
Adult Social Care

Learning and Development Guide



1 Introduction

1.1 Welcome to the Adults Social Care Learning and Development Guide for 2019/20.

1.2 If you have any queries about the content, please contact Adults Workforce Team (AWFT), 01302 736576.

1.3 It has been compiled using information from recent Training Needs Analyses and other key drivers such as:-

• Doncaster’s Adult Social Care Workforce Strategy 2013 - 2018

• Doncaster’s Adult Social Care Transformation Programme,

• Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board

• The need to deliver true person centred services

• The Care Act 2014

2 Who are the Workforce?

2.1 The “social care workforce” covers all those working with and in contact with people who need support to continue to live their life as independently as possible in Doncaster. This can be in their own homes, care homes, day care, health establishments or in the wider neighbourhoods or community. They include:

• Local authority adult social care workforce

• Independent and Private sector social care workforce

• Voluntary and community sector staff (e.g. social enterprises, charities, user led organisations) providing social care or support

• Social Care staff in a Health setting

• Individual employers (with paid Carers or Personal Assistants etc.)

• Personal Assistants, unpaid Carers, family and friends

• Neighbourhoods and citizens

• Universal Services e.g. housing, leisure

• Future partnerships which are developed alongside changes in the sector

2.2 We have jointly developed a Workforce Strategy for the whole of the Adults Workforce in Doncaster. A copy can be viewed here . We hope to channel the main focus of this workforce into the common issues of early intervention, prevention and choice with a core ethos of true person centred care, across the Borough. Doncaster Council and its partners are working to develop and provide a social care workforce for the future through training, development of resources and other initiatives.

3 Publicity

3.1 Details of all available Adult Social Care training is now available via the Learning Zone at

A copy of this document can also be found here:

4 Monitoring

4.1 The AWFT will monitor training targets and outputs and work with contracted providers to maintain/improve quality of delivery. However, managers will be responsible for ensuring their employees utilise their new knowledge and skills in the workplace and monitor their performance during 1-1’s and/or supervision sessions to ensure competence is maintained.

4.2 To support this and provide evidence for inspection/monitoring purposes, all delegates will be expected to engage with the evaluation process which, as a minimum will involve completion of a course evaluation form.

4.3 We are always looking for people to help us quality assure and further refine and develop our offer. If you would be interested in supporting us with this (e.g. by attending a course and feedback back or by getting involved in the design and delivery of our training offer or nay other ideas you may have) please contact the Adults Workforce Team at or by calling 01302 736576.

5 Identification of Training Needs

5.1 It is the manager’s responsibility to ensure that individual training needs are identified in accordance with their organisation’s / individual policies through the supervision/PDR/one to one process, or any other appropriate methods.

5.2 The AWFT will work with managers and providers to identify the training required. This will usually take place once a year as part of the planning process for the following year’s training, however if your needs change during the course of the year then you should contact the AWFT to discuss your needs.

5.3 The AWFT will be aware of changing policy, legislation, and challenges, be flexible and responsive to the ever changing context in which we work, and how that impacts upon existing and any new training required. Managers also need to be aware of this and take it in account, when discussing training needs with employees.

6 Accessing Training

6.1 Accessing Training Courses

If you work for Doncaster Council please go to the Council’s Intranet page and go directly to the HR Portal or Learning Zone.

If you do not work for the Council please follow the process detailed below:-

a. You need to have an account on Learning Pool. If you do not already have one please complete one of the forms attached at Appendix A and B to either set up an account for yourself or an individual or for organisations / employers and email it to You will then be provided with a username or password. If you manage a group of staff, you can request authority for a number of staff members in order to book them on training yourself using the set up form for organisations / employers.

b. You can log on to Learning Pool here with your username and password;

c. You can browse the available e-learning and classroom courses and see available dates. You can either book yourself on to courses, book people on for whom you have management responsibility or reserve a number of places until you know exactly who you wish to book on. More information on how to do all of this can be found in our guides on the Council’s website here .

d. There are a small number of courses that you need to book on by emailing: You will find more detailed information about this on the relevant course pages on Learning Zone.

If the training you require is not already included on the course calendar, please contact Workforce Development by email ( or telephone (01302) 737619/862450/737456 to discuss your needs and how they might be met.

6.2. How to access E Learning

All of our e-learning can also be accessed through the Learning Zone at

6.3 Recording of Learning and Development

Delegates and managers have ultimate responsibility for retaining training and education records for their employees but some limited information is recorded on the Learning Zone. E-learning course information is usually retrievable from 2013 while classroom course attendance will be recorded from January 2017 onwards. Attendance on any Doncaster Council courses before this date may be recorded on the Council’s HR system. It is therefore important when requesting Learning Pool accounts to be set up, that full information is provided about the person who will be attending to ensure training records are accurately maintained.

6.4 Terms and Conditions

Booking a place on Doncaster Council training courses will result in automatic agreement to the terms and conditions attached at Appendix C.

6.5 Certificates

It is the responsibility of the training provider to provide certificates and wherever possible they will be issued to the delegate on the day by the course trainer. If for whatever reason this is not possible, the trainer will take the delegate’s details and ensure a certificate is subsequently posted out to them.

The only exception to this is where the course is accredited. In order to achieve the accreditation, it is not possible to issues certificates for these courses on the day. These will be sent on to the delegate following receipt from the accrediting body.

The certificate becomes the property of the delegate, who then is responsible for its safekeeping and that it is made available for their employer as required. It may also be required at a future date to confirm date of initial attendance, to support eligibility to attend a ‘refresher’, rather than repeat the full course.


The Council also pay the subscription for the Social Care Information and Learning Site (SCILS) which provides resources, information and discussion boards. You can access this from the Learning Zone or directly by contacting AWFT for the registration code.

7 Useful Contacts

Workforce Development Team


Tel: 01302 736576


Training Booking and Administration for Corporate Courses


Tel: 01709 255706 (please note that e-mail is preferred)

Learning Zone (E-learning) Learning Pool Helpdesk:

E-mail: support@

Tel: 0845 0744 114

Accredited Learning (including H&SC Diplomas and the Care Certificate)


Tel: 01302 862078/737806

National Minimum Dataset (NMDS – SC) Skills for Care Helpdesk:


Tel: 0845 873 0129 (direct dial number 0113 241 0969)

8. The Training Offer

Alphabetical index of courses. Full course information for each of these courses is available on the Learning Zone.

|Course Name |Course Aim |Course Length |Method |Access via: |

|Activities, Motivation and Creativity |To demonstrate and practice a range of therapeutic activities, which participants can use in order to improve the|1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |care of older people and particularly people with dementia. | | | |

|Adult Obesity |By completing this module you’ll understand what it means to be obese and who’s at risk. You’ll explore why |35 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |individuals become overweight or obese and the problems that being obese can cause. You’ll also learn what social| | | |

| |care practitioners can do to support service users with weight problems. | | | |

|Advanced Care Planning |To provide the skills and knowledge to undertake effective and meaningful advanced care planning for someone |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |nearing the end of their life. | | | |

|Assistive Technology |This module will introduce you to some key elements of assistive technology and give you an overview of Telecare |35 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |and Telehealth. You'll also see how appropriate assistive technology can provide solutions for a variety of | | | |

| |people requiring support in their own homes. | | | |

|Autism Basic Awareness |This module will cover the key facts about autism, dispel some of the myths about autism, the 'triad of | |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |impairment', how sensory information can provoke unusual reactions and guidance on how to interact with people | | | |

| |who have autism. | | | |

|(Intermediate Knowledge and Skills for Working |This module will cover the impact of autism on the family, autism in adolescence, transition to adulthood, autism| |E-learning |Learning Zone |

|with) Autism |in adulthood, mental health issues, helping someone get a diagnosis, how to communicate with a person with | | | |

| |autism, how to help someone with autism get a job. | | | |

|(Understanding) Autism |To provide an overview of Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and related conditions to, offering clearer |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |understanding of how it may impact upon an individual’s life and how it may affect their ability to interact with| | | |

| |other people and their surroundings. It will also help explain some of the reasons for behaviour that challenges.| | | |

|Autism: Exploring Sensory Issues |To provide an overview of Sensory Integration Difficulties (SID) and related conditions to course participants, |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |offering clearer understanding of how SID may impact upon an individual’s life and their ability to interact with| | | |

| |other people and their surroundings. How SID may affect behavioural responses which may be perceived to be | | | |

| |challenging. | | | |

|Basic Back Care |This module is designed to raise your awareness of safe manual handling of loads and patients, as well as how to |45-60mins |E Learning or |Learning Zone |

| |reduce the risk of injury to you or a patient. All delegates on the Moving and Handling Induction MUST complete | |Workbook | |

| |this module first and bring evidence of completion along to the session. | | | |

|Behaviours that Challenge: A Positive and |To equip workers with the right skills and knowledge relevant to their role and care setting, which will enable |2 days |Classroom |Learning Zone |

|Proactive Approach in Learning Disabilities |them to respond positively to behaviours which may be challenging. | | | |

|Behaviours that Challenge: A Positive and |To equip workers with the right skills and knowledge relevant to their role and care setting, which will enable |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

|Proactive Approach for Older People |them to respond positively to behaviours which may be challenging in an older peoples’ setting. | | | |

|Building Community Capacity |This module will help you understand the role of Building Community Capacity in the transformation of adult |40 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |social care. It explores the background and drivers for Building Community Capacity, identifies who is involved | | | |

| |and will help you locate resources you can use to achieve the "gold standard" vision for Building Community | | | |

| |Capacity. It also looks at the importance of social capital and co-production and the benefits to different | | | |

| |approaches. | | | |

|Care Certificate (15 Modules) |Understand Your Role, Your Personal Development, Duty of Care, Equality and Diversity, Work in a Person Centred | |E learning/ |Learning Zone |

| |Way, Communication, Privacy and Dignity, Fluids and Nutrition, Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning | |workbooks | |

| |disabilities, Safeguarding Adults and Children, Basic Life Support, Health and Safety, Handling Information, | | | |

| |Infection Prevention and Control | | | |

|(All Age) Carers |The module looks at the characteristics that define a carer, including the roles of both young and adult carers. |30 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |We demonstrate how to identify somebody who might be a carer and how you can help them to find support. | | | |

|(Supporting Working) Carers |This module is designed to raise your awareness of working carers and to suggest some positive ways to support |10 mins |E learning | |

| |them in the workplace | | | |

|Communication in Care Settings |To improve understanding of the importance of effective communication and how to meet different communication |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |needs and wishes. | | | |

|COSHH Awareness |This course will provide delegates with an awareness of their legal responsibilities with regard to hazardous |½ day |Classroom |Doncaster |

| |substances. | | | |

|Deaf Awareness |This module provides information and guidance on deafness and communication support and it will outline the |15-20mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |differing types of deafness and degrees of deafness, the myths surrounding deafness, the various methods of | | | |

| |communication used by the deaf and communication support and the use of an interpreter. | | | |

|Death, Dying & Bereavement |To provide care staff with some information and skills around helping people at end of life, those important to |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |them, other colleagues and themselves to cope with dying, death and bereavement. It meets the requirements of | | | |

| |Subjects 5 and 10 of the Department of Health’s End of Life Care Core Skills Education and Training Framework | | | |

| |Tier 2. All front line care workers who care/support people at the end of life should receive training at least | | | |

| |equivalent to Tier 2 Attendees should have attended the End of Life Care Education Programme – Tier 1 (or | | | |

| |equivalent) prior to this. | | | |

|Dementia |This module will cover symptoms and effects of dementia and also the different types and causes. |25 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

|(Partnership Working with) Dementia |Topics covered include how practitioners can help carers, the multi-agency approach and risk management. |35 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

|(Practice Guidance for those affected by) Dementia|Topics in this eLearning include support pathways and practice, effective practice guidance, communication and |30 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |dementia and the impact of dementia on people's lives. | | | |

|Dementia: Basic Awareness (Tier 1) |To improve understanding of what dementia is, the common signs and symptoms and how the condition progresses. |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |They will also examine ways of supporting individuals with dementia in a person-centred way. It meets the | | | |

| |requirements of the Department of Health’s Dementia Education Framework Tier 1. | | | |

|Dementia: Essential Dementia Skills for Care |To provide a more in depth understanding of dementia and associated issues relevant to their role in line with |2 days |Classroom |Learning Zone |

|Workers (Tier 2) |the Department of Health’s Dementia Education Framework, Tier 2. Attendees should have attended a dementia | | | |

| |awareness course (or equivalent) prior to this.  All front line care workers who care/support people living with | | | |

| |dementia, should receive training at least equivalent to Tier 2. | | | |

|Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS): |This course covers what the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) are, what legislation the DoLS are an | |E learning |Learning Zone |

|Awareness |amendment to and which group of people DoLS do not apply to. | | | |

|(Introduction to) Deprivation of Liberty |To develop the knowledge to identify a Deprivation of Liberty and to understand the responsibilities under the |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

|Safeguards (DOLS) |Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). | | | |

|Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) for Care |To refresh key principles of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty (DoLS) legislation and |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

|Home and Hospitals Managers and Deputies |apply them in their workplace. Attendees should have attended an introductory DoLS course (or equivalent) prior | | | |

| |to this. | | | |

|(Judicial) Deprivations of Liberty (DoLS) |To refresh key principles of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty (DoLS) legislation and |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |apply them in their workplace where the person concerned is not accommodated in a care home or hospital. | | | |

| |Attendees should have attended an introductory DoLS course (or equivalent) prior to this | | | |

|Diabetes Awareness and Support |To enable attendees to understand what diabetes is, how diabetes affects the body and the complications that can |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |occur to know how to support individuals in the management and monitoring of their condition. | | | |

|Dignity & Respect |In this module we'll explore how to promote and sustain dignity and respect for everyone you work with, | |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |regardless of their level of understanding. | | | |

|Domestic Violence and Abuse: Introduction (Level |This module is designed to help you understand what is meant by domestic violence; learn how to recognise abuse |30 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

|1) |is occurring and explore how to help victims of domestic violence and abuse. | | | |

|Domestic Violence and Abuse: Brief Overview Level |Brief overview of domestic abuse issues for people who do not work with children and families but who may come |1 day |Classroom |Doncaster |

|1 |across domestic abuse situations. | | | |

|Domestic Violence and Abuse: Level 2 |Greater understanding of domestic violence for anyone working directly with those affected by it. There’s no |1 day |Classroom |Doncaster |

| |requirement to do the Level 1 course first, as this course covers some of the same material and is discussed in | | | |

| |greater depth. | | | |

|Domestic Violence and Abuse: Risk Assessment & |For people who need to risk assess (using DASH 2009) domestic abuse cases as part of their work. |1 day |Classroom |Doncaster |

|Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) | | | | |

|Downs Syndrome Awareness |This module looks at the strengths of people with Down's syndrome and the challenges that they face, as well as |15-20mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |exposing some common myths. | | | |

|Drugs & Alcohol Awareness |This module aims to raise your awareness of drugs and alcohol looking at recommended guidelines for alcohol | |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |consumption, useful tips for cutting back as well as the more common drug types and their side effects and | | | |

| |symptoms. | | | |

|Dysphagia |To provide delegates with an understanding of Dysphagia and how it occurs, particularly the signs, symptoms and |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |problems associated with the condition and remedies that can help manage the condition. | | | |

|Encouraging Independence |A one day programme to introduce participants to the key concepts of enabling rather than caring to encourage |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |service users to maintain/regain independence. | | | |

|End of Life (Tier 1) |The course will provide you with an understanding of the importance of good end of life care and support. The |60 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |course meets the requirements of the End of Life Care Framework, Tier 1. | | | |

|End of Life for Social Care Practitioners |Topics covered include delivering care effectively, care after death and cultural and spiritual wishes. |45mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

|End of Life for Social Workers |This module will introduce you to the National End of Life Care Strategy for England, the Gold Standards |55 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |Framework and care after death.  | | | |

|End of Life Care Education Framework (Tier 1) |To provide an understanding of what good, person-centred end of life care is. This includes the importance of |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |good communication, symptom management, appropriate interventions, what advanced care planning is and how to | | | |

| |support it and supporting and making the most of people’s personal and community networks. It meets the | | | |

| |requirements of the Department of Health’s End of Life Care Core Skills Education and Training Framework Tier 1. | | | |

|Epilepsy |To enable attendees to gain a greater understanding of Epilepsy and how to support individuals who have this |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |condition. | | | |

|Epilepsy Awareness |The purpose of this module is to improve the learner's understanding of epilepsy, including causes and triggers, |45 mins |E-Learning |Learning Zone |

| |types of seizure and methods of treatment.  | | | |

|(Preventing) Falls |The aim of this module is to give you the knowledge you need to prevent falls and to help keep people safe and | |E-Learning |Learning Zone |

| |independent in their own homes. | | | |

|Female Genital Mutilation |This module looks at a particular type of abuse which happens to girls and sometimes women that is collectively |45 mins |E-Learning |Learning Zone |

| |known as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).  | | | |

|Fire Safety Awareness |To provide a basic understanding of fire safety, how to mitigate risk and deal with associated emergency |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |situations. | | | |

|Fire Warden |To understand the principles of fire and emergency procedures, have a working knowledge of fire prevention |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |techniques, fire fighting techniques and know who to contact in the event of an emergency. | | | |

|First Aid: Emergency First Aid at Work |To achieve the standard Emergency First Aid at Work Qualification.  This will enable the delegate to administer |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |First Aid in the workplace. | | | |

|First Aid: First Aid At Work (3day) |To achieve the standard First Aid Qualification approved under the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. |3 days |Classroom |Learning Zone |

|First Aid: First Aid At Work Re-Qual (2day) |To maintain the standard First Aid Qualification approved under the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.|2 days |Classroom |Doncaster |

| |This is only for people who have completed the 3 day First Aid at Work Qualification within the last 3 years. | | | |

|Fluids and Nutrition: Basic Awareness |To improve understanding of the importance of good nutrition and hydration and how individuals can be supported |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |in a person-centred way to eat and drink well. | | | |

|Food Safety Awareness |This half day course is aimed at domiciliary care workers and residential care workers who do not work in the |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |kitchen or directly prepare meals from scratch. It should be the course of choice for anyone who does not need | | | |

| |the Level 2 as an essential qualification for their work. | | | |

|Food Safety Level 2 |To ensure that employees understand the importance of hygiene surrounding food preparation and maintain |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |associated safe working practices in accordance with legal requirements. | | | |

|Food Safety Level 2, Refresher |Only available to those who have qualified in Food Safety within the last 3 years. |½ day |Classroom |Doncaster |

|Friends Against Scams |This Module covers the problems with scams, types of scams, spotting a scam and scam victims and reporting a | |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |scam. | | | |

|Health & Safety in a Health & Social Care Setting |To enable delegates to understand their responsibilities under Health & Safety law and apply that knowledge in |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |order to reduce the risk of injury to themselves or others. | | | |

|Healthier Foods & Specialist Diets, Level 2 |To raise awareness and understanding of healthy eating and catering generally, but also for people with specific |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |nutritional and dietary needs. | | | |

|Healthy Lifestyles |A healthy lifestyle can have many benefits in terms of your physical and mental wellbeing. In this module we will| |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |look at the benefits of physical activity and a healthy balanced diet as well as examining ways of maintaining a | | | |

| |healthy weight. | | | |

|(Essential) Infection, Prevention and Control |To provide a basic understanding of the principles of infection, prevention and control and the importance of its| |Workbook |Learning Zone |

|(IPC) |application in relation to care settings. | | | |

|IPC: in a H&S Care Setting (Level 2) |The aim of this award is to provide a basic understanding of the principles of infection, prevention and control |2 x ½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |and the importance of its application in relation to care settings. Does not need to be repeated – can be | | | |

| |refreshed every 3 years by attending the ½ day IPC Refresher below. | | | |

|IPC: Domiciliary |To provide a good understanding of the types of infection, the requirement to maintain hygiene standards, and to |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |provide the practical knowledge needed to carry out the required procedures in people’s own homes. Does not need | | | |

| |to be repeated – can be refreshed every 3 years by attending the ½ day IPC Refresher below. | | | |

|IPC: Residential |To provide a good understanding of the types of infection, the requirement to maintain hygiene standards, and to |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |provide the practical knowledge needed to carry out the required procedures in a residential care environment. | | | |

| |Does not need to be repeated – can be refreshed every 3 years by attending the ½ day IPC Refresher below. | | | |

|IPC: Refresher |To refresh understanding of the types of infection, the requirement to maintain hygiene standards, and to provide|½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |the practical knowledge needed to carry out the required procedures. To be undertaken every 3 years by those who | | | |

| |have already completed either the IPC Level 2, IPC Domiciliary or IPC Residential courses above). | | | |

|Learning Disabilities Framework |For health and social care staff who work with people who have a learning disability. It will give you |50 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |information about the core skills you need to carry out your role effectively. This course is mapped to the | | | |

| |Skills for Health, Health Education England and Skills for Care framework. | | | |

|Learning Disabilities Basic Awareness (Tier 1) |To improve understanding of what learning disabilities are and their role in supporting people with learning |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |disabilities in a person-centred way. It meets the requirements of the Department of Health’s Learning | | | |

| |Disabilities Education Framework Tier 1. | | | |

|Legionella Awareness |This module will help you understand what Legionella is, consider the conditions for its survival in water |30 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |systems and provide an overview of related legislation. | | | |

|Love Food, Hate Waste |The module explores the key messages espoused by the Love Food, Hate Waste campaign and the key behavioural |30 min |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |changes we can make to help reduce the amount of food we waste. | | | |

|Manual Handling Awareness (load) |To inform participants of their duties and responsibilities under the regulations, and improve their skill in |½ day |Classroom |Doncaster |

| |safe manual handling techniques. | | | |

|Handling of Medications |As most medicines have side effects, it is important to understand the seriousness of a person taking medicines |60 mins |E learning | |

| |unnecessarily or in the wrong way, or taking someone else’s medicine. As a social care practitioner it is vital | | | |

| |that you follow guidelines to avoid mistakes. In this module we’ll look at some key areas and what you need to | | | |

| |do. | | | |

|Medications: Awareness and Administration |To provide an awareness of current legislation requirements and good practice relating to administering, or |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |supporting others to administer medication. | | | |

|Mental Capacity Act (MCA): Awareness |The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) applies to anyone aged 16 or over in England and Wales. Its primary aim is to |50 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |safeguard people who are unable to make decisions on their own behalf. | | | |

|MCA: Basic Awareness |To develop an awareness of the Mental Capacity Act (‘MCA’) and its implications for your practice |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

|MCA: Assessing Capacity and Best Interests |To refresh key principles of the Mental Capacity Act and consider the assessment of capacity and best interests |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

|Decision Making (including Complex Decisions) |decision making in practice. Attendees should have attended an introductory MCA course (or equivalent) prior to | | | |

| |this. | | | |

|MCA: Mental Capacity Act Assessments (Property and|To consider the assessment of capacity and best interests in the context of property and affairs decision making.|½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

|Affairs) |Attendees should have attended an introductory MCA course (or equivalent) prior to this. | | | |

|Mental Health Awareness |This module will introduce mental health issues, their prevalence and the stigma attached to them. It will also |20 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |look at the link between employment, homelessness and mental health, cover the different types of mental health | | | |

| |illness, the symptoms of psychosis and the links to alcohol and drugs and study the types of treatment available,| | | |

| |the effects of stopping medication and discover what therapy based treatments are. | | | |

|Mental Health – Basic Awareness |To improve attendees’ understanding of what mental health problems are and their role in supporting people with |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |mental health problems in a person-centred way. | | | |

|Mental Health – Basic Awareness (Tier 1) |To improve attendees’ understanding of what mental health problems are and their role in supporting people with |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |mental health problems in a person-centred way. It meets the requirements of the Department of Health’s Mental | | | |

| |Health Education and Training Framework Tier 1. | | | |

|Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking |The module is designed to raise your awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking and to help you recognise |60 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |your role in identifying and reporting concerns. | | | |

|Moving & Handling of People (Induction) |To ensure employees/carers have the right skills and knowledge to move and handle people in a safe manner, |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |preventing injury/discomfort for both the client and the employee/carer.  Includes: back care and load handling | | | |

| |awareness, sitting, standing & walking, bed mobility, hoisting, community specific manoeuvres, small and wheeled | | | |

| |equipment, lowering to floor and assisting mobile person off floor. Does not need to be repeated and can be | | | |

| |maintained by undertaking the annual update (below). | | | |

|Moving & Handling of People (Update) |For 2019/20 the update focusses on handling larger people and will provide a basic underpinning knowledge of the |½ day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |science of Bariatrics, ensure awareness of local guidelines/procedures for handling the Bariatric person and | | | |

| |ensure knowledge of selected people handling techniques. Only available to delegates who have completed the full | | | |

| |induction (above) within the last 12 months. | | | |

|Moving & Handling of People (Single-Handed Care) |To provide an awareness of normal movement and its application, ensure knowledge of selected single handed people|1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |handling techniques, ensure an understanding of the principles of single handed hoisting, hoist components, an | | | |

| |awareness of types and selection of slings, ensure ability to apply principles of single handed hoisting to | | | |

| |practical techniques of hoisting and enable staff to identify equipment that could be used for single handed | | | |

| |care. Only available to delegates who have an up to date passport by completing the full induction or update | | | |

| |(above) within the last 12 months. | | | |

|Needlestick |To inform participants of their duties and responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act etc 1974, |½ day |Classroom |Doncaster |

| |improving the safety of themselves and others | | | |

|Nutrition Awareness |This module will give you an introduction to nutrition. It will look at why we eat, the function of food, and | |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |explain the 'eatwell plate' and its use.  | | | |

|(Adult) Obesity |By completing this module you'll understand what it means to be obese and who's at risk. You'll explore why |35 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |individuals become overweight or obese and the problems that being obese can cause. You'll also learn what social| | | |

| |care practitioners can do to support service users with weight problems. | | | |

|Personal Safety for Lone Workers & Social Care |In development for social care workers. Please contact AWFT with enquiries. |½ day |Classroom |Doncaster |

|Workers | | | | |

|Person Centred Approaches |This course aims to explore person centred approaches and how they can be applied within the workplace. It meets|1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |the requirements of Health Education England’s Person-Centred Approaches Framework Step 1. | | | |

|(Developing a) Person Centred Care Plan |To explore what is meant by person centred planning, its implementation and evaluation and responses to the |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |challenges the approach poses for practice | | | |

|(Workshop to Raise Awareness of) Prevent |Completing the Prevent 2017 module will help you to identify signs of radicalisation, and understand when and how|30mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |to report concerns appropriately. | | | |

|Professional Boundaries and Good Practice |To equip employees and volunteers with the skills to deal with the variety of dilemmas, which commonly confront |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |people working in the caring professions including in those environments where no formal policies may yet exist | | | |

| |(e.g. as a directly employed personal assistant or unpaid carer). | | | |

|Providing Personal Care |To improve knowledge and skills in delivering personal care to service users in a person-centred way and in a way|1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |that maximises service user control and independence. | | | |

|Re-Ablement |Topics include how re-ablement works, who's involved in re-ablement, and its benefits. |45 mins |E learning | |

|Record Keeping & Report Writing in Care Settings |To provide employees with, a greater understanding of the importance of good quality record keeping, and with the|1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |skills to write clear, concise records and reports. | | | |

|Reminiscence |To provide an introduction to reminiscence and the skills and knowledge to enable them to run reminiscence groups|1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |and/or carry out one to one reminiscence sessions with their clients. | | | |

|Safeguarding Adults 2016/17 |Welcome to this eLearning course about safeguarding adults at risk for professionals in adult services. | |E learning |Learning Zone |

|Safeguarding Adults: Basic Awareness and Reporting|To develop an effective knowledge of Doncaster’s multi-agency safeguarding adults procedure, the principles, |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

|Concerns |policies, terminologies; and to understand the importance of following appropriate statutory and local | | | |

| |procedures. | | | |

|Smoking Awareness |This module will look at the health effects of smoking as well as the dangers of second hand smoke.We will look |15 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |at why people smoke and the benefits of quitting as well as offering support and advice to help you kick the | | | |

| |habit. | | | |

|STOMP (Stop Over-Medication of People with a |In this module, you’ll look at what the STOMP campaign is trying to achieve, why people have been over medicated,|30 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

|Learning |how people should be supported and what to do if you think someone is being over medicated. | | | |

|Undertaking S42 Enquiries |To provide practitioners with key information relating to carrying out Safeguarding Adults enquiry work as well |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |as an opportunity to explore their roles and responsibilities within it. | | | |

|Self-Neglect and Hoarding |To develop a basic awareness of self-neglect that will focus on the Doncaster Multi-Agency Procedure on Self |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

| |Neglect and Hoarding and the Doncaster Multi-Agency Policy on Self Neglect and Hoarding. It will also include | | | |

| |understanding capacity (including executive decision), risk management and completion of relevant paperwork for | | | |

| |Self Neglect. | | | |

|Self-Neglect |This module will look at what self-neglect is and how to identify signs that someone might be at risk. |25 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

|Ladders and Stepladders – Safe Use |To inform participants of their duties and responsibilities under the Work at Height Regulations 2005, and |2 hours |Classroom |Doncaster |

| |improve the safety of themselves and others by the appropriate use of ladders and stepladders. | | | |

|(Caring for) Stroke Survivors |To provide the skills and knowledge to effectively care for and support individuals following a stroke. |1 day |Classroom |Learning Zone |

|Strokes |This eLearning module about Strokes will introduce you to the definitions, signs, symptoms and prevention of |35 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |strokes as well as how to work with individuals who have suffered a stroke. | | | |

|Supervision for Supervisees |This e-learning module will help you understand the skills and behaviours required to be an effective supervisee |30 mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |and so get the most out of your individual supervision sessions. | | | |

|Supervision for Supervisors |The aim of this collection of 3 modules is to equip workers with the knowledge, skills, behaviours and confidence| |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |to be an effective supervisor. | | | |

|Trans Awareness |This module provides a general overview of trans awareness. It explains some key terms and definitions and also |45mins |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |addresses some commonly held misconceptions.   | | | |

|Visual Impairment |Through this module you will come to understand how we see, and what problems can arise in our visual | |E learning |Learning Zone |

| |development. You will learn how to create a safe and comfortable environment when working with people who are | | | |

| |visually impaired. | | | |


Individual Account Request Form

If you would like to set up account for yourself please complete the form below. This form should only be used by people who book their own training.

If you work for an organisation where training is booked for you, please request access through your manager. They will need to add you to their staff list.

Please return completed form to

|Full Name: | |

|E-mail Address: | |

|Current Organisation/Employer: | |

|*Previous Organisation/Employer: | |

|Role/Job Title: | |

|Work Location: | |

* Please only fill this in if you have previously worked in adult social care in Doncaster or may have an existing Learning Zone account.

Privacy Notice

Doncaster Council will only use the personal information on this form for the purpose of setting up a learning account and reporting on learning for internal purposes (attendance, reporting take-up, and administration such as checking for duplicate accounts). We will not use personal information for any other purpose, unless lawfully required to do so. We will keep the information for as long as the staff account is live. Please find further information at: .uk/privacy


Account Request Form for Organisations/Employers

Please complete this form to ensure you can book your staff on courses.

|Manager’s Full Name: | |

Please fill in the details below for the person who will be making the bookings. This could be a Manager OR Administrator.

|Full Name: | |

|E-mail Address: | |

|Current Organisation/Employer: | |

|* Previous Organisation/Employer: | |

|Role/Job Title: | |

|Work Location: | |

Please list your staff below. Ideally you should only include staff you will place on training within the next 3 months.

Please ask your staff for their email addresses for Doncaster Council to use for the purpose of the administration of their Learning Zone account. We want to:

• Check that your staff do not have existing accounts with us

• Remind your staff of booked training.

• Advise them about new content around eLearning

|Staff Full Name |Staff E-mail Address |* Previous Organisation/Employer: |

| | | |

|Staff Full Name |Staff E-mail Address |* Previous Organisation/Employer: |

| | | |

* Please only fill this in if they have previously worked in adult social care in Doncaster or may have an existing Learning Zone account.

Privacy Notice

Doncaster Council will only use the personal information on this form for the purpose of setting up a learning account and reporting on learning for internal purposes (attendance, reporting take-up, and administration such as checking for duplicate accounts). We will not use personal information for any other purpose, unless lawfully required to do so. We will keep the information for as long as the staff account is live. Please find further information at: .uk/privacy


Doncaster Council Adult Social Care Training

Booking Terms and Conditions

Booking a place on Doncaster Council events will result in automatic agreement to the following terms and conditions (unless stated otherwise)

1) Training Offer

E-Learning and classroom courses offered by Doncaster Council Adult Social Care are currently free of charge (unless otherwise stated) for members of the Adult Social Care Workforce as defined in the Workforce Strategy; i.e. for people or organisations who provide care or support to adults in Doncaster. This does not include staffing agencies (although this may be considered with an appropriate charge).

However it should be noted that cancellation fees may apply (see 4d below)

2) Booking places on our events

a) When booking as an individual, you must obtain your manager’s permission to attend the training.

b) All Adult Social Care training can be booked through the ‘SEMINAR’ booking system on the DMBC Learning Zone at

c) If you choose to reserve places rather than allocate names, any place which has not had a named delegate allocated by 28 calendar days before the start of the course will automatically be cancelled and made available for others to book.

d) Confirmation and joining instructions will be sent immediately on booking, again 10 calendar days before the event and again 2 calendar days before the event to both the delegate attending (if a valid email address has been provided) and the manager (if a named manager is in place on Learning Zone).

e) You must notify us of any special requirements at least 5 days before the event, as requested in the joining instructions.

3) Booking places on Doncaster Council’s classroom courses that are not bookable via ‘Learning Zone’

a) Any Doncaster Council courses not bookable via ‘Learning Zone’ will be clearly indicated. You need to book on these courses by emailing: and provide a delegate name for each booking made. We cannot reserve places on these courses but multiple bookings can be made (e.g. by a manager) as long as individual delegate details are provided. You can amend bookings or send substitutes in place of booked delegates. Doncaster Council staff should continue to book on these courses via the HR Portal.

b) You may phone 01709 255706 to discuss any other aspect of an event, however all bookings must be made by email. If you do not have an email address or IT access, please get either your manager / employer or the Adults Workforce Team (01302 736576) to email: to book your place. Booking / event details will be sent to the email address provided but we may on occasions be able to post information to an address given when booking. Confirmation and joining instructions will be issued around 10 working days before the event – usually to the email address provided by the person making the booking. (Please make sure this is the appropriate email address to use).

c) You must notify us of any special requirements at least 5 days before the event, as requested in the joining instructions.

Cancelling places on events

a) We will do our utmost not to vary or cancel courses/events but where this is unavoidable, we reserve the right to do so and accept no liability if, for any reason, the event does not take place.

b) We must give training providers and venues sufficient notice of any cancellation based on the terms specified within the contracts with them. In the event that you or your employer, cancel any places on any training event, we reserve the right to charge a cancellation fee (see 4d below). Remember, you can send substitutes up to the commencement of the event.

c) If you need to cancel a place on any event and cannot send a substitute, you must cancel the place as follows:

• For Adult Social Care courses booked through Learning Zone, you can access the booking and cancel places on Learning Zone

• For any courses booked via Rotherham (i.e. not through the Learning Zone) you must email . Doncaster Council staff should continue to use the HR Portal to do this.

In both instances, as long as we receive the cancellation 7 days or more before the date of the course, we will not impose a cancellation (i.e. if the course is on Tuesday and you cancel the Tuesday before you will still be charged). We will not accept cancellations by phone.

d) Adult Social Care events - If you are unable to notify us (as detailed in 4c above) of a cancelled booking at least 7 days before the event start and you are unable to send a substitute, a cancellation charge of £50 will be imposed for courses up to 4 hours in length and £100 for anything over 4 hours. The same applies if you/your staff fail to attend the event in full.

Other Doncaster Council courses – the same terms as above apply but the cancellation and non-attendance fees for courses vary.

e) We will (where possible) quote the delegate name given at the time of booking (or subsequent amendment if known) on any invoices issued for cancellation charges. The invoice will always be addressed to you the employer. If you subsequently choose to pass on the charge to your employee, we will not pursue that employee to repay the invoice on your behalf. Furthermore will we not accept any challenges to the charge from the employee. If you do not think the charge should be imposed, then any representation as to why, should come from you the employer.


Delegates are expected to attend all events as detailed in the joining instructions issued including, arriving in time, staying for the full event and engaging in the course evaluation process. It is also expected that all delegates behave in an appropriate and respectful manner towards the trainer, venue staff and to each other.

For any queries regarding these terms and conditions and our training events, please e-mail or phone (01302) 736576.



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