?

Please use pages 250 – 255 to answer the following questions.

1. Plants are part of the ________________ Plantae.

2. Plants are considered ___________________ because they use ____________________________ to make their own food.

3. Why do you not need a microscope to see plants?

4. What do plants need in order to survive on land?






5. What is the cuticle?

6. What is the cuticle used for?

7. Larger plants have transport tissue called ____________ ______________.

8. What is vascular tissue?

9. _________ walls and ________________ tissue add _________________ to the bodies of large plants.

10. All plants undergo _________________ reproduction.

11. REVIEW! – What are characteristics that all plants share?





12. Label the parts of plant cell below.

13. Scientists informally group plants into ______ major groups –



14. Complete the following Venn diagram comparing and contrasting nonvascular and vascular plants.

15. What is one-way scientist can study the origin of plants?

16. What can scientists infer are the ancient ancestors of today’s plants?

17. Plants produce spores during the ___________________ stage and produce sex cells during the ______________________ stage.

18. Is the following sentence true or false? The sporophyte of a plant looks the same as the gametophyte. _______________

Plants without Seeds

The Kingdom Plantae continued

Please use pages 256 – 260 and the previous passage to answer the following questions.

Plants Without Seeds

19. List two characteristics of nonvascular plants.



20. Is the following sentence true or false? Nonvascular plants can become very large and tall because of their support system. _______________

21. How do nonvascular plants get water? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

22. Is the following sentence true or false? Nonvascular plants must have water to let the sperm cells swim to the egg cells. _________________

23. Label the gametophyte and the

sporophyte in the diagram of the moss.

24. What are the thin, root-like structures that anchor moss and absorb water and nutrients from the soil?

25. Where are liverworts often found growing? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Seedless Vascular Plants

26. List two characteristics that ferns, club mosses and horsetails share.



27. Circle the letter before each sentence that is true about vascular plants.

a. Plants can grow tall without vascular tissue.

b. Nonvascular plants are better suited to life on land.

c. Vascular tissue transports water and food throughout a plant’s body.

d. Vascular tissue gives a plant strength and stability.

28. Why must ferns, club mosses and horsetails grow in moist surroundings? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

29. Fern leaves are called ____________________.

30. What is the function of the cuticle on the upper surface of ferns leaves? ________________________________________________________________________

31. Circle the letter before each sentence that is true about club mosses and horsetails.

a. There are thousands of different species of club mosses and horsetails.

b. Club mosses usually grow in moist woodlands and near streams.

c. Club mosses have jointed stems with long, need-like branches that grow in a circle around each joint.

d. Horsetail stems contain silica, a gritty substance also found in sand.

Characteristics of Seed Plants

The Kingdom Plantae continued

Please use pages 262 – 271 to answer the following questions.

What is a Seed Plant?

1. What two important characteristics do seed plants share?



2. In seed plants, the plants that you see are in the ___________________ stage of the life

cycle. The ______________________ stage is microscopic.

3. In what two ways does vascular tissue help seed plants to live on land?

a. ___________________________________________________________

b. ___________________________________________________________

4. What are the two types of vascular tissue and what they transport?

a. Phloem - ____________________________________________________

b. ____________- Transports water and minerals

5. What do seed plants use to transport the sperm cells? _________________

6. What is pollen? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. What is a seed? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. What are the important similarities that all seeds share? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Match the part of the seed with its function.

Seed Part Function

______ Embryo a. Keeps the seed from drying out

______ Cotyledon b. Young plant that develops from fertilized egg

______ Seed Coat c. A seed leaf that sometimes store food

10. Complete the concept map to show ways that seeds are dispersed.

11. What is germination? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. Once you can see a plant’s leaves, it’s called a ___________________.


13. List three functions of roots.

a. _________________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________________

14. Look at the two types of root systems illustrated below. Label the roots as taproot or fibrous roots.

15. What are the functions of the following parts of a root?

a. Root Cap: ________________________________________________________

b. Root Hairs: _______________________________________________________

c. Phloem: _________________________________________________________

d. Xylem: __________________________________________________________

16. What cell layer produces new phloem and xylem?


17. List three functions of the stems.

a. _________________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________________

18. How are herbaceous stems different from woody stems?

19. What are annual rings?

20. What tissue makes up a tree’s annual rings? __________________

21. What can the width of a tree’s annual rings tell you about the past weather conditions? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


22. What role do leaves play in a plant?

23. Find the functions of each part of a leaf listed below.

a. Cuticle- __________________________________________________________

b. Xylem - __________________________________________________________

c. Phloem - _________________________________________________________

d. Stomata - ________________________________________________________

e. Lower leaf cells - __________________________________________________

f. Upper leaf cells - __________________________________________________

24. The process by which water evaporates form a plant’s leaves is called ___________________.

25. Is the following sentence true or false? Stomata close to keep the plant from losing water. ________________

Gymnosperms and Angiosperms

The Kingdom Plantae continued

Please use pages 272 – 281 to answer the following questions.

Gymnosperms – The OLDEST seed plant!

26. What is a gymnosperm?

27. Why are the seeds considered “naked”?

28. What are two characteristics of gymnosperms?



29. What are the four groups of gymnosperms that exist today?


#2: _________________________

#3: _________________________

#4: _________________________

30. Complete the following Venn Diagrams about cycads and conifers.

Reproduction in Gymnosperms

31. Most gymnosperms have reproductive structures called ______________.

32. What is the:

a. male gametophyte

b. female gametophyte

33. What is an ovule?

34. Complete the life cycle below of the gymnosperm by adding the descriptions to each stage.

Angiosperms – Flowering plants!

Pages 276 - 279

35. All angiosperms share two characteristics:



36. What is a flower?

37. Complete the chart with the role each structure plays in a flower.

| | |

|Structure of Flower |Role of Structure |

| | |

|Sepal | |

| | |

|Petals | |

| | |

|Stamens | |

| | |

|Pistils | |

| | |

|Pollinators | |

38. Label the parts of a flower below.

39. How does reproduction occur in angiosperms?

40. Complete the life cycle below of the angiosperm by adding the descriptions to each stage.













Fruit Development and Seed Dispersal:






41. How can animals help disperse plant seeds?

42. Angiosperms are divided into two major groups:



43. “COT” is short for ___________________

44. “MONO” means _________________

45. “DI” means ________________

46. Types of Angiosperms

Plant Responses and Growth

The Kingdom Plantae continued

Please use pages 284 – 287 to answer the following questions.


Pages 284 – 285

47. What is tropism?

48. Complete the following chart on the types of stimuli.

|Stimuli |Response |Description |

| | | |

| | | |

|Touch |Thigmotropism | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Light |Phototropism | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Gravity |Gravitropism | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Hormones |N/A | |

49. What is one role that the plant hormone auxin plays?

Seasonal Changes

Page 286


50. A plant’s response to seasonal changes in length of night and day is called __________________________.

51. Plants differ in how they respond to the length of nights. What is this length called?

_______________ _______________

52. Complete the chart on the types of plants.

|Plant Type |Description |Example |

| | | |

|Short – day plant | |Poinsettias |

| | | |

| |When nights are shorter than a critical length | |

| | | |

|Day – neutral plant | | |


53. What is dormancy?

Life Spans of Angiosperms

Page 287

54. Angiosperms are classified as annuals, biennials or perennials based on what?

55. Complete the following chart on the life spans of angiosperms.

|Type of Life Span |Description |Example |

| | | |

| | | |

|Annuals | |Impatiens and Cucumbers |

| |Complete life cycle in 2 years: | |

| | | |

| |1st Year: Develop roots and short stems | |

| |2nd Year: Grow taller, produce flowers & | |

|Biennials |seeds then die | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Perennials | |Peonies |


Vascular Plants

Nonvascular Plants

Seed Dispersal







Seed Development:


Seed Dispersal:



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