Critical Reading Skills

CRE 101 – Sections 29484/29485  


Fall 2011

INSTRUCTOR: Phyllis Salsedo, MEd

Phone: (480) 560-2570

Office Hours: See Instructor Info on my website

                             Virtual appointments during the week

Office Location: Virtual


ALWAYS include the section number of your class in the subject line and your name in the body of your e-mail.

REQUIRED: Developing Critical Reading Skills, Deanne Spears, 8th ed



Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:


            1.  Discuss the nature of critical reading and its application to life in the contemporary world.

            2.  Vary critical reading techniques according to type of material and purpose for reading.

            3.  Analyze, in writing, textual material to ascertain tone, purpose, audience, and author’s point of view by citing words, phrases, and passages as support.

4.  Identify and explain, in writing, language devices, such as complex figures of speech           

5.  Interpret, in writing, denotative and connotative meanings in written selections.

            6.  Analyze, in writing, common fallacies of reasoning in written language.

            7.  Evaluate, in writing, an author’s accuracy, logic completeness, and clarity.

            8.  Evaluate, in writing, the nature of evidence given in support of an author’s argument.

            9.  Apply critical reading skills to evaluate, in writing, all or part of an author’s argument.

10.  Synthesize, in writing, ideas on related issues from varied written sources.

To be successful:

1. Before fully reading each chapter, briefly scan the pages to get a sense of what the chapter covers.

2. Next, read the PowerPoint notes to gain further understanding of the material.

3. Finally, re-read each chapter but slowly enough to comprehend the material.

4. To really “know” the material, quiz yourself.

5. Use the publisher’s website to practice tests and exercises. Use them. Analyze your weaknesses and strengths as you go through them for your benefit.

6. JOURNAL: Maintain notes when making corrections on publisher quizzes. You need to know this material.

7. JOURNAL: Learn to reflect what you have learned during the week.

a. Use Intext Citations of pages which give vital information/facts to remember.

b. Opinion


✓ Journal

✓ Website for ePortfolio

✓ Publisher exercises and occasional quizzes

✓ Service

✓ Reflections

✓ Projects: Group and Individual

o Your first group project (Project HOPE)

o Individual project over Project HOPE

o Individual project over personal Issue

o Individual project giving Service

NOTE: In order to pass class, these assignments must be submitted on time.


Don’t wait until the last minute to complete assignments. Because everything is time stamped, it will be obvious to me if you do this on a regular basis or not. I depend upon tracking tools to assess the participation of my students. Work turned in at the last minute is also usually obvious because it is often incomplete, incorrect, and substandard. And, the reason for this course? To be a careful reader. I will be carefully watching participation during the first week. Absence from the class during this first week will result in being dropped.

Service Learning, Kirk Student Center, Rm 35. (480) 461-7285. Service Learning is a direct expression of the MCC vision statement. Our college is dedicated to “building partnerships… that cross institutional boundaries for innovative instruction and coordinated community service.” Service Learning combines academic learning and educational goals with student action in real life situations outside the four walls of the classroom. Students are given the opportunity to learn and develop as leaders through active participation in thoughtfully organized service experiences that meet vital community needs. (Contact them for more information on how you earn service credit.)


There are PUBLISHER tests and exercises associated with each chapter from the text. You can find these at the publisher’s website, . You will be given 10 points for each chapter assignment which is submitted as a one doc submission. The answers are provided immediately after you submit your quiz. They sharpen your skills to do well on the projects which require critical thinking skills. You are expected to gather notes from errors made and to learn from your mistakes. This will be part of your journal which will be put into your ePortfolio.


TESTS must be taken when scheduled!  If it is necessary to reschedule due to an official absence, (see MCC catalog) arrangements must be made prior to the absence. You will not pass the course if you do not take the final exam or submit your final project.

TESTS are given throughout the semester as the chapters are assigned. It is expected that the TESTS will be successfully passed in order to continue the course and master the ability to analyze argument. The following TESTS will be given:


Part I: Main Ideas (5 points)

Part II: Modes of Discourse (4 points)

Part III: Major and Minor Supporting Statements (5 points)

Part IV: Reading Passages (15 points)


Part I: Readings for Comprehension and Analysis

Part II: Analogies


Part I: Denotative and Connotative Language

Part II: Figurative Language (Figures of Speech)

Part III: Tone in Reading Passages


Part I: Claims and Evidence in Arguments

Part II: Emotional Appeals

Part III: Logical Fallacies


Part I: Analysis of Reading Passages

Part II: Analysis of Editorials







Classroom participation and a spirit of cooperation have made this course an enjoyable experience.  Sharing experiences and knowledge will enhance our collaborative efforts—even in cyberspace. Actions, verbal statements, or any conduct which is obstructive, disruptive, or interferes with the educational process or institutional functions will result in dismissal from (=one unofficial absence) and possible withdrawal from the course. For example, you will be docked for lack of participation such as in the Reading Café during an assigned discussion event. Also, you are subject to disciplinary action if you plagiarize or if you cheat on examinations. (Giving credit where credit is due means to document. Use “intext citations.” (See Ch. 1 of textbook regarding paraphrasing and summarizing.)


***There will be a 50 point participation grade given to every student at the beginning of the semester. If you are not participating during class, you will be docked up to 10 points a day from your participation grade.


For better understanding and review, I have created comprehensive PowerPoint notes. You can gain access to them each week. In the past, I have also provided a PDF file of each. If you want to download and create a PDF copy, you may save the PowerPoint presentation as a pdf. Then, you can use it for additional notes on each chapter. This way, you can view them online and print them out in a neat format. You can right click on each of the files if you wish to save them to your computer – this will make it much easier to open them if you have the PowerPoint program on your hard drive. It is strongly recommended that you have easy access to PowerPoint as you will be developing projects using this Microsoft Word option.


• I prefer for you to use the Reading Café located in the Reading Café area for most questions. Work with your classmates. These would include questions about how the course works or if you have something you want to ask about the material that you don’t understand. This way, the entire class can learn something that they may be wondering as well. Just remember to use netiquette and be positive in your remarks.

• Please, only send me an e-mail if you have a quick question AND if that question is of a personal nature. You might want me to “unlock” an assignment due to unforeseen problems or you might want me to make an appointment to visit me during my cyberspace office hours or speak with me on the telephone. I do not want to handle just ANY problems via e-mail.

• Voice mail - be clear and concise, speak slowly, include the course reference number, your FULL name, your telephone number, and best time to call you. At the end of your message, please repeat your name and phone number.

• I will make it my duty to respond to any “Reading Café,” e-mail, or voice mail questions or comments asap. However, during the weekend it may take a little longer.


There is a CLASS, GROUP, and INDIVIDUAL assignment which you’ll be creating to show off your expertise in class. Students are surprised to find themselves out in cyberspace working together but isn’t that becoming the norm in many social networking cases nowadays? Yes, you will find it an invaluable experience. I have had very few negative comments about this activity. It is also part of the preparation to your final which is your individual project showing that you are now able to go beyond the mere issue but to do research and to document in order to support your findings.



|* Registration* |

|Sat Aug 20 Classes Begin |

|Mon Sept 5 Observance of Labor Day |

|* Application for December 2011 Graduation* |

|+ Last Day for Withdrawal without Instructor's Signature |

|Fri Nov 11 Observance of Veterans' Day |

|Thur-Sun Nov 24-27 Thanksgiving Holiday |

|++ Last Day Student Initiated Withdrawal Accepted |

|Sun Dec 11 Last Day of Regular Classes |

|Mon-Thu Dec 12-15 **Final Exams |

|Fri Dec 16 Mid-Year Recess Begins for Students |

|Fri Dec 16 Fall Semester Ends |

|Winter Break (Campus Closed) Dec 25 through Jan 1 |

|Timeline |Assignment |Page(s) |Points |Post Your |

| | | |Possible |Earned |

| | | | |Points here |

|Week One |Textbook should have already been bought | | | |

|8/22-8/28 |Complete all Introductory materials found under the homepage for | |10 points | |

| |your course. Send me a quick recall of what you learned by going | | | |

| |to these sites. | | | |

| |Go to the Discussion Board and introduce yourself. Include a | |10 points | |

| |picture of yourself or of something which represents you. | | | |

| |By using your personal email, notify me when you have finished all| |10 points | |

| |activities for Week 1. Please also give me the best phone # which| | | |

| |I can use and the best time to call you. | | | |

| |(Email: | | | |

|To learn more about Service Learning, attend an in-person Service-Learning Orientation on campus if you live locally, otherwise, watch the |

|PowerPoint presentation provided on the service learning homepage. The meeting will be in LB 145.  (See attachment which has been sent to you.) |

|This will give you some idea as to why we are involved with Project HOPE. To earn some extra credit points for attending this orientation |

|(either in person or by viewing the PowerPoint presentation), send me an email regarding what you learned and the quiz. |

|(Check your email daily.) |

|Timeline |Assignment |Page(s) |Points |Post Your |

| | | |Possible |Earned |

| | | | |Points here |

|Week Two |Go to my website for the week’s assignment. |Read pp. 10-43 | | |

|8/29-9/4 |View Ch. 1 PowerPoint Presentation |Exercises from publisher: | | |

| |Do Ch. 1 Exercises from the Publisher’s website: |Context Clues 1-4 |10 points | |

| |Post Ch. 1 Discussion Response |WARNING: You must earn | | |

| |Look at Examples of previous student reflections. |100% to earn points. Take| | |

| |Submit your reflection over Ch. 1 as an Assignment. (Use summary |notes over errors with | | |

| |format as discussed in the chapter.) |corrections. (The notes | | |

| |Visit and talk to the head of the organization where you will be |are part of your journal.)|25 points | |

| |giving service hours and make arrangements to set up your schedule for|Submit score results as | | |

| |this semester. Send the information to me, please. (Email is fine.) |one doc. | | |

| |Learn about journaling. |Discussion: | | |

| |Journaling research |Post your response to the | | |

| |[pic]NOTE: Look at examples of reflections of previous students before|Reading Café “What is |5 points | |

| |you submit your reflection. |critical thinking?” | | |

| |[pic] |(250-350 words) (This | | |

| | |would be considered a | | |

| | |descriptive essay.) | | |

| | |Make a scholarly response | | |

| | |to a classmate. | | |

| | |You may cite research | | |

| | |information from the | | |

| | |textbook and elsewhere. | | |

| | |Reflection #1 over first | | |

| | |week. A summary includes | | |

| | |facts + opinion | | |

| | |Create intext citations | | |

| | |when referring to facts. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |25 points | |

|Enjoy Labor Day! |

|Week Three |Go to my website for the week’s assignment. |Read pp. 44-77 | | |

|Holiday - Labor Day |View Ch. 2 PowerPoint Presentation |Exercises from publisher: | | |

|9/6-9/11 |Do Ch. 2 Exercises |Review MC Ex |10 points | |

| |Post Ch. 2 Discussion Response |Essay Ex 1 | | |

| |Submit your reflection over Ch. 2 as an Assignment. |Exs. 1-4 | | |

| |Continue to journal your service learning experience. |WARNING: You must earn | | |

| | |100% to earn points. Take| | |

| | |notes over errors with | | |

| | |corrections. (The notes | | |

| | |are part of your journal.)| | |

| | |Submit score results as | | |

| | |one doc. | | |

| | |Discussion: | | |

| | |Post your response to the | | |

| | |Reading Café “My First | | |

| | |Day.” (250-350 words) | | |

| | |(This would be considered | | |

| | |a narrative essay.) | | |

| | |Make a scholarly response | | |

| | |to a classmate. |25 points | |

| | |Reflection #2 over first | | |

| | |week. A summary includes | | |

| | |facts + opinion |5 points | |

| | |Create intext citations | | |

| | |when referring to facts. | | |

| | | |25 points | |


|Part I: Main Ideas (5 points) |

|Part II: Modes of Discourse (4 points) |

|Part III: Major and Minor Supporting Statements (5 points) |

|Part IV: Reading Passages (15 points) |

|Week Four |Go to my website for the week’s assignment. |Read pp. 78-111 | | |

|9/12-9/18 |View Ch. 3 PowerPoint Presentation |Exercises from publisher: | | |

| |Do Ch. 3 Exercises |Review MC Ex | | |

| |Post Ch. 3 Discussion Response |Essay Ex 1 |10 points | |

| |Submit your reflection over Ch. 3 as an Assignment. |Exs. 1-4 | | |

| |Remember Service Learning data. |WARNING: You must earn | | |

| | |100% to earn points. Take| | |

| | |notes over errors with | | |

| | |corrections. (The notes | | |

| | |are part of your journal.)| | |

| | |Submit score results as | | |

| | |one doc. | | |

| | |Discussion: | | |

| | |Post your response to the | | |

| | |Reading Café “Why is | | |

| | |research essential in | | |

| | |analysis of a study?” | | |

| | |(250-350 words) (The | | |

| | |study can be from any |25 points | |

| | |discipline.) (This would | | |

| |Begin… |be considered an | | |

| |Analyzing Media |informative essay.) | | |

| |#1 Cartoons |Make a scholarly response | | |

| |[pic] |to a classmate. | | |

| |A masterful cartoonist uses inference to send the message behind the |Support your conclusion | | |

| |obvious. |with intext citations and | | |

| |Find a cartoon which reflects your issue. Analyze it. |bibliography at the end of| | |

| |#2 Data and Surveys |your composition. |5 points | |

| |[pic] | | | |

| |You’ll begin to analyze and learn how to create your own poll. |Pay special attention and | | |

| |Consider the following steps. |do these exs. from the | | |

| |(1)Create a survey to be given at the organization where you are |text about media: | | |

| |serving. What questions could you ask? Before giving the survey, |pp. 95-96 (Answer the | | |

| |send questions to me. |questions on p. 96.) | | |

| |What would be the population? How many people could you give the |p. 99 Answer the question | | |

| |survey to? Do you think that is enough? |at the bottom of the page.| | |

| |(2) Find a survey which reflects your issue. | |10 points | |

| |(3) Read about surveys from “Asking the Right Questions.” Ch. 9 Go to | | | |

| |“Authors Answer Student Questions” | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | |pp. 96-97 #1-5 | | |

| | |pp. 100-101 #1-5 | | |

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| | | |10 points | |

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| | |Reflection #3 over third | | |

| | |week. A summary includes | | |

| | |facts + opinion | | |

| | |Create intext citations | | |

| | |when referring to facts. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |25 points | |

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|Week Five |Go to my website for the week’s assignment. |Read pp. 118-157 | | |

|9/19-9/25 |View Ch. 4 PowerPoint Presentation |Exercises from publisher: | | |

| |Do Ch. 4 Exercises |Multiple Choice Exercises | | |

| |Post Ch. 4 Discussion Response |(3) |10 points | |

| |Submit your reflection over Ch. 4 as an Assignment. |Short Answer Exs. 1-7 | | |

| |Service Learning |WARNING: You must earn | | |

| | |100% to earn points. Take| | |

| | |notes over errors with | | |

| | |corrections. (The notes | | |

| | |are part of your journal.)| | |

| | |Submit score results as | | |

| | |one doc. | | |

| | |Discussion: | | |

| | |Consider the Preview | | |

| | |Questions on p. 151. Then| | |

| | |do research to find | | |

| | |someone who has chosen one| | |

| | |career but seemingly has | | |

| | |another career similar to | | |

| | |the example given in the | | |

| | |chapter. Then write |25 points | |

| | |250-350 words regarding | | |

| | |your findings to the | | |

| | |Reading Café. (This would | | |

| | |be considered an | | |

| | |Expository essay.) | | |

| | |Make a scholarly response | | |

| | |to a classmate. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |pp. 119-120 | | |

| | |pp. 130-131 #1-3 | | |

| | |pp. 150-151 #5-7 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |5 points | |

| | | | | |

| |#1 Data and Surveys |Reflection #4 over fourth | | |

| |[pic] |week. | | |

| |Administer your poll. | |10 points | |

| |Share results at the Reading Café | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | |25 points | |

|Week Six |Go to my website for the week’s assignment. |Read pp. 158-186 | | |

|9/26-10/2 |View Ch. 5 PowerPoint Presentation |Exercises from publisher: | | |

| |Do Ch. 5 Exercises |Essay Ex. 1 | | |

| |Post Ch. 5 Discussion Response |Short Answer Exs. 1-2 |10 points | |

| |Submit your reflection over Ch. 5 as an Assignment. |Submit score results as | | |

| | |one doc. | | |

| | |Discussion: | | |

| | |Research a society from | | |

| |Consider the following: |anywhere in the world and | | |

| |[pic][pic] |compare it to American | | |

| |Explain these two funnels using |lifestyle. See p. 186. | | |

| |Ch. 5 and reasoning. |Write a compare/contrast | | |

| | |essay of 250-350 words. |25 points | |

| | |Post your response to the | | |

| |#3 Photographs |Reading Café. |5 points | |

| |[pic] | | | |

| |Why is it important to read “About the Author” at the bottom of the | | | |

| |site? | | | |

| |Find a photograph on your issue. Analyze it. | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | |p. 186 “On the Web” | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |10 points | |

| | | | | |

| | |Reflection #5 over fifth | | |

| | |is due. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |25 points | |


|Part I: Readings for Comprehension and Analysis |

|Part II: Analogies |

|Week Seven |Go to my website for the week’s assignment. |Read pp. 188-234 | | |

|10/3-10/9 |View Ch. 6 PowerPoint Presentation |Exercises from publisher: | | |

| |Do Ch. 6 Exercises |Multiple Choice Ex. |10 points | |

| |Post Ch. 6 Discussion Response |Rev MC Ex | | |

| |Submit your reflection over Ch. 6 as an Assignment. |Essay Exs. 1-2 | | |

| |Service Learning |Short Answer Ex. | | |

| |Refine your journaling of your Service |Submit score results as | | |

| | |one doc. | | |

| | |Discussion: | | |

| | |Write a short story or | | |

| | |find a short story and | | |

| | |analyze it. Use the |25 points | |

| | |Project HOPE theme for | | |

| |#1 Cartoons |this assignment. (250-350| | |

| |[pic] |words) Post your response | | |

| |A masterful cartoonist uses inference to send the message behind the |to the Reading Café. | | |

| |obvious. |Respond to a classmate’s | | |

| |Find a cartoon which reflects your issue. Analyze it. |story. |5 points | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |pp. 191-192 Analyze the | | |

| | |cartoon. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Reflection #6 is due. | | |

| | | |10 points | |

| | | | | |

| | | |25 points | |

|Week Eight |Go to my website for the week’s assignment. |Read pp. 238-278 | | |

|10/10-10/16 |View Ch. 7 PowerPoint Presentation |Exercises from publisher: | | |

| |Do Ch. 7 Exercises |Rev MC Ex. | | |

| |Post Ch. 7 Discussion Response |Essay Ex 1 |10 points | |

| |Submit your reflection over Ch. 7 as an Assignment. |Short Answer Exs. 1-2 | | |

| |Journaling helps students to synthesize their learning experience. |Submit score results as | | |

| | |one doc. | | |

| | |Discussion: | | |

| | |Write a persuasive essay | | |

| | |about education. Reflect|25 points | |

| | |on the short story in this| | |

| | |chapter starting on p. | | |

| | |278. (250-350 words) | | |

| | |Post your response to the | | |

| | |Reading Café. Respond to | | |

| | |a classmate’s story. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |5 points | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |#1 Cartoons | | | |

| |[pic] |p. 259 Explain the irony | | |

| |A masterful cartoonist uses inference to send the message behind the |of the cartoon. | | |

| |obvious. |p. 271F What is the | | |

| |Find a cartoon which reflects your issue. Analyze it. |inference? | | |

| | | |10 points | |

| |#2 Data and Surveys | | | |

| |[pic] | |10 points | |

| | |p. 284 Critical Thinking | | |

| | |Exercise (in blue) | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Reflection #7 is due. |25 point | |


|Part II: Figurative Language (Figures of Speech) |

|Part III: Tone in Reading Passages |

|Week Nine |Go to my website for the week’s assignment. |Read pp. 286-333 | | |

|10/17-10/23 |View Ch. 8 PowerPoint Presentation |Exercises from publisher: | | |

| |Do Ch. 8 Exercises |Short Answer Exs. 1-3 | | |

| |Post Ch. 8 Discussion Response |Submit score results as |10 points | |

| |Time to begin group project. |one doc. | | |

| |Project HOPE |Discussion: | | |

| |Submit your reflection over Ch. 8 as an Assignment |Analyze editorials. See | | |

| | |assignment. Post your |25 points | |

| | |response to the Reading | | |

| | |Café. Respond to a |5 points | |

| | |classmate’s story. | | |

| |#3 Photographs | | | |

| |[pic] |pp. 295-296 #1-4 | | |

| |Why is it important to read “About the Author” at the bottom of the |pp. 324-325 | | |

| |site? |p. 326 #3 | | |

| |Find a photograph on your issue. Analyze it. |p. 327 B | | |

| | |Go to: | | |

| | | | |

| |#1 Cartoons |sh/s/20070830/200708201729| | |

| |[pic] |41.html | | |

| |A masterful cartoonist uses inference to send the message behind the |Learn the story. How does| | |

| |obvious. |this help to understand |10 points | |

| |Find a cartoon which reflects your issue. Analyze it. |what really was happening?| | |

| |#2 Data and Surveys |Or, what did happen? | | |

| |[pic] |p. 328 C | | |

| | | | | |

| |Projects now can begin! | | | |

| |[pic] | | | |

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| | |pp. 305-306 #G | | |

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| | | |10 points | |

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| | |pp. 317-318 #1-8 | | |

| | |pp. 318-319 #1-5 | | |

| | | |10 points | |

| | |Reflection #8 is due. | | |

| | | |25 points | |

|Week Ten |Go to my website for the week’s assignment. |Read pp. 335-386 | | |

|10/24-10/30 |View Ch. 9 PowerPoint Presentation |Exercises from publisher: | | |

| |Do Ch. 9 Exercises |Exs. 1-3 | | |

| |Post Ch. 9 Discussion Response |Submit score results as | | |

| |Submit your reflection over Ch. 9 as an Assignment. |one doc. | | |

| |Submit your rough draft of your Project HOPE presentation. |Discussion: | | |

| | |Choose an editorial on | | |

| | |your personal issue. | | |

| |#4 |Analyze it. (See last |25 points | |

| |Public Advertisements |week’s assignment.) Post | | |

| |[pic] |your response to the | | |

| |Find a public advertisement or announcements which keys in to your |Reading Café. Respond to | | |

| |issue. Analyze it. |a classmate’s analysis. |5 points | |

| | | | | |

| | |pp. 350-351 | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |10 points | |

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| | | | | |

| | |Reflection #9 is due. | | |

| | | |25 points | |


|Part I: Claims and Evidence in Arguments |

|Part II: Emotional Appeals |

|Part III: Logical Fallacies |

|Week Eleven |Go to my website for the week’s assignment. |pp. 397-400 |10 points | |

|10/31-11/6 |#1 Cartoons |p. 430 Go to | | |

|Holiday – Veteran’s |[pic] | | |

|Day |A masterful cartoonist uses inference to send the message behind the |icalcartoons/ Browse and | | |

| |obvious. |see | | |

| |Find a cartoon which reflects your issue. Analyze it. |what you can find and | | |

| | |learn about cartoons from | | |

| | |this site. | | |

| |#7 | | | |

| |Famous Speeches | | | |

| |[pic] | | | |

| |Find a video of a famous speech. | | | |

| |which is on your issue. | | | |

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| |Project HOPE | | | |

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| |Due! | | | |

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| | |pp. 400-416 | | |

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| | |Reflection #9 is due. |25 points | |

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| | | |100 points | |


|Part I: Analysis of Reading Passages |

|Part II: Analysis of Editorials |

|Week Twelve |Now, time to put it all together and show your individual expertise to| | | |

|11/7-11/11/13 |analyze and support claims. From the work you have been doing in | | | |

| |Service Learning and your analysis of media on your topic, it is now | | | |

| |your time to finish your final project. | | | |

| |[pic] | | | |

|Week Thirteen |Continue your work. | | | |

|11/14-11/20 | | | | |

|Happy Thanksgiving |

|Week Fourteen |Submit a rough draft of your final project. | | | |

|11/21-11/27 | | | | |

|Holiday - | | | | |

|Thanksgiving | | | | |

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|Week Sixteen |[pic]The last day of class is 12/10. No work will be accepted after this day - - no exceptions! |

|12/5-12/11 | |

|Finals Week Begins | |

| |[pic]NOTE: (The Final Assignment is your individual PowerPoint Presentation). It is vital that you prove to me that you |

| |have learned the reading skills required of this class > the value of research and documentation. (See objectives.) |

| |Final Individual Reflection over Chs. 1-10 is due: Dec 10th |

| |*Attach your Final: Individual PowerPoint Presentation in the Reading Café. |

| |[pic] |

| |Your ePortfolio is due Dec 10th |

| |* It should include: |

| |Your Introduction |

| |Your Notes over publisher tests, scores, and instructor comments |

| |Your Projects (3) |

| |Analysis of Media for Project HOPE (Group) |

| |Service Learning Report (Individual) |

| |Poll and conclusions |

| |Final Analysis of Media (Individual) *NOTE: You will not earn an “A” in class unless you prove you can document |

| |conclusions. |

| |Your Discussion Posts |

| |Your Reflections over semester’s activities and textbook |

| |Artifact which you believe shows off your best work for the semester. |

|[pic]Submit Course Evaluation for extra credit due Dec. 10th. |

[pic]Tentative Course Schedule: (Assignments and due dates may be changed by discretion of the instructor. You will be notified if any necessary changes in due dates or assignments occur. Check your email and announcements daily for changes.)


|10 Reflections x 25 points | |

|250 | |

| | |

|10 Chapter Assignments | |

|250 | |

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|5 Tests | |

|160 | |

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|2 Individual Projects | |

|200 | |

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|1 Group Project | |

|100 | |

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|10± Analyses of Media x 10 points | |

|100 | |

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|Total | |

|1060± points | |

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|NOTE: It Is impossible to receive an “A” in class unless you prove that you can research and | |

|document as you analyze media. Use of intext citations is essential. Opinion does not count in | |

|this course unless it leads to proving validity of your conclusion and is supported with | |

|documentation. | |




The DRS staff is highly trained to provide reasonable accommodations for YOU with documented disabilities. In order to qualify for DRS accommodations, YOU must provide documentation from a licensed professional that clearly identifies what the disability is and the functional limitations. We are happy to answer questions, provide resources, strategize on creative solutions, and assist you in any way we can to make the accommodations as seamless as possible.

Students requesting academic accommodations are required to contact the Disability Support Services Office (Building 37) or S&D: 480-461-7447, RM: 480-654-7770, FAX: 480-461-7907, or email: Students should discuss the matter with their instructor as soon as possible. Waiting until the end of the semester will not be accepted.


The Maricopa Community College District and MCC defines the rights and responsibilities of students and establishes a system of procedures for dealing with students charged with violations of the code and other rules and regulations of the college. A student enrolling in the college assumes an obligation to conduct himself/herself in a manner compatible with the college’s function as an educational institution. See p. 45 of the Student Handbook, , for a complete explanation of the code of conduct, including the Code of Academic Integrity and the procedure for dealing with disruptive student behavior. And, this can happen in an online class, too. We call such behavior as not having “netiquette” which can be just as disruptive to the cyber classroom as the face to face classroom.


The college is an institution of higher learning that holds academic integrity as its highest principle. In the pursuit of knowledge, the college community expects that all students, faculty, and staff will share responsibility for adhering to the values of honesty and unquestionable integrity. To support a community committed to academic achievement and scholarship, the Code of Academic Integrity advances the principle of honest representation in the work that is produced by students seeking to engage fully in the learning process. The complete text of the Code of Academic Integrity is found at in the Student Handbook (pages 42-45) and posted on the college’s website.

I will never give you an assignment aimed to fail you. In most cases, I will do all that I can do to make success possible. Please don’t undermine my efforts by being dishonest. Also, at times I am described as “rude.” No, believe it or not, I really aim to enjoy and to be very positive. However, language conveys various meanings and when we can’t see each other, it can be a bummer. When I give you a short answers, it’s not because I want to be difficult, it’s because I believe you can find the answer. Please test me on this fact. If you convey to me that you can’t find something or that you are confused and I don’t give you the answer you want, try me again. I want you to first try on your own. Sometimes, your question leads me to add additional information and thanks to you, the entire class gets addressed in an all-class response. That response is made to help you, too. I love teaching. I enjoy you being in my class. Let’s plan on working together and that means also helping one another to communicate our “cyber” thoughts.



Service Learning

Welcome to one of the most important courses you will take for your intellectual development: College Critical Reading! Don't let the name fool you! This is not a course in phonics practice or fill in the blank skill drills, but a course in critical thinking. We will be challenged to develop skills of inference, detection of fallacies of thinking in the writings of others, and the ability to argue persuasively our own points of view. It is a reading course because we will read, but it is also a speaking course because we will speak and discuss via cyberspace in our Reading Café; it is a writing course because we will write, and, it is also a logic course because we will construct precise arguments. Most accurately, it is a thinking course, because we will think-- carefully, analytically and deeply-- about ourselves and the ideas of others. And through that process we will not only develop our intellects, but our self awareness.


Everyone should purchase a textbook. The textbook is Developing Critical Reading Skills, 8th ed. You can purchase this textbook online or at the MCC’s bookstore. You are responsible for reading the textbook and attempting to comprehend it on your own. I am here to guide you through the process and to assist you when you are having trouble

comprehending the material. It is your responsibility to let me know when you are having trouble understanding the material or what it is you should know.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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