Winter Break Assignment: A Timeline of My Life


Music motivates us, calms us, inspires us, and at times irritates us. You might think of it as the backdrop against which we live our lives.  Songs can bring vivid memories of people, places, and events from our own past and serve to document our thoughts, feelings, and emotions at a given time or place. They can also inspire you to achieve your goals for the future. This project will give you the opportunity to use music as way to represent different stages of human social development.

Erik Erikson theorized that the stages of development can be defined by

the unique psychosocial tasks that we experience during that time in our lives. Erikson divided the lifespan into eight distinct stages (page 100). You can also explore these stages at .

➢ For this project, your assignment is to create a soundtrack of songs that relate to the events of your life so far, and your life to come. The soundtrack will contain at least 8 songs – a minimum of one song to represent each of the following developmental phases:

1. Infancy (birth to 1 ½ years)

2. Early Childhood (1 ½ – 3 years)

3. Play Age (3 – 5 years)

4. School Age (5 – 12 years)

5. Adolescence (12 – 18 years)

6. Young Adult (18 – 40 years)

7. Adulthood (40 – 65 years)

8. Maturity (65 years to death)

➢ Project Components:

• Songs: For each of the developmental phases, you will choose a song that relates the developmental milestones of that phase.

• Liner Notes: For each song write brief liner notes explaining why you chose that song for that developmental stage.

• CD Cover: Create a CD cover that you feel best reflects the collection of songs you have chosen.

PLEASE NOTE: You are not required to burn a CD of songs, or to submit any audio files for this project.

It will be helpful to brainstorm significant events that have happened at various ages and stages of your life so far -or will happen to you- that have had (or will have) an impact on your development as a person.

I know that you cannot predict the future—but you can imagine it. What will happen? What kind of future do you want to create? This is your big chance to imagine it!

Step 1: Erikson’s Eight Stages of Development


|Infancy |Birth – 1½ years | | | |

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|Early Childhood |1½ - 3 years | | | |

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|Play Age |3 – 5 years | | | |

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|School Age |5 – 12 years | | | |

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|Adolescence |12 – 18 years | | | |

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|Young Adult |18 – 40 years | | | |

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|Adulthood |40 – 65 years | | | |

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|Maturity |65 years – Death | | | |

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|Create a list of events or milestones that made a difference in your life, or you|Now brainstorm songs that might fit these events/milestones: |

|hope will make a difference in your future: | |

|Infancy |Infancy |

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|Early Childhood |Early Childhood |

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|Play Age |Play Age |

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|School Age |School Age |

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|Adolescence |Adolescence |

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|Young Adult |Young Adult |

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|Adulthood |Adulthood |

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|Maturity |Maturity |

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Step 3: PRODUCE IT & EXPLAIN IT!! Song List & Liner Notes (Submit this page with your CD cover)

For each song: List the title, artist, the event, and developmental phase it is connected to. Then, in the liner notes, explain why you chose that song and how it connects to that developmental phase (use psychological terms and concepts whenever possible!). The goal is to show me that you understand the various stages of development and that you can relate this understanding of developmental concepts to relevant events in your own life.


Track 1

Song Title _____________________________________________________ Artist or Group: _________________________________


Event ________________________________________________________ Developmental Phase: ____________________________

Liner Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________





Track 2

Song Title _____________________________________________________ Artist or Group: _________________________________


Event ________________________________________________________ Developmental Phase: ____________________________

Liner Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________




Track 3

Song Title _____________________________________________________ Artist or Group: _________________________________


Event ________________________________________________________ Developmental Phase: ____________________________


Liner Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________




Track 4

Song Title _____________________________________________________ Artist or Group: _________________________________


Event ________________________________________________________ Developmental Phase: ____________________________

Liner Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________




Track 5

Song Title _____________________________________________________ Artist or Group: _________________________________


Event ________________________________________________________ Developmental Phase: ____________________________

Liner Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________





Track 6

Song Title _____________________________________________________ Artist or Group: _________________________________


Event ________________________________________________________ Developmental Phase: ____________________________

Liner Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________




Track 7

Song Title _____________________________________________________ Artist or Group: _________________________________


Event ________________________________________________________ Developmental Phase: ____________________________


Liner Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________




Track 8

Song Title _____________________________________________________ Artist or Group: _________________________________


Event ________________________________________________________ Developmental Phase: ____________________________

Liner Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________





Step 4: CD COVER – Create a CD cover that you feel best reflects the collection of songs you have chosen. Attach it (

PLEASE NOTE: You are not required to burn a CD of songs, or to submit any audio files for this project.

Step 5: Assessment – When you finish, assess your project using the top rubric, I will fill in the second one with my assessment.

RUBRIC: Soundtrack of Your Life Name ________________________________________

| |4 |3 |2 |1-0 |

| |A high quality, visually |A cover with an appropriate &|A basic and/or not |A poorly executed cover or |

|CD COVER: |appealing cover with an |easy to read title |well-executed cover with an |no cover |

|A visually appealing cover with an |appropriate & easy to read | |appropriate title | |

|appropriate title |title. | | | |

|__________ / 8 | | | | |

| |Complete Production List for |Incomplete Production List |Incomplete Production List |Incomplete Production List |

|PRODUCTION LIST: |all 8 songs that includes |for 6-7 songs and/or does not|for 4-5 songs and/or does not|for 3 or fewer songs and/or |

|Production List for all 8 songs on the |each song title, artist, |include each song title, |include each song title, |does not include each song |

|soundtrack. |related life event, and |artist, related life event, |artist, related life event, |title, artist, related life |

| |developmental phase. |and developmental phase. |and developmental phase. |event, and developmental |

|__________ /12 | | | |phase. |

| |Liner Notes for all 8 songs |Liner Notes for 6-7 songs |Liner Notes for 4-5 songs |Liner Notes for fewer than 3 |

|LINER NOTES: |that explain the song choice |and/or failure to explain the|and/or failure to explain the|songs and/or failure to |

|Written explanation of song choice, |and relevance to the |song choice and relevance to |song choice and relevance to |explain the song choice and |

|relevance to developmental phase, and |developmental phase or event,|the developmental phase or |the developmental phase or |relevance to the |

|relevant theories/theorists/terms/concepts.|using specific details and |event. |event. |developmental phase or event.|

| |examples. | | | |

|__________ / 16 | | | | |

| |Comments: |

| | |

|TOTAL: __________ / 36 | |

RUBRIC: Soundtrack of Your Life Name ________________________________________

| |4 |3 |2 |1-0 |

| |Complete Production List for |Incomplete Production List |Incomplete Production List |Incomplete Production List |

|PRODUCTION LIST: |all 8 songs that includes |for 6-7 songs and/or does not|for 4-5 songs and/or does not|for 3 or fewer songs and/or |

|Production List for all 8 songs on the |each song title, artist, |include each song title, |include each song title, |does not include each song |

|soundtrack. |related life event, and |artist, related life event, |artist, related life event, |title, artist, related life |

| |developmental phase. |and developmental phase. |and developmental phase. |event, and developmental |

|__________ /12 | | | |phase. |

| |Liner Notes for all 8 songs |Liner Notes for 6-7 songs |Liner Notes for 4-5 songs |Liner Notes for fewer than 3 |

|LINER NOTES: |that explain the song choice |and/or failure to explain the|and/or failure to explain the|songs and/or failure to |

|Written explanation of song choice, |and relevance to the |song choice and relevance to |song choice and relevance to |explain the song choice and |

|relevance to developmental phase, and |developmental phase or event,|the developmental phase or |the developmental phase or |relevance to the |

|relevant theories/theorists/terms/concepts.|using specific details and |event. |event. |developmental phase or event.|

| |examples. | | | |

|__________ / 16 | | | | |

| |Comments: |

| | |

|TOTAL: __________ / 36 | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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