Spelling word lists: A, B, B1 have different lists this ...

Spelling word lists: A, B, B1, C and D have different lists this week (10/3- 10/7/11) Groups A,B, and B1 will be tested on Tuesday 10/11 after the holiday on Monday, and Groups C and D will be tested the following Thursday, 10/13.

Group A list: words with ou and ow spellings. The oddball words have these spellings, but aren’t pronounced like /ou/. Note the pronunciations of the oddball words.

|ou |ow |Oddball (odd vowel sounds) |

| | | |

|sound |brown |tough (/tuf/) |

|cloud |clown |rough (/ruf/) |

|found |growl |grown (homophone: groan) |

|ground |howl | |

|pound |owl | |

|shout |crown | |

|count |drown | |

|mouth |frown | |

|south |gown | |

|couch |plow | |

|scout |town | |

| | | |

Group B. list: adding –ed to words by doubling the last consonant (VC words); dropping the –e (VCe words); and no change (VVC and VCC words). You can extend the learning by sorting the words into categories of /t/ /d/ and /id/ which are the ending sounds of the words. Ex. hopped actually has the /t/ sound at the end, not the /d/ sound.

|VC |VCe |VVC |VCC |Oddball words |

|hopped |hoped |joined |acted |mixed |

|planned |saved |waited |wanted | |

|grabbed |closed |seemed |helped | |

|nodded |liked |shouted |started | |

|stepped |lived | |hunted | |

|dropped |named | |passed | |

| | | |called | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Group B1 list: words with qu. The qu can come at the beginning of the word (“question”), or in the second syllable (“frequent”). Also, qu can make the /k/ sound instead of the /kw/ sound, as in the third category.

|1st syllable |2nd syllable |qu = /k/ |

|question |equal |antique |

|quality |frequent |racquet |

|squirrel |equipment |mosquito |

|squirm |equator |conquer |

|quaint |equip | |

|quotation |banquet | |

|quizzes |inquire | |

|queasy |liquid | |

| |require | |

| |sequence | |

| |sequel | |

| |request | |

Group C list: review of comparative suffixes: –er and –est and –ier and –iest. In the first two columns, there is no change to the word before you add the suffix. Also, -er is used when comparing 2 things; -est is used when comparing more than 2 things. In the third and fourth columns, notice that i has replaced a y in the original word. Example: “empty” and “emptier”. Identify the base word in each category to see this change.

|-er |-est |-ier |-iest |

|kinder |kindest |emptier |emptiest |

|stranger |strangest |earlier |earliest |

|cleaner |cleanest |trickier |trickiest |

|quieter |quietest |fancier |fanciest |

|harsher |harshest |crummier |crummiest |

| | |murkier |murkiest |

| | |shinier |shiniest |

Group D list: vowel alternation; long to short or schwa sound. The schwa sound is an unaccented, or unemphasized, vowel sound. Example: the word happen has a schwa sound in the second syllable because the second syllable is unaccented. The vowel has no distinct vowel sound, so it is a schwa sound. In the first two columns, the base word sound changes from long to short. In the third and fourth columns, the base word changes from long to schwa.

|Base word: long vowel |Base word: short vowel |Base word: long vowel |Base word: schwa sound |

|volcano |volcanic |compose |composition |

|reptile |reptilian |compete |competition |

|rite |ritual |admire |admiration |

|divine |divinity |custodian |custody |

|serene |serenity |define |definition |

|conspire |conspiracy | | |

|page |paginate | | |


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