California State University, San Bernardino | CSUSB



Sociology Department. Center for Indigenous Peoples Studies

California State University College of Social & Behavioral Sciences

San Bernardino, CA 92407-2397 California State University, San Bernardino phone: (909) 537-7291


1. Conduct comparative/historical research and develop explanatory models on “Indigenous” Native Nations and their roles in contemporary social change in the United States and globally, within 500 year cycle of developing “western” society and the modern world system;

2. Teach and develop programs around transnational connections among indigenous peoples, globalization of inequalities, political and cultural domination; “minority” group development in modern world systems; social justice, and theories and practices of collective sovereignty.

3. Write and publish on the above and related topics in the relevant fields of social sciences; making scholarly and creative contributions, along with academic program development.




DIRECTOR (Founding) of the Center for Indigenous Peoples Studies:

Indigenous Peoples: Communities and Globalization, local, regional, national Native Nations; international indigenous struggles, racial constructions, academic programs (established 2009) recently commenced and conducted the 29th Annual California Indian Conference of 2014.

California State University, San Bernardino – Southern California

Social-political emphasis on “Indian” Nations, Race & Ethnicity Policies, and Inequality,

Native Americans, Urban & Political Sociology, Cultural Domination, Asian-Americans, Sovereignty Issues, Stratification, Indigenous Historical/Comparative Methodology.

RESEARCH (themes and topics):

4. “Indigenous Peoples, Indian Nations, Native Americans, and Tribal Sovereignty”

500 years: colonial expansion, decolonization, resistance, survival of indigenous peoples. Socio-political issues: Indian Gaming, tribal sovereignty, social change of Native Nations

5. “Race, Ethnicity, Racism: Historical Constructions of Legal and Societal Conflict”

Comparative-historical-ethnographic analysis of race, ethnicity, racism and nationalism

Racial icons, symbolic representations, mascotry, political resistance by social movements

6. “Urban Social Stratification, Community Resistance and Globalization”

Identity, inequality, cultural change and community politics in US and “third world” cities

Local-regional urban ecology, political conflicts in urban, suburban and community contexts

7. “Social Policies of Hegemony: Affirmative Action and Discrimination”

Socio-political programs, policies and resistance by both dominant and subordinated groups

Reification and reproduction of dominant social orders through covert social policies


John Carroll University, Sociology dept., University Heights, (near Cleveland Heights), Ohio

Emphasis on Prejudice and Discrimination, “Indian” Nations, Race & Ethnicity, Inequality,

Urban Stratification, Symbolic Domination, African-Americans and Systemic racism.



Northwestern University, Sociology Department, Evanston, Illinois

Dissertation: "Culturicide, Resistance, Survival: Cultural Domination of Lakota Oyate"

Urban Social Policies, Inequality, Poverty and Race Program (Univ. of Chicago)

Systems of Domination through Race, Ethnicity, Culture and National Origin,

Indigenous Issues, Cross-Cultural and Critical Social Theories, Stratification,

American Indian Social Demographics (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Social Movements, Comparative / Historical Integrated Methodologies.


Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1991

Focus: Curriculum / Learning Environments (Multi-Culturalism Theory)

Social Sciences in Education, Field Research Methods, Indian Education,

Federal Indian Law Policy, Native Land-Use Design, Staff Development.


School For International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont 1983

Thesis: "The Martinique Workshops: In-service Teacher Training"

TESOL Methodologies, Applied Linguistics, Second Language Teaching,

Psycho/Socio-Linguistics Theory, Internships: Haiti & French West Indies.


School For International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont 1981

Thesis: "Towards Social Consciousness" (Societal Stratification Theory)

Intercultural Communication, Development Issues, Global Management,

International Internships in Denmark and with Cuban refugees in Florida.


Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California 1978

Motion Picture Screenplays: "The Veteran" and "Winter On Pine Ridge"

Television Production, Media Theory, Theater Arts Writing and Directing.


U.S.N. Naval Training Centers (San Diego, Great Lakes), Newport News, VA 1973

Closed Circuit Television, Damage Control Teams, Communications,

Served aboard Nimitz Nucleus Crew, other aircraft carriers through 1975.


Languages: minimum past proficiency: Chinese (Mandarin/putonghua), Spanish; in-country only: some knowledge: Bahasa Malay, French, Haitian Creole, Danish, and Lakota (ceremonial). Life-long learner – I’ve explored /become qualified in Tai Chi Ch’uan, Wushu Martial Arts, Shiatsu, Dakota/Lakota ceremonial practices, outdoor sports and expeditionary craft.

PUBLICATIONS – 69 Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals – (17) ***

Fenelon, J. “Critique of Glenn on Settler Colonialism and Bonilla-Silva on Critical Race analysis from Indigenous Perspectives” invited Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 2016, 2(2) 237-242.***

Fenelon, J. "Genocide, Race, Capitalism: Synopsis of Formation within the Modern World-system" Journal of World-Systems Research Vol. 22 Issue 1 Page 23-30 (2016). ***

Fenelon and Trafzer. “From Colonialism to Denial of California Genocide to Mis-Representation: Indigenous Struggles in the Americas” American Behavioral Scientist Vol. 58, No.1 (2014) ***

Fenelon and T. Hall. “Revitalization and Indigenous Resistance to Globalization and Neo-Liberalism” American Behavioral Scientist Vol. 51, No.12 (Aug., 2008: 1867-1901) ***

Hall, T. and Fenelon. “Indigenous Movements and Globalization: What is Different? What is the Same? Globalizations Vol. 5.1, pp. 1-11 (February, 2008). ***

Fenelon. “Indian Gaming: Traditional Perspectives and Cultural Sovereignty” American Behavioral Scientist Vol. 50, No. 3 (November, 2006: 381-409) ***

Fenelon. “Diversity of Indigenous Issues: Resistance and Survival in 4 Global Contexts” (2005) The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, Volume 4. ***

Fenelon and M. L. Defender-Wilson. “Voyage of Domination, “Purchase” as Conquest, Sakakawea for Savagery: Distorted Icons from Misrepresentations of the Lewis and Clark Expedition” Wicazo Sa Review, Volume 19, No. 1 (2004: 85-104). ***

Hall, T. and Fenelon. “The Futures of Indigenous Peoples: 9/11 and the Trajectory of Indigenous Survival and Resistance” Journal of World-Systems Research, Volume IX, No. 3 (2004). ***

Fenelon. “Indians Teaching About Indigenous Issues: How and Why the Academy Discriminates” American Indian Quarterly, Volume 27, number 1 & 2 (2004: pgs. 177-188). ***

Fenelon. “Race, Research, and Tenure: Institutional Credibility and the Incorporation of African, Latino and American Indian Faculty” Journal of Black Studies, Volume 34, No. 1 (2003). ***

Fenelon. “Dual Sovereignty of Native Nations, the United States, & Traditionalists.” (2002). Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, Volume 27, Number 1 (pages 106-145). ***

Fenelon and R. Brod. “Ideologies of Reverse Discrimination: Race, Gender, Class, Age Analysis” Race, Gender & Class Volume 7, No. 2, (Spring) 2000. ***

Fenelon. “Discrimination and Indigenous Identity in Chicago’s Native American Community” American Indian Culture and Research Journal. Volume 22, No. 4 (Fall, 1998, sent 3/99). ***

Fenelon. "From Peripheral Domination to Internal Colonialism: Socio-Political Change of the Lakota to the Standing Rock ‘Sioux’" Journal of World-Systems Research 3: 259-320 (Sum 1997). ***

Fenelon, P.Khoxayo, J.Kwiat, and B.Rodriguez. "Counseling Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students" Illinois Schools Journal. Chicago State, Illinois, Vol.72, No.2, 1993. ***

Pugh, S. and Fenelon. "Integrating Learning, Language and Intercultural Skills for International Students" Journal of Reading. (31-4) 1988. ***

Books – (3) **

Redskins? Sports Mascots, Indian Nations and White Racism, (foreword Joe R. Feagin), New York, NY: Routledge, 2017. **

Indigenous Peoples and Globalization, Resistance and Revitalization, co-author Thomas D. Hall, (foreword Duane Champagne) Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers. 2009. **

“Culturicide, Resistance and Survival of the Lakota (“Sioux Nation”)” (foreword by Manley Begay) New York: Garland Publishing, 1998 (December). (417 text pages, maps) **

Book Chapters – (15) *

“Immigration as Racial Dominance since 1492 – Migration and the Modern World-System of the Americas” for PEWS Volume (2017), (41st Annual Conference, Political Economy of the World-System) edited by Denis O’Hearn (Forthcoming: Publishers TBA) *

“Black Nationalism and Native American Struggles through the World-System Lens: Engaging with the Legacy of Rod Bush” in Rod Bush: Lessons from a Radical Black Scholar on Liberation, Love, and Justice, editor Melanie E. L. Bush, co-editors Rose M. Brewer, Daniel Douglas, Loretta Chin, Robert Newby, (Ahead Publishing House, Okcir Press: 2018). *

“The Struggle of Indigenous Americans: a Socio-Historical View” in Handbook of the Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, second edition, edited by Pinar Batur and Joe R. Feagin. (New York: Springer Press, 2018: 9-31, chapter 2) *

“Standing Rock, Epicenter of Resistance to American Empire” Trajectories Newsletter of ASA Comparative and Historical Sociology, Vol 29 No 2, Winter 2018. *

“Indigenous Alternatives to the Global Crises of the Modern World System” in Overcoming Global Inequalities, editors: Immanuel Wallerstein, Chris Chase-Dunn and Christian Suter, Paradigm Publishers (Routledge, 2015). *

“Indigenous Peoples and World Systems Analysis” in International Handbook of World-Systems Analysis, edited by Salvatore Babones and Christopher Chase-Dunn. (Routledge, 2011). *

“Four Directions for Indian Education: Curriculum Models for Lakota/ Dakota Teaching and Learning” (with Dorothy LeBeau, 2006) in Indigenous Education & Empowerment: International Perspectives, editor: Ismael Abu-Saad & Duane Champagne, (Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira). *

“Indigenous Struggles over Autonomy, Land and Community: Anti-Globalization and Resistance in World Systems Analysis.” (with Thomas D. Hall, 2005, pp.107-122) in Latin@s in the World-System: Towards the Decolonization of the US Empire in the 21st Century, edited by Ramón Grosfoguel, Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Jose David Saldivar. (Boulder: Paradigm Press). *

“Trajectories of Indigenous Resistance Before and After 9/11” (2005 w/Thomas Hall); Globalization Protest Movement: Before and After 9/11, eds: B. Podobnik and T. Reifer. (Leiden: Brill) *

“Indigenous peoples and hegemonic change: opportunities for resistance or dangerous times?" (1st author: Thomas D. Hall) in Hegemonic Declines: Past and Present, edited by Jonathan Friedman and Christopher Chase-Dunn (Boulder, CO: Paradigm Press, 2005) *

“Dakota Woman, Mixed-Blood Man: American Indians from the Northern Plains” in: Minority Voices: Linking Personal History and the Sociological Imagination, by John Myers. (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2005) [companion: Dominant-Minority Relations in America by John Myers] *

“Indigenous Resistance to Globalization: What Does the Future Hold?” (Thomas D. Hall and James V. Fenelon) in Crises and Resistance in the 21st Century World System, edited by Wilma A. Dunaway, (Greenwood Press. 2003:173-188) *

“Traditional and Modern Perspectives on Indian Gaming” in Indian Gaming: Who Wins? editors: David Kamper and Angela Mullis, (UCLA American Indian Studies, monograph), 2000. *

“Indian Icons in the World Series of Racism: Institutionalization of the Racial Symbols of Wahoos and Indians” in The Global Color Line: Racial and Ethnic Inequality and Struggle from a Global Perspective edited by Pinar Batur-vanderlippe and Joe Feagin, Series (6) Research in Politics and Society. (Stamford, CT: JAI Press) 1999. *

"Native Nations and American Indians: Culture, Curriculum and Social Justice" in Cultural Diversity: Curriculum, Classroom, & Climate. Editors: J. Q. Adams and Janice R. Welsch. Illinois Staff and Curriculum Developers Association (Western Illinois University Press), 1999. *

Edited Journals – (3)

Co-Editor w/ Clifford E. Trafzer (special issue): “Indigenous Peoples, California Genocide, & Politics of the Academy: Intersecting Systems of Domination” special issue of American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 58, No.1 (January 2014):

Editor (special issue): “Indigenous Peoples: Globalization, Resistance & Revitalization” American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 52, No. 12 (August 2008: 1656-1918)

Editor for special issue: “Indian Gaming: Sovereignty and Social Change in Economic Development” American Behavioral Scientist Vol. 50, No. 3 (November, 2006: 279-419)

Book Reviews (Essays) – (14)

Review Essay 2015: Haunting Questions of Genocide in the Americas: Review of Scholarly Treatments of Dakota, Lakota and American genocides. Book reviews: 1) Native America and the Question of Genocide, Alex Alvarez. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014; 2) Ethnic Cleansing and the Indian: The Crime That Should Haunt America, Gary Clayton Anderson. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2014; 3) American Carnage: Wounded Knee, 1890, Jerome Greene. (Foreword: Thomas Powers). Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2014. Great Plains Quarterly (Vol._, No._, Spring 2015:__)

2014 Review: Social Change: Globalization from the Stone Age to the Present, by Christopher Chase-Dunn and Bruce Lerro (Paradigm Publishers, 2013). International Journal of Comparative Sociology (Vol.55 No.4: August 2014)

2010 Review: The End of White World Supremacy: Black Internationalism and the Problem of the Color Line. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2009, by Roderick D. Bush, Journal of World-Systems Research, (Volume XVI, Number 2, 2010: 307-310)

2009 Review: The Sioux in South Dakota History, Richmond L. Clow. (South Dakota State Historical Society Press, 2007) Wicazo Sa Review (Vol. 24, No. 1, Spring 2009: 126-129)

2008 Review: Social Change and Cultural Continuity among Native Nations, Duane Champagne, (Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press, 2007) Contemporary Sociology (Vol.37 No.4: 327-330)

2008: Ruling Pine Ridge: Oglala Lakota Politics from the IRA to Wounded Knee, Akim Reinhardt (Texas Tech U Press, 2007) Great Plains Quarterly (Vol.28, No.3, Summer 2008: 239-40)

2007 Review: Indian Gaming and Tribal Sovereignty: the Casino Compromise. Steven Andrew Light and Kathryn R.L. Rand. (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2005.) Great Plains Research, (Vol. 17, No. 2, Fall 2007).

Review essay 2006: The Plains Sioux and U.S. Colonialism from Lewis and Clark to Wounded Knee, Jeffrey Osler (Cambridge University Press, 2004) Wicazo Sa Review vol.21 no.2 (pgs 254-266)

2006 Review: Indigenous Peoples and the Modern State, editors Duane Champagne, Karen Terjesen, Susan Steinger (Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press, 2005) Contemporary Sociology (Vol.35 No.3)

2005 Review: Robben Island and Prisoner Resistance to Apartheid, Fran Lisa Buntman (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press) American Journal of Sociology, Vol. III (2005: 284–289)

2004 Review: Gambling and Survival in Native North America. Paul Pasquaratta. (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2003.) Great Plains Quarterly, Volume 25, Number 1 (Winter 2005).

2002 Review: Remaking a World: Violence, Social Suffering, and Recovery, edited by Veena Das, Arthur Kleinman, Margaret Lock, Mamphela Ramphele, and Pamela Reynolds. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.) Journal of World Systems Research Vol. VIII, Number 3

2001 Review: Autobiography and National Identity in the Americas, by Steven V. Hunsaker, (University Press of Virginia, 1999.) Biography Volume 24, number 3, pgs 678-80.

1999 Review: The Lakota Ritual of the Sweat Lodge, Raymond A. Bucko, (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press) Ethnic Studies Review (Vol. 21, Fall 1998: 108-9)

Academic Essays, Short Articles, Encyclopedia Entries – (17)

“Redskins and Wahoo’s as Denial of Symbolic Racism: Same Old Whine in the Same Old Bottles of Distilled Racist Rants” in Remarks of ASA Race and Ethnicity Section, Summer 2014.

“Not Just Symbolic: The Harm of Indian Mascots” (July 27, 2014) and “George Will, White Elites, Justify Use of “Redskins” (July 4, 2014) Racism Review, ()

“Racism.” Pp. 808-812 and “Revitalization.” (Fenelon, James and Hall, Thomas) Pp. 827-829, and: “Globalization.” Pp. 733-7 and “Colonialism.” Pp. 716-720 (Hall, Thomas D. and James V. Fenelon), both in Native Peoples of the World: An Encyclopedia of Groups, Cultures, and Contemporary Issues, edited by Steven Danver. 2013, Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.

“Indigenous Voices Point to Race, Ethno-Nationalism & New Racism in Arizona” Racism Review, Jan, 2013“The Persistence of Racist Imagery in U.S.” 10/2012 (online: ).

“Resistance: Indigenous Peoples.” (Hall, Thomas D. and James V. Fenelon), in Encyclopedia of Globalization, edited by George Ritzer. (New York: Wiley-Blackwell. 2012..)

“The Struggle of Indigenous Americans: a Socio-Historical View” in Handbook of the Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, edited by Hernan Vera and Joseph Feagin. (New York: Springer Press, 2007: 15-38, chapter 3).

“Indigenous Peoples: Globalization, Resistance & Revitalization (Introduction) ” w/ S. Murguia, American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 51, No. 12 (August, 2008: 1656-1671).

“Crime and American Indians” Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, Farming Hills, MI: MacMillan (Thomson Gale Publishers, 2007 pgs 355-360)

“Introduction – Indian Gaming: Sovereignty and Social Change in Economic Development” American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 50, No. 3 (November, 2006).

“What are we to do? The problem of Ward and ‘Indian’ issues” Indian Country Today, (3/18, 2005)

“Walls –in the 21st Century” (essay on Israeli Separation Wall and the West Bank) Newsletter for ASA Section on Peace, War & Social Conflict (PWSC: July, 2004).

“American Indians / Native Nations” in Ellis Cashmore (ed.), Encyclopedia of Race and Ethnic Relations (London: Routledge, 2003).

“An Elephant in the Room, and the ASA Meetings” opinion essay in Newsletter for Section of Racial and Ethnic Minorities (SREM – ASA: March, 2003).

“First Peoples and Native Nations of Cleveland” section-chapter in the ISC Ethno-Cultural Handbook of Cleveland, International Services Center: Cleveland, Ohio. (summer 2000).

"James Fenelon, Dakota-Lakota – Native American poet," in the Urban Indian poetry anthology: Chicago Skins: Drum Beats for City Streets, Barrick Associates, 1994

"Retention Issues in the Education of Language Minority Students" (Sept. 1993, pgs. 26-42); and

"Counseling "Minority Culture" Students for Intercultural Conflict Management" Implications and Considerations for Counseling Language Minority Students. O.B..E.M.L.A.: Washington D.C.

"The Taken Land" ethnographic pamphlet for the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs, commissioned by the Standing Rock Sioux Landowner's Association, 1987


“Four Directions for Indian Education: Curriculum Models for Lakota / Dakota Teaching & Learning” (2005) with Dorothy LeBeau, presented at the Indigenous Education conference in Beer Sheva, in Indigenous and Minority Education, Duane Champagne and Ismael Abu-Saad (co-editors), Beer Sheva, Israel: Negev Center for Regional Development.

“Native American Centennial Logo” (1989) in the North Dakota Native American Curriculum Project, B.I.A., ND State Centennial Commission, and University of North Dakota.

Curricular Materials

“Comparative Ethnic Relations” (1998) annotated syllabus, Teaching the Sociology of Peace and War, edited: MacDougall, Ender and Raisz; Washington, DC: American Sociological Association.

“Prejudice and Discrimination” (1997) an annotated syllabus in “Race, Gender, & Class in Sociology: Toward an Inclusive Curriculum” edited by Belkhir and Barnett, Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association.

Reprints (Teaching and Foreign Languages)

(French) ”Voyage of Domination, “Purchase” as Conquest, Sakakawea for Savagery : Distorted Icons from Misrepresentations of the Lewis and Clark Expedition” Raisons politiques No. 24, November 2006, p. 99-123. [Wicazo Review, Vol. 19, N° 1, 2004, p. 85-104].

(Collection 2005) “Native Nations and American Indians: Culture, Curriculum, Social Justice” [reprint] in Arts & Humanities II: the Impact of American Culture on the Arts & Humanities, 1896-Present, North Carolina Central University (original: Kendall Hunt Publishers).

(Collection 2001) “Native Nation & American Indian: Culture, Curriculum, Social Justice” Teaching Diversity: Curriculum, Classroom, & Climate. Editors: J.Q.Adams, Janice Strother-Adams. [Curricular Q&A Reprint with Pedagogy] (Kendall Hunt Publishers, 2001)

Professional Reports – Expert Witness and Amicus cases

Joseph M. Giovanetti v. Trustees of the California State University, Humboldt CSU (2005-06)

Estate of Tasunke Witko et al. v. Hornell Brewing Co. (2000-01)

Vernon Bellecourt, Charlene Teters et al v. the City of Cleveland (1999-2000)

Amanda Blackhorse et al v. Pro-Football, Inc (2016) Amici Curiae Native American Organizations

Reviewer (ad hoc invitation) Editorial Review and College Boards :

Editorial Boards:

University of Georgia Press book series: Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

Sociology of Race and Ethnicity – ASA Journal (Editorial Board, current - appointed 2017)

American Behavioral Scientist (International Editorial Board, current - appointed 2008)

Reviewer: (Invited and Anonymous Peer Review)

American Journal of Sociology (AJS) American Sociological Review (ASR)

Sociological Perspectives (SP – PSA) Journal of World Systems Research (JWSR)

Wicazo Sa Review (Native) American Indian Culture and Research Journal (AICRJ)

Critical Sociology; Criminal Justice Policy Review (CJPR);

Sociological Focus (SF) Great Plains Quarterly (GPQ)

College Boards

Steering Committee (Founding) and Foundation Board (VP) – California Indian Nations College (CINC)


Keynote: "How Race, Ethnicity and Gender Affect Academic Life" at the: “Reflections 2017 on Impacts of the Reconstruction Amendments: A Research Symposium on the Social and Economic Outcomes of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments” at The National Archives Museum (and) The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. – March 14-17, 2017

Plenary: “Immigration as Racial Dominance Since 1492” at the: “Global Migrations” 2017 41st Annual Conference of the Political Economy of the World-System (PEWS) Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas – April 27-30, 2017

SELECTED SCHOLARSHIP (Papers and Presentations) : (available upon request)

“Indigenous Historical Emotions: Philadelphia’s Constitutional Hall to Wounded Knee, 2018 Bloody Island and Back to the Future” American Sociological Association 2018 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, (August)

“California Indigenous Peoples: Telling Our Stories from Creation to 21st Century” at Native 2018 American Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) 2018 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA (May)

“Indigenous Conquest, Genocide, Assimilation, Resistance to Settler Colonialism : 2017

competing models for First Nations survivance and revitalization in the Americas””

American Sociological Association 2017 Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada

“Standing Rock, Epicenter of Resistance to American Empire” 2017

Historical/Comparative Section panel: Empires, Colonies, Indigenous Peoples

American Sociological Association 2017 Annual Meeting in Montreal (Canada)

Keynote: “A Rock – Four Directions of Movement: Sacred Lands and Waters, NODAPL 2016 & the Standing Rock Sioux” at the “African and Indigenous Week of Resistance” Claremont Colleges, Claremont, California – October 10-14, 2016

“From Discovery to Cobell: Critical Race Theory and Construction of American Indians” 2016

American Sociological Association 2016 Annual Meeting in Seattle, (August)

“Suppressing the Native Voice in Academia: from Mascotry to Genocide” attacks on critical 2016

scholars, Eastern Sociological Society 2016 Annual Meeting in Boston, (March)

“Genocide, Race and Movement in Capitalist Development of the Modern World-system” 2015

American Sociological Association 2015 Annual Meeting in Chicago, (August)

“Washington Redskins? added thoughts on systemic racism – genocidal discourse images 2015 American Studies Association, 2015 annual meeting, Toronto, Canada

“Cultural Continuity for Sustainable Indigenous Communities in California” with four 2015 other presenters, California Indian Conference, University of California, Berkeley.

“Indigenous Paradigms and Climate Change: When Worldviews Collide” American 2014

Sociological Association 2014 Annual Meeting in San Francisco, (August)

“Black Nationalism through the World System Lens: A Legacy of Rod Bush” A Tribute 2014

to Rod Bush special session for Critical Sociology at the Society for the Study of

Social Problems annual meeting 2014, San Francisco, August.

“Washington Redskins Team Name Offensive to Indians: Not So Surprising Results of 2014

Recent Surveys” Costo Center lecture, University of California, Riverside

“Missions to California Genocide to Modern Education: Denial and Misrepresentations” 2013 California Indian Conference 2013, California State University, Sacramento.

“After 500+ Years of Suppressing Indigenous Peoples, Resistance is in Revitalization 2013

and Decolonization” presentation at the Society for the Study of Social Problems

annual meeting 2013, New York City, August.

“Indigenous Alternatives to the Global Crises of the Modern World System” research 2013 Annual Meeting of the Political Economy of World-Systems, U of California-Riverside

“DeColonization in the 21st Century: Indigenous are Idle No More” presented at Political 2013 Economy of World-Systems mini-conference (ASA), August, 2013, New York.

Discussant for “Indigenous Peoples and Self-Determination” PEWS session at the American 2013 Sociological Association 2013 Annual Meeting in New York city, August.

“Indigenous Movements – Community, Autonomy and Sovereignty” research paper at – 2011

International Global Studies Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

“Sun Dances to Ghost Dances: Local to Global Indigenous Movements” – 2011

Rupert Costo Endowed Lecture at the University of California, Riverside

“Euro-American Genocide on Native Nations in California: Comparative Analysis & 2011 Staged Models” (Ethnic Studies Conference on World-wide Genocides, UCR)

“Indigenous Cultural Sovereignty in a Global Context” (Center for New Racial Studies) – 2010

& Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, University of California, Santa Barbara

“Indigenous Resistance to Neo-Liberalism” invited lecture at Pitzer College – 2010

Interdisciplinary group at the Claremont Colleges

“Indigenous Movements & Globalization: North-South struggles against Neoliberalism” – 2009

“Framing Cultural and Political Sovereignty for Native Nations: poorest to richest”

American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA (August)

“Zapatistas, Indigenous Movements, and Co-existence for Community: Another World” – 2007

Already Exists! – How Indigenous Movements from the Periphery Impact the Core”

and “American Indians: Racism, Nationalism and Struggles for Sovereignty” at:

American Sociological Association, New York City, NY (August)

“Indian, Black, and Irish: Racial Representations of Indigenous Peoples & Autonomy…”– 2006

…Movements” International Sociological, Association, Durban, South Africa

“Indigenous Movements in the Americas: pro-Traditionalism & Anti– Neo-Liberalism” 2006

Mini-conference, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Montreal, Canada

“Indian or Tribal: Racial and Ethno-National Representations in a Sea of Whiteness” – 2006

Pacific Sociological, Association Universal City, CA (April 23).

“Indian, Black, and Irish: Empire, Racial Nationalism, Resistance, Resurgence & Racism”– 2005

“World Systemic Crisis” (PEWS 2005) University of Massachusetts, Amherst (April)

“Indigenes: the Miner’s Canary of Race, Ethnicity and Racism” – 2005

American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA (August)

“Indigenous Peoples and Globalization: Four Cases of Resistance and Revitalization” – 2004

American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA (August)

“Indigeneity, Struggles for Autonomy, and ‘America Profunda’” w/ Thomas Hall – 2004

“Latinos in the World System” (PEWS) April, University of California, Berkeley

“Four Directions for Indian Education: Curriculum Models for Lakota/Dakota Teaching” – 2004

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel (June)

“Indigenous Issues in Diversity: Resistance and Survival in 4 Global Contexts” – 2004

International Conference on Diversity, University of California, Los Angeles, (July)

“Settlers and Hostiles: Colonial Hate Rhetoric from the Wild West to the West Bank” – 2003

(w/ Matt Bowles) American Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA

“Teaching the Sociology of Prejudice and Discrimination: Institutional… (cont.)” – 2002

“…Racism & Ideological Analysis” American Sociological Association, Chicago

“Indigenous Peoples and Hegemonic Change: Opportunities for Resistance (cont.) – 2002

…or Dangerous Times?” w/ T. Hall, PEWS University of California, Riverside

“Cultural Sovereignty and the United States Legal System” w/ Joseph Dupris – 2002

Pacific Sociological Association, Vancouver (British Columbia) Canada.

“Tangling Over Tenure: Who Defines the Nature, Credibility and Venues for Research?” – 2001

“Beyond Diversity: Assessing Minority Faculty” Indiana University, Bloomington

“Racist Rhetoric in Social Policies and Reverse Discrimination” – 2001

American Sociological Association, Anaheim (Los Angeles) CA.

“Feagin’s Institutionalized Racism in Three U.S. Social Orders: Indians, Irish, Blacks” – 2001 Panel, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Anaheim CA.

“Indigenous Genocide: Epistemology, Heuristic Models, Academic Denial” with T Hall 2001

American Sociological Association, Anaheim (Los Angeles) CA

“Ending Racial Icons: American Indian Movement Coalitions” in thematic session, 2000

American Sociological Association, Washington, DC

“Survival as Resistance: Indigenous Resistance to Genocide and Culturicide” 2000

Inequality in America Lectures(3 invited): 1. "Native Americans and Wilderness" 1984

2. "U.S.: Cultures in Conflict” (racial inequality and injustice)

Culminating in 3. “The Paradox of American Consciousness"

International Studies University Shanghai, China (People’s Republic)

INSTRUCTIONAL Scholarly SERVICE (Master’s Theses) :

Directed Graduate studies for Master’s Thesis – awarded and prized as noted (last 5 years):

– Davis, J – 2014 (best Graduate Student: Pedagogy of the Colonized: Sherman Indian School)*

– Ward, E – 2012 (History of Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians through Land Sovereignty)*

– Wasserman, Debra – 2011 “Born Criminal: the Criminalization of African Americans”

– Archie, Patrina Louise – 2010 (best Master’s Thesis) “Health Disparities: a Look at Colorectal Cancer Screenings in the Minority Community *Students wrote theses but tested out


Consult with Urban Conservation Corps of the National Forest Association – Inland Empire

CUP partnership with Westside Prevention Project (& Casa de San Bernardino) at CSUSB

Board of Directors (Chairman) – First Nations Tribal Education and Resources, San Bernardino, CA

Hate Crimes Working Group (FBI / U.S. Attorney Office, 1998) – metropolitan Cleveland, OH

Board of Directors (President ‘92-’94) – American Indian Economic Development, Chicago, IL

Graduate Affairs Committee ('91-'92) – Sociology Department., Northwestern, Evanston, IL

Lakota / Dakota Traditional Societies (1988 – 1994) – South Dakota and Minnesota


Native American Listening Sessions research, WRI - SAWPA (2017 – 2018)

California Indian Nations College (CINC) Founding (Board) Directors (2015-current)

“Expert of Color” for Closing the Racial Wealth Gap, by Global Policy Solutions (2006-2016)

Tribal Water Summit (California), Consultant with SAWPA Tribal Communities (CSUSB 2016-17)

Mellon Graduate Advisory Board, American Indian College Fund, Denver, CO (appointed 2008-10)

ASA Committee on the Status of Ethnic and Racial Minorities (2003-06; 2007-2009

Representative: Faculty Senate member at California State University, San Bernardino (2006-2007);

Chair, Oliver Cromwell Cox Award Committee, ASA Section for Racial & Ethnic Minorities (01-03)

Council (elected officer) ASA Section on Race, Gender and Class (Council, 2002-2005)

Organizer: American Sociological Association research sessions in 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2013

North Central Sociological Association research paper session 1997, 1998, didactic seminars 1999.

Midwest Sociological Society research papers 1998, Pacific Sociological Association, 2001, 2002.

ASA Thematic Panel: “Work and the Political Economy of Native Nations” American Sociological Association (8/1-4/2008) invited by ASA Council and President – all Indigenous Panel.

ASA Theme Session: “Justice in Native America: Future and Past Millennia” American Sociological Association (8/12-15/2000) invited by ASA President Joe Feagin – all Indigenous Panel.

Reviewer: texts: McGraw-Hill, Westview, 1995–1998, Collegiate Press, 1999, SUNY Press, 1998.

Book manuscripts: Oxford Univ Press, 2009; Univ of Illinois Press, 1999; AltaMira Press, 2000-05.

Participating Member: Spirit Lake Dakota Nation Basin Alliance, North Dakota, 1999 and 2000.

FBI/U.S. Attorney’s Office Hate Crimes Working Group (North Ohio, 2 committees) 1998 and 1999.

Black Hills “Visions” Lakota Cultural Institute (Educational Consult) 1998, 1999, and 2000.


Phi Beta Delta (International Honor) – CSU, San Bernardino, CA 1999-2009

Featured Expert – Closing the Racial Wealth Gap Initiative (Insight CCED) 2008

Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition, U.S. House of Representatives 2005

Faculty Research Fellowship – California State University, San Bernardino, CA 2004-05

Reconicimiento, Políticas Indígenas, Gobierno del Estado de Mexico, Toluca, Mexico 2004

Faculty Teaching Fellowship – California State University, San Bernardino, CA 2000-04

Reconicimiento, America Profunda organizers, Mexico City, Mexico 2003

Summer Research Fellowship – Graduate School, John Carroll University, O.H. 1998

Graduate Fellow – Urban Inequality, Race and Poverty (NSF) Program, NU, I.L. 1994-95

Fellowship (at Northwestern) – Committee on Institutional Cooperation, I.N. 1992-94

Graduate Scholarship, (American Indian Graduate Center) – Harvard GSE, M.A. 1991

North Dakota Humanities Fellow – State Centennial Research Scholarship, N.D. 1989


American Sociological Association (all meetings 1995–2018) / California Faculty Association

National Indian Education Association, / Society for the Study of Social Problems (to 2016)

North Central Sociological Association, / Midwest Sociological Society (past, up to 1999)

Association of American Indian/Alaska Native Professors, / Pacific Sociological Association

SELECTED SCHOLARSHIP (Paper Presentations) – continued :

“Dual Sovereignty in Indian Country” for Pacific Sociological Association, 2000

San Diego, California (March 26, 2000)

“Ethnoviolence in North Ireland: Symbols of Domination, Resistance, and Sovereignty” 1999

American Sociological Association, (with Matt Bowles) Chicago, IL

“Analyzing American Indian Activism: Framing Wounded Knee” 1998

American Sociological Association, (Annual Conf.) San Francisco, CA

“Wahoo: Window into the World of Racism” 1997

American Sociological Association, (Annual Conf.) Toronto, Canada

"Indian Gaming: Perspectives from Modern and Traditional Native Worlds" 1996

American Anthropological Association, (Annual Conf.) San Francisco, CA

"Socio-Political Change of Lakota Identity to the Standing Rock Sioux" 1996

American Sociological Association, (Annual Conf.) New York, NY

“The Culturicide Process and Native Nations” 1995

American Sociological Association (Annual Conf.) Washington, D.C.

"What's In A Name? Identity and Naming for 'Minority' Americans" 1994

American Sociological Association (Annual Conf.) Los Angeles, CA

"Redesigning Education for Indigenous Cultures (Indian Education)" 1994

American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana

"Cultural Degradation Through Stereotyping of Indigenous Spirituality" 1993

Parliament of the World's Religions, in Chicago, Illinois

"Urban Indians: Discrimination and Social Change in Chicago's Community" 1993

Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago Conference, Illinois

"Indigenous Images and Words: Stereotyping of Native Americans" 1992

Phillips-Exeter Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire

"From Peaceful Revelation to Death on the Plains: the Ghost Dance" 1991

Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

"The Ghost Dance on Standing Rock in 1890" Native American Centennial 1989

Conference, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D.

ACADEMICS & INVITED PRESENTATIONS: Presenter / Scholar / Discussant / Organizer

“Interactive Panel”at Annual National Community Reinvestment Coalition Conference: /2007

“Broken Economies – Making Markets and Government Work,” Washington, D.C.

“Framing”at the “Closing the Racial Wealth Gap: Perspectives of Experts of Color” /2006

Convening (Ford & NEDLC) at University of California, Santa Barbara

“Pueblos Indígenas: Survival, Resistance and Revitalization Congreso Internacíonal /2004

sobre Políticas Indígenas, Gobierno del Estado de Mexico, Toluca, México

“Native American Indians, Irish Americans, and African Americans: Applying Feagin’s…” 2004

Theory of Institutional Racism” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

“Indigenous Peoples in the US, India, New Zealand and Mexico” /2004

Phi Beta Kappa lecture, California State University, San Bernardino

“Transitions to Indigenous Community & Democracia y Justicia” /2003

America Profunda conference, Mexico City, Mexico

“Genocide and Culturicide of Native Nations: Teaching Models” /2000

National Indian Education Association conference, Sioux Falls, S.D.


“Justice in Native America: Future and Past Millennia” organized theme session /2000

discussant, American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C.

“Qualifying Affirmative Action and Reverse Discrimination” /2000

Race, Gender & Class 2nd annual meeting (SUNO), New Orleans, LA

“Urban Indians in Southern California” and “Mascot and Stereotyping” /2000

California Indians Conference, Chaffey College, Rancho Cucamonga

“Indian Education and Sovereignty for Economic Development” /2000

Native American / Corporate America Business Conference, Ontario CA

“Racism versus Spirituality” at Hate and Racism Conference, Committee of 500 /2000

Years & National Coalition Against Racism in Sports, Cleveland State OH

“Savage Icons of Indians vs. the Fighting Irish” for American Indians Studies, /2000

at Colgate University, New York, and Cornell University, NY.

“Sovereignty of Indian Nations” co-presenter Professor Michael LeMay, 2000

University of California, Riverside, L.I.F.E. Society University Extension.

“Quantifying Ideologies of Reverse Discrimination in Race, Gender, and Class /1999

Analysis” with Rodney L. Brod, “Quantitative & Qualitative Approaches”

Southern University of New Orleans RGC Race, Gender, Class conference.

“Traditional and Modern Sovereignty: Indian Gaming”14th Annual California /1999

Indian Conference, Cuesta College at San Luis Obispo, California

“Sovereignty and the Environment” and “Education for Native Nations” /1999

Spirit Lake Basin Alliance, Spirit Lake “Nation” in North Dakota

“Dominant Ideologies & Images of Restraint” and “Racial Icons: Symbols To /1999

Resist and Survive” for “Hate & Violence: Racist Images in Popular Culture”

conference on racism in sports and media, Capital University Cleveland Center

“Studying Affirmative Action as Social Policy” didactic seminar lecture, /1999

“Ethnic Conflict Icons in Northern Ireland” discussant for didactic seminar

North Central Sociological Association, Detroit, Michigan

“Popular Culture and American Indians” American Indian Studies program, /1999

Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

“Wounded Knee I & II: Culturicide, Resistance, Survival – Indian Activism”

for Ethnic Student Services office at Ohio State University, Ohio. /1998

“Domination and Survival of the Lakota” invited keynote talk on at the Black Hills

Cultural Institute “Visions” for Indian Education, in Spearfish, South Dakota /1998

“Ideologies of Reverse Discrimination and Anti-Affirmative Action” and,

“Dualities of Sovereignty in Indian Country” (presenter/organizer)

Midwest Sociological Society, Kansas City, Missouri /1998

“Indian Gaming Issues” and “Comparative Analysis of Native Nations”

North Central Sociological Association meetings in Cleveland /1998

“Global Racial Icons and Symbolic Racism” for the P.E.A.C.E. organization,

keynote and follow-up workshop, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York /1998

“Resistance to Culturicide: Processes of Continuing Incorporation of Indigenous

Peoples into the Modern World-System” co-authored with Thomas Hall

and C. Chase-Dunn, at the Political Economy of the World-System (PEWS)

XXII Annual Conference held at Northwestern University /1998


Presenter / Scholar / Discussant / Organizer

Presenter/Discussant for the “Indian Education: Issues and Implications” faculty

development workshops, at University of Cincinnati, Ohio 1997

Presenter “Violence & Cultural Domination over Indigenous Peoples: Lessons and

Models from Subsumed Native Nations in the Americas” World Congress

on Violence & Human Coexistence, University College, Dublin, Ireland 1997

Presenter/Discussant for the Scholarly Perspectives on “Indian Gaming: Who Wins?”

UCLA School of Law and American Indian Studies Center, L.A., California 1997

Presentation “Prejudice & Discrimination: Wahoo Survey” for Social Problems panel,

North Central Sociological Association meetings, Indianapolis, Indiana 1997

Presenter / Discussant "Indigenous Images and Racial Icons" for “Spirit of the Arts”

Native American Regional Conference (Ohio Arts Council), Aurora, Ohio 1997

Presenter and Discussant "Native Americans, Indian Education, Indigenous People"

“Asian-American Studies: Focus on China & Japan” (with Yoshiko Ikuta)

“Asian Studies: History and Culture of East Asia” (with David Namkoon)

Cleveland Public Schools Multicultural Education workshops, Cleveland, Ohio 1997

Presenter/Discussant “Cultural Domination of the Lakota: Models and Lessons”

National Indian Education Association, Rapid City, South Dakota 1996

Presented paper “Corporate Power, Development and Native Nations”

North Central Sociological Association meetings, Indianapolis, Indiana 1997

Presenter "Site-Based Action Research" (for Bilingual-Multicultural Programs)

Hunter College of City University of New York, Bilingual Pgm., NY 1994

Rapporteur for national Metropolitan Assembly to research pressing urban issues,

Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research, Northwestern Univ., 1994

Presenter/Discussant "Indigenous Education: Four Directions from Native America"

"Winter Council" at University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 1994

Discussant for Youth In the City book/paper "Who Killed L.A.?" by Mike Davis

for Poverty, Policy, Race Program (NSF), University of Chicago, 1993

Facilitator and Writer for "Native American Vision Statement" by elders and

spiritual leaders at the Parliament of the World's Religions, 1993

Presenter and Discussant for "Indigenous Issues of the Quincentennary"

CIC Annual Conference, University of Illinois (Urbana), 1992

Researcher and Writer: "Puyallups: Land-Use & Development” & "Wampanoags:

Gayhead Tribal Study" (led by C. Harris, 1991) Harvard School of Design. 1992

Moderator for the Education Panel "Internationalization and Careers" at the

"Advocacy and Development" Conference, Harvard University 1991

Presenter "ESOL: Integrating Skills & Content Areas" for Teacher Training

Tulane University, (Midwest Bilingual Education Resource Center) 1990

Lectures 1."Native Americans & Wilderness" 2."U.S. Culture Conflict" 3."Paradox

Of American Consciousness" International Studies University Shanghai, China 1984



Midwest Multifunctional MRC Education Resource Center, Des Plaines, I.L. 1989 – 1993

Bilingual-Bicultural Education specialist: instructional teacher workshops,

program development, SEA/LEA technical assistance, curriculum design,

cross-cultural issues, content-area skills, LEP identification and assessment.

(Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Louisiana, Indiana, Arkansas, Missouri)


Sitting Bull College, Standing Rock (“Nation”) Reservation, Fort Yates, N.D. 1987 – 1988

Institutional development including: Curriculum Development with

computer assisted instruction; Computer Learning Center (network)

design and installation: Staff/Faculty Development on professionalism

and Native American culture; special consultant to college President.


University of Maryland / ITM, Kelanajaya Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA 1985 – 1986

Developed and taught ESL "bridge" curriculum on writing, and

program-wide credit class with five modules: college study skills,

self-management, communication skills, cross-cultural learning,

testing and evaluation; conducted text review study.


Newport University, SUMITOMO Steel & SONY, around Tokyo, JAPAN 1984 – 1985

Director of Training – TESL programs, Newport University,

Instructor – professional English, management, SUMITOMO,

English Instructor-Tutor, text teacher training, SONY (CDI).


Shanghai International Studies University (Languages Institute), CHINA 1983 – 1984

Taught intensive reading, writing, speaking to graduates,

conducted professional research skills for visiting scholars,

developed departmental reading examination, and recorded

the Ministry of Education English Proficiency (EPT) exams.


Language Office, Chambre de Commerce, Fort-de-France, Martinique, F.W.I. 1982 – 1983

Professional language teacher in-service methodologies: Suggestopedia,

Counseling-Learning, Silent Way; with experiential learning pedagogy.


Languages Division, Haitian-American Institute, Port-au-Prince, HAITI 1981 – 1982

Designed and presented professional language teacher in-services,

Classes on communicative strategies and English language learning.


FACULTY- "Indigenous Perspectives” International (IP) Honors Program 2003

US–Wampanoag; India–Warli/Gond; NZ– Maori; Mexico–Zapotec

LECTURER- "The Great Sioux Nation and Lakota Ghost Dance" 1994

Lyceum Seminars, Newberry Library, Chicago IL

EVALUATOR- Garden City Schools Bilingual Education Pgm., Kansas 1994

Educational Service ESU-10 (11 districts) in Nebraska

CONSULTANT- Rosebud Sioux Reservation (Todd County) Schools 1993

Curriculum Development for Lakota Culture

INSTRUCTOR- University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) 1991

"Linguistics" Graduate course for Continuing Education

CONSULTANT- Proctor Academy, Andover, New Hampshire 1991

Multicultural Staff and Curriculum Development

CONSULTANT- N.D. Economic Development Commission (I.A.A.) 1988

Civil Rights & Indian Education in North Dakota

LECTURER- T.I.E.C. of University of Texas at Austin 1986

at Intitut Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam, MALAYSIA

INSTRUCTOR- Summer Program, Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, MA 1983

Charlestown Elementary School, New Hampshire

COORDINATOR- Refugee Resettlement (Mariel Boatlift), Florida 1980

Cuban exodus management and relocation

COORDINATOR- Experiment In International Living, DENMARK 1979

College abroad program on Danish culture


“California Indian Conference: 29th Annual in 2014” 2014

Center for Indigenous Peoples Studies–California State University, San Bernardino.

“Indian, Black and Irish: Race and Racism in the Americas” 2005

College of Social & Behavioral Sciences–California State University, San Bernardino.

“Contemporary American Indian Issues: Gaming and Sovereignty” 2000

College of Social & Behavioral Sciences–California State University, San Bernardino.

“Surveying Affirmative Action and Reverse Discrimination as Social Policies” 1998

Summer Research Project – John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio.

Multicultural Staff and Curriculum Development Project – Phase Two, 1992

Native American Cultures – Phase One : Proctor Academy, Andover, N.H.

Standing Rock College Institutional Development, Title III, U.S. Dept. of Education 1988

Standing Rock Sioux Indian Reservation, Fort Yates, North Dakota

Quality Control Video Training, SUMITOMO Steel Corp., Kashima, Ibaragi-ken, Japan 1985

COLLEGE COURSES TAUGHT: (syllabi available) first taught

“Pro-Seminar (Master’s) Globalization ” California State University, San Bernardino 2012

Globalization patterns, neoliberalism development in the Americas and globally

“Globalization and Indigenous Peoples ” California State University, San Bernardino 2009

Globalization patterns, neoliberalism development in the Americas and globally

“Comparative Genocides: Blending Analytical Approaches ” Cal State U., San Bernardino 2007

Sociological and Historical Analysis of Holocaust and Comparative Genocides

“World Systems Analysis and Indigenous Peoples ” Cal State University, San Bernardino 2005

Political Economy of the World Systems (PEWS) in the Americas and globally

“Race and Racism” capstone course at California State University, San Bernardino 2004

Origins, conflicts and institutions of race and racism in the Americas

“Divided Sovereignty of Indian Nations: Cultural, Political and Social Issues” 2003

Cal State, San Bernardino – Dual/Tribal Sovereignty for U.S. “Indians”

“ Asian-Americans, Immigration, and Ethnicity” California State, San Bernardino 2001

Origins, ethnic stratification, immigration patterns of Asians in America

“Political Sociology” at California State University, San Bernardino, California 2000

Socio-political civil rights and social problems, Race/Class/Gender

“Sociology of Race and Ethnicity” at California State University, San Bernardino 2000

Origins, conflicts and stratification of racial and ethnic systems in America

“Urban Sociology” at California State University, San Bernardino, California 1999

Urban conflict issues and social problems, national and regional focus

“Racial Minorities in Social Analysis” at John Carroll University, Ohio 1998

Development of U.S. racial minority issues using social data analysis

“Native Nations and American Indians” at John Carroll University, Ohio 1997

Demographics, historical, socio-political and cultural indigenous issues

“Prejudice and Discrimination” at John Carroll University, Ohio 1996

Ideologies, laws, group vs. individual, and social systems of segregation

“Comparative Ethnic Relations” at John Carroll University, Ohio 1995

American “minority” group and international ethnic-racial conflicts

"Introduction to Sociology" at Northwestern and John Carroll Universities 1995

Basic social theory and practice within social systems of the U.S.

"Linguistics for Teachers" for University of Illinois at Chicago 1991

Applied socio-linguistic theory and issues for working teachers

“Tai-chi Chu’an for Native Americans” at Standing Rock College, North Dakota 1987

Exercise harmony from Chinese martial arts adapted for Natives

"University Study in America" for University of Maryland in Malaysia 1986

“English Skills for College Students” for University of Maryland in Malaysia 1985

Language and learning skills for Malay students entering U.S. college

"E.S.O.L. Teaching Methodologies" for Newport University – Tokyo, Japan 1985

Interactive language methods for graduate education

"Language and Linguistics for ESL" for Newport University – Tokyo, Japan 1984

Teacher certification course for ESL socio-linguistic courses

"Professional Communication" at Shanghai International Studies University, China 1984

"English for Graduate Schools" at Shanghai International Studies Institute, China 1983

“Teaching Foreign Languages” Commerce Dept., Fort-de-France, Martinique F.W.I. 1983

“English as a Second Language” Haitian-American Institute, Port-au-Prince, Haiti 1982


Summer 1992 – Summer 1993 (5 Midwestern states) 1993

"Multiculturalizing Integrated Curricula" – Illinois and Nebraska

"Program Development Activities" – Dodge City and Wichita, Kansas --

"Methods for Teaching Asian Languages" – Columbia, Missouri

"Cooperative Learning and Peer-Coaching" – Kearney, Nebraska 1992

"Second Language Acquisition Theories" – Kansas and Indiana

"Native American Stratification & Discrimination" – Chicago, Illinois

"Intercultural Skills for Language Learning" – Kansas City, Missouri

"Multicultural Education and Curriculum" – Illinois and Nebraska

"Para-Professional Classroom Competencies" – Illinois and Kansas

"ESL Content-Area Instruction" – Illinois, Kansas and Nebraska

Summer 1990 – Fall 1991 (8 Midwest & Eastern states)

"Teaching Intercultural Skills" – State DPI, Waukesha, Wisconsin 1991

"Focus On Reading and Writing" – TV Public Broadcasting, Louisiana

"Teaching Asian Students" – College of Lake County, Illinois --

"Indian Education and Curriculum" – Fon Du Lac Reservation, Minnesota

"Native American Curriculum Integration and Staff Development" 1990

Comprehensive workshops at Proctor Academy, Andover, New Hampshire

"Strategies For Teaching LEP Students in the Mainstream" (3) – Fort Smith, Arkansas

"Drama and Writing" "Creating Socio-drama" – South Bend, Indiana

"Second Language Acquisition and Multicultural Education", Kansas City, Kansas

"Participatory Strategies: Simulations" – Tulane University "Language Acquisition: The Silent Way" - New Orleans, Louisiana "Culture and the Classroom" – University of Illinois at Chicago

"Drama, Gaming and Simulations in ESOL" – Chicago, Illinois

"Cross-Cultural Communication" – Malcolm X College, Chicago, Illinois

Winter 1989 – 1990 (Illinois, Louisiana, Indiana)

"Bilingual and ESL Programs" "Decision-Making and Empowerment in Experience" 1990

"Reading Instruction for Para-Professionals" “Integrating Skills and Materials”

"Teaching Reading and Writing to Low-Achieving LEP Students" "Life-Long Reading" --

"Acculturation of the LEP Student" "Experiential Learning and Communication"

"ESL Methodology and Techniques" "Literature and Culture in Language Teaching" 1989

"Science & Sheltered English" "Intercultural Communication" "Whole Language / ESL"

"Instruction of LEP Students" "Aiding Instruction: Bilingual Aides and Volunteers"

"Classroom Ideas for LEP Students” "How To Facilitate Writing" "Critical – Thinking Skills"

"Bilingual Education: Programs and Instruction" "Teaching Intercultural Skills"

"Integrating Curricula" "Bilingualism and Intelligence" "Cultural Literacy" "Sheltered English"

"Mind, Body and Spirit: Native American Visions and Humor" "Introduction to Indian Education"

"The Ghost Dance and Sioux Culture" "Parents, Community, and Programs" "Reading Activities"

"Cooperative Instruction" "Cross-Cultural Understanding for Parents" "Reading for Meaning"

(language teaching methods – Martinique F.W.I. Winter 1983; Tokyo, Japan in Spring 1985)

#1 "Total Physical Response" and "Audiolingualism" 1985

#2 "The Silent Way: Sound Color Charts and Phonic Fidels"

#3 "Counseling-Learning and Community Language Learning" --

#4 "Suggestopedia: Accelerated and Wholistic Learning"

and "The Method Eclectic: Integration and Transformation" 1983


INDIGENOUS IMAGES AND WORDS: Native American Stereotyping

(Photographic slides, Poetry, Prose on “Indian” People – A Presentation)

Given at Institutes, Conferences, and Colleges in many states, including:

Massachusetts, Illinois, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Missouri, Wisconsin

POETRY "Passages From The Past Two Years" 22 poems collected

"At Home and Abroad" 21 poems collected

"Orientation" 23 poems collected

"New Life" 22 poems collected

"Heads Up" 24 poems collected

"Mitakuye" 24 poems collected

"Millennium" 7 - 14 in progress

"James Fenelon, Dakota-Lakota – Native American poet," in Urban Indian poetry anthology: Chicago Skins: Drum Beats for City Streets, Barrick Associates, 1994.

PHOTOGRAPHY N.D. Centennial Horizons Back cover & Inset

"Faces of Places and People" Indian Nations and

"The Taken Land" Exhibit Photojournalism

Photography Regional Awards and Shows – North Dakota

Bismarck Festival of the Arts – "Dragon Well" – First Place – 1987

N.D. Centennial Juried Art Exhibit – "Sod" – Special Recognition – 1988

People of North Dakota (magazine) – "Defender," "Joy" – Honors – 1989

"Faces, Places and People" Exhibit – Minneapolis Indian Art Center, M.N. – 1988

FICTION "Dakota Son" (historical fiction) Novel in (still) progress

"Ghost Dance" (dance/drama) Theatrical play

"Winter On Pine Ridge", "The Veteran" Feature screenplays

VIDEO "Reunion!" (12 min.) Interpretive

"Positive Therapy" (10 min.) Fictional Short

"Cultural Appreciation" Community TV Series

"Alternative Technology" on development

"Emerging Africa" and "Jordan Today" (each ½ hour)

THEATER Director : Shade Tree Players (Youth troupe); Performance Director : "Company" – Sondheim (musical), "Kiss Me Kate" (musical) Playwright: "Macbeth in Midsummer" (comedy), "The White Goddess" (one act), "Primal" (one act) Actor: "Crimes of the Heart" (Doc), "Importance of Being Earnest (both butlers), "Kiss Me Kate" Technical Director: ...many shorts, with film, TV, stage-plays... Loyola LMU (LA) and Vermont Community Theater, (Brattleboro)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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