
Name Unit 6: Land Biomes Gallery Walk Rubric

| |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Power Point |All vocab words covered |All vocab words covered |All vocab words covered |All vocab words covered |Most vocab words covered |

| |4 examples of each word |3 examples of each word |2 examples of each word |1 examples of each word |0 examples of each word |

| |5 pictures of each word |4 pictures of each word |3 pictures of each word |2 pictures of each word |1 pictures of each word |

| |Follow 7x7 pp w/flair |Follow 7x7 pp & neat |Follow 7x7 pp guideline |Doesn’t follow 7x7 pp |Doesn’t follow 7x7 |

| |Lists many animals w/ pictures |Lists several animals w/ pictures |Lists some animals w/ pictures |Lists animals but no pictures |Few or no animals listed |

|Teaching |Biome, concepts & relationships covered |Biome, concepts & relationships covered thoroughly|Biome, concepts & relationships covered |Biome explained |Biome explained poorly |

|activity |thoroughly & completely |& completely |completely |Some concepts & relationships |Most concepts & relationships |

| |Requires action and much thought by learner |Requires action and much thought by learner |Requires action and thought by learner |missed |missed |

| | | | |Requires little action by learner|Requires little action by |

| | | | | |learner |

|Poster |Biome, concepts & relationships covered |Biome, concepts & relationships covered thoroughly|Biome, concepts & relationships covered |Biome explained |Biome poorly explained |

| |thoroughly & completely |& completely |completely |Some concepts & relationships |Several concepts & |

| |Lots of interesting facts |Interesting facts |Some facts listed |missed |relationships missed |

| |Attractive/well done |Attractive/well done |Well done |Few facts listed |Few or incorrect facts |

| |Details human impact |Lists human impact |Lists human impact |Done |Poorly/incompletely done |

| | | | |Mentions human impact |Ignores human impact |

|Questions |5 in depth questions for all 5 other biomes |4 in depth questions for all 5 other biomes |3 in depth questions for all 5 other biomes |Less than 3 in depth questions or|Less than 3 in depth questions|

| |One of each 3 questions follows required format |One of each 3 questions follows required format |One of each 3 questions follows required |missing one biome |or missing >1 biomes |

| | | |format |One of each 3 questions follows |None follow required format |

| | | | |required format | |

|Progress |Requested number of updates provided |Requested number of updates provided |Requested number of updates provided |Missing some updates |Missing some updates |

|updates |Provided on time |Provided on time |Provided on time |Provided late |Provided late |

| |Thoughtful consideration of progress made and |Consideration of progress made and plan of what |Consideration of progress made and idea of |Vague list of progress made and |Vague list of progress made |

| |assessment & plan of what needs to be done |needs to be done |what needs to be done |idea of what needs to be done |and poor grasp of what needs |

| | | | | |to be done |

|Test |8 questions following format listed |8 questions following format listed |8 questions following format listed |< 8 questions following format |< 8 questions following format|

| |Questions original to test |Questions original to test |Questions original to test |listed |listed |

| |Higher order level of thinking |Varying level of difficulty |Varying level of difficulty |Some questions not original |Many questions not original |

| |Key provided and correct |Key provided and correct |Key provided and correct |Low level of difficulty |Low level of difficulty |

| | | | |Key missing or incorrect |Key missing or incorrect |

|Gallery walk |Poster prepared |Poster prepared |Poster prepared |Poster thrown together |Poster unprepared/missing |

| |Leader can answer all questions |Leader can answer most questions thoroughly |Leader can answer most questions |Leader can answer some questions |Leader cannot answer most |

| |Team asks several additional questions at other |Team asks additional questions at other Biome |Team asks questions at other Biome stations |Team asks questions at most Biome|questions |

| |Biome stations |stations |Team gathers materials for leader and |stations |Team asks questions at few |

| |Team gathers materials for leader and themselves |Team gathers materials for leader and themselves |themselves |Team misses some materials for |Biome stations |

| |Team passes complete understand to leader about |Team passes good understand to leader about other |Team will teach leader about the other 5 |leader and themselves |Team misses most materials for|

| |other 5 Biomes |5 Biomes |Biomes |Team has poor understanding of |leader and themselves |

| | | | |other 5 Biomes |Team doesn’t understand about |

| | | | | |the other 5 Biomes |


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