Rp - PI Services, LLC

PI Services LLC

P.O. Box 157 Beaverton, OR 97075-0157 ___________

503-643-4274 pi- FAX 643-5474 PI Document #

| |

|Not required | |

| |Client: ____________________________ |

|___________________________________ Only the first |Email:_________________ Phone:____-_____-_____ |

|Plaintiff/Petitioner/Beneficiary/Landlord |Client Billing/Reference # ______________________ |

| | |

|___________________________________ Only the first |-Invoice, Client has an existing account on file. |

|Defendant/Respondent/Grantor/Tenant |-I have paid the “find fee” on pi- |

| |Payment # ______________________ |

|Case No. _____________________________ |-I am mailing this form with a check to PI Services |

| | |

|County/Court: __________________________ | |

| |Date: ___/___/2018 |


| |

|Reverse Phone Number Land Line:   You provide the phone number and we will search for the |

|owner's name and address on file.  $50 if we find the info or $25 if we do not. |

|Reverse Phone Number Cell Line:   You provide the phone number and we will search for the |

|owner's name and address on file.  $50 if we find the info or $25 if we do not.  |

|Reverse Phone Number Advanced Carrier:  Uncovers hard to find Pre-Paid and VOIP Billing name |

|and address.   You provide the phone number and we will search for the owner's name and address on |

|file.  $125 if we find the info or $35 if we do not.  |

|-Find a Land Line Phone Number:  You provide the address and we will search for a land line |

|phone number to the address.  $100 if we find the info or $25 if we do not.  |

|-Find a Cell Phone Number:  You provide the Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number or Last |

|known address and home phone and we will search for a cell phone line    $100 if we find the info or |

|$25 if we do not.   If you do not have a Date of Birth or Social Security number we can locate them. |

|-Advanced Carrier Find Cell Phone:  Uncovers hard to find pre-paid cell numbers.  You provide |

|the Name, Date of Birth, Social Security Number or Last known address and home phone and we |

|will search for a cell phone line    $100 if we find the info or $25 if we do not.   If you do not have a |

|Date of Birth or Social Security number we can locate them. |

|-Disconnect Info:  You provide a disconnected phone number and we will search for the prior user |

|name and address or forwarding info.  $100 if we find the info or $25 if we do not.  |

| First Name Middle Name |

|Last Name |

|Subject: __________________________ ____________________ __________________________ |

| |

|DOB: __________________ SS#: _____________________ Phone#: ______________________ |

|Add $20 if you do not have a DOB Add $30 if you do not have a SS# |

|Last Known Address: ________________________________________________________________ |

|Helpful Information: __________________________________________________________________ |

|COMPLETE ON: Date: ____/____/____ Time:________ am / pm |

| |

|Client Notified: ___/____/____ By: Email Phone US Mail Fax Pick up Delivered |

|REPORT: Saved In Clients Digital File In PST COMMENTS |


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