HSP 3MI – Exam Review Crossword



1. A generalization about a group based on faulty preconceptions.

5. Process by which one can access the subconscious.

7. Sum total of the objects and ideas shared by a group.

20. Myths and legends are stored in this part of the mind. (2 words)

23. Type of research method in which in-depth and detailed information is gathered about a particular/specific individual. (2 words)

25. “Lowest” level of discrimination

27. Behaviours individuals are expected to perform in particular situations.

28. Attempting to assess other cultures in a non-judgmental way. (2 words)

29. Uncovered “shocking” behaviours among teachers and learners.

30. Physical objects within a given culture. (2 words)

31. Famous family of physical anthropologists.

33. Freudian term referring to the release of aggressive energy.

40. Economic system also known as “free enterprise”.

42. When an individual feels society’s norms no longer work.

45. Social scientist who theorized the inability to internalize norms led to alienation.

49. Attitude of hostility toward another person or group.

50. The foundation of Freud’s stages of development.

51. Type of conformity “uncovered” by Solomon Asch.

52. A prejudgment based on little or no knowledge or experience.

53. Scientist associated with “natural selection”.

55. Influence of inherited biology on human behaviour.

56. Requirements for survival – they subside once satisfied.

59. Acting outside of what is considered the norm within society.

60. Social science that examines the behaviour and interactions of groups within society.

63. Another term for environment.

64. The causes of behaviour.

66. Considered by researchers to be the only truly long-term solution to discrimination.

68. Needs based upon gaining recognition from others.

70. Humanist who suggested we are all motivated by two basic types of needs.

71. The consequence of stimuli.

73. Use of physical force to cause damage or inflict injury.

74. Gathering information about the thoughts and behaviour of a large group of people.

76. Learned behaviours that can never be fully satisfied

77. Term Freud used to describe someone stuck in a stage of development.

80. Widely-accepted solution to violence and aggression within western societies.

81. Below the threshold of awareness.

83. Theory of aggression and violence associated with observation.

88. Condition in which one judges other cultures using one’s own as the “standard”.

91. Agent of socialization often seen as a major cause of violence, conformity and discrimination.

92. Founder of the psychosocial approach to personality development.

93. Prohibited behaviour within a culture.

94. For Freud, the last part of the mind to develop.

95. Chemicals that carry signals within the brain.


2. Technique that involves “in the field” research.

3. Social scientist associated with role expectations and human behaviour.

4. Type of conformity associated with authority and authority figures.

6. The “have nots” in capitalist society, according to Marx.

8. Norms involving moral or ethical judgements.

9. Studied chimp behaviour in an attempt to gain insight into human behaviour.

10. Cognitive ability of babies to understand that physical objects exist even after they disappear from view. (2 words)

11. The Holocaust, for example.

12. French cognitive psychologist.

13. Central image used by Darwin to illustrate his theory. (3 words)

14. Ability to walk upright over long distances.

15. Father of modern psychology.

16. Harvard researchers interested in how the human conscience develops.

17. Important feature of the scientific method which allows other researchers to “redo” an experiment.

18. Discrimination based on ethnicity and or skin colour.

19. The superego is said to reside at this level.

21. Changing one’s behaviour to accord with those of others.

22. Culture characterized by growing inequality.

24. Karl Marx proposed this theory to explain alienation in society.

26. The cause of an organism’s action or behaviour.

32. For Freud and Jung, one’s life force.

34. Study of the origins and development of human beings.

35. The first and most important agent of socialization in any society.

36. Rules of behaviour with a society.

37. Having a particular view or perspective.

38. Split with Freud over definition of drives.

39. State of being in which the mind is awake.

41. Type of socialization that takes place in childhood.

43. Random changes in genetic material.

44. Researcher who used confederates to “prove” peer pressure produced conformity.

46. “Founder” of modern cultural anthropology.

47. The unique ways of feeling, thinking and acting.

48. Branch of personality theory emphasizing the unique development of each individual.

49. Universal symbols recognized by all humans

50. Egocentric stage of Piagetian development.

54. Jungian term that parallels Freud’s id

57. a.k.a. capitalists.

58. Informal patterns of behaviour.

61. A complex set of innate behaviour that is common to an entire species.

62. Stage of cognitive development in which children do complex operations. (2 words)

65. Innate/primitive part of the mind.

67. According to Adler, the underlying human motivation was feelings of _____.

68. The decision-making part of the mind.

69. Idea that organisms change genetically and structurally over long periods of time.

71. According to Marx, the logical outcome of class struggle within capitalism.

72. For Maslow, the ultimate goal we all move towards.

75. Social scientist who is considered to be the founding father of communism.

78. Set of actions taken against an individual or group.

79. The scientific study of individual human behavior.

82. Process by which values, attitudes and beliefs are transferred from one generation to the next.

84. Conducted experiments on rhesus monkeys to better understand the concept of love and bonding.

85. Associated with the principle of “Use and Disuse”.

86. Feeling “cut off” from the rest of society.

87. Focus on themselves and meeting their own needs.

88. Term psychologist used to describe the inability to see the world from others’ point of view.

89. A person’s moral governor or compass.

90. Marx’s classless state.


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