
Work for the 30th of March – 3rd of April

Rang 4

Boys and Girls try your best wih the work for this week, keep reading, drawing, singing/playing music and staying active.

Ms O Donovan (

|Monday: |Tuesday: |

| | |

|Maths: MYM week 25 Block Monday + Revision work (see below). Tables ÷6 (first |Maths: MYM week 25 Block Tuesday + Revision work (see below). Tables ÷6 |

|half). |(second half). |

|English:LG Rd pg 196-198 + WW pg 50 (you can do A+B in the book) |English:LG Rd pgs 199-200 + LG pg 205 QF (Eng Copy A) |

|Gaeilge:Léigh Scéal lth 8 (just read the story – this is revision so make sure |Gaeilge:Scríobh 5 abairtí san Aimsir Chaite ( Write 5 sentences in your |

|you understand what the sentences mean, use your dictionary if you need to) |Gaeilge copy - use the Table at the top of pg 26 in Abair Liom to help) |

|SESE:Small World Geo/Sci Unit 11: Rd pgs 64 +65 |SESE: Small World Geo/Sci Unit 11: Rd pgs 66 + 67 |

|Wednesday: |Thursday: |

| | |

|Maths: MYM week 25 Block Wednesday + Revision work (see below). Tables ÷6 (all) |Maths: MYM week 25 Block Thursday+ Revision work (see below). |

|English:LG Rd pgs 201-202 + LG pg 204 QC (Eng Copy B) |English:LG Rd Poem pg 203 + LG pg 205 QH (Eng Copy B) |

|Gaeilge:Dul Siar: agam, agat, aige, aice (lth 10 orally) |Gaeilge:Léigh Cómhrá lth 9 (just read the conversation – this is revision so |

|orm, ort, air, uirthi (lth 19 orally) |make sure you understand what the sentences mean, use your dictionary if you |

|SESE:SmallWorld pg 68, Do QB 1+2 in your SESE manuscript |need to) |

|Friday: |Other Subjects: |

| | |

|Maths: MYM TEST WK 25 pg 90 |PE: & The Body Coach on Youtube Does 30min PE Lessons |

|(Try your best () | |

| |Music: (free months access) |

|English: Handwriting – Do your next page in Write On | |

| |Art: Add any artwork to your portfolio asyou like |

|Read a book of your choice for 20minutes. | |

| |* Also, RTÉ Home School Hub will be on daily from 11am-12am on RTÉ2 |

Maths Revision – Long Multiplication + Division no remainders (Try these in your Maths copy and use your calculator to check your answers, if you make a mistake go back and revise the sum)

|Mon. |a) 53 x 16 |b) 69 x 37 |c) 28 x 17 |d) 54 x 27 |

|Tues. |a) 117 ÷ 9 |b) 868 ÷ 7 |c) 665 ÷ 5 |d) 548 ÷ 4 |

|Wed. |a) 57 x 56 |b) 73 x 11 |c) 89 x 38 |d) 34 x 25 |

|Thurs. |a) 372 ÷ 3 |b) 512 ÷ 4 |c) 372 ÷ 2 |d) 744 ÷ 6 |


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