



Is it hot enough for you yet?!? And where are the monsoons?? Maybe by the time you read this we’ll have a little relief. Despite the weather, your Tucson AFA Chapter continues to press on with activities. As always, I am ever grateful to our members that CONTINUE to execute all our Chapter activities. I encour- age ALL our members to pick an activity to help out. (see Calendar on last page for oppor- tunities)

Our big event in April was our 32nd Annual Golf Tournament, held at the Blanchard Golf Course on Davis-Monthan. A VERY BIG THANK YOU to all those who helped out, volunteered, donated, and participated in the tourney, making it a great success. As much as Dick Roberts tried to give away a free car on hole #9, only one person even hit the green, let alone got a hole-in-one…probably both due to the very strong headwind, plus a lack of skill! We’re already planning the tour- nament for next year, which will probably be held at a different course. Keep an eye out for information and plan on participating!!

In May we were very fortunate to have BG (ret) Linda Medler as our guest speaker at our monthly luncheon. Serving as the Director of Capability and Resource Integration for USCYBER Command before her retirement, and now as the Chief Information Security Officer for Raytheon Missile Systems, she gave us a fantastic (and scary) insight into what our nation’s military and government are doing to combat the cyber threat and develop our own cyber capability. We also honored our Chapter Teacher of the year, Mr David Herring, a University High School English teacher who single handedly brought an Infor- mation Technology curriculum back to UHS. The CyberPatriot Team he coached last school year also placed very highly in the regional competition. We have high hopes that his team this year will be selected to go to the CyberPatriot Finals in Washington DC next March. Good Luck!!

Although we are taking a break in June and July from our luncheons, there are still many activities we are supporting. We just

concluded the AFA Southwest Region Confer- ence in Las Vegas. Many thanks to Bobi Oates and the Thunderbird Chapter from Nellis for hosting! Mark & Carol Koechle, Wally & Joan Saeger, and Len Summers attended from our chapter. We were treated to a tour of the Thun- derbird Museum and Threat Training Facility at Nellis AFB on Friday, along with a very in- formative all-day session on Saturday. The oper- ational brief from the 432d Wing at Creech (UAVs) was fascinating, and the information on future AFA field challenges and opportunities from AFA Director of Field Operations, Gavin “Mac” MacAloon was very insightful. See more details in the article in this edition.

Among other things, some other activities we supported last quarter were the Community Col- lege of the Air Force graduation, two Airmen Leadership School graduations, and helped spon- sor the Phoenix Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) Organizational Day. Additional- ly, our AZ State convention will be on Saturday, 19 August, at the Prescott Resort and Conference Center, and don’t forget about the AFA National Convention just outside Washington DC from 16

-20 September. Look for more information on both of these events in the following pages, and I hope to see you there!

Our next luncheon is planned for August, where we will begin the Chapter Annual Election pro- cess (election held at September meeting). There is a very good chance Congresswoman McSally will be our speaker at one of these luncheons; we are still working out details and will get the ad- vertisement out in plenty of time for you to make plans. If you recall, each year we elect our chap- ter President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All of our members are eligible to run, so if you have any interest in participating in the chapter, either through an elected or appoint- ed position, or even as one of our all-important volunteers, please let me know! Remember, ED- UCATE, ADVOCATE, SUPPORT!!

Mark Koechle, President

Tucson Chapter’s May Meeting Presentation Brig. Gen. (Ret) Linda Medler

Linda R. Medler is the chief information security officer at Raytheon Missile Systems. In her current role, Medler is responsible for fostering business relationships and integrat-

ing information security tech- nologies and best practices to achieve strategic business goals.

Before joining Raytheon, Med- ler was president and CEO of LA Medler and Associates providing cyber strategy con-

Tucson Chapter 105’s Teacher of the Year University High School’s David Herring

David Herring is fortunate to teach at University High School in Tucson which is rated one of the best public high schools in the country. Every year, UHS students win nu-

merous academic awards. Three years ago students could not take a single com- puter science class because of budgets cuts and low enroll- ment led to the collapse of the CS program.

David’s career started as an

sulting services to commercial clients and numerous Depart- ment of Defense customers and academic institutions. In 2014

L-R: Amy Cislak, UHS Princi- pal, David Herring, Mark Koechle, AFA President

English teacher and some-

times he would use Google Earth to help students under- stand the geography of a work

she retired from the U.S. Air Force as a Brigadier General and as Director of Capability and Resource Integration for the United States Cyber Command. In this role, she orches- trated the development of the current DoD Cyber Mission Force strategy and resourcing plan.

Gen. Medler’s previous assignments included Assistant Deputy Director of Communications and Networks for the Joint Staff, and Deputy CIO, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chief of Staff for Air Force Material Command, Secretary of De- fense Corporate Fellow, and presidential communications officer at the White House Communications Agency. She commanded at the squadron, group and wing level and de- ployed to Afghanistan to lead more than 100 coalition per- sonnel responsible for fielding the Afghan National Army. In 2005, she commanded the 97th Air Expeditionary Group to provide humanitarian relief operations in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

The topic of Gen. Medler’s presentation was: Cybersecuri- ty: You Can Take Action. She spoke on the Cyber Security Landscape and recent Presidential orders, Who’s Who in the Cyber Zoo and Why do we care, Cyber Mission Forces and US Cyber Command and Service approaches, and Arizona leads the way and some things you can do.

Medler spoke about the financial impact of Cybersecurity and that the average breach now costs over $4M and that 60% of victim companies are out of business within 6 months. She said that government regulations and oversight is lacking in policy and an increasing congressional concern but a lack of consensus on what to do.

The General noted that cyber attacks are increasing and that US firms are the most targeted in the world. One third of attacks are successful and 30% of spear-phising attacks tar- get small business.

Arizona is the first state to participate in US Cyber Com- mand’s “Cyber Guard” and there are private/public partner- ships for “not-for-profit” organizations. This grew out of relationships with the FBI InfraGard and AZ Counter Ter- rorism Intelligence Center. Arizona is now advising Federal Authorities on ISAO Standards.

Robert Muellier, FBI Director, 2012 noted: “There are only two types of companies: those who have been hacked and those that will be”.

that they were reading. As a result of this, he began creating

a platform to map and share this type of information about books.

This project opened up several new opportunities for him and introduced him to programming and volunteer to teach computer science classes. He was able to transition from an English classroom where he had taught for over a decade to a computer science lab and began teaching two new clas- ses—one that focused on web development including an introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and an AP Computer Science A class, which focused on teaching Java.

David’s enthusiasm for this new subject matter was passed on to his students also, many of whom regularly describe their interest in pursuing computer science after high school and many encourage their friends to sign up for these clas- ses.

This previous year he had 50 students in two sections and this year he was able to recruit close to 120 students spread over five sections., including 40% female students.

David is able to connect his students with opportunities that go beyond the basic curriculum. This has included sponsor- ing a state champion CyberPatriot team this year as well as a student run Programming Club. He has also provided stu- dents with opportunities to meet computer science profes- sionals from Google, MyFitnessPal, Wikipedia, IBM, Expe- dia, and Intuit over the past two years and has worked with the University of Arizona CS Department to bring visitors to UHS.

David is proud of these early accomplishments in rebuilding the computer science program at UHS, but he also has big- ger plans. Over the next couple years, he will realign the scope and sequence of UHS classes to increase student learning and work with local tech professionals to ensure students are prepared for educational opportunities and ca- reers after they graduate. He also hopes to work within this district and with CS teachers across the state to remove some of the institutional roadblocks to providing CS educa- tion.

David states, “While these challenges will go far beyond what I can control in my classroom, they are the types of problems I believe I can help solve as I enter the second half of my career as an educator.”


Tucson Chapter’s Annual Golf Tournament

April 28, 2017 at D-M AFB’s Blanchard Golf Course

It was a windy (really windy!!) day at the D-M AFB’s Blanchard Golf Course for the Chapter’s Annual Golf Tournament. The “hole

-in-one” for the new GMC 2017 Terrain on the No. 9 par-3 hole was not conquered and only 1 of the 36 players was even able to hit the green on the tee shot as the wind was directly in the golfer’s face! It was a fun day though and all the players braved the wind and finished the 18 holes.

The team of Robb Blythe, Mark Koechle, Mike Watson, and Scott VanValkenburg placed first with a score of 62, finishing 6 strokes better than the 2nd place team.

Following the game, drawings were held for numerous items donated by many businesses. The Chapter wishes to thank all those business that donated prizes and were tournament sponsors.

Winning Team, L-R: Robb Blythe, Mark Koechle, Mike Watson, Scott VanValkenburg

[pic] [pic]

Lining up shots on No. 9 hole

President Mark Koechle Tournament Chair Scott


Tournament Sponsors

Haven Golf Course Blanchard Golf Course 49er Golf Course

Frost Gelato Van’s Golf Shop

Café Torino Royal Buick

The Coffee Exchange Hilton Garden Inn— Airport

Marriott Starr Pass

Chick-Fil-A Scordatos

Helping at check-in: Jack Carter &

Wendy VanValkenburg


Know Your Tucson Chapter 105 Officers VP Public Affairs/Newsletter: Dick Roberts

Dick Roberts spent 37 years in the Aerospace Industry as an engineer in Aeronautical and Electronics Engineering posi- tions with Northrop Aircraft, General Dynamics/Astronautics,

North American Aviation, and McDonnell –Douglas. The last 29 of these years were spent with McDonnell- Douglas Corporation in Long Beach, CA in supervisory positions in Flight Test of Commercial and Military Air- craft, Engineering Cost Esti- mating, and Customer Engi-

neering. Dick retired from

Chapter 105 Elementary Teacher of the Year

Despite National AFA deciding to recognize only one Chap- ter Teacher of the Year (ToY) as a cost cutting measure, last year they were willing to recognize both a high school and an elementary school ToY, Chapter 105 wanted to continue

recognizing both levels. Tonya Connelly from Cop- per Ridge Elementary was selected as our Elementary School ToY for her out- standing work in promot- ing STEM and Advanced Math education for her students. In her letter of recommendation, Principal Erica Irby wrote “She has

McDonnell-Douglas in July 1994 and moved to Green

Valley, AZ in September of that year.

Tonya Connelly helps First Grad- ers use their senses to investigate pumpkins.

the ability to build mean- ingful relationships which motivates students in the area of math and science.

Since moving to Green Valley, Dick has been heavily in- volved in community activities that included 8 years on the Green Valley Community Coordinating Council, the last 4 as President. In this position he dealt with community concerns and worked with many Pima County Departments, including Development Services and Transportation. Dick chaired the Community Transit Committee and was instrumental in bring- ing Transit Service to the Green Valley area. He has been a Rotarian for 23 years and with the Air Force Association Tuc- son Chapter for the past 6 years, though a member of AFA for close to 40 years.

CyberPatriot Announces National Champions The Air Force Association announced the winners of the Cy- berPatriot IX National Finals Competition, held earlier this month in Baltimore. North Hollywood, Calif., High School’s “Team Tugo” won the national championship in the Open Division, as well as winning the Leidos Digital Forensics Event and the overall Cisco Challenge. Colorado Springs Cadet Squadron with the Colorado Springs Civil Air Patrol won the All-Service Division. Summit Lakes, Mo., Middle School’s “Team Error 37” won the Middle School Division. “Team Cyber Warriors 3” from Troy High School in Fuller- ton, Calif., won the AT&T Mobile Computing Challenge, and “Team Falcons” from Poolesville, Md., High School won the Facebook Challenge. “Team TX-781st” from O.W. Holmes High School Air Force JROTC in San Antonio won the all- service division of the Cisco Networking Challenge. Leon Gaulin of” Team Marine Raiders” from Montachusett Re- gional Vocational Technical School received the Cyber All- American Award, presented to competitors who competed in the national finals for four consecutive years of their high school tenure.

AFA News 4-13-17

Mrs. Connelly also goes above and beyond by serving as the Science Fair Coordinator at Copper Ridge.”

Since Ms. Connelly was not able to attend our May luncheon when we recognized our other ToY, David Herring, we will recognize her accomplishments at a future date.

Congratulations to Tonya and thank you for all that you do for our future generation.

2017 Election of Chapter Officers

Chapter 105 will conduct the election of chapter officers at the September 2017 meeting so they can take their positions effective October 1, 2017. Every year, we must elect the following officers to comply with AFA operating proce- dures: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. An email will be sent in late July asking for nominations along with a description of the duties for each office. If you want to get an advance look you can look at the Field Opera- tions Guide on the AFA web site: . You’ll have to look under the tab of information for Field Leaders and then the Field Operations Guide.

The direct link to the FOG is: https://




Chapter 10 covers The Chapter including the duties of the elected officers. While there, please review the Recom- mended Officers (Appointed) to see if there are any posi- tions that interest you if you don’t want to be an elected of- ficer. We can always use help in running the chapter and our support of the Total Air Force.

Air Force Magazine Honored for Third Consecutive Year in Journalistic Excellence

ARLINGTON, Va. – The Air Force Association (AFA) announced today that its flagship publication, A ir Force Magazine, has been recognized by the DC Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

News Editor Amy McCullough received first place in the non-breaking news category within the magazine’s division for her detailed account of the six-decades-plus struggle to maintain stability on the Korean peninsula, “Keeping Peace in Korea.”

Photo Editor Mike Tsukamoto and Digital Platforms Editor Gideon Grudo took first place as well in the infographic category for their explanation on technology readiness levels, depicting benchmarks by which the US Air Force and other defense agencies determine the maturation and readiness of developing technologies. “We’re thrilled that SPJ has again recognized our staff’s solid work, and are doubly gratified that the awards reflect the interest of not just the defense and aerospace community, but a general audience,” said John Tirpak, Editorial Director, A ir Force Magazine.

This is the third consecutive year the Society of Professional Journalists has honored A ir Force Magazine. In 2015 and 2016, the publication was awarded for works largely pertaining to affairs in the Middle East and Europe.

The Society of Professional Journalists is a national organization dedicated to improving and protecting journalism since its inception in 1909. In addition to its advo- cacy and educational efforts, it is the keeper of the internationally known journalism code of ethics.

June 15, 2017


AFA on the Issues

AFA is committed to advocating for the well-being of Air- men, every day. This means staying active on Capitol Hill and ensuring that the voice of our Air Force is heard.

Throughout the year, the budget has been an ongo- ing topic of dis- cussion for DOD leaders. Earlier this month, the Secretary of the Air Force and the

“A Little Bit of History”

McDonnell Douglas YC-15

Secretary of the Air Force Heather A. Wilson and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein

Air Force Chief of Staff testified

The McDonnell Douglas YC-15 was a 4-engine short take-off and landing (STOL) tactical transport. It was McDonnell Douglas' en-

before the Senate

Armed Services Committee on their Fiscal Year 2018 Budg- et. Secretary Wilson testified that her priorities lie in restor- ing readiness and focusing on modernization. Last week, the Secretary and Chief testified before the Senate Defense Ap- propriations Committee. The focus was on munitions, mod- ernization, F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, Space, pilot shortage, readiness, KC-46A tankers, UH-1N helicopters and basing. In a familiar theme, Secretary Wilson stated, “We are too small for what the nation requires us to do.”

Continuing the Air Force’s budget conversation, Keith Zue- gel, AFA Senior Director of Government Relations and Peter Huessy, Director of Strategic Deterrent Studies at the Mitch- ell Institute, recently published an op-ed in Defense News discussing the Air Force’s latest achievements, in light of recent financial constraints. “A force used so intensively the past 26 years starting with Desert Storm needs the resources to sustain it,” wrote Zuegel and Huessy. “Unfortunately, budget caps put in place in 2010 remain, causing a serious strain on the Air Force and an annual budget shortfall of nearly $11 billion.” Read how these challenges may greatly impact the Air Force’s ability to perform,

In a recent op-ed published in NewsOK, AFA Member Mark Tarpley further emphasizes the contrasting demands on the Air Force to both increase readiness and lethality, while func- tioning on a shoe-string budget. “Since its founding 70 years ago, the Air Force has been a leading edge of deterrence,” writes Tarpley. “But it has been engaged in nonstop combat operations for the past 26 years, and today is in high demand by our allies. This demand exceeds our capability to provide the air power and support they want.”

- AFA Newsletter, June 29, 2017

trant into the USAF's Advanced Medium STOL Transport (AMST) competition to replace the Lockheed C-130 Hercules as the USAF's standard STOL tactical transport. In the end, neither the YC-15 nor the Boeing YC-14 was ordered into production, although the YC- 15's basic design would be used to form the successful C-17 Globe- master III.

McDonnell Douglas's design incorporated a supercritical wing. This wing design dramatically lowers transonic wave drag by as much as 30% compared to more conventional profiles, while at the same time offering excellent low-speed lift. Most contemporary aircraft used swept wings to lower wave drag, but this led to poor low-speed handling, which made them unsuitable for STOL opera- tions.

The design team also chose to use externally blown flaps to in- crease lift. This system uses double-slotted flaps to direct part of the jet exhaust downwards, while the rest of the exhaust passed through the flap and then followed the downward curve due to the Coandă effect. Although the effects had

been studied for some time at NASA, along with similar con- cepts, until the introduction of the turbofan the hot and concen- trated exhaust of existing engines

made the system difficult to use. By the time of the AMST project, engines had changed dramatically and now provided larger volumes of less-concentrated and much cooler air. For the YC-15, four en- gines were used, versions of the Pratt & Whitney JT8D-17 widely used on the Boeing 727 and Douglas DC-9. The YC-15 borrowed components from other McDonnell Douglas aircraft, with its nose gear coming from the Douglas DC-8 and the nose section & cockpit being derived from the Douglas DC-10. Parts borrowed from other aircraft included the Universal Aerial Refueling Receptacle Slipway Installation (UARRSI), taken from a Fairchild A-10, anti-tipover stabilizer struts from the Lockheed C-141 Starlifter, pumps taken from the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, Lockheed C-5 Galaxy, DC-9 and C-141 and actuators taken from the C-5 Galaxy and DC-

10. In addition, the environmental cooling system was composed of components taken from the DC-9, C-141 and Boeing KC-135.

After the flight test program, the two aircraft were stored at the AMARC, located at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. One aircraft (72-1875) was subsequently moved to the nearby Pima Air & Space Museum in 1981, but was returned to flying status by McDonnell Douglas in 1996; and was first reflown on 11 April 1997. On 16 April 1997, the aircraft was ferried to Long Beach, California to support the C-17 program. On 11 July 1998, the aircraft suffered a massive failure of the No. 1 engine during flight and made an emer- gency landing at Palmdale, California. On inspection, the aircraft was deemed too expensive to repair and was stored at Palmdale. In 2008, it was moved by road to Edwards AFB, where it is now on display at the Air Force Flight Test Center Museum's "Century Circle" display area, just outside the base's west gate. The other airframe (72–1876), which had remained on Celebrity Row at the AMARC for many years, was destroyed in place in April 2012. It was within easy towing distance of the Pima Air Museum, which had hosted its sister for almost 15 years, but no efforts were made to transfer the aircraft there instead of destroying it.


Community Partner Program

For more than 40 years, businesses have been joining the Air Force Association to support both AFA National and local AFA chap-

ters. Becoming a Community Partner is a great way to get your business involved with your local Air Force Community. Community Partners are partnership businesses that want to assist both AFA National and the local AFA chapters by becoming involved in Community efforts to support the United States Air Force.

By forming a partnership with your local AFA chapter, your business will help AFA fulfill their mission to promote a dominant Unit- ed States Air Force and a strong national defense. Any business or organization can become a CP and have two options for member- ship:

Category One (CP I) $90.00 annually- Business can designate one person to receive AFA Membership and enjoy all benefits thereof.

Category Two (CP II) $180.00 annually- Business can designate two people to receive AFA Membership and enjoy all benefits thereof.

Not only does a Community Partner receive all the benefits of an AFA membership, such as a variety of product and service dis- counts, insurance programs, and much more, but the partner will also receive the following upon joining AFA:

Date Medallion Wooden Plaque

8”x5” “Our Business Supports Our Troops" Window Decal

If your business is interested in becoming a Community Partner, you should first contact your local chapter.

For questions or for more information on the program, please contact: Dave Carrell, carrelldav@, (520) 305-4407

Have your business become a part of a great cause and show your patrons that you support our Air Force!

Tucson Chapter’s Community Partners


AFA Southwest Region Conference

The AFA Southwest Region Conference took place in Las Vegas Nevada June 23-24 hosted by the Thunderbird Chap- ter. While the conference was held at the Aliante Casino & Hotel, the first events were on Friday at Nellis AFB. The

conference organizer, Thunder- bird Chapter President Bobi Oates, arranged for a personalized tour of the Thunderbird Museum and the Threat Training Facility. At the Thunderbird Museum, con- ference attendees watched an en- lightening video (in fact a few

was asked to provide a briefing of the four chapters’ fund raising activities.

John Toohey, the Southwest Region President provided an overview of the health of the Southwest Region and what to expect in the near future for the AFA.

The day ended with a no-host social in the Robin’s Roost followed by dinner; both at the Nellis Club.

Maj Gen Glen D. VanHerck, Commander USAF War- fare Center, Nellis AFB, was the guest speaker.

A great time was had by all.

Chapter Vice President Wally Saeger and Presi- dent Mark Koechle stand in front of the Thunderbird mural at the Thunderbird Museum

folks asked to watch again), toured a conference room with a mural that has Thunderbird aircraft that ap-


to be

Arizona is scheduled to host the 2018 Southwest Re- gion Conference and your Tucson Chapter has volun- teered to host it. We’ll be looking for volunteers to help make it a success.

flying toward you no matter where you stand in front of it, and a private tour of the Thun- derbirds hangar (the team was in Dayton so only one aircraft was there undergoing maintenance). While we were there, we heard about the accident involving Thunderbird #7.

Despite temperatures that ap- proached 115°+, we drove over to the Threat Training Facility

Members of the AZ dele- gation pose in front of a Thunderbird in the Thun- derbird Hangar. L to R: Ross Lampert, Len Sum- mers, Mark Koechle, Wal- ly Saeger, Luisa Bailey, George Weil & Ed Logan.

AZ State and National AFA Conventions Scheduled

All AFA members are invited to attend the AFA State Convention in Prescott August 19 and the National Convention at National Harbor, MD, September 16-17. The convention is followed by the Air, Space and Cyber Conference, September 18-20.

The 1-day State meeting begins at 9 a.m. at the Prescott Resort & Convention Center. George Weil, (928) 277- 6326 (Cell), needs a headcount of attendees to plan for

lunch. If rooms are desired, reserve using Group Code

to view exhibits that had been classified until the early 1990s. The indoor exhibits included a Mig-29 Fulcrum and Mig-27 Flogger that had the cockpits open for those adventurous enough to crawl in (they were spacious but hot). Some of us ventured outside to view numerous exhibits such as a Mi-24 Hind assault helicopter and BMP-2 fighting vehicle.

The day finished with a chance to meet the other delegates in the hospitality suite.

Saturday started with a briefing from the 432d Air Expedi- tionary Wing at Creech AFB, NV. The briefing covered the wing’s role in conducting the Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) mission around the globe. Especially impressive was the dedication of the wing members that endure an hour-long commute to Creech every day. Several videos highlighted the professionalism of the aircrews and their support person- nel (intel, mission planning, maintenance) to press the war on multiple fronts (Afghanistan, Iraq, & Syria) to locate, track & kill the bad guys.

F. Gavin ‘Mac’ Mac Aloon, Vice Chairman of Field Opera- tions, provided a well-received briefing on what to expect in the near future for chapters and states. The biggest change will be in how chapters are reimbursed for membership. Starting this year, we will receive our stipend based upon our chapter membership at the end of June and December.

Robert Cunningham presented a briefing on the Wounded Airman Program which highlighted the accomplishments of the program which is run by the AFA to support Air Force Wounded Warriors. The Air Force vets every person that is provided aid and must be registered in the Air Force Wound- ed Warrior program.

Each of the state representatives provided an overview of what has happened in their state over the past year. Arizona

AFA17 by calling 1-888-657-7855. See Conference flyer on page 8

State President Joe Marvin, approves delegates for the National Convention. If you are interested in being a delegate please contact Mark Koechle,

mkoechle@, or Wally Saeger, wsae-

ger@, so your information can be pro- vided to Joe.

Complete information on the National Convention and the Air, Space and Cyber Conference can be found at





Upcoming Events

Look for future “field trips” to different squadrons on base; if you have something specific you want to see please let us know! There are MANY events supporting our local Airmen listed below and more to come! As a Chapter, we try to attend all that we can. If you are interested in represent- ing our AFA Chapter at any of these, please inform Mark Koechle ( mkoechle@), and he will coordinate it. You just have to show up and enjoy these traditional military ceremonies and gatherings. First come, first served!!


July (no luncheon this month for summer break)

- CyberPatriot Team Sign-ups continue through September

- 4th: Independence Day; celebrate our nation’s freedom, STILL the greatest country in history

- 10th: AFA Executive Committee Meeting, OG Conference Room, 1200

- 10th: 55th Electronic Combat Group Change of Command, 755th AMXS Hangar, 0900

- 14th: 563d Rescue Group Change of Command, 79th Aircraft Maintenance Hangar, 0900

- 20th: Daedalian Summer Social (AFA invited!), Club Ironwood, 1730 ($10 per person, $15 per couple)


- 7th: AFA Executive Committee Meeting, OG Conference Room, 1200

- 19th: AZ State AFA Conference, Presecot Resort and Conference Center, 0900

Questions and RSVP: call or email George Weil at 928-277-6326 or maple773@

- 25th: Chapter Monthly Luncheon, Chapter Election Nominations, speaker TBD, Club Ironwood, 1130


- 4th: Labor Day holiday – Take a Day Off!!

- 11th: AFA Chapter Executive Committee Meeting, OG Conference Room, 1200

- 16-17th: AFA National Convention, National Harbor, Maryland (see for details)

- 18-20th: AFA National Conference & Technology Exposition, National Harbor, Maryland

- 22nd: Chapter Monthly Luncheon, Chapter Elections, speaker TBD, Club Ironwood, 1130

Air Force Association Tucson Chapter 105

P. O. Box 15057 Tucson, AZ 85708

Air Force Association Means Americans for Air Power




Flight Line

Air Force Association Chapter 105

2017-3 Tucson, Arizona July 2017

Chapter Officers

President Mark Koechle


Vice President Wally Saeger


Secretary Capt. Sandra Spoon


Assist. Secretary Mark Lindsay


Treasurer Marie A. Lankford marihan53@

VP Aerospace Education

VP CyberPatriot Wally Saeger


VP Government Relations Joseph Cuffari jcuffari@

VP Leadership Develop.

VP Membership Wally Saeger wsaegero6@

VP Veterans Affairs Bill Goodall bgoodall@

VP Military Liaison Maj. Carl Chen carl.chen06@gmail.ocm

VP Programs / Communication Marie A. Lankford


VP Community Partners Dave Carrell


VP Community Outreach Heidi Goldman heidi.goldman@

VP Aerospace Education (ROTC) Cadet Karina Marsteller

VP Awards Larry Herndon


VP AFA Golf Fundraiser Scott Van Valkenburg


VP Public Affairs / Newsletter Dick Roberts rrrgv@


No. 9 Hole

How to Contact AFA

To change the e-mail address to which you receive the AFA Update, e-mail member-

ship@. Please provide the old and new e-mail addresses.

For questions or comments about the AFA Update, e-mail Susan Rubel at srubel@. To join AFA or renew your membership, visit AFA/Join.

For details on your AFA member benefits, go to: AFA/MemberBenefits.

Dave Carrell

Chick-fil-A Tanque Verde 6675 E. Grant Rd.

Tucson, AZ 85715

(520) 305-4407

Matt Hountz

Chick-fil-A El Con 3605 E. Broadway Blvd Tucson, AZ 85716

(520) 321-4232

Jim Paine

Chick-fil-A Oracle Road 4885 N. Oracle Rd Tucson, AZ 85705

(520) 408-2456

5 Calle Cristina Rio Rico, AZ 85648 (520) 281-1456

Robert Ferretti Jackson Oil Company

(623) 217-8005

Web Sites of Interest for AFA Members

Air Force Association (AFA)

AFA Tucson Chapter 105

Military Officers Association of America (MOAA

Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA)

AFPC Afterburner Newsletter afpc.randolph.af.mil/afretire

DFAS (Retiree Finance Center) dfas.mil

Contact Congress

Air Force Daily Report

dailyreport. af.mil AFA Veteran Benefits Association

4Armed . Your best source of top quality Armed Forces Memorabilia and Gifts


warms.vba.admin21/m21_1/mr/part1/ch05.doc Board of Veteran’s Appeals

vbs/bva Center for Women Veterans


Non-Profit Org.

U. S. Postage Paid

Tucson, AZ Permit No. 1278

AFA’s Mission

Our Mission is to promote a dominant USAF and a strong national defense and to honor airmen and our AF heritage. To accomplish this we:

Educate the public on the critical need for unmatched aerospace power and a technically superior workforce to ensure US national security,

Advocate for aerospace power and STEM education, and

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