
Pre-Calculus Graphing Calculator/Desmos Project

Purpose: Use your knowledge of transformations and the basic parent functions to create a picture. You must use at least 10 equations representing at least three different function types (a circle may count as a function type). Your picture must not represent abstract art. Also do not load your picture up with abstract designs in the background for extra points.

Due Dates (*may shift due to possible snow days that may occur):

• Bring Design to class Tuesday December 13 you will learn about planning & implementation

• Bring design progress to class Friday December 23 (we will use the half day time to work on this)

• First day of term 3 (Friday January 27*) last day to transfer designs from calculator

• Final project (full written paper, hard copy by start of class) due Tuesday January 31* (second day of term 3)

Grade: The attached rubric will be used in determining your grade.

Design Creation Details: Either method must use all 4 quadrants of the coordinate plane, all equations must be written in transformation form (except use function form for linear (y = mx + b) and circles ([pic]). You may use any number of equations (>10), more equations = more points, see rubric). Equations not written in these described forms will not count. You may use drawing options to enhance your design but they will not count. Vertical lines will also not count since they are not functions (but you may use them to clean up your design). You are required to use a minimum of three of the basic functions (linear, quadratic, cubic, abs value, rational, radical, greatest integer, logarithmic, exponential, logistic, sinusoidal, and/or tangent). Circles can be used and will count as a “function type” and in the equation count.

Graphing Calculator: Due to the natural distortion of the rectangular screen it is recommended you use a square window (not necessarily the one from the zoom menu, rather one that has a ratio of one y to 1.5 x). The axes must be turned off (2nd ZOOM (FORMAT)). You can transfer your images for insertion into the written paper by using Graphlink (available on your teacher’s computer).

– there is a graphing application you can use on your phone, tablet or computer. It allows you to type in an infinite number of equations. I recommend organizing equations by what part of the design they create. “Snip” pictures of your progress so you have a series of images to put in your final paper. You can transfer your image for insertion into the written paper by using the snipping tool on your computer.

Final Write Up Details: Your project needs to be written up (format noted in rubric, see BOB THE DOG for sample write-up on line – feel free to hijack that exact form, just personalize) and turned in with the pictures from your calculator or desmos inserted electronically in your word document. You will explain why choose the image you did and describe how you made it. Be sure you include a typed list of all equations used and what each equation represents in the image (these should be inserted in your write up aligning with the explanation of how you created your design).

Remember: all equations must be written in transformation form (except linear & circles both in function form. You may not use regression analysis to determine your image equations. Your image equation work must be your original creation and not taken/adapted from another source. Of course your actual image can be from an on-line source – please cite your source.

Graphing Calculator Examples – these are designs that students have submitted over the years. To see a more complete selection visit the PowerPoint gallery on my webpage under projects.

[pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

examples (tend to be more complicated than calculator ones). Remember if you use desmos you need to have all your equations in function form. To see more visit

Sneaker 147 equations, 6 function types

Eagle 47 equations, 6 function types

143 equations Cookie monster 62 equations, 2 types of

functions & circles.

Albert Einstein – I like how this one created folders for each function type. You could create folders for each part of your design.

Cool looking but not a great example

Porsche 42 equations, 3 function types & circles,

8 horizontal lines (not enough equations – the A better porsche but still has 16 horizontal

lines. horizontal lines don’t count much!)

3 function types, 101 equations


Pre-Calculus Project Name______________________________

1) Image Basics (4 points) _______________

• Original printed copy of image is included with the project

• Image source is cited

2) Mix of Functions (50 total points) _______________

• Has required minimum of 3 different types (12 points)

• Has required minimum of total of 10 equations (10)

• Greater variety results in more points awarded.

• (The minimum results in 22 points awarded – resulting in a maximum grade of a 72 if you only do the minimum and everything else is full credit. Each additional function type results in +2 additional points and each additional equation results in +1 additional points for a total of 50 points for this section. You may earn bonus points – up to 10 points in total by earning maximum of 60 points on this section. Horizontal lines (y = #) can account for up to 3 equations, extras will not be counted. A horizontal line is not a parent function so does not count as a different function type. Draw menu options and vertical lines will not count as functions or equations. ***equations in standard form resulting from regression analysis are not acceptable and will not be counted.

3) Design (20 total points) _______________

Creativity (elements considered: difficulty of design, symmetrical (easier) vs. asymmetrical (harder), use of detail, variety of functions. 17 - 20 points = “advanced – very detailed and creative”, 14 – 16 points = “proficient – good work”, 10 – 13 = “nearly proficient” and under 10 points = “needs improvement/poor”). A simple design with lots of filler lines needs improvement.

4) Written paper details (24 total points) _______________

• Clear images provided within text (10) – has at least three working images showing progression of your design work. Plus a picture of your final design. Images must be clear (not pictures taken with your phone). Minimum 4 images in total.

• Explanation of image design - details using full sentences - step by step describing your process. (6)

• Equations are clearly included in the write up – aligning with parts of the design and images. (6)

• Reasons for image selection (2)

5) RUBRIC INCLUDED WITH PROJECT (2 points) _______________

SUBTOTAL (100 possible points, up to 10 points bonus) _______________

Grammar/Spelling/Typos (-1 each error up to –5) _______________

Cross-outs – automatic -5 (cross outs are so unprofessional!) _______________

TOTAL & GRADE _______________

*A late project loses 10% for each school day it is late, including 10% off on the first day if it is not turned in by the start of the block. I will only accept HARD copy, no email.


*Use this as a cover sheet when handing in project*


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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