ELL Level 5 - Speaking Listening

ELL Level 5 - Speaking Listening

Course Outcome Summary

|Course Information |

|Developers |ELL Steering Committee |

|Development Date |5/25/2006 |

|Revised Date |1/10/2008 |


Level 5 Speaking/Listening provides the high intermediate ELL student with the skills to comprehend multimedia presentations. Additionally, students will be able to paraphrase speech, participate in discussions, and use idiomatic language.

Target Population

According to NRS High Intermediate ELL definitions for listening and speaking, the individual can understand learned phrases and short new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly and with some repetition; can communicate basic survival needs with some help; can participate in conversation in limited social situations and use new phrases with hesitation; and relies on description and concrete terms. There is inconsistent control of more complex grammar.

|Competencies |

|1. |Use formal and informal conversational language |

|  |Competence will be demonstrated: |

|  |1.1  by participating in small group conversations |

|  |1.2  in a classroom, lab, or social setting |

|  |1.3  given a topic for discussion |

|  |1.4  given a school, social, or work scenario |

|  |Criteria - Performance will be satisfactory when: |

|  |1.1  learner uses a variety of structural patterns in conversation |

|  |1.2  learner uses appropriate language register for the speaking situation |

|  |1.3  learner responds to conversational topic with ideas and/or comments that relate to the topic |

|  |1.4  learner expresses opinions when asked |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Share experiential stories |

|  |b.  Use a variety of structural patterns in conversation |

|  |c.  Use correct language register according to the social or school setting |

|2. |Paraphrase information |

|  |Competence will be demonstrated: |

|  |2.1  by paraphrasing a story, conversation, or newspaper article presented orally |

|  |2.2  by paraphrasing how one could respond to a given scenario |

|  |2.3  in a classroom or lab setting |

|  |Criteria - Performance will be satisfactory when: |

|  |2.1  learner paraphrases oral speech accurately |

|  |2.2  learner includes at least four important details from the orally presented story or conversation |

|  |2.3  learner describes at least two appropriate responses to a given social and/or job related situation |

|  |2.4  Student summary is understandable |

|  |2.5  Student summary is stated using complete sentences |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Retell stories and conversations |

|  |b.  Retell information presented orally from a newspaper article |

|  |c.  Explain and/or describe responses to various social and job related situations |

|3. |Demonstrate control of grammar |

|  |Competence will be demonstrated: |

|  |3.1  by completing an oral grammar test |

|  |3.2  in a classroom or lab setting |

|  |Criteria - Performance will be satisfactory when: |

|  |3.1  learner uses present perfect tense in correct context with correct word order |

|  |3.2  learner learner uses conditional sentences with if clauses |

|  |3.3  learner uses past perfect tense in correct context with correct word order |

|  |3.4  learner uses reflexive pronouns correctly |

|  |3.5  learner uses possessive pronouns correctly |

|  |3.6  learner uses tag questions correctly |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Use present perfect tense in affirmative and negative statements |

|  |b.  Use present perfect tense in affirmative and negative questions |

|  |c.  Use future continuous tense verbs in affirmative and negative statements |

|  |d.  Use future continuous tense verbs in affirmative and negative questions |

|  |e.  Use reported speech (he said, she said...) |

|  |f.  Use tag questions (He went to the store, didn't he?) |

|  |g.  Use embedded questions (Could you tell me where the post office is) |

|  |h.  Use passive voice in sentences |

|  |i.  Use past perfect in affirmative and negative statements |

|  |j.  Use past perfect in affirmative and negative questions |

|  |k.  Use possessive pronouns in conversation |

|4. |Demonstrate comprehension of multimedia presentations |

|  |Competence will be demonstrated: |

|  |4.1  by answering questions about information presented in multimedia format |

|  |4.2  in a classroom or lab setting |

|  |Criteria - Performance will be satisfactory when: |

|  |4.1  learner identifies the main idea of the presentation |

|  |4.2  learner identifies supporting details accurately |

|  |4.3  learner summarizes the information presented in correct sequential order |

|  |4.4  learner correctly answers questions about the presentation topic |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Identify main idea of the presentation |

|  |b.  Identify supporting details from the presentation |

|  |c.  Summarize information in the appropriate order (chronological, sequential, spatial, or order of importance) |

|  |d.  Respond to questions about the story or topic |

|5. |Respond to imperatives |

|  |Competence will be demonstrated: |

|  |5.1  by responding to complex process directions presented orally |

|  |5.2  by responding to oral directions to a specific location |

|  |5.3  in a classroom or lab setting |

|  |Criteria - Performance will be satisfactory when: |

|  |5.1  learner responds to complex, sequenced process directions accurately |

|  |5.2  learner follows the directions in correct sequence |

|  |5.3  learner follows oral directions in correct sequence |

|  |5.4  learner finds the specific place given from oral directions |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Respond to complex sequenced process directions |

|  |b.  Respond to directions to locate a specific place |

|6. |Discriminate speech |

|  |Competence will be demonstrated: |

|  |6.1  by answering questions relating to stress and intonation in statements |

|  |6.2  by identifying purposes of communication |

|  |6.3  in a classroom or lab setting |

|  |Criteria - Performance will be satisfactory when: |

|  |6.1  learner interprets stress and intonation correctly |

|  |6.2  learner provides examples to illustrate different purposes of communication |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Discriminate stress and intonation |

|  |b.  Identify the various purposes of communication |

|7. |Employ active listening skills/strategies |

|  |Competence will be demonstrated: |

|  |7.1  by using active listening skills during class discussions and presentations |

|  |7.2  in a classroom or lab setting |

|  |Criteria - Performance will be satisfactory when: |

|  |7.1  learner employs active listening skills for accurate comprehension |

|  |7.2  learner uses eye contact and body language to convey comprehension |

|  |7.3  learner takes accurate notes relating to class discussion and presentations |

|  |7.4  learner asks questions relating to the topic of discussion or presentation |

|  |7.5  learner correctly answers questions relating to the topic of discussion or presentation |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Exercise listening etiquette |

|  |b.  Ask appropriate questions |

|  |c.  Seek clarification/information |

|  |d.  Respond to questions about dialogue |

|  |e.  Take notes in class |

|8. |Speak understandably |

|  |Competence will be demonstrated: |

|  |8.1  by participating in conversations and class discussions |

|  |8.2  in a classroom, social, or lab setting |

|  |Criteria - Performance will be satisfactory when: |

|  |8.1  learner uses stress and intonation consistently for effective communication |

|  |8.2  learner uses adequate volume when speaking so that all members of group hear and understand |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Use stress and intonation consistently |

|  |b.  Uses inflection appropriately |

|9. |Expand use of idiomatic language |

|  |Competence will be demonstrated: |

|  |9.1  by using idioms in conversation and class discussion |

|  |9.2  in a classroom, lab, workplace or social setting |

|  |Criteria - Performance will be satisfactory when: |

|  |9.1  learner identifies correct meaning for various idioms |

|  |9.2  learner identifies correct usage of various idioms in conversation |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Use increased rate of speech in idiomatic language |

|  |b.  Demonstrate comprehension of idioms in conversations |

|  |c.  Use idioms appropriately in conversations |

|10. |Analyze cultural choices |

|  |Competence will be demonstrated: |

|  |10.1  by participating in class discussions on cultural choices |

|  |10.2  in a classroom, social or lab setting |

|  |Criteria - Performance will be satisfactory when: |

|  |10.1  learner identifies at least five aspects of culture |

|  |10.2  learner identifies at least five cultural activities which are the same as his/her own |

|  |10.3  learner identifies at least five cultural activities which are different from his/her own |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Identify aspects of culture |

|  |b.  Discuss cultural activities |

|  |c.  Compare and contrast cultures and cultural activities |

|11. |Analyze prejudice and stereotype |

|  |Competence will be demonstrated: |

|  |11.1  by participating in class discussions on prejudice and stereotypes |

|  |11.2  in a classroom, social, workplace or lab setting |

|  |Criteria - Performance will be satisfactory when: |

|  |11.1  learner identifies behaviors and language that illustrate prejudice |

|  |11.2  learner identifies at least three stereotypes and explains why each is a stereotype |

|  |Learning Objectives |

|  |a.  Define prejudice |

|  |b.  Identify stereotypes for various groups of people |

|  |c.  Identify behaviors which cause people to develop prejudicial and stereotypical thinking |

|  |d.  Examine ideas and beliefs which cause people to develop prejudicial and stereotypical thinking |


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