90 Minute Literacy Block RecommendationsElementary Assessment, Curriculum and InstructionState Board Rule 6A-6.053 requires that students be taught utilizing an evidence-based sequence of reading instruction. Research shows that children benefit from reading instruction that includes explicit and systematic instruction in skills and strategies and opportunities to apply those skills and strategies while reading text.Schools must offer daily classroom instruction in reading in a dedicated, uninterrupted block of time of at least 90 minutes. All reading instruction is based on the English Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS), including access points and English Language Development (ELD) standards which address the individual instructional needs of all students and curricular guidelines. In addition to, or as an extension of, the 90-minute reading block, the classroom teacher, special education teacher or reading resource teacher will provide immediate intensive intervention (iii) on a daily basis within the multi-tiered system of supports wherein student-centered response data gathered through progress monitoring and other forms of assessment informs instructional adjustments.The 90 minute reading block will consist of evidence based reading instruction which includes explicit, systematic, multisensory instruction in the following areas: oral language, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency and vocabulary with the goal of comprehension.*All teachers will provide a balance of whole group and small group instruction during the 90 minute block. The amount of whole group instruction will vary among grade levels and will be based on student need.Grade Level Core (Tier I) Literacy Instruction:Kindergarten/First Whole Group: This should include, but is not limited to, foundational skills that includes oral language, phonemic awareness, phonics, word recognition and fluency; interactive read alouds with a focus on comprehension using grade level or above text selection; questioning and modeling text interaction and/or paired selections, modeled and shared writing experiences as identified in the ELA standards. Small Group Instruction will be differentiated (remediation or enrichment) based on student response to Tier I instruction. This small group instruction will primarily focus on the ELA standards through the district’s foundational skills model based on Beverly Tyner’s Small-Group Reading Instruction. Small Group: Teacher will meet with all students daily.Second Whole Group: This should include, but is not limited to, foundational skills that includes phonics, word recognition and fluency; interactive read alouds with a focus on comprehension using grade level or above text selection; questioning and modeling text interaction and/or paired selections, modeled and shared writing experiences as identified in the ELA standards. Second grade students should begin the transfer early to less scaffolded instruction.Small Group Instruction will be differentiated (remediation or enrichment) based on student response to Tier I instruction. This small group instruction will primarily focus on the ELA standardsSmall Group: Teacher will meet with the lowest students daily.Third Grade/Fourth/FifthWhole Group: This should include, but is not limited to, standards based phonics and word recognition; interactive read alouds with a focus on comprehension using grade level or above text, thinking through the text selection and/or paired selections, modeled and shared writing experiences and increased language standards. Small Group Instruction will be differentiated (remediation or enrichment) based on student response to Tier I instruction. This instruction will primarily focus on the ELA standards. Small Group: Teacher will meet with the lowest students daily.Intervention (iii) Expectations*Intervention (iii) is immediate, intensive intervention that is delivered for 30 minutes outside of the 90 minute block. *All teachers will be meeting with a small group during the intervention time. Academic Intervention Specialists, UWF Mentors, trained Paraprofessionals, and Interventionists may also be delivering the intervention.Who Needs Intervention?Kindergarten: STAR Early Literacy scale score of 437 and below and reading deficiencies identified through other diagnostic assessments and /or teacher observation.First: STAR Early Literacy scale score of 551 and below and reading deficiencies identified through other diagnostic assessments and /or teacher observation. Second and Third: STAR Grade Equivalency score more than one year below grade and reading deficiencies identified through other diagnostic assessments and /or teacher observation.Fourth and Fifth: Students who score a Level 1 or 2 on the previous year’s FSAAny student who has been retained with a reading deficiency.Any other students with reading deficiencies identified through other diagnostic assessments and /or teacher observation. ................

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