Roles of the Vice Presidents - Deafblind International (DbI)

Roles of the Vice Presidents


The Vice Presidents shall assist the President in the work of DbI.  In the event that the President is unavailable, one of the Vice Presidents shall have the authority to assume the duty of President upon the latter’s request, absence or incapacity.


Vice President

(Special Projects or Initiatives)


To serve as an advisor to the chairperson of the strategic planning committees.


To work closely with the President and host country sponsor during the planning of regional or world DbI conferences.


To maintain a record of all DbI sponsored awards and the rules and requirements of each and assures that the rules and requirements are satisfied as specified by DbI.


In cooperation with the President, creates an awards committee to review award nominees and propose award winners for approval.


In cooperation with the Secretariat, arranges for the awards to be made and ready for presentation at specific events.


Vice President



To serve as an advisor to the Network chairs and encourage them to share their network activities with the larger DbI community.


To assist with increasing membership as a corporate or individual member.


To work closely with the Secretariat and Information Officer to review and update the DbI list of those who should regularly receive information about DbI and its activities and publications.


To work with the Information Officer to expand the DbI website to its fullest capacity.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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