
Open the?AC2013-SkillReview-1-1?document.If necessary, enable active content by clicking the?Enable Content?button in the Message Bar.Save a copy of the file to work on.Click the?File?tab.Click?Save Database As.Verify that?Access Database?is selected in the?Save Database As?section.Click?Save As.If necessary, navigate to the location where you save your personal project files.In the?File name?box, change the file name to:?[your initials]AC-SkillReview-1-1Click?Save.Enable active content in the new database by clicking the?Enable Content?button in the Message Bar.Use the Navigation Pane.By default, the Navigation Pane displays the?Tables and Related Views?category. All tables and related objects are visible.Click the top of the Navigation Pane and under the?Filter By Group?section, select Items.Observe that the Navigation Pane now displays the title?Items?at the top and only objects related to the Items table are visible.Click the top of the Navigation Pane and select the?Object Type?category.Observe that now all database objects are visible in the Navigation Pane, grouped by object type.Open the?Items?table.In the Navigation Pane, double-click the table object named?Items.Review the fields in this table:?Item ID, ItemName, Description, Category, and?Cost.If necessary, use the horizontal scroll bar to view all the fields.Switch views for the?Items?table.Note the state of the?View?button (on the?Home?tab, in the?Views?group). When you are in Datasheet view, theViews?button displays Design view.On the?Home?tab, in the?Views?group, click the?View?button.Observe that the?View?button has switched to?Datasheet?view to indicate that clicking the button will return you to Datasheet view.Review the field names in Design view.Go back to Datasheet view by clicking the?View?button again.Navigate records in a table.Observe the record navigation buttons at the bottom of the table. Move your mouse over the different arrow buttons and observe the ScreenTips.Observe which record in the table becomes highlighted as you click the following record navigation buttons:Last record, First record, Next record, Previous record.Find the?Current Record?box, which indicates the current record number and the total number of records. Click to select the number in the?Current Record?box. Type the number?5?in this box and press?? Enter. The Current Record box should now display?5 of 21?and the fifth record in the table should be highlighted.Use the following shortcut keys on your keyboard and observe which field/record becomes highlighted:?Tab, up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right arrow.?In addition, try holding?Ctrl?while pressing the?up arrow?or?down arrow.Enter a new record in the?Items?table.Click the?New (blank) record?button at the bottom of the table.Enter the following record into your table, using?Tab ??to move from one field to the next. When you reach theCategory?field, observe that it is a lookup field. Use the?drop-down arrow?to view and select from the available values.ItemIDItemNameDescriptionCategoryCostACC1Accounting 2.0Accounting software for small businessesSoftware$149.00Find the record with an item ID of?GRA1?and edit the content.Type?GRA1?in the Search box at the bottom of the table.Edit the content in the?ItemName?field to:?Graphics Studio 10.1Delete the?SPH1?item record.Type?SPH1?in the Search box at the bottom of the table.Click the record selector box at the left side of that row to highlight the entire record.On the?Home?tab, in the?Records?group, click the?Delete?button.Click?Yes?to verify that you want to delete the record.Close the?Items?table by clicking the?X?at the upper right corner of the table. Be careful not to close the Access database instead.Enter a new record in a form.In the Navigation Pane, double-click the form object named?Items Form.Observe the record navigation buttons at the bottom of the form and note that they are the same as those in the table.Click the?New (blank)?record button at the bottom of the form.ItemIDItemNameDescriptionCategoryCostCAM1Digital Camera10 megapixel SLR digital cameraEquipment$499.00Enter the following record into your form, using?Tab?to move from one field to the next.Find and edit the record with the item ID?LAP1.On the?Home?tab, in the?Find?group, click the?Find?button.Type?LAP1?in the?Find What?box.Click the?Find Next?button.Close the?Find and Replace?dialog by clicking the?X?in the upper right corner of the dialog.The form should now display the?Laptop 1000?item.Click in the?Cost?field and change the value from?$550?to?$450.Find and delete the record with the item ID?PB03.On the?Home?tab, in the?Find?group, click the?Find?button.Type?PB03?in the?Find What?box.Click the?Find Next?button.Close the?Find and Replace?dialog by clicking the?X?in the upper right corner of the dialog.The form should now display the?Presentation Basics?item.On the?Home?tab, in the?Records?group, click the?Delete?button arrow, and select?Delete Record.Click?Yes.Close the?ItemsForm?form.Open the?Items?table again.In the Navigation Pane, double-click the table object named?Items.Observe that the?CAM1?item record you entered in the form was added to the table. It should be listed as the fifth item in the table.Click the?Last record?button at the bottom of the table.Close the?Items?table.Review the table relationships.On the?Database Tools?tab, in the?Relationships?group, click the?Relationships?button.Verify that all table relationships are shown. On the?Relationship Tools Design?tab, in the?Relationships?group, click the?All Relationships?button.Save the changes to the relationship window layout by clicking the?Save?button on the Quick Access Toolbar.Close the Relationships window. On the?Relationship Tools Design?tab, in the?Relationships?group, click the?Closebutton.Export the?Items?table to Excel.In the Navigation Pane, if necessary, click the?Items?table once to select it.On the?External Data?tab, in the?Export?group, click the?Excel?button.Click the?Browse?button.If necessary, navigate to the location where you save your personal project files.In the?File name?box, type:?[your initials]AC-SkillReview-1-1-ItemsClick?Save.In the?Export—Excel Spreadsheet?window, click?OK.Click the?Close?button to finish without saving the export steps.Rename the?Employees?table.In the Navigation Pane, right-click?Employees?and select?Rename.Type:?StaffPress?? Enter?.Use Compact & Repair.Minimize the Access 2013 window and navigate to the folder where you saved this database. Observe the file size.Return to Access and click the?File?tab.Click the?Compact & Repair Database?button.Minimize Access 2013 and look at your database file again. How much did the file size decrease?Back up the database.If necessary, maximize Access 2013 and click the?File?tab.Click?Save As.In the?Save Database As?section, under?Advanced, click?Back Up Database, and click the?Save As?button.If necessary, navigate to the location where you save your personal project files. Click the?Save?button.Close the database and exit Access.Open the start file?AC2013-ChallengeYourself-1-4.If necessary, enable active content by clicking the?Enable Content?button in the Message Bar.Save a copy of the file to work on. Name the file:?[your initials]AC-ChallengeYourself-1-4Change the organization of the Navigation Pane to use the?Tables and Related Views?category.Open the Relationships window and study the table structure of the database.Open the?Vaccines?table and browse the records using the record navigation buttons and keyboard shortcuts.Enter the following record into the?Vaccines?table. Note that the?TargetAudience?field is a lookup field.VaccineIDVaccineNameTargetAudienceMALMalariaAt-risk individualsFind the record with the value?TD?in the?VACCINEID?field and change the value of the?TargetAudience?field fromAdults?to?Teenagers.Find and delete the record with a?VaccineID?of?LYD.Preview how the?Vaccines?table would look if it were printed. If necessary, change the orientation to landscape.Close the?Vaccines?table.Open the?VaccinesForm?form and enter the following as a new record:VaccineIDVaccineNameTargetAudienceDFDengue FeverAt-risk individualsClose the?VaccinesForm?form.In the Navigation Pane, rename the?VaccinesForm?form to:?VaccineDetailsExport the?Vaccines?table to Excel. Maintain all formatting and layout. You do not need to save the export steps. Save the exported file as:?[your initials]AC-ChallengeYourself-1-4-VaccinesObserve the file size of your database. Use the?Compact & Repair Database?feature and check the file again. How much did the file size decrease?Create a backup of this database using the default name chosen by Access.Open the start file?AC2013-SkillReview-2-1.If necessary, enable active content by clicking the?Enable Content?button in the Message Bar.Save a copy of the file to work on named:?[your initials]AC-SkillReview-2-1Create a table in Datasheet view to store vendor company data.On the?Create?tab, in the?Tables?group, click the?Table?button.You are now in the Datasheet view of a new table. Notice that Access has created a new field named?ID?with the AutoNumber data type.Create the next field by typing?Greg's College Supplies?in the cell directly underneath the?Click to Addheading.Press?Tab ??to go to the next field in this record.Create another new field by typing:?Press?Tab ??again.Go to the next row in the table and enter another record with the following:?Cindy's Business Supplies?Rename the fields.Right-click the?ID?field heading, and click?Rename Field.Type?VendorID?and press?? Enter.Repeat the process for?Field1,?renaming it:?CompanyNameRepeat the process for?Field2,?renaming it:?WebSiteThe data type for the?WebSite?field is?Short Text.?Change it to?Hyperlink.Click the?WebSite?column header to select the field.On the?Table Tools Fields?tab, in the?Formatting?group, expand the?Data Type?list, and select?Hyperlink.Add a new field to the table to store phone numbers.Click the arrow next to the?Click to Add?heading in the last available field, and select?Short Text.Type?Phone?to overwrite the default field name?Field1.Add a group of related fields using?Quick Start.Click the cell underneath the last?Click to Add?heading.On the?Table Tools Fields?tab, in the?Add & Delete?group, click the?More Fields?button.Scroll down and select?Address?from the?Quick Start?category.Observe the five new fields. Type the following data into these new fields:AddressCityStateProvinceZipPostalCountryRegion370 Pine StPhoenixArizona85018USA900 Finch WayPhoenixArizona85013USAResize all of the columns in this table to the best fit possible by double-clicking the right edge of their field headings.Save the table.On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the?Save?button.In the?Save As?dialog, type?Vendors?in the?Table Name?box.Click?OK.Switch to Design view.On the?Home?tab, in the?Views?group, click the?View?button to switch to Design view.Observe that when you created the new table, Access automatically assigned the?VendorIDfield as the primary key.Add an input mask to the new?Phone?field to force users to enter data in the (206) 555-1212 format.Select the?Phone?field by clicking anywhere in that row.In the Field Properties pane, click the?Input Mask?box, and then click the?Build...?button to start the?Input Mask Wizard.The first input mask sample is the phone number format you want. Test it by typing any sample phone number in the?Try It?box. Click?Next?to continue.Click the?Next?button to continue without making any changes to the input mask or the placeholder character.Verify that the radio button to store the data without the symbols is selected, and click?Next.Click?Finish.Observe that the Input Mask box now displays the input mask format:?!\(999") "000\-0000;;_Switch back to Datasheet view by clicking the?Datasheet?View?button at the lower right part of the status bar.When Access prompts you to save the table, click?Yes.Under this field heading, enter the following phone numbers:?(623) 555-6810?for Greg's and?(623) 555-8200?for Cindy's. Notice how the input mask adds the correct characters to the phone number and will prevent you from typing any character other than a number.Close the?Vendors?table. If Access prompts you to save the changes to the table, click?Yes.Create a?CompanyName?lookup field in the?Items?table using values from the?Vendors?table.Open the?Items?table in Datasheet view.Click the arrow next to the?Click to Add?heading in the last available field, and select?Lookup & Relationship.In the?Lookup Wizard,?verify that the?I want the lookup field to get the values from another table or query.radio button is selected, and click?Next.Select?Table: Vendors?as the table that will provide the values for your lookup field, and click?Next.From the?Available Fields?list, select the?CompanyName?field and click the single?>?button to add it to the right. Click?Next.Click the arrow to expand the?1?list and choose?CompanyName?as the sort field. Observe that even though you added only the?CompanyName?field to the lookup list, Access included the?VendorID?field (the primary key) automatically. Click?Next.Verify that the?Hide key column (recommended)?check box is checked and that the two companies you entered in the table earlier appear in the lookup field preview. Click?Next.In the last screen, type?CompanyName?as the label for this new field.Limit data entry to the values in the list by clicking the?Enable Data Integrity?check box.Click?Finish.Use this new lookup field to add?CompanyName?values for the first three records. Choose?Greg's?for the first two and?Cindy's?for the third.Notice that many of the columns in the table are too narrow and the data are not fully visible.Resize the?ItemName?and?CompanyName?columns to the best fit possible by double-clicking the right edge of their field headings.Resize the?Description?column to be exactly?45?wide.Click the?Description?column header to select the field.On the?Home?tab, in the?Records?group, click the?More?button, and select?Field Width.In the?Column Width?dialog, type?45?in the?Column Width?box.Click?OK.Modify the?Cost?field to use the?Currency?format.Click the?Cost?column header to select the field.On the?Table Tools Fields?tab, in the?Formatting?group, click the?Apply Currency Format?button.Notice that the?Format?box now displays?Currency.Modify the size of the?ItemID?field.Click the?ItemID?field heading.On the?Table Tools Fields?tab, in the?Properties?group, type?4?in the?Field Size?box. Press?? Enter.Click?Yes?to continue.If Access shows additional messages, click?OK?to dismiss each one. Changing the field size to 4 will not delete any data or delete the field.Add a Total row to the datasheet to display the sum of the values in the?Cost?field.On the?Home?tab, in the?Records?group, click the?Totals?button.In the new Total row, click the cell in the?Cost?column, expand the list, and select?Sum.Observe that the?Totals?button appears highlighted. Click it again, and notice that the button is no longer highlighted and the Total row is hidden.Click the?Totals?button again. The Total row appears again, still displaying the sum of the values in the?Costfield.Add an?Attachment?field and an attachment.Click the arrow next to the?Click to Add?heading in the last available field. Select the?Attachment?option.Find the record with an ID of?LAS1.Double-click the paperclip icon for this record, which is located in the new?Attachment?column you just created.Click?Add?in the?Attachments?dialog and then find the file named?laser_pointer.jpg?in your student data files folder.Double-click the file and then click?OK.?Note the (1) added to the paperclip icon to indicate that the record has one attachment.Delete the?Location?field from the?Items?table.Click the?Location?field column heading to select the field.On the?Table Tools Fields?tab, in the?Add & Delete?group, click the?Delete?button.Click?Yes?to confirm the deletion.Save and close the?Items?table.Close any open tables. If Access prompts you to save changes, click?Yes.Create a table in Design view:On the?Create?tab, in the?Tables?group, click the?Table Design?button.Type?RoomNo?for the first field name. Press?Tab ?.Accept the default data type, Short Text.With the cursor still in this row, on the?Design?tab, in the?Tools?group, click the?Primary Key?button.Create the following fields in Design view:FieldNameDataTypeDescriptionCapacityNumberMaximum number of studentsUpgradeDateDate/TimeDate when the instructor's computer was last upgradedSave the table.On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the?Save?button.In the?Save As?dialog, type?Classrooms?in the?Table Name?box.Click?OK.Modify field properties and formatting in Design view.Click anywhere in the?UpgradeDate?row. In the Field Properties pane, click in the?Format?box. Click the arrow to expand the selection list, and select?Medium Date.Click anywhere in the?Capacity?field. In the Field Properties pane, click in the?Default Value?box. Type:?40Add a new lookup field to the?Classrooms?table to use values you enter yourself.Click in the first empty cell in the?Field Name?column and type:?TypePress?Tab ??or click in the?Data Type?cell. Expand the selection list, and select?Lookup Wizard...In the?Lookup Wizard,?click the?I will type in the values I want.?radio button. Click?Next.Use only 1 column and enter the following three values:?Auditorium?Computer Lab?Lecture RoomClick?Next,?and verify that?Type?is the label for the lookup field.Limit data entry to the values in the list by clicking the?Limit to List?check box.Click?Finish.Save and close the table.Review the relationship between the?Vendors?table and the?Items?table.Open the Relationships window. On the?Database Tools?tab, in the?Relationships?group, click the?Relationshipsbutton.Show all tables. On the?Relationship Tools Design?tab, in the?Relationships?group, click the?All Relationshipsbutton.There is a relationship between the?VendorID?field in the?Vendors?table and the?CompanyName?field in the?Itemstable. This relationship was created when you created the?CompanyName?lookup field in the?Items?table.Double-click the line connecting the two field names to open the?Edit Relationships?dialog.Look at the?Relationship Type?box near the bottom of the dialog and note that the relationship type is one-to-many.Verify that entries in the?CompanyName?field will have matching entries in the?VendorID?field by noting that theEnforce Referential Integrity?check box is checked.Click?OK.Create a new relationship between the?EmployeeID?field in the?Employees?table and the?EmployeeID?field in theLoans?table.Click the?EmployeeID?field in the?Employees?table and drag it to the?EmployeeID?field in the?Loans?table.The?Edit Relationships?dialog opens.Click the?Enforce Referential Integrity?check box.Click?Create.Observe the new line connecting the?Employees?table and the?Loans?table.Close the Relationships window. If Access prompts you to save changes to the layout, click?Yes.Close the database and exit Access.Open the start file?AC2013-ChallengeYourself-2-3.If necessary, enable active content by clicking the?Enable Content?button in the Message Bar.Save a copy of the file to work on named:?[your initials] AC-ChallengeYourself-2-3Create a new table in Datasheet view using the following data. Allow Access to create the?AutoNumber ID?field for now. Name the table:?FertilizersFertilizerNameNutrientRatioPriceMonoammonium phosphate11-52-0$25Polymer Coated Urea44-0-0$35Nitrogen Solution28-0-0$12If necessary, change the format of the?Price?field to use the?Currency?format.Delete the?ID?field that Access created and add a new primary key field. Switch back and forth between Datasheet view and Design view as necessary, saving the table when prompted to do so by Access.Delete the?ID?field.Insert a new field at the beginning of the table. Name the field:?FertIDSet the Data Type to?Short Text.Enter the following three values (in the appropriate record) under the?FertID?field:MAP1, PCU1, NSO1Make the?FertID?field the Primary Key.Add a new lookup field. You can use Datasheet view or Design view, whichever you prefer.Name the new field:?FormThe lookup field should display the following four values:?Granule, Liquid, Slow-Release, OrganicLimit data entry to the values in the list.Test this field by choosing any form for the three plants. Save the changes to the table.Add a Total row in Datasheet view that sums up all the fertilizer prices.Save and close the?Fertilizers?table.Open the?Plants?table and make the following changes:Add a lookup field named?PreferredFertilizer?to the?Plants?table to reference the?FertilizerName?field in the?Fertilizers?table. The lookup list should be sorted alphabetically by the FertilizerName data. It is not necessary to limit values to the list.Test this field by choosing any fertilizer for the first three plants.Resize all the columns in the table to best fit the data.Add an?Attachment?field. Add the image?geranium.jpg?to the record for the?spotted geranium.Change the Format property of the?DatePlanted?field to?Medium Date.Set the Default Value property for the?FlowerColor?field to?white?and add a Description for this field that reads:Main color only. Do not enter multiple colors.Save and close the table.Review the table relationships and make the following changes.Show all the tables in the Relationships window.Create a one-to-many relationship between the?PlantID?field in the?Plants?table and the?PlantID?field in theMaintenanceLog?table. Enforce referential integrity.Modify the relationship between the?FertID?field in the?Fertilizers?table and the?PreferredFertilizer?field in thePlants?table to enforce referential integrity.Close the Relationships window, saving the layout changes.Close the database and exit Access. ................

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