GreenFolders User Manual

GreenFolders Version 3.5


Welcome to GreenFolders

In the office environment of the past, paper played an integral role in office workflow. Documents were printed, placed in a folder, and then the folder was shuffled around the office as workers added and modified the documents in the folder until the folder was complete. Completed folders were stored in file cabinets or offsite storage facilities until needed again.

Today, GreenFolders has removed the need for physical paper by providing the tools needed to work with the electronic version of documents, just as was done with the physical paper. GreenFolders also empowers users and managers with features designed to improve and monitor workflow, find files and groups of files quickly and easily, share information from each folder securely, and much more.

This manual will guide you through the process of adding Attachments (Documents, etc.) to GreenFolders and working with those attachments to perform your daily functions just as you would with paper. You will learn how GreenFolders can help you manage your workflow easily and efficiently using tasks, saved searches, and many other features.

To get started working with GreenFolders view the “Quick Start Guide” or the “Table of Contents” pages.

Table of Contents

Quick Start Guide 4

Logging in to GreenFolders 5

Home Tab 6

[pic] New Folder 8

[pic] My Settings 8

[pic] My History 8

[pic] Send Feedback 8

[pic] Contact Support 8

[pic] Logout 9

Closing GreenFolders 9

Viewing Your Folders and Group Folders 10

Viewing Your Tasks and Group Tasks 11

Viewing Your Created Tasks 12

Using the Notepad 13

Using the Inbox 15

Working with Folders 17

Folder Information 20

Notes 25

Attachments 26

Tasks 36

Links 39

Quick Start Guide

This guide is designed for new users who are unfamiliar with the GreenFolders interface. This will give you a jumpstart on how to use GreenFolders.

Please select a topic of interest.

1. Logging in to GreenFolders

2. Home Tab

3. Viewing Your Folders

4. Viewing Your Tasks

5. Create a new Folder

6. Add Attachments to a Folder

7. Create a new Task

8. Creating Links

Logging in to GreenFolders

The GreenFolders Login screen is your doorway to the GreenFolders System. When you start up the program, it will prompt for your user name and password.

Note: If you don't have a GreenFolders user name and password please contact your administrator or a member of the GreenFolders support team.


To log in, enter your user name and password and then click the “Login” button.

You can choose to have the system remember your user name and password by checking the

“Remember Me” Checkbox. Don't select this option if your computer is a shared workstation, or if it is accessible to others who you don't trust.

You may also select “Auto Login” to use the remembered credentials to log directly into GreenFolders. “Remember Me” must be checked to use Auto Login.

You can change your password from the login screen by clicking the link at the bottom of the screen.

Back to Quick Start Guide

Home Tab

The “Home” tab is your initial view when you log into GreenFolders. From this view you can see the Folders and Tasks that are assigned to you or groups you belong to, as well as the Inbox, the Notepad, and Saved Searches.


Quick Search [pic]

The Quick Search enables you to find folders quickly and easily. Simply type in the name or part of the name of a folder and press enter. If there is only one folder that matches the name entered, the folder is opened. If more than one folder is found, a list of all the folders that match the name that was entered is displayed.

Advanced Search [pic]

When Security permits, clicking the “Advanced Search” button opens the Advanced Search page. This page is divided into two parts, Saved Searches on the left, and the search tools on the right. To create a new Saved Search, add the search criteria for the folders or tasks you want to find and then click save. To display or remove a Saved Search on the Home tab, check or uncheck the checkbox next to the name of the search. To delete a saved search, click the “X”. (You can also add or remove the system default tabs from the Saved Search list).

Default Saved Search Tabs

When you first open GreenFolders, there are several tabs shown: Folders, Group Folders, Tasks, Group Tasks, Created Tasks, Notepad, and Inbox. To add or remove these system default tabs, click the Advanced Search button and uncheck or check the box next to the name of the tab listed in the saved search list shown on the left.



To group by a specific column, click the column header and drag it to the bar displaying the “Drag a column header here to group by that column” message.


To sort the results shown for the selected tab, click the column header that you want to sort by. A small triangle is shown on the right-hand side of the column header to indicate if the list is sorted Ascending or Descending. (If no triangle is shown, the list is sorted with the GreenFolders default sorting)

[pic] Refresh

Click the Refresh button to update the list displayed for the selected tab.

[pic] Expand/Collapse

The Expand/Collapse button allows you to expand or collapse all of the results shown when grouping results on the Home Tab.

[pic] Print

Click Print to print the list displayed for the currently selected tab.

[pic] Export

Click the Export button to Export the list for the currently selected tab. The available export formats are .CSV, .XML, and .XPS.

[pic] Colors

Click the Colors Button to select the displayed coloring for the results shown for the Background or Foreground based on the Status or Priority of Folders and Tasks.

[pic] Statistics

The Statistics button enables you to see the Average, Sum, Minimum, and Maximum of values such as numbers, and dates, of fields in the column list.

[pic] Adding / Removing Columns /Copy Settings

You can copy the display settings of a Tab to another Tab using the “Load Settings From” dropdown menu. (You can also reset the display settings to the Default Settings). To add or remove a column from the list displayed, click the Column List button and select columns to show or hide by clicking the checkbox next to the name of the column.

Back to Quick Start Guide

GreenFolders Menu

[pic] The GreenFolders Menu can be found by clicking the GreenFolders button located in the upper left hand corner of the main window. This menu has the following list of options:

[pic] New Folder

Click “New Folder” to create a new folder. You will then be prompted to choose a file name for the new folder (If your system has more than one Application and/or Folder Type you may also select them at this time). If GreenFolders is connected to your production database, make sure to name the new folder the same as the file name in your production system so that information will be displayed properly. After you enter the name for the new folder and press ok, the new folder is displayed and must be saved in order to complete the new folder creation process.

[pic]Open Folder

This option provides a secondary way to open an existing Folder

[pic] Configuration

This option provides access to the configuration area of GreenFolders. (This selection is only displayed if the user has Administrator Privileges).

[pic] My Settings

Selecting “My Settings” opens the My Settings box and allows you to set many options in GreenFolders, edit Notification settings, change Themes, and make adjustments to additional components you may have (Plug-ins or Optional GreenFolders Content).

[pic] Import

You can use the Import selection to import information from a spreadsheet to add new folders or update existing folders. (This selection is only displayed if the user has the appropriate Privileges).

[pic] My History

This selection shows you a history of actions you have performed in GreenFolders. Adding attachments, or saving a folder are examples of items shown.

[pic] Send Feedback

Use “Send Feedback” to give GreenFolders your ideas, opinions, and comments to further enhance the program, etc. We appreciate you taking the time to let us know what you like/dislike about GreenFolders.

[pic] Contact Support

Clicking “Contact Support” will open an Internet Browser window to a live chat page and allow you to begin a live chat session with our support staff.

[pic] Logout

Choosing “Logout” will close the GreenFolders main window and return you to the Login Screen. Make sure you have saved any changes to your folders before logging out.

Closing GreenFolders

To Close GreenFolders, press the “X” located in the uppermost right-hand corner of the program. Make sure you have saved any changes to your folders before closing.


Back to Quick Start Guide

Viewing Your Folders and Group Folders

The “Folders” and “Group Folders” tabs allow you to easily view which folders are assigned to you or groups you belong to.


Viewing Folder Contents

In order to view the contents of a folder it must be opened. To open a folder, double-click a folder in the list or right click the folder and select “Open” from the menu.

Updating the Folder List [pic]

To update the list of folders assigned to you, click the Refresh button.

Related Topics

Home Tab

Working with Folders

Back to Quick Start Guide

Viewing Your Tasks and Group Tasks

The Tasks/Group Tasks tabs allow you to easily view the tasks assigned to you or groups you belong to that need to be completed. (Completed tasks are not shown)


Completing a Task

Check the box in the “Task Completed” column to complete the task. Completed tasks will be removed from the list.

Viewing a Task

Double-click a task, or right click a task and choose “Open” to open the folder that contains the task and view the task itself.

Updating the List of Tasks [pic]

To update the list of tasks assigned to you click the Refresh button.

Related Topics

Home Tab

Working with Tasks

Back to Quick Start Guide

Viewing Your Created Tasks

The Created Tasks tab allows you to easily view the tasks that you created. You can also see each task's status, and view other important task properties.


View a Created Task

Double-click a task, or right click a task and choose “Open” to open the folder that contains the task and view the task itself.

Updating the Created Tasks List [pic]

To update the list of created tasks, click the Refresh button.

Note: Completed tasks are removed from the list. (By default, you will receive an email notification when a task you created has been completed. This setting can be changed on the “Notifications” tab in “My Settings”).

Related Topics

Home Tab

Working with Tasks

Using the Notepad

The Notepad tab on the GreenFolders Home screen, gives you an area to create notes and assign them to a specific folder later. To create a new note, click the “Add” button, type in your note, and then click “Create” at the bottom of the Create Note window.


Assign a Note

To assign a note to a Folder, Attachment, or Task, click the note, then click the “Assign” button. Next, choose the Folder that the note needs to be placed in and press “Go”. After the folder has been selected, click the drop down box under “Apply To” and choose where the note will be placed. You can add notes to a Folder by just clicking the checkbox next to “Add Note to Folder”. To add a note to an attachment or task, click the checkbox next to the name of the specific Attachment or Task.


To assign a note to more than one Folder, Attachment, or Task, uncheck the box in the delete column and assign the note normally. The note will remain on the “Notepad” tab and you can then assign it to another Folder, Attachment, or Task.

Delete a Note

To delete a note from the Notepad, click on the note to select it, then click the “Delete” button. You can delete multiple notes by holding down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard and then clicking on each note you wish to delete, and then clicking the “Delete” button.

Copy a Note

To copy a note, simply select the note you want to copy and then click the “Copy” button.

Print a Note

To print a note, click the note you want to print and then click the “Print” button.

Related Topics

Home Tab

Working with Notes

Using the Inbox

The Inbox holds attachments (documents) that are printed or added by dragging and dropping from an email, or your computer. After you have placed an attachment in the inbox, you can assign it to a specific folder at a later time, send it via Email, merge it with other attachments in the inbox, copy it, or delete it.


Assigning Attachments to a Folder

From the Inbox you can assign attachments to folders one of two ways.

1. Drag and drop an attachment to an open Folder tab.

2. Click each attachment you want to assign to the same folder (hold down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard while clicking to select multiple attachments and then click the Assign button).

Once you do either of these, the Add Attachments window will appear. To learn how to use the Add Attachments window, please view the Adding Attachments topic.

Merging Attachments

You can only merge attachments of the image type (PDF, Tiff, etc.). You may merge two or more attachments by clicking each attachment (hold down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard to select multiple attachments) that you want to merge and then clicking the Merge button.

Deleting Attachments

Select each attachment you wish to delete by clicking them (hold down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard while clicking to select multiple attachments) and then click the Delete button.

Copying Attachments

To copy an attachment, click the attachment you want to copy then click the “Copy” button.

Email Attachments

From the inbox you can Email an attachment. Simply select the attachment in the Inbox you want to send and then click the Email button.

Updating the Inbox [pic]

To update the list of Attachments in the Inbox, click the refresh button.

Renaming an Attachment

You can rename an attachment in the Inbox by right clicking the attachment and choosing “Rename” from the list of options.

Note: The Assign To, Copy, Email, Merge, and Delete can also be accessed by right clicking the attachment(s) and selecting them from the list displayed.

Related Topics

Home Tab

Adding Attachments

Working with Folders

When you open a Folder, a new tab, identified with the folder's name appears next to the Home tab.

You are able to view the Folder Information (Forms, Status, etc.), Notes, Attachments, and Tasks, with their associated tabs. The following sections of this manual take you through the processes you will use while working with your folders.



Folder assigned to you Message

When a Folder has been assigned to you, the person assigning it has the option to include a message. If you have been assigned the Folder with a message, when you open the Folder, you will see the ‘Folder Assigned to you-Message’ screen.


Click on Close if you want to see the message again next time you open the Folder. Click on Dismiss if you do not need to see the message again.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you Dismiss the message, the information is no longer viewable anywhere.

Making changes to a folder

In order to make changes to a folder, the folder must be locked for editing. To do this, press the edit button located in the upper right hand corner. The folder is locked for editing when the “Edit” button changes to “Save” and the lock icon is shown next to the folder name. When the folder is locked for editing, only the user who locked the folder can make changes. Other users can view the information of a locked folder, but they will not see any changes made until the locked file is saved and they then click refresh or close and reopen the folder. See Folder Information, Notes, Attachments, and Tasks for more information on making changes to a folder.

Refresh Folder Information

To refresh the information shown on the folder forms click the refresh button. (Note: Make sure the folder has been saved prior to clicking refresh to keep any current modifications if you have the file locked).

[pic] [pic] Attach/Detach a Folder

GreenFolders gives you the ability to detach a folder from the main window and show it in its own window by clicking the “Detach” button. To return the folder to the main window, simply click the “Attach Folder” button in the detached folder.


The print button located in the upper right hand corner of the folder allows you to print information from GreenFolders. The options for printing are related to the tab within the folder you are currently on. For instance, if you have selected the Folder tab in a folder, there is an option to print folder information, or if you have selected the Attachments tab, there is an option for printing the current attachment, etc. To get more information on Printing, view each of the printing sections for Folder Information, Notes, Attachments, and Tasks.

Related Topics

Folder Information




Folder Information

When you first open a folder, the first tab, “Folder”, is selected. The Folder tab shows basic information for the folder and the forms associated with this folder type. *You may personally select another section of the folder i.e. Notes, Attachments, Tasks etc., to show as your default tab if you wish using a right mouse click.


The date the folder was created, when it was last modified, the Application and Folder Type of the folder, the current version of the folder, who it is assigned to, the Status of the folder, and the folder Priority are shown at the top. The Lower section shows one or more “Forms” in a tabbed layout. *You may personally select a different form as your default i.e. Order Summary, Buyer/Seller, Agents etc., if you wish by using a right mouse click. These forms are created in the Configuration section of GreenFolders (For more information on the creation of forms, check with your System Administrator) and show information from your production system database, the GreenFolders database, or both. You can make changes to the information shown only if it is from the GreenFolders database, the information displayed from your production database must be changed in your production system.

Set your Default Tab

You can define the Tab you want in focus when you first open a Folder.

Open any Folder and right click on the Tab you want to make your default. Click on the Set as default checkbox.


Set your Default Form

You can define the Form you want in focus when you first open a Folder.

Open any Folder and right click on the Form you want to make your default. Click on the Set as default checkbox.


Folder Menu

To show the Folder Menu click the pull down menu to the right of the “Folder” tab. The following options are displayed: View History, Assign To, Copy, Rename, Delete, and Freeze/Unfreeze, Access Permissions. Depending on the option needed, the folder may need to be locked or unlocked for editing. (Rename, Delete, Unlock Folder, Access Permissions and Freeze/Unfreeze are only shown if enabled through security permissions for that user)


[pic] View History

Select “View History” to show events that have taken place in relation to a folder. It shows the actions of each user who views or edits the folder. You can also Print or Export these results.

[pic] Assign To

This will display the “Assign To” window and allows you to assign the folder to a user or group. If the folder is currently assigned to you, your name will not be displayed in the list. You also have the option to send a message to the assignee. The assignee will see the message when they open the Folder.

[pic] Copy

Choose “Copy” to make a copy of the folder. After you click copy, you will need to confirm that you want to do the copy. Once you select Yes, you will be prompted to type in a name for the folder. Type in a name and click the OK button and the folder will be created.

Note: All Notes, Attachments, and Tasks in the new folder will be shown as created on the current date.


Choose “Rename” to change the name of the folder. (This option is shown as disabled unless enabled through security permissions)

[pic] Delete

If the User that is currently logged in has the Security Permission to delete folders, the “Delete” selection will be displayed. To delete a folder click the edit button and then choose Delete from the folder menu. (Folders that are deleted cannot be recovered)

Note: If a folder needs to be deleted and the current user does not have the associated Security Permission, contact the System Administrator.

[pic] Freeze/Unfreeze

If the User that is currently logged in has the Security Privilege to freeze folders, the “Freeze” selection will be displayed. When a folder is frozen, it cannot be edited until it is unfrozen. Users are still able to print, view, and share documents from a frozen folder. Once a folder is frozen, the folder menu shows “Unfreeze” instead of “Freeze”. To unfreeze a frozen folder, simply click “Unfreeze”, the folder will be unfrozen and users can once again edit the folder. The security permissions for Freeze and Unfreeze are separate security permissions so that a user can have Freeze, Unfreeze, or both permissions.

[pic] Access Permissions

Select Access Permissions to view the list of users that can access the current Folder. Access Permissions control who has the ability to see an entire Folder Type or a specific Folder and is setup in the configuration of GreenFolders. If the user currently logged in has the permission to change the Access, they will be able to modify who can and cannot access the Folder.

Folder Status

The Folder Status shows the currently selected status of the folder. To change the Status of a folder, click Edit, click the pull down menu to the right of the displayed status, choose a new status, and then click save.

Folder Priority

The Folder Priority shows the currently selected priority of the folder. To change the Priority of a folder, click Edit, click the pull down menu to the right of the displayed priority, choose a new priority, and then click save.


The “Folder” tab provides two types of printing options.


If you want to print Folder information, select The “Print” button located next to the Edit button in the upper right-hand corner. The main print window will be displayed.

To print Folder Information displayed on the individual Forms, click on the Print Form icon just above the right-hand corner of the Forms Section. This button prints only the current form. To print a form, click this button and the printer selection window will appear. Select a printer, then click OK, and printing will begin.

Changing Form Information

The information shown on the forms can be changed if the data for the displayed Field, Checkbox, etc., is stored in the GreenFolders database. If the data is stored in a production database, GreenFolders only displays the information and editing must be done in the production system. To determine which database the information is being displayed from, move the mouse pointer over a field and wait just a moment. GreenFolders will display a small window with information about the field the mouse pointer is over.


This window shows the name of the field, the column name associated with the field, the type of data the field can contain, and whether the field is External or not. If External is shown as True, the information must be changed in the production system, if False, the field can be changed in GreenFolders. To change the information for the field, click the Edit button and you will then be able to type in the field, check a checkbox, change a date, etc. When all changes are made, click Save.

Related Topics





The Notes tab shows all Folder Level notes that have been added by all users. Notes can also be added to individual Attachments or Tasks and are found in their corresponding sections.

Adding a new note

You can add Folder notes in three ways. First, you can click the “+” sign shown next to the “Notes” Tab (if the folder is not currently locked for editing you will be prompted to whether or not you want to lock the folder for editing), second, click the notes tab and then click the “Add Note” button shown in the upper left. After you have clicked the “+” or “Add Note” the Create Note window is displayed. Third, you may select a note from the notepad on your home screen and use 'assign to" to add a note to the folder.

You can change the Font, Font size, Background color, or Foreground color (the color of the text), choose Bold, Italics, or Underline, show the text Left, Center, or Right, choose between two format options for lists – simple bullets, or numbering (options are available after text has been added to the “Create Note” box. You can also add a Time Stamp by clicking the clock icon.

Linking a note

Right mouse click on the note you would like to link to another object. Select Link, then indicate with a check mark next to the object you would like to link to. If you would like to link the note to a website, select the "Web Link" tab and populate the URL with the website information.

Deleting a note

You can delete a note by clicking the on “X” the upper right side of the note. (If the X is not shown, the current user does not have the Security Permission to delete notes and the System Administrator will need to delete the note)

Print notes

To print all folder notes, click the print button shown on the upper right-hand side of the folder, select Folder Information and, in the “Selected Content” section shown at the bottom of the print window, make sure the box next to Notes is checked. Then click print and the window for choosing the printer you wish to use will be displayed. Select a printer, then click OK, and printing will begin.

Related Topics

Folder Information




The Attachments tab allows you to view, organize, and work with the attachments contained in a folder. It is divided into four areas: Labels Pane, Attachments Pane, Attachment View Pane, and the Thumbnail Pane. The Labels Pane and the Attachments Pane are shown to the left, the Attachment View Pane in the middle, and the Thumbnail Pane to the right.


Adding Attachments

There are several ways to add attachments to GreenFolders. You can use the GreenFolders print driver to print directly to a folder or the inbox, you can drag an attachment from an Email (this feature requires Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express) or your computer, or you can click the “+” next to the attachment tab when viewing a folder. When adding an attachment from Email, or your computer, a copy of the Email or file is placed in GreenFolders, the Email, or file, remains in its original location.

Print (PDF Creator)

To print an attachment to GreenFolders, first choose what you want to add then click print. Next, choose the “GreenFolders printer by Foxit” and click ok. (You can choose to always print to the Inbox in My Settings)


Next choose the folder name (you can also set the Application and/or Folder Type at this point if your system has multiple applications or folder types) you want to add the attachment to or choose “Add to Inbox”. (If you choose Add to Inbox, the attachment is added to the Inbox and the “Add Attachments to Folder” window closes). Next, choose the Attachment Type and Label.


When finished, click the add button and the attachment will be added to the folder.


To add an attachment to GreenFolders by dragging and dropping, open a folder and select the Attachments tab. Next find the file on your computer or attachment in your email you want to add to the folder. Select the file or attachment and while still holding down the mouse button, drag the mouse until the mouse pointer is over the attachment list, then release the mouse button and the Add Attachments window will be displayed.


Choose the Attachment Type, Rename the attachment if needed, and select the Label. Click OK and the attachment will be added to the folder. Click Save to save the folder. (If the folder is not saved, the attachment will not be added).

Use “+”

You can add an attachment to GreenFolders by clicking the “+” on the tab.


Click the Location where your attachment will originate from and then select the attachment (If you are using the Scanner option, the Scan Settings window will be shown. Select the settings you need and then click ok, the scanner will be initiated and scanning will begin). Next the Add Attachments Window is displayed:


Choose the Attachment Type, Rename the attachment if needed, and select the Label. Click Ok and the attachment will be added to the folder. Click Save to save the folder. (If the folder is not saved, the attachment will not be added).

An icon is displayed to the left of the attachment name in the attachment list indicating the type of attachment. You can sort the list by clicking “Sort by” and selecting a method for sorting.


Back to Quick Start Guide

Non-Image attachments

Non-Image files generally cannot be opened by GreenFolders and will need to be opened with the document’s native program. An example of this is a Word document. While you can add it to GreenFolders as an attachment, you cannot view the document inside GreenFolders. For files that GreenFolders cannot display, a message is displayed that GreenFolders cannot render the attachment and the “Open Attachment” button is shown. (You can choose to automatically open files with their native program by checking the “Automatically open unknown attachments in their native program” option in My Settings from the GreenFolders Menu).


Clicking the Open Attachment button will open the file with the program that Windows associates with the file type (its native program). The file will open in read only since changes made to the document from GreenFolders will not be saved. To make changes, you will need to save a copy to your local or network drive. From there you can make changes and then re-add it to GreenFolders.

Image Attachments

When you select an attachment in GreenFolders that is an image file, it will be displayed in the Viewing area. Once an image is shown in the image area, several tools are available to work with the image. See the following for the list of tools and a brief description of their function:

Viewing Tools

[pic] Pan

The Pan Tool allows you to click and drag the image around to change the portion you are viewing.

[pic] Best Fit

The Best Fit Tool attempts to give you the best full image view for the current size of the application window.

[pic] Fit Width

The Fit Width Tool forces the image to fit the width of the viewing window.

[pic] Fit Height

The Fit Height Tool forces the image to fit the height of the viewing window.

[pic] Actual Size

The Actual Size Tool displays the image at the image's actual size, which should be the clearest view of the image.

[pic] Rotate Left

The Rotate Left Tool rotates the image counter-clockwise.

[pic] Rotate Right

The Rotate Left Tool rotates the image clockwise.

[pic] Despeckle

The Despeckle Tool removes dots from the image to help clean up the appearance.

[pic] Deskew

The Deskew Tool straightens the image so that it is perpendicular to the left and right edges of the image.

[pic] Remove Border

The Remove Border Tool removes the border around an image.

[pic] Zoom Tool

The Zoom Tool allows you to zoom in or out of the image shown in the viewing area.

|The Attachment Menu |[pic] |

|To view the Attachment Menu, right click on an attachment. With the attachment | |

|menu, you can Rename, Link, Copy, *Delete, Merge, Share (Email or Save to your | |

|Computer, *Freeze/Unfreeze, Move To (Folder or Inbox), Copy To (Folder or Inbox), | |

|Open With (Preview Window, Editable Window, or Native Program), Change the | |

|assigned Parties (Requires GreenFolders Communicator), Compress, Change the | |

|assigned Attachment Type or Label, View Notes, or View Properties. *(Requires | |

|appropriate Security Permission). | |

| | |


Annotations are stored in layers that are overlaid on a document like a clear sheet of plastic that you can write notes on. An attachment can contain any number of annotation layers, each labeled with the name of the user that created that layer. Annotation layers are automatically created for you when you add an annotation.


To remove all of your annotations from an attachment, choose your name from the list and click the “Remove” button. To remove a single annotation from your annotation layer, select the annotation with the Selection Tool (Annotation tools are described later in this section) and press “Delete” on your keyboard.

You may not remove or modify other users' annotations. When you are editing a file with other user's annotations, any annotations that are not yours will appear gray when viewing that layer.

You also have the option to view all or none of the annotations in this list. View All is the default option and shows all annotations in color. To view a specific layer of annotations, simply select the layer from the list. (Click the pull down menu to the right of “Annotations” to show the list of Annotation Layers).

Annotation Tools

The Annotation tools are displayed on the left side of the Viewing area. You must click the Edit button in order to use the Annotation Tools.

[pic] Selection

The Selection Tool allows you to select annotations you have placed on the image.

[pic] Line

The Line Tool enables you to draw lines on the image. With this tool selected, click and drag on the image to draw a line.

[pic] Text

The Text Tool allows you to add text to the Image. After clicking this tool, click on the image and begin typing. If you need to modify the text of a text annotation select the selection tool and then double-click on the text annotation you want to modify.

[pic] Sticky Note

The Sticky Note Tool allows you to add text to the Image. After clicking this tool, click on the image and begin typing. If you need to modify the text of a text annotation select the selection tool and then double-click on the text annotation you want to modify.

[pic] Rectangle Highlight

The Rectangle Highlight Tool allows you to highlight a portion of the image, click and drag to create the highlight.

[pic] Redact

The Redact Tool allows you to redact, or black out, a portion of the image, which is helpful when you need to protect sensitive information contained in the image. With this tool selected, click and drag to create the redaction.

[pic] Ellipse

The Ellipse Tool allows you to draw an ellipse or circle on the image. With this tool selected, click and drag to draw an ellipse.

[pic] Pen

The Pen Tool allows you to draw freehand on the image. With this tool selected, click and drag to draw.

[pic] Highlighter

The Highlighter Tool lets you highlight freehand on the image. With this tool selected, click and drag to create highlighted areas.

[pic] Image Annotation

The Image Annotation Tool lets you add an image as an annotation. Clicking on the Image Annotation tool will pop up a file browser window, prompting you to choose an image to add to the annotation layer. Locate your desired image on your hard drive (or on a connected network drive), select it and click Open. Then, click on the image to embed the selected image in your annotation layer. (The maximum size is 800 x 800 pixels).

[pic] Custom Annotations/Stamps

The Custom Annotations/Stamps Tool gives you access to create and modify your custom annotations. When you click this tool, the Custom Annotation Bar appears above the viewing area.


If this is the first time you are accessing this feature there will only be one button with a wrench icon on it. This button provides access to the Custom Annotations Window which has tools similar to the images tools. You can create a New Custom Annotation, Import/Export, Share, Rename, Delete, and Add/Remove the annotations that display on the Custom Annotation Bar.

[pic] Snippet

The Snippet Tool allows you to copy part of an image, set it as a selection in the Snippet Bar (the Snippet Bar appears above the Viewing Area) and use it like a custom stamp, or send the Snippet to the Windows Clipboard (similar to Copying) and paste it into another application such as Microsoft Word. When pasted into another application Snippets will appear as an image, any text shown in the snippet will not be editable. Snippets are reset when the user logs out.

The Annotation Menu

Once an annotation is selected you can right-click it to bring up the annotation menu. This menu allows you to perform three actions.



Clicking the Properties menu option will open the annotations properties window. Here you have access to all properties of the annotation.


Clicking the Delete menu option will remove the annotation from the annotation layer.


Clicking the Burn menu option will cause the image to be re-rendered with the selected annotations embedded into it. Once annotations are burned they cannot be removed from the image.


When you click an attachment to view, the individual pages of that attachment are shown in the Thumbnail Pane as small images called thumbnails. From this area using the Thumbnail Menu and the Stapler, you can add, remove, reorder, flag, or copy these thumbnails. Thumbnails can also be dragged to the attachment list to create a new attachment, to your desktop, or to an email.

The Thumbnail Menu

Right click a thumbnail image to show the menu. From the menu you can:


Delete one or more thumbnails, Share (Email or save to your computer), Print, Add/Remove a Flag (change the color of the border around a thumbnail image), Move To (a New Page Number, a New Attachment, or an Existing Attachment), Copy To (a New Attachment or an Existing Attachment), Rotate (Left or Right), or use Document Cleaning (Despeckle, Deskew, or Remove Border) on one or more thumbnails.

The Stapler [pic]

The Stapler icon is located just above the thumbnail images in the Thumbnail Pane. The stapler works just like a stapler does with paper, but only for the thumbnail images. When the Stapler is locked the order of the thumbnails cannot be changed. To change the order of the thumbnail images, click the stapler button. Once you have clicked the Stapler button and the folder is locked for editing the thumbnail images can be reordered. After you have reordered the thumbnail images click “Save” to save your changes. (The page numbers will adjust automatically to reflect the new order of the thumbnails).

Related Topics

Folder Information




GreenFolders enables you to create Folder tasks for yourself or you can assign them to other users, or groups. Assigned tasks are shown on the “Tasks/Group Tasks” tabs on the “Home” tab to help organize the workflow of your organization.

The Tasks tab in the folder is divided into three sections: List of Tasks, Task Details, and Notes.


List of Tasks

The Task list shows all tasks that have been added to the folder with: The User assigned to the Task, the Status, the Name, the name of the user that created the task, the date it was created and checkbox to complete the task. You sort the list ascending or descending by clicking any of the column headers.

Task Details

The Task Details area shown on the right side of the screen shows all the information for the task that is shown in the task and additional information including the Last Modified Date, Priority, etc, for the currently selected task. It also enables you to Assign, Copy, or Delete the task.


The last area of tasks, Notes, displays any notes that have been added to a task in a list. You can add a new note by clicking edit, and then the “Add Note” button. To delete a note, click Edit, then click the “X” (this requires you to have the Security Privileges for deleting). To modify a note, click Edit, then double click the note and the Edit Note box will be displayed. Make any changes you need and click ok. (You will need to click “Save” to save your changes).

Adding a New Task

There are three possible choices when adding tasks. 1) Adding a Free Form task is always available. 2) If your administrator has defined any Task Templates, you will be able to select one or more to add. Task Templates allow the administrator to define certain default information for when the Template is selected for addition to the Folder. 3) You may also have the option to add Task Lists if they have been set-up by your GreenFolders Administrator. Task Lists are pre-defined by your administrator and include multiple Task Templates which will all be added to the file at once when the task list has been selected.

To Add a New Task, click the “+” sign next to the Tasks tab and the Create Tasks window will appear:


1. If you select a task\template\list on the left and make updates on the right, that item will immediately be checked on the left

2. If no task\templates\lists are checked, the "Create" button in the bottom left will be disabled.

3. Clicking the + next to "Free Form Tasks" will simply add another blank task to the list and select it immediately

4. Clicking on the "Task List" item in the left will show nothing on the right

5. The names in the left-hand list will never change. "Template 1" will always be "Template 1", and free form tasks are created as "New Task 1", "New Task 2", 3, 4, 5... etc.

6. Checking\Unchecking the Task List will check\uncheck all child task templates. If task templates under a task list are checked\unchecked the task list checkbox should be updated. If only some task templates are checked and not all, then the parent task list should show as half-checked

You will also have the ability to view and make changes to each Task before you add them to the Folder.

Choose/edit the Status and Priority, Enter/edit the Task Name and Description, choose/edit the Due Date (click the Calendar or type in the date) and Time (click the triangle and choose a time from the list). To assign the task to a user or group, click Assign To, then, select the user or group that will be responsible for completing the task from the list and click OK. Once you have finished, click “Create” and the task will be created in the Task List. (Note: New tasks are due the following day at 5:00 PM by default). Click “Save” to save the folder and user or group will receive a notification that they have a new task.

Change Due Date for multiple Tasks simultaneously

Select the tasks for which you want to change all due dates and right click to select the Change Due Date option. (You must be in Edit Mode for the option to become enabled). All tasks will share the same due date. This feature is available within each folder in the tasks section of the folder as well as on the home screen under your "Tasks" and "Group Tasks" default saved searches.

Linking a task

Right mouse click on the task you would like to link to another object. Select Link, then indicate with a check mark next to the object you would like to link to. If you would like to link the task to a website, select the "Web Link" tab and populate the URL with the website information.

Links [pic]

You can create a link from one Folder to another or even from a Folder to a website. You can also link Folders and objects from one Folder to objects in the same Folder or objects in another Folder. Objects that can be linked include Folder Notes, Attachments, Tasks and Messages. A right mouse click on the object you would like to link to another will provide the linking option. *Note: linking is not available on the Notepad or Inbox on the home screen.

The Folder will default to the current folder name you are linking from. Select the items you would like to link together and click OK.

When an item is linked to another, a link clip is displayed to identify the item or object as linked.

Link a Folder to a website!

Related Topics

Folder Information



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