Second GradeDPM1 Review DPM1 Review2 DaysObjective: The students will participate in an activity to review the science concepts taught in units one and two (life science).Materials: white boards, dry erase markers, technology (laptop, computer) for interactive gameboard file, question cards, baggies, cards for all 4 loop games bagged and printed on tag of different colors, page protectors or laminated interactive pages, science notebooks, various writing utensils Vocabulary to Review: safety, safety goggles, scientist, hand lens, plan, conduct, observe, sort, collect, compare, primary balance scale, patterns, clock, timer, collecting net, materials, problem, investigation, predict, results, classify, measure, ruler, stopwatch, survival/survive, characteristics, plant, basic needs, nutrients, water, air, sunlight, space, organism, stem, seed, seedling, leaf, flower, fruit, roots, living, nonliving, energy, animals, environment, shelter, animal needs, terrarium, aquarium, food chain, behavior, habitat, garden, park, lake, forest, beach, migration, hibernation, body parts, body coverings, scales, gills, lungs, exoskeleton, fins, fur, feathers, insect, egg, adult, life cycle, reptile, amphibian, mammal, fish, bird, larva, pupa, metamorphosis, parent, dormant/dormancy, interdependence Teacher Information: In addition to having review questions for students to practice, there will be several activities in a rotation of stations during the 2 days of review activities for the DPM test. Each of the activities should be prepared and set up in advance but can remain the same for both days. After reviewing expectations with students at the beginning of each day, students will have about 20 minutes to participate in each of 2 stations each day. At the end of the 2 day review, students will have had the opportunity to participate in at least 4 different activities to prepare for the DPM test. There are 4 different station activities provided with this lesson, however teachers should consider developing other additional stations that would provide targeted practice for students based on their own data from unit 1 and 2 lessons. Teachers may also choose to pull small groups of students to provide extra support and re-teaching opportunities. Prepare students to rotate to a game station and an interactive work page station each day. For instance stations 1 and 3 are the work page stations, whereas 2 and 4 are the game stations. Rotating to 2 stations each day will ensure that students have a variety of review experiences, (for instance, a group will go to stations 1 and 2 on day one and stations 3 and 4 on day two however another group will go to stations 2 and 3 on day one and 4 and 1 on day two.)Procedure: Day 1 and 2 – 10 minutes: model activities / review expectations Review in advance with your students the expectations for participating and collaborating appropriately. Day 1 and 2 – 20 minutes: station 1/3 review activityOn day 1 students will participate in their first station activity. On day 2 during this time, students will participate in their third review station.Day 1 and 2 - 20 minutes: station 2/4 review activityOn day 1 students will participate in their second station activity. On day 2 during this time, students will participate in their fourth review station.Day 1 and 2 – 5 minutes: wrap-up / closureReview ActivitiesStations 1 and 3 Interactive work pagesMaterials: all pages printed individually and laminated or placed inside plastic sheet protectors, dry erase markersPreparation: Print out full page slides from both Power Point files (SCIE_2_A_DPM1 station 1_MAN, SCIE_2_A_DPM1 station 3_MAN), laminated or placed inside page protectors for a write-on/wipe-off surface.Procedure: Students will practice concepts and answer questions or prompts by writing directly on the work pages to complete each sheet. They will erase their work upon completion and pass to other group members to practice. The pages are labeled for each group and provide about 20 individual review tasks. Set up both stations by preparing and dividing up the cards as marked for both stations 1 and 3. You may also choose to have students record their responses in their science notebook or other record sheet prepared by the teacher. Station 2 Loop GamesMaterials: 4 pages of game cards: Plants, Animals, Life Cycles, Habitats, each page printed onto a different color of tag. Place each 8 card set into a separate baggie. Preparation: In advance, model how to read the question out loud and place the card down on the table top for all group members to see and read. All players will search their cards for the answer to that question and place that answer below the first question. The student who placed the answer card onto the table will also read aloud the next question that is at the bottom of that answer card. Repeat the process and begin placing cards in a circular pattern connecting answers to the trailing questions until all 8 cards form a loop back to the answer at the top of the first question card. Procedure: Allow students together within their small group to complete each loop game. Students will equally divide the 8 cards and read the answers and questions on each card. They will work together to complete each 8 card loop. There are 4 different loop games/topics to complete. Station 4 Board Game ReviewMaterials: laptop or computer with smartboard technology installed, gameboard file (SCIE_2_A_DPM1 gameboard_MAN), 48 question cards cut and bagged (SCIE_2_A_DPM1 question cards_MAN), white boards and dry erase markers for each student. Preparation: Show students in advance how to click on the die to roll, and click on their animal game piece to move on the virtual game board. Prepare the game cards by printing all 3 sheets onto tag. Cut all 48 questions apart and place them in a baggie. Procedure: Students will decide who goes first. They can play individually or with a partner. Teams will take turns drawing a question card from the baggie and clicking to roll the dice.All teams should write their answer on a white board. After an appropriate amount of time, about 10 seconds, have all teams hold up their white board. Any team who has the correct answer gets to move their animal game piece on the game board the number of spaces indicated on the dice. Groups will determine which teams have the correct answer as they compare all team responses and decide together. They may use their study guide and/or a tablet with the student online text for help if it is needed. ................

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