
Part 1: Exploring your motivations for study and demonstrating understanding of module content (750 words) 80% of TMA 01 marka. Describe your motivation interest(s) in Children and Childhoods that motivated you to study this module. Your interest(s) might be professional, personal, or generalb. For the interest(s) you described in (a) above, which perspective(s) on Children and Childhoods presented in Block 1 connect with these interest(s), and how do they connect?c. How might another perspective on Children and Childhoods that is presented in Block 1 contribute further to your developing understanding of Children and Childhoods? To begin with, Children and Childhoods is or are period(s) from 0 – 18 years as defined by the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child (1989) or by Philosopher Jean Rousseau in E102 regards to that generation as the ones with inbuilt morals in terms of reasoning and thinking: I like studying. Therefore, from that arena, my interests are sourcing from that background backed by my intuition, which includes the Professional mandatory attempt, personal, and generally for a re - cap of my Childhood via Website Project Family Buteera (2016).Professional mandatory attemptI am studying towards a Ba Honours in Youth Justice Degree where learning this module is compulsory. There is no other option apart from completing this module at stage / level 1. Penelope reach (1994) calls upon for what should be done and not for our Children today: I like studying. Therefore, from the professional practice, a Professional in making towards working with Children and Youth requires to undergo some training. I started with the Open University in 2015 with K115 of which I succeeded in 2016. Personal gain from the module E102It is a re – cap of my Childhood linking it to where I am today while having a taste on what Philosopher Jean Rousseau calls inbuilt morals in terms of reasoning and thinking about the world, I am a self-motivated individual hence that brings out the internal behaviour to the display as Rousseau argues. General Interest with the module E102It is pretty sounding well being seen as an approachable person before all the audiences includes infants, teenagers, or youth with such skills. Indeed, there is a need to know when to help and when to allow trying activities alone to promote independence. The age of criminal responsibility in England is 10 years. At that, young people are able to stand trial in a court even without any support. This module, it has offered understanding that at some point: It is but is 10 years really enough? I have explored the tribal Child, Social child and the developing Child (Kellet, 2010). The Child as a Social actor whose point is being the centre of focus while with full potential of practicing on his or her own in terms of reasoning, interacting and self - defence. This module offers understanding. I am considering Childhood and Child Psychology perspectives. In Childhood perspective, there is a concept of Children’s rights accompanied by the 3 p’s of provision, participation and protection (UNCRC, 1989) Following Penelope’s call while using the provision right towards Children, during practice, Children’s welfare will be a priority while giving Children fees for School meals, shoes, food extra. Participation right, Children will be encouraged to give views regarding their lives as social actors as well as in decision-making. Protection right. Children will be given local authority home care following the separation, death or divorce of their parents.In Child Psychology, Jean Rousseau has this to offer that there is the inbuilt morals in terms of reasoning and thinking while focusing on the religious and political beliefs. The motivation of studying is exhibiting the natural rational of internal exposition and behaviour. The module interest being compulsory shows eagerness / determination and alertness in line to information processing and internalisation as Piaget Jean laments. Therefore, I am progressing well. I am using this module for approachable purposes. Indeed, Vygotsky paints social cognition and interaction within the environment and encourages individuals to do so hence, in Child Psychology, Children after participating, are seen as social actors. In this, having to attend to all the audiences occasionally requires permission. Therefore, this module is to open a variety of opportunities in terms of work, studies, love, placements and research.In addition, Children as social actors and standing in Courtroom for personal defence, exhibits their agency and autonomy in terms of making personal decisions and taking part grooms and comforts the Child at that stage in Professional practice. Whilst promoting independence, Piaget laments about the stages of development(s) occurring with the Child as well as its milestones such as walking, talking, crawling, smiling, talking, and learning from an early stage. Hence, I am most likely to be independent and well equipped with study materials for the sake of my well-being and Professional capacity while working and getting Money.Through understanding, there is a concept of language development includes attending School, associating within the environment with its wealthy and people. This enriches understanding and developing well. c. Finally, another perspective is behaviourism. It is not new nor does it require(s) to be studied unless otherwise, the nature and nurture elements shows the way we do things. These may be pleasing and others not such as performing well in a TMA (Tutor Marked Assessment), or making people unemployed from the society. The first requires rewarding that behaviour and then, punishing the law breakers for not offering employment to the citizens hence rewarding and punishments as John Watson and BF Skinner tells, requires to be followed well. In this module, watching and seeing Children behaving anti socially, not doing home work, and performing well at School is important. (Part 1 (a, b, c), Words count 750 words)Part 2: Reflections on learning skills (500 words). 20% of TMA 01 mark. By reflecting back on your completed journals 1 and 2, summarise your skills, learning and development by responding to the following questions.In relation to your learning on E102 so far, what have you learned about yourself regarding your academic study skills and habits? What are your strengths? What areas are in need of improvement?Academic study, habits and strengthFirstly, learning E102 is moving on well because I am fit for it and I have all or most of the abilities, expectations and strength the module requires such as having brilliant work results, excellent academic work and keeping time whilst completing the assignments. I am very strong in understanding what the assignment is about, very outstanding while demonstrating and exercising academic work. The point is about being a successful individual while leaning on such efforts.With habits, I enjoy learning lots of new Information upon the situation. For instance, I am enjoying learning lots of Information from E102 module. I have so far enjoyed the online tutorials, forums and the textbook information. (Farrington Flint, L and Montgomery, H)I like to take time in exploring every angel when I am studying upon situation. For example, during 2015 with K115, I could not think deeply exploring other disciplines. My attention was on Youth Justice exploration.I enjoy discussions with other students. This is greatly sounding like me. For instance, I have been going through a lot with fellow students and my module Tutor Claire via (forums, and tutorials, 2019). I worry that I will struggle to understand that I have read. Nevertheless, it is not sounding like me. Because I have always been performing well: So I am confident with reading and contents. I am enjoying the module.Areas for improvementI do not say much in discussions but I enjoy listening and thinking. Nevertheless, this is depending on the situation. I have been an active listener to my module Tutor and fellow students whilst on (online forums and tutorials). I am worried about falling behind in my studies upon situation. In defence with that, I have been doing it well and follows the steps as required. I meet all the prequisites a module requires such as Tuition fees where an application was finished and accepted. I am also okay with others like Internet access and received the textbook. However, Student Finance England has paid the University the first portion. Hence, other portions are required.What academic resources or sources of support could you draw upon to address these aspects of your learning that you think you need to improve?To begin with, the issue of Tuition is to be solved whilst contacting the Student welfare services and Student finance England as a matter of urgency whereas with reading / discussions, I am going to keep on using the scanning, skimming and the slow reading strategies to foster learning. (OU, Academic text (2019) The OU help centre and study skills gives out the concepts such as engaging in discussions and time management. The issue of applying for a course and job application. Well demonstrations have been sighted out including interviews, writing for University and keeping Professional conduct. (Tutor Emma and Eulina). Finally, I am to be using the tutor advice, Skills for OU study, the course website, text book(s), the OU Library includes the use of SCONUL for referencing and active reading, the AV referencing style as it is evidenced from the reference list below and finally, the local authority’s library in this case Nottingham Libraries in England.(Part 2 (a and b) Words count, 500)Parts 1 and 2 References;Buteera D (2016) ‘My Childhood: Buteera Disan my names’ available (online) at The Open University (2016) ‘Childhood studies Chapter 1’ – an Introduction to Childhood studies and Child Psychology, (Ed) Lee Farrington –Flint & Heather MontgomeryPenelope, R (1994) Children first what we should do and not doing for our Children to dayKellet, M (2010) ‘The four Models of Childhood’ in E102 Module, The Open University Week 4, 2.2 approaches to research with Children (2019) Activity 3 reading an Academic text (online) The Open University (2019) Skills for OU Study (online) available at Accessed on 11/11/2019E102 (2016) ‘An introduction to Childhood Studies and Child Psychology' in Farrington Flint, L F & Montgomery H, (ed) and The Open University (2019) ‘E102-19J Forums’ (online) available at Open University (2019) ‘E102-19J Forums’ (online) available at and Eulina (2019) ‘Time Management skills’ The Help Centre available (online) Accessed on 14/11/2019 UNCRC (1989) Children’s rights and African Unity Children’s rights and WelfareTMA FORM (PT3e) SECTION 1 STUDENT INFORMATION SECTION 2 TUTOR INFORMATION Name Disan Buteera Personal Identifier E300561X, OUCU, zy225219Student 14-Nov-2019 Module E102 Oct 19 TMA No. 01 , Tutor's Name Miss C Reeves Tutor's Number 02556490 ,Appointing Region R05 Date Returned 25-Nov-2019 Question Grades/Scores Overall Grade/Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 30% TUTOR'S COMMENTS AND ADVICE TO STUDENT: Disan Buteera, Unfortunately you have not achieved a pass grade for TMA01You have attempted to write in your own words which was pleasing to see.There was evidence of some engagement with the module materials, by referring to relevant theory and examples, well done.To improve future TMA's, ensure you have provided sufficient discussion on all aspects of the TMA questions, as this will improve the clarity & quality of your work (see comments 1,3,4,6,8,9,11,15 ).Part (1) (Fail - 30% - 22 marks)Part (1a) You have provided some discussion on your motivation in relation to child psychology and childhood studies, which was pleasing to see - a lilttle more discussion needed to establish your interests as this lacked clarity (see comments 1, 3,4). Word count for this section was high (see comment 5)Part (1b) Relevant evidence (children's rights, UNCRC, Piaget, milestones and stages) used to support discussion. More discussion required on answering the 'how' part of the question (see comments 6,8,9,11).Part (1c) You have shown some understanding of child psychology by mentioning behaviourism, however you need to expand your discussion and direct it more towards answering the question (see comment 15). Answer brief (see comment 17)Reference list provided (see comments 25,26,27). In-text references were attempted (see comments 7,8,10,16) - You had a go at referencing which is what the TMA asked you to do, well done for your effort - you will not be marked on this in this TMA, but it is important for future TMA's.Part (2) (Pass 4 - 40% - 8 marks) Some honest and relevant discussion on strengths and limitations.Sources of support also considered briefly - try and link the sources of support with the limitations identified in part a (see comments 18 - 24 for additional suggestions). Please see the script for more detailed comments and the marking grid. If you have any queries regarding the feedback then please contact me (c.reeves@open.ac.uk), as you need to use it for TMA02. Well done for all your effort.Thank you, ClaireNote: To read the comments on your scriptHover the computer mouse over each comment to see specifically where it links to your workCriterionPass 1 (85-100)Pass 2 (70-80) Pass 3 (55-65)Pass 4 (40-50)Bare Fail (30-35)Fail (0-25)Focus on the taskExcellent focus on the task Very good focus on the task Good focus on the task Sufficientfocus on the task Limited focus on the taskLittle/no focus on the task or no response Understanding of concepts (description, explanation, evaluation as required for task) Excellent understanding demonstrated of E102 concepts Very good understanding demonstrated of E102 concepts Good understanding demonstrated of E102 concepts Sufficient understanding demonstrated of E102 concepts Limited understanding demonstrated of E102 module concepts No use or evident understanding demonstrated of E102 concepts Structure of answers and quality of writing styleExcellent, logical, well-structured points. Writing style is clear, concise and fluent. Excellent academic expression.Very good structure logically presented. Writing style is clear, concise and understandable. Good academic expression.Good structure with some logical development. Writing style is generally understandable, although may be unclear in parts.Sufficiently structured assignment. Writing style is understandable, but unclear in many places. Limited coherence or organisation of ideas. Many points unclear or undeveloped. Attempted answer may be brief and incomplete with no clear structure. Difficulty understanding many points.Use of evidence from the module materialsAnswer is fully supported by an excellent range of evidence/examples from E102 module materials. Answer is well supported by very good evidence/ examples from E102 module materials. Answer is supported by good evidence/ examples from E102 module materials.?May rely in places on external sources and/or provide some personal views.Sufficient use of E102 module materials. Personal views/experience may be presented in place of evidence and/or?reliance on external sourcesE102 module sources are not used to support the answer. Answer is dominated by personal views/experiences and/or external sources. No sources given from E102 module materials. Personal comments/ ideas only and/or complete reliance on external sourcesReferencesNOT marked for TMA01Excellent citation of sources both in-text and in the reference list.Very good citation of sources in-text and in the reference list. A few errors or inconsistencies.Most sources cited. Some errors, inconsistences or omissions.Sources not well cited, with various errors, inconsistencies or omissions.Limited source citations. Inconsistent referencing with multiple errors and omissions.No attempt at referencing.?ReflectionExcellent reflection responding to the task set.E.g., identifies both strengths and areas for improvement. Gives specific strategies. Fluently expressed with an effective structure.Very good reflection responding to the task set. E.g., identifies both strengths and areas for improvement. Gives specific strategies. Clearly expressed with good attention to structure.Good reflection responding to the task set. Some reference to strategies or resources to aid development. Mostly clearly expressed with attention to structure.Sufficient reflection in response to the task set. May give limited attention to strategies or resources to aid development, and/or show sufficient clear expression and/or structure. Some attempted reflection. May not be focused or identify relevant issues or strategies or resources for development.OR: Learning Journal submitted instead of reflection.No attempt or very limited reflection or reflection not relevant to the task. ................

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