
Bible Mums


in stories and pictures


The Mum who laughed

Sarah was very old when God told her that she would be the mother of a whole nation of people – as many as the stars in the sky and the grains of sand in the desert.

She thought that God was joking, so she laughed. When her child was born, she called him ‘Isaac’ which means ‘I laughed’.

When did you last make your mum laugh? What can you do today to make her smile?


The Mum who risked everything

She was one of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt, and she loved her baby son so much that she made a cunning plan to save him from evil Pharaoh.

She hid her baby in a basket in the river so that the princess would find him and care for him. That baby grew up to be Moses, the greatest leader of God’s people.

Being a mum means you would do anything to protect your child. Ask your mum what’s the hardest thing she’s ever had to do for you.


The mum who was part of something bigger

Ruth had lost everything. All she had left was her best friend, Naomi, who was also her mother in law.

She could have gone home to her own people, but she chose to make a new home with Naomi’s people, and she began to trust Naomi’s God, too.

God found her a husband, and her children’s children’s children’s children eventually led to a man called Joseph, who married a woman called Mary, with a son called Jesus…

Ruth’s little story was part of a much bigger story!

When you bring up a child you are giving a gift to the future. Ask your mum what hopes and dreams she has for you.


The mum who stood up for her child

This mum wasn’t from God’s people, but she still asked Jesus for help, because her daughter was ill.

He told her that he was only there to help the children of Israel, but she stood up to him, and said that even the dogs get to eat the leftovers from under the children’s table.

He smiled, and made her daughter well again, because she had stood up for her.

When has your mum stood up for you? When have you stood up for someone else?


The mum who was encouraging

Mary had always known that Jesus was special. One day they were at a wedding, and the wine ran out. She knew that Jesus could help by doing a miracle.

Even though he said he wasn’t ready, she knew he really was, and encouraged him to do his first ever miracle, by turning water into wine.

Who has encouraged you most in your life? Who has helped you have courage to try things for the first time? Who has helped you discover what kind of person you are going to be?


The mum who never gave up

It was the worst day of Mary’s life when she saw her son Jesus on the cross.

But she didn’t look away, she didn’t hide. She was there for him right until the end.

Then when Jesus came alive again, she was one of the first to see him, and to tell the world.

Long after Jesus had gone back to heaven, Mary stayed with his friends to help them grow the church.

Who do you know who will stick by you no matter what? Who do you know who is going through a difficult time and needs to know they’re not alone?

Draw your mum here. Or someone else who cares for you.

Then write about her story underneath.

What’s special about her?


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