Database Systems - Florida Institute of Technology

Artificial Intelligence

CSE 5290, Fall 2017

Instructor: Debasis Mitra, Ph.D.

Office: Harris 325 E-mail: dmitra ‘at’ edu

Class Home Page:

|Class |6:30 pm - 7:45 pm |TR |Frederick C. Crawford Bldg 220 |

Office Hours: MT 12:30-2:30 pm (or by appointment)

Tentative Grading plan: Quizzes/Class Exams: 40%, Project: 30%, Final exam: 30%

Detail plan for Fall 2017:

≤ 29 days

Search 4, Constraints 3, Auto Reasoning 4, Prob Reasoning 4, Mach Learning 5, Ethics 1,

Exams 3, Std presentations 4

|Date |Activities planned/ performed | |

|Aug 22, T |Introduction to AI, and background | |

|Aug 24, R |SEARCH: 8-puzzle: |Intro: Slide 18-end |

|(Jan 16, M – MLK |BFS- Uniform Cost; DFS-Depth Limited, Iterative-deepening |Search: Djikstra, BFS, DFS, DLS, IDS |

|day) |Iterative-deepening, | |

| |From my slides | |

|Aug 29, T |Search: Heuristic Search, A*, | |

| |MySl 16-26 | |

| |From my slides | |

|Aug 31, R |MySl 27-33: IDA*, SMA* | |

| |Text Slides 4a | |

|Sep 5, T |Local search from Text-slides: Local search, Hill-climbing, Gradient | |

| |search, Local beam search, Online search | |

| |Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithm, | |

| |Random walk | |

| |My Slides: 44-end: GO OVER YOURSELF | |

| | | |

| |SEARCH: Adversarial Min-Max, Alpha-beta pruning, Mover ordering, | |

| |Evaluation function, Forward search | |

|Sep 7, R |Only one student attended: discussed project with him | |

|Sep 12, T |No class for Hurricane Irma | |

|Sep 14, R |Search problems. | |

| |Project ideas. | |

| |REASONING WITH CONSTRAINTS: Motivating with Map/Graph coloring, | |

| |Backtracking, Forward Checking | |

|Sep 19, T |REASONING WITH CONSTRAINTS: Node-Arc-Path-Global consistency | |

| |Project groups? | |

|Sep 21, R |Constraint reasoning continued | |

| |SAT problem from Algorithms-Complexity slides | |

|Sep 26, T |SPATIO-TEMPORAL CONSTRAINT REASONING from my slides (All slides are | |

| |within syllabus). | |

| |A relevant web page: | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Projects discussed | |

|Sep 28, R |AUTOMATED REASONING: Syntax-Semantics-Model, |[4 questions, 40 points Undergrad, 50 points Grad, 45 min for Undergrad part, |

| |Satisfaction-Entailment-Inference procedure-Validity; |Grad questions are take home] |

| | | |

| |Exam -1 on Search and Constraint Reasoning (up to Ch 6, with materials| |

| |covered only in class) | |

|Oct 3, T |Complexity theory | |

| |AUTOMATED REASONING - continued: | |

| |Propositional Knowledge Base, Model checking algorithm, | |

| |Forward chaining algo, Backward chaining algo (up to sl#66) | |

|Oct 5, R |CNF, Resolution Algo (p255), Horn Clause, Definite clause | UG project plan deadline |

| | | |

| |Project discussion | |

|Oct 10, T |- - - | |

|(Fall break) | | |

|Oct 12, R |AUTOMATED REASONING: First Order Logic-Motivation; | Grad Proj first deliverable |

| |Model-Interpretation-Quantifiers-Inferencing; | |

| |Exc in Ch8 | |

|Oct 17, T |Forward/Backward Chaining, | |

| |Resolution-DB search, Completeness-Herbrand Universe, Resolution | |

| |strategies | |

|Oct 19, R |Unification, Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining, |Grades are on Canvas |

| | | |

|Oct 24, T |Test for students ONLY with the following grades: | We will have some Saturday 2:30pm |

| |Ug < 25 and Grad ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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