
Jake Platko2nd hourLeadership to me means that you take a stand and show you can do the right things and make the right decisions helping yourself and others. I have been influenced a lot by all of the stories that were shared in class they were all truly inspiring and influenced me to stand up and try to be a leader, not just to improve me personally, but more of acting as a role model for others and giving them motivation to do the same. Out of all of the stories that I was introduced to, three of them stuck out the most to me. One of those stories that inspired me the most was Major Giuliani’s 9/11. When the whole country was scared Guliani took a stand and controlled the situation, showing everyone that he was a true leader. Another story that showed characteristics of leadership was “The Dancing Guy.” This story had a lot of meaning when you looked deeper into it and look at how he became a leader by going out and dancing when nobody else would. The last story that inspired me and showed me leadership characteristics was the story about Jason McElwain. Jason is an autistic boy who always wanted to play basketball but everyone doubted him because of his disabilities so Jason was always put on the bench. Even though Jason never played he always kept his head up, went to all of the practices, and was always enthusiastic on the court. Finally with minutes left in the 4th quarter, the coach sent him out to play and in just under 4 minutes he drained 21 points making the stadium erupt in cheers. He really showed that he is a leader and if you always keep your mind on something then you can do it. Rudy Giuliani’s story influenced me in a huge way. When the twin towers were struck the whole world was in awe making New York was complete chaos. At that time nobody had control or even tried to stand up and control the situation. One person finally stood up and tried to minimize the problem, that person was the major of New York City, Rudy Giuliani. When the first tower was hit Giuliani didn’t know what to expect when he arrived at the scene but quickly took control of the situation and put together a plan to try and minimize the problem. As firefighters, cops, citizens, and the even the major helped evacuate the first building everything seemed to be getting a little bit better, until the second tower was struck. Giuliani took control once again and showed he could lead the city. After the towers collapsed and what happened was done, Giuliani went on national TV and told the nation to not point fingers and to join together and help fix everything that happened. Leadership is not given, you have to work for it and show everyone that you can make the right the right decisions and lead people in the right directions. Giuliani really showed me leadership and how I should act to be a leader through his inspiring decisions and heroic actions on the day of September 11th. There are many different ways people show that they are leaders, and sometimes it’s not even noticed. A great example of true leadership is shown in the story “The dancing guy.” Many people don’t notice it but when one person takes a stand many people will follow, it just takes that first spark to ignite something great. The story inspired me because it shows that if I stand up and make the right choices when people follow my actions I’m leading them to do the right things as well. It takes a lot of courage and bravery to do that and it’s not easy to just take a stand, people are always scared of rejection, but the leaders aren’t, they show that they can do it and that they are making the right choices even though some people might think differently. This story also showed me that if you believe in something then stick to it because if you’re trying to be a leader and people are telling you different you don’t want to cave in to them and be someone’s follower that aren’t making the right decisions. Jason McElwain is a true hero for what he did in high school. Jason was an autistic boy who grew up always loving the sport of basketball. Jason’s ability to play on his high school team was limited because of his disabilities. Even though Jason sat the bench he always held his head high and always walked onto the court ready to give 110% and support his team. On the final game of his senior year the coach told Jason to go out with four minutes left to play in the game, making Jason’s dreams come true. It was a miracle; Jason drained six three point shots to give him and ending score of 21 points and a title of MVP of the game. Nobody thought Jason could ever even make a basket and he proved everyone wrong by always keeping his head up and showing even though he has a disability it’s not impossible. The story about Jason showed me that he is a leader to everyone with a disability proving that nothing is impossible even though it might seem so for some and to just always keep your head up. In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God Janie showed true leadership characteristics by being her own woman and not letting a man always control her life. Janie ran away from her husband with land, money, and a nice house just so she could do what she wanted and be truly happy. When Janie goes back Everton she tells her story to Pheoby, it inspires her and makes her want to go out and be like Janie, living free and happy. The way Janie did all of that it made her a leader and some people don’t realize it but sometimes the littlest things make you the biggest leader. Leadership to me means that you take a stand and show you can do the right things and make the right decisions helping yourself and others. All of the stories we read showed that all of those people are true leaders and can make the right choices and influence people around the world. Anyone can be a leader, you just have to show you know what to do when others don’t. ................

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