
A Solution to Putting an End to Texting While Driving Problem-Solution Speech OutlineBy: Shelby Jolly, Kaitlyn Cassady, Yifan Guo, and Lee HatchettPart One: Overall Introduction (Shelby Jolly)IntroductionAttention Catcher: Laws have been made to help reduce texting and driving, but is that enough to stop people? A 2013 news article from Citizen- states, “Investigators believe a Candler woman killed when her car slammed into another vehicle on Interstate 40 likely was distracted by using a cellphone” (Morrison).Listener Relevance Link: Just think of all the car accidents that occur on the roads. People always assume that being intoxicated with alcohol while driving is the most dangerous thing to do and what causes majority of serious accidents. It is very dangerous, but have you ever thought of texting and driving being just as bad?Speaker Credibility: Through our research, we have found solutions that are different than any other previously proposed solution. It has effective reasons for why it is the best and it has not been rejected like other possible solutions made in the past.Thesis Statement: Texting while driving needs to be reduced because it is being overused, distracting drivers, and causing deaths. Preview: In this speech, I will inform you about the dangers of texting while driving and why my solution would be most effective. Transition: Most of us know that texting and driving is dangerous, but we still continue to do it. Shelby will begin by introducing and discussing the background of the issue and ending with our proposed solutionBodyFirst Main Point: The amount of Americans that use technology while operating a vehicle is too high and it’s a dangerous issue that needs to be reduced. Most people are aware that texting and driving is dangerous, but they still continue to do it.Listener Relevance: Parents are worried about their children having a phone with them at school because they will always be on it. In that same way, it consumes the lives of adults who are always on their phone and causes them to be distracted when they need to focus on tasks such as driving.People are obsessed with technology and think have to be on their phones 24-7, even while driving.According to the article, The Dangers of Texting While Driving,“Forty percent of all American teens say they have been in a car when the driver used a cell phone in a way that put people in danger” (Federal Communications Commission).Morrison stats in his article, Cellphone Use Suspected In Fatal Asheville Crash, “According to AAA, using a cellphone while driving quadruples your risk of crashing” (Morrison).B. Using technology while driving causes distractions and allows drivers to loose focus of what is taking place in front of them. 1. “…distracted driving is a contributing factor in nearly 8,000 crashed every day” (Morrison).“Eleven percent of drivers aged 18 to 20 who were involved in an automobile accident and survived admitted they were sending or receiving texts when they crashed” (Federal Communications Commission). According to the Daily Editorials article, The Solution for Texting While Driving, “At highway speeds, when you take your eyes off the road for five seconds your car travels more than 300 feet- unless you hit something first” (Daily Editorals).Second Main Point: People are not only seriously injured, but are also killed because of texting while driving.Listener Relevance: Yourself or a loved one can be involved in an accident involving texting and driving in just the blink of an eye. A. In 2010 driver distractions was the cause of 18 percent of all fatal crashed- with 3,092 people killed- and crashes resulting in an injury- with 416,000 people wounded (Federal Communications Commison).B. “After the car accident with the women who died, “Officers found three phones, two of which were open” (Morrison).C. Imagine the number of deaths from drinking and driving. According to a simulation done at the University of Utah, “legally intoxicated in all 50 states- have better reaction and better braking times than sober drivers on a cell phone” (Daily Editorials).III. Third Main Point: The best solution to the problem of texting while driving is to encourage the development of a device that is designed to block phone service when the vehicle is started. Listener Relevance: This will benefit everyone that drives a car allow adults to set a good example for children so they won’t grow up thinking texting and driving is normal.Hamilton points out in her article, Tech Solutions To Texting-While Driving that, public health experts came up with the idea of the invention and it is designed to automatically switch devices into drive-mode when the engine is started (Hamilton).The new invention will disable people from getting texts while they are driving, so the distraction of the phone will be eliminated. The Cell Blocker would force people to pull off the road and park in order to use a cell phone in the case of an emergency (Daily Editorials).Technology experts need develop this device for cars so that it will eliminate cell phone usage the entire time a car engine is running and the driver is operating the car. There are steps to how this solution can be implemented. “It would be wired into the ignition system in such a way as to disable the engine if it were disengaged” (Daily Editorials).Some people may refuse to use this device, just like they hate wearing a seatbelt. But majority of Americans should be in favor of this solution after reviewing all the horrible accidents that have occurred from the problem (Daily Editorials).Conclusion I. Summarize:Using technology while driving not only puts yourself in danger, but it also put the people in your car and others driving on the road in danger. It can cause distractions, which leads to serious injuries; it also sets bad examples for those who aren’t old enough to drive yet.Texting while driving is just as dangerous as drinking and driving, if not worse. Lives are taken everyday due to fatal car crashes and recently a main cause has been because a cell phone was involved. The invention of a new device designed to prevent the usage of texting while driving is what America needs. It would prevent drivers from texting while in a vehicle, which in return will decrease the number of accidents caused from cell phones. People need to be in support and not let the idea of the invention fade.Close with Impact: People are being seriously injured and even killed in the U.S. due to texting while driving. Someone may not realize this issue is a big deal until it is too late. As the future leaders and U.S. citizens, we need to support the idea of an invention designed to block cell phone service while operating a vehicle. We need to make sure this problem gets solved.Transition to next person: Now Kaitlyn will give you some information on previously proposed solutions to the problem of texting while driving. She will discuss their weaknesses and why the solutions made were not a success.Part two: Previously proposed solutions to solve the problem of texting while driving (Kaitlyn Cassady)Introduction:Transition: As Shelby has just explained, texting and driving presents a very dangerous and deadly problem. So, as you can imagine, several alternative solutions have been utilized to attempt to prevent accidents caused by texting while driving. Some solutions previously used are public service announcements, distracted driving summits, and legislative action. Body:First Main Point: Public Service announcements include the commercials that air on television or advertisements seen in magazines. These usually portray an emotional testimony of a victim or the loved one of a victim of a car accident due to texting while driving, as well as dramatic images and language. Listener Relevance: The aim of this solution is to make the public aware of what consequences can come from choosing to text at the wheel in hopes that this will make people refrain from cell phone use when driving.Drawbacks/Limitations: While these dramatic images and testimonies usually make an impact on those who view them, this doesn’t ensure that when tempted by an incoming call or text while driving they will not check their phone. Something that may make a person extremely sad and determined to stop texting while driving at the time they watch it will gradually fade from their mind and their determination will not be so strong once in the situation again.Second Main Point: Distracted driving summits were first put into place by the U.S. Department of Transportation in 2009 (). Based on information from the website for distracted driving created by the U.S. Department of Transportation, these summits gave concerned citizens the chance to hear from a panel of medical experts, transportation officials, and victims about the problem of technology use while driving. Listener Relevance: These summits were meant to create a cooperative effort between advocates of preventing distracted driving and concerned citizens to work on preventing the dangerous act. Drawbacks/Limitations: Only those citizens who have a strong desire to learn more about the dangers of distracted driving will volunteer to come to these summits. Most of the population will not take part in these events, and therefore will not benefit from them. Also, it is likely that those citizen who do choose to take the time out of their day to attend these summits are already concerned and more safe drivers, and therefore not the segment of the population most in need of a lecture in driving safety.Third Main Point: Legislative action has been put in place in the past in the form of laws banning handheld cellphone use or texting while driving. According to Governors Highway Safety Assoiciation, to date, 10 states ban any handheld cell phone use, while 39 states ban texting while driving. Of the states not included in this group, 6 ban text messaging by “novice” drivers. (). Listener Relevance: Like any law that is passed, the aim of this action was to keep citizens from putting their own lives and the lives of others in danger by prohibiting using a phone while operating a vehicle. Drawbacks/Limitations: Even though laws are made to prevent certain actions, we all know that they do not always prevent people from doing these actions anyway. Passing the law to ban texting while driving does not actually prevent anything, it just makes the action a little more of a personal risk to the participant. Also, it is very hard for a law enforcement officer to catch someone in the act of texting while driving, because they usually can only catch a glimpse of the driver as the car passes by them. For this reason, the act most often goes undetected and therefore few people actually face any consequences due to choosing to text while driving. This also makes it even less risky for the person to text while they are driving, since the chances of them being caught are low. According to a HealthDay poll from November of 2011, “over 1/3 of drivers (37%) have sent or received text messages while driving, and 18% said they do it regularly” (). A study done by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2010 was reproduced in a graph by the blog Blank-, in which it showed the self-reported texting or emailing while driving of drivers of different ages (). The study further shows that, even after laws were passed banning texting while driving, some people were still doing this action. The numbers in the chart may be lower than the actual number of instances of texting and driving that occurred because this was a self reported study, so some drivers may have not wanted to let on that they break the law as often as they actual do.Conclusion:Clearly there have been strides taken to try and solve the dangerous activity of texting while at the wheel. While other efforts may have helped spread the word about the negative consequences that can happen due to the activity, no solution so far has been able to successfully and positively prevent the public from texting while they are driving. Transition: So, how is our solution to the problem any different? Yifan will now explain the advantages to our solution and why it is the best option.Part 3: Advantages to Our Chosen Solution (Yifan Guo)IntroductionThe topic of our speech is the solution for texting while driving. Kaitlyn have introduced the previous solutions. Now I will first restate these alternative solutions briefly and then come up with the best solutions we identified so far to solve this problem and explain why it is successful.BodyFirst Main Point: People have tried many ways to solve this problem including policy and education.Fourteen states have laws against texting while driving. But many drivers still have the habits that texting while driving.Data from the journal of American Medical Association showed that from 2005 to 2009, while overall crash-related fatalities dropped, deaths associated with driver distraction increased by 22 percent. (Hamilton 2013)The website distraction government also said that distracted driving is a dangerous epidemic on America’s roadways. In 2010 alone, over 3000 people were killed in distracted driving crashes. ()In the book, “texting and distracted driving”, statistics show that more than 15 people are killed each day due to accidents involving distracted drivers. (BetterBooks)The danger of this behavior, in fact, is the distracted mind of drivers. Anything like cellphone signals that can distract the drivers’ mind will cause the same problem. So we cannot guarantee that every driver can avoid texting while driving.Listener Relevance: You might encounter the following situation. When you are driving, someone may text you on your cellphone. Even though you are a good driver and would not go to check it, the ringing bell would weaken your concentration in some extent. So this technique cellphone blocking will definitely eliminate the danger of texting while driving.Second Main Point: From the article in St.louis, “The Solution For Texting While Driving”, the author pointed out the best solution of this problem is to install a cheap device in a car to block the cellphone signals while the engine is running. (St. Louis)The best solution is to require all drivers to install something like Cell Blocker in their cars.Anecdotal evidence suggests most drivers haven't changed their habits-texting while driving. They do not have enough awareness of the danger before this behavior. Even though they have enough awareness, they could also text while they are driving. The situation is similar with smoking. The majority people know smoking do harm to our body. But there are still tons of people smoking in the world.The first advantage of this technique cellphone blocking is that it eliminates the danger of texting while driving completely. If the phone signal cannot exist in a running car, we will not need to worry about this problem. Doctors Jeffery Coben and Motao Zhu said: “Cell phone use while driving is a problem that has been created by technology, and solving this problem will require technological solutions.” (Hamilton 2013)The second advantage is that it is not very expensive. The device like the Cell Blocker is much cheaper compared to the other devices such as CD players in a car.The third advantage is that it is convenient and simple. It is not like motors or other parts of the car. The government could require all car companies and individuals to install a cell blocker in their cars.Other previous solutions that people have done are worse than the technology cellphone blocking. As we can see from what Dr.Coben and Dr. Zhu said, this problem is caused by technology. So the only way to solve it completely is using technology. Conclusion:This technology has many advantages over previous proposed solutions. These advantages make it the best solution so far. Transition: Now, Lee will give you conclusion. He will restate our claim and make a call to actions.Part 4: Overall Conclusion (Lee Hatchett)IntroductionSum it up: In conclusion we believe that the development of device to block cell service while the car is started would be the best solution to the problem. Other solutions: Although there have been things put in place to stop this such as laws, public service announcement, and summits; we feel that not enough has been done.Our solution: That is why we believe that the development of a device to block cell service while the car is started would be the best solution to the problem. This would completely eliminate texting and driving when the car is started and in doing so would make the roads a much safer place for everybodyBody:First Main Point: Other SolutionsLawsAccording to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, text messaging is banned for all drivers in 39 states and the District of Columbia.Distracted Driving SummitsPublic Service AnnouncementsSecond Main Point: Why our solution is betterThese solutions do not guarantee that texting and driving will not happen. Our solution would guarantee that a person with this device would not be able to text and drive.Third Main Point: FactsAccording to the National Safety Council there is 1.6 million accidents per year due to texting and driving. Also there are 11 teen deaths everyday as a result of texting and driving according to the Institute for Highway Safety. Conclusion:Fourth Main Point: Call to ActionCall out cell phone producers and providers to take action.Develop the device to block cell serviceThe creation of this device would make our world a much safer and better place. It would put a stop to the senseless fatal causalities and injuries that come as a result of texting and driving. So will they answer the call and put an end to this ever-growing problem? I really hope so because it will make the roads a safer place for everyone. ................

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