
Name: _______________________________________ Middleton English III Block: ________

Literary Elements and Techniques in

The Feather Pillow

By Horacio Quiroga Pg 733

1. Setting: time, place and society

|Component of Setting |Answer in the story |How you would prove it |

| | |(What scene would highlight this element of setting and prove it matters?) |

|Time | | |

| |Late 1800’s – Early 1900’s | |

|Place | | |

| | | |

|Social | | |

| | | |

2. Situational Irony: An outcome of events contrary to what was expected .

|Event |Explanation of Irony |

|On the first day she felt ill, the doctor | |

|prescribed calm and absolute rest. | |

|She would not let anyone touch her bed. | |

3. Symbolism: The use of objects or images to represent something else

|Symbol |Literal Occurrence/Line |Symbolic Meaning |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Alicia |A blonde, angelic, and timid young girl. | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Jordan |Loved Alicia deeply and profoundly but never lets it be | |

| |seen. Impassive toward her. Had a rough character. | |

| | | |

| |Massive structure. Stucco. Influenced her chills and | |

| |shuddering to no small degree. Wintry Palace. Empty. | |

| |Completely bare walls. | |

|The House | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Among her most persistent hallucinations was that of an | |

|The Anthropoid |anthropoid poised on his fingertips on the carpet staring|. |

| |at her. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Sudden deep tenderness. At his slightest caress, her | |

|Jordan’s Caress |tears and unspoken fears would double. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

4. Theme: The universal message expressed in a text

|Concept | |

|Isolation |Theme: Isolation can be dangerous |

| |Evidence (Scene that proves this theme exists): |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Innocence vs the Cold |Theme: Innocent idealism and love can be crushed by a cold world. |

|Hard World | |

| |Evidence (Scene that proves this theme exists): |

| | |

| | |

| | |

5. Conflict: 2 opposing forces in a text

|Conflict |Explanation of the Conflict |Evidence |

| | |(Scene that proves this conflict exists) |

| | | |

|Alicia vs the House | | |

| | | |

|Alicia vs Nature | | |

6. Foil: A character used to contrast and highlight qualities and traits of the main character.

Traits of Alicia as the protagonist Opposite traits of Jordan as her foil

7. Characterization: how an author develops a character

|Character |Characterization/Traits (Adjectives)|Evidence |

| | |(Scene that proves the character is characterized that way) |

| | | |

| | | |

|Alicia | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Jordan | | |

| | | |

| | | |

8. Foreshadowing: hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in a text

|Event Foreshadowed |How it was foreshadowed |

|The Bloodsucking Creature | |

|The Bloodsucking Creature | |

| | |

|The Bloodsucking Creature or Alicia’s Death | |

| | |

|Alicia’s Death | |

| | |

9. Analysis & Annotation: reading for detail and information

Paragraph from story: Annotation:

10. Mood: The overall feeling of the story.


11. Gothic Theme: Sinister Setting, Fantastic Plot, Grotesque Characters, Use of the Supernatural

Compare A Rose for Emily & The Feather Pillow for Gothic Elements


1. Characterized by ludicrous or incongruous distortion, as of appearance or manner.

2. Outlandish or bizarre, as in character or appearance. See Synonyms at fantastic.

3. Of, relating to, or being the grotesque style in art or a work executed in this style.

“In fiction, characters are usually considered grotesque if they induce both empathy and disgust. (A character who inspires disgust alone is simply a villain or a monster.) Obvious examples would include the physically deformed and the mentally deficient, but people with cringe-worthy social traits are also included. The reader becomes piqued by the grotesque's positive side, and continues reading to see if the character can conquer their darker side.”


Alicia passed the autumn in this strange love nest. She had determined, however to cast a veil over her former dreams and live like a sleeping beauty in the hostile house, trying not to think about anything until her husband arrived each evening.

For three months – they had been married in April – they lived in a special kind of bliss. Doubtless she would have wished less severity in the rigorous sky of love, more expansive and less cautious tenderness, but her husband’s impassive manner always restrained her.

Text or proof from the story that reaffirms this mood.

(Look at your example words for mood from yesterday’s puzzle)

BOTH HAVE: Large homes that play a primary role in the plot.

A Rose for Emily: Old South, Rigid social structure

The Feather Pillow:

These Characters have in common:

A Rose for Emil = Character and reasoning from the story:

The Feather Pillow = Character and reasoning from the story:

Grotesque Characters:

Sinister Setting:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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