
 Name: ______________________________________Period: ______Virtual Learning Warm-up Log: Week 3Please use this document to record your warm-ups and notes for each week. These are due in CTLS every Friday by midnight. The boxes will expand as you type into them.M.U.G. Monday: January 25, 2021Criteria for Success: Fully corrected sentence and notesOriginal SentenceCorrected SentenceNotesIn constant demand as a speaker Carlos had never been more busier then he is now, his schedule was booked threw febuary.Although born in Missisippi Brianne now lived in California where like many other teenagers she enjoys soaking up the sun.Lit. Term Tuesday (Wednesday): January 27, 2021Criteria for Success: Fully completed entry, denotation, and examplesLiterary TermDenotation (Direct Dictionary Definition)ExamplesTest Prep Thursday: January 28, 2021Criteria for Success: CommonLit Assignment Completed and SubmittedToday, you will take a quiz over poetic techniques and tone on CommonLit. Don’t worry -- as long as you’ve been attending class and paying attention, this poem should look VERY familiar!Directions: Go to . Click on “log in,” then “Log in with Clever.”Sign in, using your first.last@students. log in.Your password is the same password you use in order to log in to the school computers.Go to the “My Assignments” tab at the top. Hover/click over the assignment; it will say “Begin Assignment.” To begin, simply click the plete and submit your assignment within CommonLit. Good luck! :) Free Friday!: January 29, 2021Free Write! Ms. Antonacci will set a timer for twenty minutes. During this time, you should be actively writing. Since it is a free write, you may write whatever is on your mind! Use this time to vent, write a creative story, poem, or song/rap, or answer one of the questions below if you need a little inspiration. Please type your writing in the space below.Options for writing topics: Tell me about the best day of your life. Use descriptions (imagery!) and tell me how you felt. If you had unlimited money and skills to design a robot to make your life easier, what would you create? What problems would it solve?If you had to choose a different first name for yourself, what would you choose? How would having a different name impact your life? ................

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