
November 2009 Newsletter (September 2009 News)

Andrea Pace Unit 0154 -- 4206 Southfield Road, Ellicott City, Maryland 21042

Phone: (410) 465-4442 or 1-800-863-2463; FAX: (410) 313-9294;

Cell Phone: (443) 980-7353; Email: andrea@

Web site for Andrea’s Consultants: (Password: 0154)

Customer Website:

Welcome to Andrea’s Unit -- New Consultants

Jennifer Gustin (Lubbock, TX) – sponsored by Lynn Leonard

Iris Cummins (Forney, TX) – Sponsored by Judi Liles

Justine Schaeffer (Ellicott City, MD) – Sponsored by Margot Howard

Welcome Back -- Reinstated Consultants

Cruz Torrer (Rio Rancho, NM)

Hall of Fame for November 2009

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Kay Childers Gloria McCutcheon Phyllis Jones Judi Liles

$1,875 whsle production $1,805 whsle production $1,134 whsle production $1,127 whsle production

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Margot Howard Christine Castioni Sharon Edwards

1 new recruit 1 new recruit (August) 1 new recruit (August)

Newsletter/items in it can be downloaded in color from Andrea’s website: . For many, it will be more convenient to get something from the website than from the paper version of the newsletter when you want to make copies of it for your use.

September 2009 Scoreboard

Consultants Ordering In September 2009

Lynda Boland

Donna Canada

LaJoyce Cannon

Christine Castioni

Kay Childers

Patricia Colbert

Jody Colwell

Candace Entingh

Rhonda Gover

Donna Gray

Nancy Grissom

Beverly Guthrie

Bee Hamlin

Cody Hanagan

Jackie Hatcher

Ruby Hulett

Phyllis Jones

Lynn Leonard

Judi Liles

Gloria McCutcheon

Dolores Montoya

Jana Morgan

Andrea Pace

Justine Schaeffer

Carolyn Simns

Nancy Sweet

Cruz Torres

Gabriele Trujillo

Claudia Tufano

Joker Ward

Mary Welter

Susan Wesner

Julie White

Queen Kay Childers -- $1,875


Gloria McCutcheon -- $1,805

Phyllis Jones -- $1,134

Judi Liles -- $1,127

Dolores Montaya -- $678

Jana Morgan -- $604

Court of Sharing (Year to Date)

Eileen Hanson – 1 qualified Christiane Castioni -- 1

Sharon Edwards – 1

Margot Howard – 1

Lynn Leonard -- 1

Judi Liles – 1

Qualified = $600 wholesale order

Year to Date Retail Production

July 1, 2009 to September 30, 2009

1 Kay Childers $5,273.00

2 Judi Liles $4,701.00

3 Phyllis A. Jones $4,376.00

4 Gloria K. McCutcheon $3,883.50

5 Nancy G. Grissom $3,696.00

6 Dolores M. Montoya $2,087.50

7 Donna Canada $1,987.00

8 Susan C. Wesner $1,645.50

9 Mary L. Welter $1,527.50

10 Christine T Castioni $1,446.50

11 Beverly L. Guthrie $1,334.00

12 Geneva D. Trujillo $1,320.00

13 Eileen Hanson $1,304.00

14 Patricia R. Colbert $1,277.50

15 Jana R. Morgan $1,262.50

16 Teresa G. Rubio $1,079.50

17 Donna G. Cox $1,078.00

18 Ruth H. Hise $1,074.00

19 LaJoyce M. Cannon $1,056.50

20 Jackie Hatcher $1,050.00

Andrea Pace $6,867.00

Consultants with

September Recruiter Commissions

9% Recruiter Commission Level

Andrea Pace

Christine Castioni

Judi Liles

Donna Canada

4% Recruiter Commission Level

Ruby F. Hulett

Jackie Hatcher

Lynda I. Boland

Candace D. Entingh

Margot Howard

Sharon A. Edwards

Mary L. Welter

Bonnie N. Montgomery

Beryl A. Greenawalt

Total Unit Retail Production

September 2009 -- $28,319

Year to Date -- $76,427

Recruiters and their Teams (as of September 30, 2009)

Team Leaders


Recruiter: Judi Liles

LaJoyce M. Cannon

Jody O. Colwell

Brenda Green

Patricia A. Holt

Bobbie L. Merritt

B.J. Watson

* Cheri Akers

* Helen Bearden

* Brandy M. Blount

* Iris Cummins

* Jo L. Henderson

* Martha J. Lange

* Marilee Mandernach

* Carla A. Villyard

* MaryAnn Youngblood


Recruiter: Christine T. Castion

Carol A. Estebo

Eileen Hanson

Lisa Heenan

Anita L. Lucero

Dolores M. Montoya

Cruz P. Torres


Recruiter: Donna Canada

Sherri L. Allen

Linda S. Richardson

Teresa G. Rubio

* Donna K. Gray

* Cody Hanagan

Star Team Builders


Recruiter: Beryl A. Greenawalt

Sharon L. Dixon

Betty M. Everett

Bee A. Hamlin

* Lilian T. Alade

* Nancy L. Norris

* Norma Winchester


Recruiter: Jackie Hatcher

Donna G. Cox

Joyce Johnson

Sandra L. Schillizzi

Susan C. Wesner


Recruiter: Mary L. Welter

Taffee Anhder

Magdalena T Arguello

Gabriele I. Trujillo

• = inactive Consultant


Senior Consultants

Recruiter: Bonnie Montgomery

Nancy G. Grissom

* Doreta Higginbotham

* Debra D. Southerland

Recruiter: Candace D. Entingh

Tena K. McElvain

Mary L. Welter

Recruiter: Cheri Akers

Pamela White

* Alma R. Guerrero

Recruiter: Delma C. Aranda

Pat Carrasco

Recruiter: Eileen Hanson

Geneva D. Trujillo

Recruiter: Helen Bearden

Ruth H. Hise

Recruiter: Lynda I. Boland

Beverly L. Guthrie

Recruiter: Margot Howard

Justine Schaeffer

Recruiter: Norma Winchester

Marilyn Nguty-Nkeng

Recruiter: Phyllis A. Jones

Christy Fagan

Ellen H. Wallace

* Margie J. Kitten

Recruiter: Ruby F. Hulett

Phyllis A. Jones

Recruiter: Sharon A. Edwards

Julie K. White

* Bonnie L. Hobson

Recruiter: Sharon L. Dixon

Mary C. McNamee

Star Consultant Contest Status (Quarter ending Dec. 15, 2009).

************ Needed for Star ************

Consultant In for Star Sapphire Ruby Diamond Emerald Pearl

|Judi Liles |$1,728.00 |$72.00 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Phyllis Jones |$1,518.00 |$282.00 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Donna Cox |$787.25 |$1,012.75 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Eileen Hanson |$668.50 |$1,131.50 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Donna Canada |$660.75 |$1,139.25 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Kay Childers |$630.00 |$1,170.00 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Jana Morgan |$604.25 |$1,195.75 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Christine Castioni |$569.00 |$1,231.00 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Lajoyce Cannon |$553.75 |$1,246.25 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Ruth Hise |$512.50 |$1,287.50 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Jackie Hatcher |$499.00 |$1,301.00 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Patricia Colbert |$479.50 |$1,320.50 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Nancy Norris |$466.75 |$1,333.25 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Kenda Thvedt |$455.00 |$1,345.00 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Andrea Pace |$407.00 |$1,393.00 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Michelle Allen |$404.00 |$1,396.00 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |

|Dolores Montoya |$400.50 |$1,399.50 |$2,400.00 |$3,000.00 |$3,600.00 |$4,800.00 |


July, August, September and October have been really busy months for me. I have been traveling all over the country – Tennessee, California, Pennsylvania, and Texas twice visiting high school friends, sisters, family reunions and of course our new grandson Mason. He is 8 months old and has already started crawling. I got up at 4am and drove in the dark in pouring rain to Lancaster, PA which is an hour and a half away to baby sit for 3 hours. Only a grandmother would do this. I am crazy about this boy.

I am on another weight loss program. Jennie Craig. I love it and am determined to get in shape so I will have more energy to give you my best. My office is cleaned up and prizes ordered. I am getting totally organized. When you begin losing weight, you feel so good about yourself. Dale is so supportive. He fixes his own meals. Yea Rah! I do water acrobatics and exercise every morning and on Thursday I grade Bible Correspondence Courses for Christian Jail Ministry. You can usually reach me in the afternoons and evenings. I am only a phone call away. Call me anytime you need me. I am here for you.

The afternoons and evenings is when I devote to Mary Kay. I sure do love this business, especially this time of the seasons. The fall is beautiful with all the colorful leaves falling and Dale has our firewood all ready to keep warm fires burning in the den. I can hardly wait for my Open House this week end. I usually sell between $2,000 and $4,000. I just love helping my customers with their skin care and gift buying needs.

Be sure and sign up for the Preferred Customer Program by November 15th and do your best to be a Star Consultant by December 15th. As you can see, we had 6 Star Consultants last Quarter. That was fabulous! Mary Kay has set a goal for us to have 11 Star Consultants each quarter, so we need 5 more Pace Setting Angels to step up to the plate and accomplish this worth while goal. This will help our Company reach their goal and will in turn create great income for you and your family, because you will have on your shelf the product your customers need.

I love you all. You are doing fantastic in your businesses. I am so very proud of you. Anytime you have a spare snapshot of yourself, send it my way. I sure would appreciate it. You are a wonderful Unit. With God’s help, you can do anything you set your mind to. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers to our Almighty Father.

Much Love, Andrea

Star Consultants -- Quarter Ending September 15, 2009

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Andrea Pace Kay Childers

$3,085 – Diamond Star $2,410 – Ruby Star

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Phyllis Jones Judi Liles Gloria McCutcheon Nancy Grissom

$2,277 $1,938 $1,805 $1,803

************************* Sapphire Stars ***************************

An Announcement from Mary Kay

Limited Edition Fragrances

Order now starting November lst, 2009

Mary Kay Miniature Fragrance Collection (Includes miniature replicas of Affection, Belara, Bella Belara, Elige, Journey, and Velocity all in a decorative gift box for $34.00.

This will be a hot, hot, hot item and will go fast, so put your order in today for this precious collection.

Six miniature Mary Kay fine fragrances perfect for giving in a beautiful decorative box!


By Future Executive Senior Sales Director Andrea Pace

This is the time of the year to have a “Holiday Open House” to help your customers with their gift buying needs. It is also the one time in a year that I give them a 20% Discount on all of their purchases for ONE DAY. I do this because I value their contined business with me. The date I select is the first Saturday in November or the first Saturday in December. In December, they are getting desperate to get their gifts. I send two postcards out to them - One two weeks before the date and the second one the week before the date. This keeps the date in their focus. This is what I say on card. You can go to my website and get the card and change it for your date and your information. It will print 4 to a page. You will need Microsoft Publishing to be able to use this postcard. If you don’t have it, print your own invitation up with the who, what, when and where information. Print it on card stock and it will go for 28 cents per card.

Hosted by: Andrea Pace

Saturday, November 7th, 2009

From 9 am till 5 pm

4206 Southfield Road — Ellicott City, Maryland 21042

Please RSVP: 410-465-4442 or 1-800-863-2463

Select from a wide range of gifts. Bring a friend and receive a gift!

I thank you for your continued business during this past year.

My gift to you this Christmas Season is 20% off on all of your purchases at my Open House.

If you can’t come by, just call in your order to me and I will get it right to you.

Directions: Coming from S29—W 108 to Clarksville, R on Columbia Road, L on Southfield.

Coming from N29—R on 103 St Johns Lane, L on Columbia Road, R on Northfield, L on Southfield.

SEE YOU ON SATURDAY, November 7th, 2009

Serve finger foods - like small sandwiches, dips, vegetables, cookies, and candy. I go to my local grocery store and they fix up the finger food for me. I mix apple cider, cinnamon, cloves orange juice and giner ale and warm it up on the stove for an Autumn Beverage. I also put Cinnamon Stick and Cloves and Allspice on the stove with water and keep it on simmer and keep adding water to it to add a great aroma aound my home. Put holiday M&M’s out where your product is for them to munch on. (Sugar is great for your bank account.) I decorate my home with the Christmas theme and give everyone that comes a Look Book. Put one of your Christmas Albums on so the Holiday Music is playing while they shop. I also have my products out on the table. My customers just love the 20% discount. Many people call me with their orders over the phone so they can see them. I take the orders one by one and fill them. Many have to wait while I check someone out. Don’t get hasseled over this – that is why I have the food out and the products as they will eat and look more and buy more. I also set out samples of colors for them . Each year my Christmas business has grown. If there is a lull in customers coming by, that is a great time to all your customers and remind them of the 20% Off and ask them if they need anything. Executive Director Natalie Reed has always inspired me with her Open Houses. Each year I keep getting it more simple, because I learn what they are most interested in and it is what they use. If you have any questions, call me 1-800-863-2463 or 410-465-4442. May God bless your efforts this Holiday Season to spread a little cheer in giving back to your wonderful customers.


Find your perfect Mary Kay Fragrance!

If you like…. Try Mary Kay’s ….

Samsara by Guerian

Opium by YSL Affection

Knowing by Estee Lauder

Wrappings by Clinique

Beautiful by Estee Lauder Bella

Sunflowers by Elizabeth Arden

Calyx by Prescriptives

Cool Water by Davidoff Bella Belara

Dolce Vita by Christian Dior

Diorella by Dior

CK1 by Calvin Klein Elige

L’Air Du Temps by Nina Ricci

Happy by Clinique

Light Blue by Dolce and Gabbana Velocity

Tommy Girl Summer by Tommy Hilfiger

Boucheron by Boucheron

CoCo by Chanel Warm amber Eau de Toilette

Euphoria by Calvin Klein

Escape by Calvin Klein

Pure Grace by Philosophy Simply Cotton Eau de Toilette

Blue Grass by Elizabeth Arden

Chloe by Karl Langerfield

Cristalle by Chanel Sparkling Honey suckle Eau de Anais Anais by Cacharel Toilette

Angel by Thierry Mugler

Passion by Elizabeth Taylor Exotic Passion Fruit Eau de Pleasures by Estee Lauder Toilette


[pic] [pic][pic] [pic] [pic]

Silver Christmas Tree Red Poinsetta with Snowflake Pendant 4 Hand-Painted Red-Gold-Green Cloisonee

Tac with Gold Star white Pearl Earrings Necklace Christmas Angels Bracelet and Earrings

$250 Wholesale $450 Wholesale $600 Wholesale $800 Wholesale $1.000 Wholesale


September, 2009 Prizes Won

$1,000 Wholesale – Square Hammered Wave Necklace and Earrings - Kay Childers,

Gloria McCutcheon, Phyllis Jones, and Judi Liles

$600 Wholesale –Turquoise Coral Necklace Set – Dolores Montoya and Jana Morgan

$450 Wholesale – Turquoise Button Necklace Set – Susan Wesner and Jackie Hatcher

$250 Wholesale – Multi Color Button Necklace Set – Donna Canada, Christine Castioni,

Lynda Boland, Cruz Torres, Beverly Guthrie, Lynn Leonard,

Claudia Tufano, Joker Ward, and LaJoyce Cannon


Happy Birthday

November Day

Kathi Heering 1

Marilyn A. Duddy 3

Brenda Green 3

Ruby F. Hulett 16

Sandra Gutierrez 17

Jana R. Morgan 19

Betty M. Everett 20

Mary Kay Anniversary

November Years

Lynn Leonard 35

Christine T Castioni 28

Joyce M. Foster 23

Judith F. Weiner 21

Eileen Hanson 21

B.J. Watson 16

Nancy Sweet 15

Bobbie L. Merritt 15

Mary L. Welter 15

Claudia K. Tufano 15

Sharon L. Dixon 11

Phyllis A. Jones 6

Cynthia J. Ostermann 4

Your Guide to What’s Inside

November Hall of Fame (page1)

September Scoreboard (page 2)

Recruiter & their Teams (page 3)

Star Status/Dear Angels (page 4)

Star Winners/MK News (page 5)

Hold a Holiday Open House (p. 6)

Order of Application (page 7)

Fragrance (page 8)

November Promo/Prizes Won (p9)

Birthdays/Anniversaries (page 10)

Did you notice that your newsletter arrived a few days later than usual?

Instead of mailing my news letter so it reaches you about the first of the month (or a day or two before), I decided to publish my newsletter just after the first of the month so I can include any promotional offers from Mary Kay that are announced at the beginning of the month. I think this will be more beneficial for you. So expect my newsletter sometime around the 4th-6th of the month (depending upon the speed of the Post Office). The news and announcements from Mary Kay will be on page 5 most of the time.

Andrea Pace, Future Executive Senior Sales Director

4206 Southfield Road

Ellicott City, Maryland 21042-5906

(410) 465-4442 or 1-800-863-2463

Fax No. (410) 313-9294; Cell Phone: (443) 980-7353

E-Mail Address – andrea@

Web Site for Andrea’s Consultants:

Customer Website:


“I hope my words and thoughts please you. Lord, you are my Rock, the one who saves me.” Psalm 19:14



Since we have so many good Age-Fighting Products recently added to our line, sometimes it is hard to know in what order do I use them. You will only use the products that meet your needs and in this suggested order. This would also be good to share with your customers.

Morning Order of Application

TimeWise 3-In-1 Cleanser or Bar

TimeWise Microdermabrasion Set

Step 1: Refine

Step 2 Replenish

Acne Treatment Products

TimeWise Replenishing Serum+C

TimeWise Even Complexion Essence

TimeWise Day Solution with SPF 25

TimeWise Age-Fighting Moisturizer

Additional Moisturizers (Intense Moisturizing Cream, Oil-Free Hydrating Gel or Advanced Moisture Renewal Treatment Cream)

Oil Control Lotion and /or Oil Mattifier

Satin Lips (mask and balm)

Indulge Smoothing Eye Gel or

Targeted Action Eye Revitalizer

TimeWise Firming Eye Cream or

TimeWise Age-Fighting Eye Cream

TimeWise Targeted Action Line Reducer



MK Signature Eye Primer

TimeWise Age-Fighting Eye Primer

MK Signature Facial Highlighting Pen


Color Cosmetics

Sponsor 1 New Recruit with a $200+ Wholesale order during the Month of November, 2009 and receive the precious Red, White, Green and White Sparkle Noel Pin.


Night Order of Application

Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover

TimeWise 3-In-1 Cleanser or Bar

TimeWise Microdermabrasion Set

Step 1: Refine

Step 2 Replenish

Acne Treatment Products

TimeWise Replenishing Serum+C

TimeWise Even Complexion Essence

TimeWise Night Solution

TimeWise Age-Fighting Moisturizer

Additional Moisturizers (Intense Moisturizing Cream, Oil-Free Hydrating Gel or Advanced Moisture Renewal Treatment Cream)

Oil Control Lotion and /or Oil Mattifier

Satin Lips (mask and balm)

Indulge Smoothing Eye Gel or

Targeted Action Eye Revitalizer

TimeWise Firming Eye Cream or

TimeWise Age-Fighting Eye Cream

Important Notes:

Use Microdermabrasion either Day or Night 2 – 3 times per week. Do not follow with Acne Treatment Products.

Over-the-counter drug product.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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