Works Cited

Works Cited

"The Works Cited section of your paper should list all the works that you have cited in your text. Other names for such a listing are Bibliography (literally, "description of books"). Works Cited is more appropriate, since research papers often draw on not only books and articles but also online resources. Below are some basic principles and examples of developing a list of Works Cited, using the MLA style of citing. Additional guidance can be found online at MLA- Frequently Asked Questions. Try Citation Maker by OSLIS to create your citations in the MLA style.

When preparing your final bibliography, alphabetize your sources by the first letter of each entry. If an entry takes more than one line, indent the additional lines five spaces or on-half inch.


Format for entry and an example of an entry


Author's name. Title of the book. City of publication: Publisher, Date.

Davidson, Art. Endangered Peoples. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1993.

Book with more than one author

Authors names in same order as on title page. Reverse only the name of the first author.

Martin, Don W., and Betty Woo Martin. Oregon Discovery Guide. Columbia: Pine Cone Press, 1996.

Anthology or Compliation

Editor’s name, abbreviation ed. or comp. Title of the book. City of publication: Publisher, Date.

Lewis, Jon E., ed. The Permanent Book of the 20th Century. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc. 1994.


Author of the article. "Title of the article." Title of the book. Edition. Year of publication.

Mohanty, Jitendra M. "Indian Philosophy." The New Encyclopedia Britannica: Macropeadia. 15th ed. 1987.

Encyclopedia on Web from an online database

Author of the article. “Title of the article.” Title of the source. Copyright. Online publisher. Date accessed .

"Patriot Act." World Book Online Reference Center. 2004. World Book, Inc. 19 Oct. 2004 .


Author of the article. "Title of the article." Title of the magazine Date: page numbers.

Bazell, Robert. "Science and Society." New Republic 15 Mar. 1993: 13-14.

Magazine on Web

Author of the article. "Title of the article." Title of the magazine Date. Date accessed .

Latimer, Clay. “Road Trips.” Auto Racing Digest Jan. 1999. 25 Feb. 1999


Magazine on Web

from an online database

Use when citing:


• CQ Researcher

• Infotrac or EBSCO

Author of the article. "Title of the article." Title of the magazine. Date. Database title. Name of service provider. Date accessed .

Isikoff, Michael. "Show me the Money: Patriot Act helps the Feds in cases with not tie to terror." Newsweek. Dec. 1, 2003. Student Edition. Infotrac. 19 Oct. 2004 .


Author of the article. "Title of the Article." Name of Newspaper [City of publication for locally published newspapers if not included in the name] Date: page numbers.

Russo, Edward. “Weighty question awaits vote-by-mail ballot holders.” Register-Guard[Eugene] 19 Oct. 2004: A1

Newspaper on Web

Author of the article. "Title of the Article." Name of Newspaper [City of publication for locally published newspapers if not included in the name] Date. Date accessed .

Hartman, Janelle. “Eugene’s fire chief will resign.” Register-Guard[Eugene] 25 Feb. 1999: 26 Feb. 1999 .

Professional Web Site

Title of site. Name of institution or organization sponsoring / associated with Web site. Date accessed .

Portuguese Language Page. U of Chicago. 1 May 1997 .

Professional Web Site Article

Author of the article. “Article Title.” Name of the web site. Date of the posting/revision. Name of the institution or organization sponsoring / associated with the web site. Date accessed .

Poland, Dave. “The Hot Button.” Roughcut. 26 Oct. 1998. Turner Network Television. 28 Oct. 1998

Personal Web Site

Author of the site. For personal site with no title, a description such as Home page. Date accessed .

Lancashire, Ian. Home page. 1 May 1997 .

Personal Interview

Name of person interviewed. Personal interview. Date of interview.

Shaw, Lloyd. Personal interview. 21 Mar. 2003.


Use when citing

• Occupational Briefs

"Title of the article." Title of the pamphlet. D.O.T. number, Publisher, Date.

"Landscape Architects." Chronicle Guidance Publications. D.O.T. 001, Chronicle Guidance Publications, Inc., 1998.

Karen Leeson, NEHS Librarian 10/04 | |


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