Final Reflective Journal CAS 100A Speech Communication Spring 2009Name: Nichole Cosgrove Date Submitted: April 21, 2009Which of the following course objectives have been mostly achieved or have been materialized or realized in you, personally?To enable students to express understanding of the value of effective speech communication in their personal, academic and professional undertakings;To be able to apply the fundamental principles of effective speech communication;To overcome and transform any fears, anxiety or nervousness in public speaking into a positive driving force towards achieving communication and leadership skills that are vital to one’s personal, academic and career goals;To demonstrate fundamental skills in gathering information or supporting proofs or evidences, organizing and presentation of one’s ideas in clear, logical, creative, purposeful and effective manner before an audience; To identify different types of speeches for different occasions, contexts, purposes and scenarios;To manifest skills in developing and delivering informative, persuasive and any other types of speeches before an audience; and,To execute effective leadership, team working or collaborative skills that should always come along with the development of effective communication skills.Personally, I think that all of these things have been materialized by me. I have definitely learned better leadership skills in this class. At first I was shy and didn’t want to speak up, but I definitely learned to speak up and say what I need to say. I also learned more about leading a group in discussions and presentations. I now know that it is okay to be a leader automatically and show my skills. Also, I have learned how to present a speech much better than I ever knew how during high school. I have learned a lot about paralanguage and egocentrism and ethnocentrism, which are things I knew nothing about prior to this class. I have learned the importance in sticking up for what you are speaking about and not letting the fact that other people may be immature ruin your speech. I have learned how to gather better information and have learned that library resources are much better than internet resources. I can also distinguish better the difference between informative and persuasive speeches. I also learned quite a few tips on keeping an informative speech informative and not including persuasive aspects. As far as the persuasive speech went, I learned how to use logical appeal and emotional appeal to my advantage. Really, all of these skills have been better instilled into me. I am truly glad that I took this class.What personal transformations or development have coincidentally been developed in you through the course which would be useful for you in your academic and career or professional goals?Well, liked I mentioned above, the issue with people rejecting my topic because they thought it was “gross” or “dirty” really taught me how to deal with my peers. I now have a better understanding and expectancy for people to not always go along with the things I do. What I should have done was present my speech in front of them anyway instead of doing it privately, but I’m sure I’ll have another chance someday, and when they day comes, I will definitely take my chances and show everyone what I’m made of. I also became better at dealing with loudmouths in the classroom, and I’m sure that when I’m in the workforce, there will be someone like that there too. Now I will know how to handle that person better and be the better person. Learning to speak better and omit paralanguage and whatnot will help me in better communicating in the workforce once I get there. The leadership skills that I have polished up will surely come in handy in the workforce. I will be comfortable to assume the leadership position and get things done the right way. The biggest thing I learned in this class that will help me throughout the rest of my life is respect. Through seeing disrespect in our classroom and seeing how you dealt with it, I now know what to expect and how to react in such situations. What factors on your part as a student have helped or did not help you in achieving the learning objectives and any other development from the course such as your own efforts given to the course, work ethics, dedication, diligence, determination personal goals, drive and enthusiasm, unavoidable, unexpected circumstances (please, explain)?The fact that I am a hardworking and determined student allowed me to achieve the learning objectives and helped me to develop. In the beginning I was scared, but I eased myself into the class slowly and surely, and I started learning immediately. My work ethics allowed me to see past the loud and obnoxious people of the class and keep on learning myself. It also allowed me to give fair evaluations rather than just pick out all the bad things in a speech. I try not to let things get to me and I try to come out stronger on the other end, and that has made me successful. What factors on the part of the instructor helped or did not help you in achieving the course objectives? (i.e., instructor’s teaching style, knowledge, professionalism, course materials; required tasks, communication style, attitude, etc.) The biggest thing that helped me was that you supported me and helped me to get through my first speech. Also, the simple fact that you were more concerned about each student growing as a person rather than how many speeches he or she put out helped so much. Having such patience with us was a good virtue of yours. Everything you did that challenged the way other professors teach was beneficial to us. Thank you so much.If you are to describe your overall experience in this course in 3-5 words, how will you describe your experience in this course? Why (Please, explain briefly each word chosen)Beneficial, surprising, unique, challenging and funBeneficial- this class was beneficial to me because I learned so much about myself and about public speakingSurprising-I was surprised at the way this class was taught. I was expecting a highly criticizing professor who picked out every little thing you did wrong. I was completely wrong though, and I believe that I was blessed in having speech taught to me the way it was rather than the way it could have been with other professors.Unique-like I mentioned above, I expected the class to be graded on quantity instead of quality. I expected to be criticized around every corner and I thought I would hate the class. Instead, we were taught in a unique and qualitative way.Challenging-this class was very challenging for me what with having to overcome my fears of speaking in front of other people and saying what I wanted to say.Fun-this class was definitely fun with the unique people and introductions for speakers. It was also fun doing the group activities we did and listening to speeches and giving personal evaluations. ................

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