Ms - Lenape Regional High School District

My Plate Nutrition Project (Super Tracker)–125 Points

Mastery Objective: You will be able to compare your food intake and physical activity with the dietary guidelines and recommendations by using the online Super Tracker.

Food and Physical Activity Tracking: 3 days

PROJECT DUE: 125 points total:

10 points for Food Log

50 points for Food Exploration

25 points for Paper

40 points for My Plate Super Tracker Printouts (10 total)

-3 reports for Food Groups & Calories, Nutrients, and Physical Activity

-7 history charts for Total Calories, Empty Calories, Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy and Protein


1. Open a Word Document. You will use this to copy and paste all of the charts. At the end of the project, print out this document.

2. Go to:

3. Click on CREATE PROFILE. (once you have a log in, simply log in)

4. Login Screen. Enter all the required information. Write down your username and password so you do not forget it. Click SUBMIT.

5. Once logged in to your SuperTracker Profile page – click on FOOD TRACKER.

6. Select the DATE in the top left. THIS SHOULD BE THE FIRST DAY YOU KEPT THE LOG. After you enter your food and physical activity intake for Day 1, you will need to change the date for Day 2 and then for Day 3.

7. Once you have the date set, start entering your foods.

a. Enter each food item you have eaten that day in the search box. From the list, select the food or drink. Be sure to enter all foods and drinks for the day.

b. For each item, select the amount (number and size) and select either BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER or SNACK.

c. Fill in all items that you ate for that day.

8. Change the date and enter FOOD for the remainder of the days.

9. Click on Physical Activity Tracker (top of page). Change the date to your first day.

a. Enter your physical activity in the search box. Include all reasonable physical activities (walking the dog, household chores, sports, etc.). “Walking to class” should be the minimum of what is included.

b. Select duration (time) and DATES (days of the week).

10. After you have entered the food and physical activity for all three days:

a. At top: click on MY REPORTS

b. Print the following reports (export as PDF, EXCEL or WORD – click on “my reports” at top to go back to full selection of reports):

1. Food Groups and Calories (select your dates)

2. Nutrients (select your dates)

3. Physical Activity (week of ---select your first date)

4. History

a. Enter your dates

b. Select line or bar chart

c. Print a history chart for each of the following:

(1) Total Calories

(2) Empty Calories

(3) Grains

(4) Vegetables

(5) Fruits

(6) Dairy

(7) Protein

11. Type a 1-2 page, double spaced paper on the following:

a. Number of days you met the percent recommendation for each food category (milk, meat, vegetables, fruits, & grains).

b. For the days you were below the recommendation level for a category, what would you change to be a healthier eater? Be specific and give examples of food that you would choose to eat or not to eat.

c. Analyze your physical activity for the 3 days. Discuss what you did and what you may be able to improve upon for future activities.

d. Are all 3 days typical of your normal eating and physical activity patterns? If not, please explain.

e. Provide your overall opinion of the project and discuss the knowledge gained from the food exploration.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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