Student Login and Password Combinations

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Student Login and Password Combinations

Educational websites can be a valuable tool used to reinforce important skills and concepts. Many educational links can be found on our school website .

The sites listed below require each student to login with a unique user ID and password combination. During the first weeks of school students will receive this information and record their own username/password combinations here.

o NetTrekker

NetTrekker is a trusted search engine for schools and a safe site for research and learning.

Login: Password:

o EM Games (Everyday Mathematics games)

1. If this is the first time EM games is being used at home, click Technology Requirements. Please review the requirements and run Computer Test to ensure that the home computer meets all the requirements to run EM Games Online. Please configure your pop-up blocker to allow pop-ups from this site.

Login: Password: 3. Click Start. The Grade Level that most closely matches the student's grade will appear in large text at the top of the window. Choose a grade level. 4. The Games menu appears. Students may select a game by clicking the appropriate box.

o Pearson SuccessNet

The Pearson Website offers students extended practice for the Science and Social Studies Textbook Series. Student editions of the textbooks and leveled readers are online. Look up experiments you can do at home, study for tests, do research or just play a game.

Login: Password:

o FCAT Explorer

FCAT Reading, Math and Science skills practice for grades 3 and up. Click "Technical Help" to ensure your home computer meets all the requirements to run this program. Please configure your pop-up blocker to allow pop-ups from this site.

Login: Password:

o Scholastic BookFlix

An interactive reading website for grades PreK ? 3. Login: Password:

Education City, Accelerated Reader, SRI, Orchard and many other programs are used by students at school, but are not accessible from home. Students may use the space below to record username and password information as they receive it from their teachers.

Procedures Arrival and Dismissal We request the cooperation of parents in getting all children to school on time. Instruction begins as soon as the children enter the classrooms. Children should not arrive before 8:15 unless they are enrolled in our morning Extended Day program. Except for Extended Day personnel, there is no one available to supervise the children before that time. Students are to line up at their designated areas prior to the bell. At the ringing of the morning bell, all students should be in their classrooms ready to listen to morning announcements and begin learning. Children who are not in their classrooms by the ringing of the second bell are considered tardy. Excessive tardiness requires a plan to be developed by parents, students, and principal. Per state regulations, 5 tardies equals 1 unexcused absence. When school is dismissed, students are to go straight home or to Extended Day. Parents of students retained for additional help or disciplinary action will be notified ahead of time. Unless we receive a written note from you with your daytime phone number where we can verify the information, children will not be allowed to leave other than their usual way. Children should give the note to the office staff or teacher before school starts. Dismissal during school hours is greatly discouraged. Please remember that we teach up to the last minute of the day. Students who leave early miss out on valuable academic instruction and practice. Early dismissal is also upsetting to the normal routine of the classroom for all students in the class. Please try to arrange dental and/or medical visits after school hours. If it is absolutely necessary for a child to leave during the day, the student will be released through the school office to the parent or legal guardian. Be prepared to show identification. It will help with teacher planning if you will notify him/her in writing that there is a change in the regular routine. Your child will remain in the classroom until you come to check him/her out of the office. Children may not be signed out of the individual classrooms. Thirty minutes prior to the end of the school day, students may not be checked out.

SCHOOL BREAKFAST AND LUNCH PROGRAM You will receive a menu at the beginning of each month. A well balanced lunch and breakfast, including milk, are served daily. If a child brings his lunch form home, he may purchase milk from our cafeteria. (Soft Drinks are not permitted) Children who have a doctor's note verifying they are allergic to milk will be served juice. Gum is not permitted at school, even as a dessert. Parents are invited to have lunch with their children (provided you are an approved Ocoee Elementary ADDition); however food from Restaurants such as McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, etc., may not be brought in. Please notify the teacher and lunchroom manager before school starts if you plan on dining with your child. Lunches may be paid daily, weekly or monthly. If paying weekly or monthly, please put the money in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the outside with the child's name, they teacher's name and the total amount enclosed. The money should be taken to the lunchroom manager before schools starts on Monday. Students enjoying breakfast at school must be in the cafeteria in time to eat and be in class on time. Students must pay for breakfast daily. They may not charge breakfast, however there is a system to charge, using your credit card, from home. Go for details. Free/reduced prices for lunch and breakfast are available for families that qualify. Please look carefully at the schedule on the form included in your first-day packet to see if you qualify. We encourage all families that qualify to apply. Even if you choose not to participate in the hot lunch program there are many academic and financial aide programs available to schools based on the number of approve free/reduced lunch applications at that school. You will be helping out the school by applying. Your application is kept strictly confidential.


Since the success of the instructional program is built on a day-to-day basis, regular attendance is very important. It is also important that student learn to be punctual.

Parents are responsible for their children's school attendance. State Law mandates written excuses when a student is absent or tardy. If a student is absent more than 10 days in a school year, the school is authorized to require a written Doctor's statement for subsequent absences to be excused. Excused absences established by the Orange County School Board are:

? Personal illness of the student whose attendance in school would endanger his/her health or the health of others.

? Serious illness or death in the student's immediate family. ? Special and Recognized religious holidays observed by the student's faith. ? Conditions rendering school attendance impossible or hazardous to health and safety. ? Arrival on a late bus or with parents due to a vehicle breakdown. All other absences/tardies are unexcused unless the activity is school sponsored. OVER FIVE DAYS OF UNEXCUSED ABSENCES WILL BE REPORTED TO THE SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKER AND AUTHORITIES. Students must be present half of the school day to be considered present. In accordance with the State Attorney's Office, every 5 tardies or leave earlies is counted as one unexcused absence.

Early Sign Out

Early dismissal is such a disruption to our learning routine. While we realize there are times doctor or dental visits must be scheduled during school hours, please try to keep those appointments to a minimum. When applicable, students may check back in after the appointment. Every minute in the instructional day counts! To keep the end of the day disruptions to a minimum, no child may be signed out after 2:30 (1:30 on Wednesday). Please be advised, when there is lightning, students will not be dismissed. We simply cannot take a risk with the lives of our children. The District and other responsible agencies follow the "30/30 Rule"; if lightning is within 30 miles of school, no children will be outside for 30 minutes form the last strike.

Legal Documentation

If there is any question regarding legal guardianship of your child, please let the office know at once. Unless we have certified copies of court documents limiting a father's/ mother's legal rights to a child, we must give that parent access to the child and his/her records. A note from the custodial parent is not sufficient.

When you fill out the emergency information form, be sure that you list on the back everyone that has permission to pick up your child in case there is an emergency and you are unavailable. This includes any coworkers, neighbors and relatives, including grandparents and teenage siblings. You can attach a separate page to the form if necessary. NOTIFY THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY IF YOU HAVE A CHANGE OF PHONE NUMBER, ADDRESS, OR WORK LOCATION. IT IS VITAL THAT WE CAN GET IN TOUCH WITH A PARENT/GUARDIAN AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY. YOU MAY CALL THE (407) 877-5027 EXTENSION 0 ANY TIME, DAY OR NIGHT, TO LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR THE OFFICE. PLEASE LEAVE A CALL BACK NUMBER SO WE MAY GIVE YOU A RETURN CALL.


The School Board does not provide medical benefits for injuries occurring on school property. Student accident insurance for incidents that occur at school, or on the way to and from school, is available at a reasonable price during the first week of school. All safety precautions and procedures are in place, but accidents do happen.


We are extremely fortunate to have a school nurse. With a partnership between Health Central, OCPS and our school, we have a registered nurse in our clinic. Our school must raise $10,500.00 this year to meet our obligation in order to keep our nurse. When you see we are having fundraisers for the nurse, please give generously. In case of minor injuries, first aid will be administered and the parent will be immediately notified. BE SURE THAT A PHONE NUMBER, OR SOME WAY TO CONTACT THE PARENT, IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE TO THE SCHOOL. Any changes in employment, home phone number, or work phone number should be sent to the school office as soon as it is available.

In certain medical conditions, the pupil may be under the treatment of his/her family physician and require medication during school hours. Parents must sign a special permission form available in the office or clinic in order for prescription drugs to be administered. In such cases, the physician must write instructions to the principal, stating the number of days the child will need to take the medicine. The child will be supervised in taking his/her medicine at such time and in the amount prescribed by the physician. All medicine must be brought to school in the original prescription bottle with the child's name and name of medication listed. Parents or students must bring medication to the office immediately upon arrival at school. If a child carries any medication or cough drops it will be taken from the child and disposed of. Children with asthma, who use a nebulizer, may receive their treatments by the nurse.

If your child is on a daily medication, parents have found it very useful to leave 1 or 2 pills, in the original prescription bottle, with the school nurse in case the pill is forgotten in the morning.

If your child has a fever, please do not send him/her to school. You will be called to pick up your child if a fever begins at school. We do not administer over-the-counter drugs such as Tylenol without parental permission.

If a student is to be confined to the home or to the hospital by a licensed physician for a minimum of fifteen school days due to illness or injury, the student may be eligible for the Hospital/ Homebound school program. Homebound application forms may be obtained from the guidance counselor. Applications must be signed by the parent and the doctor and then returned to the Hospital/Homebound office for processing.


Students who have head lice or nits must be accompanied to school by a parent after treatment. The parent must stay until the child has been rechecked and determined free of lice and all nits. Children will be sent home if they are not free of lice or nits. It is unfair to send a child to school to sit in the clinic all day because there are nits that were not removed. Our nurse can show parents how to check their children's heads at home. The best way to prevent this common childhood problem is to check children's heads at home every night and to teach children not to share hats, visors, combs and brushes. Pencils should be kept away from the head area. If you receive a call from school that your child has lice/nits, don't panic! Remember that there is no embarrassment in getting lice, only in not getting rid of them.


Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit the school. While we do not permit observers in our classrooms, we very much appreciate helpers. Arrangements for visits must be made in advance. This policy insures each child uninterrupted instruction. When the bell rings, teachers need to be with children. BEFORE GOING TO ANY CLASSROOM OR TO THE CAFETERIA, PLEASE SIGN THE GUEST REGISTER AND PICK UP A VISITOR'S PASS IN OUR OFFICE. No students will be permitted to leave the building with a visitor unless this has been cleared through the school office.

We urge you to visit and help in your child's classroom. All adults who go beyond the office doors must be a registered ADDition. Children, who are not registered at our school, including siblings of our students, may not visit during the school day with the exception of class presentations, Honors programs and PTA/SAC/PLC meetings. Due to safely regulation, siblings may not be present during field day.

All visitors must comply with our dress code. Please refer to that topic elsewhere in this handbook.

Code of Civility POLICY:

The education of a child happens only through partnership, and among partners must be the child, the school faculty and staff, the parent(s) or guardian(s), the community and district office employees. Partnership is an active state that includes sharing responsibilities, meaningful communication and welcomed participation.

When people who are working together agree, the partnership runs smoothly. But no two people will always agree and that can make partnership difficult. The partnership is most powerful ? as children are educated to reach their potential ? when we agree on how to disagree. We must be civil in our discourse. Civility is often described by its absence. We hear of harmful actions such as road rage, physical confrontation, ethnic stereotypes and slurs. But civility is not just an absence of harm. It is the affirmation of what is best about each of us individually and collectively. It is more than saying "please" and "thank you." It is reflecting our respect for others in our behavior, regardless of whether we know or like them. It also is not simply being politically correct and is not to be used to stifle criticism or comment. It is being truthful and kind and is each of us taking responsibility for our own actions rather than blaming others. As we communicate with each other, we need to remember that we are working together to benefit the children of this community.

Therefore, the Orange County School Board requires that as we communicate, students, OCPS faculty and staff, parents, guardians and all other members of the community shall:

1. Treat each other with courtesy and respect at all times.

This means that: ? We listen carefully and respectfully as others express opinions that may be different from ours. ? We share our opinions and concerns without loud or offensive language, gestures or profanity.

2. Treat each other with kindness. This means that:

? We treat each other as we would like to be treated. ? We do not threaten or cause physical or bodily harm to another. ? We do not threaten or cause damage to the property of another. ? We do not bully, belittle or tease another and we do not allow others to do so in our presence. ? We do not demean and are not abusive or obscene in any of our communications.

3. Take responsibility for our own actions.

This means that: ? We share information honestly. ? We refrain from displays of temper. ? We do not disrupt or attempt to interfere with the operation of a classroom or any other work or public area of a school or school facility.

4. Cooperate with one another.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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