Name ______________________________________ Class ...

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Properties of Matter: Physical vs. Chemical

List five physical properties of a candle.

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

4. _______________________________________

5. _______________________________________

You have pizza for lunch. Determine if the following are physical or chemical changes. Write P for physical and C for chemical.

_______ 6. Your teeth tear off a bite of pizza.

_______ 7. Muscles squeeze the chewed pizza down your esophagus.

_______ 8. The starch in the pizza crust turns to sugar thanks to help from the enzymes in your saliva.

_______ 9. In the intestines, liquids from the kidneys and pancreas mix with leftovers from the stomach and break them down.

10. WintOgreen lifesavers “glow in the dark”. That is if you crush one with your teeth, with your mouth open, in the dark, you can see “sparks” of light. Do you think this is a physical or chemical property of the lifesavers? Explain.


11. Give two examples of chemical properties not found in the notes. __________________________________________________________________

12. Give two examples of physical changes not found in the notes.



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