Department of Health | State of Louisiana


TO: Nurse Aide Training School Providers

FROM: Ash-Leigh Garcia, RN, Program Manager

LDH-HSS Nurse Aide Training Program Desk, LA Nurse Aide Registry

DATE: March 24, 2020

RE: COVID 19 Exceptions: Clinical instruction; Competency testing

Due to the global COVID 19 pandemic, Nurse Aide Competency testing by Prometric in the state of Louisiana is currently suspended. The pandemic has also caused an increase demand for personnel and medical staff in healthcare facilities due to the expected surge of both the amount and acuity of patients.

In an effort to meet the immediate demand for certified nursing assistants, the Louisiana Department of Health, Health Standards Section, has determined that approved Nurse Aide Training Programs (NATP) will be allowed to conduct competency testing, until further notice, of students who are currently in a nurse aide training program, or have recently completed all portions of a nurse aide training program.

In order to maintain a consistent process and ensure integrity, a procedure for obtaining the competency test and reporting to the Registry has been established. Please see information specific to each program type.

Please note: The NATP shall not initiate a request until students have successfully completed the program (i.e., the student has met all requirements for eligibility to take the Prometric competency evaluation).

Process to administer competency test:

1. Once training has been completed, the NATP must request the competency evaluation and instructions using the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Request. The request shall be emailed to the Registry, via the dedicated email address HSS-CNA-DSW-Request@, with the name of school and “Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Request” in the subject line. The Request form must include:

a. Name of program and RN Coordinator;

b. Names of all students that program is requesting to test;

c. Final date of training completion; and

d. Expected date of competency test administration.

2. The Program Desk will provide the NATP with a competency exam, which will include both a written and skills competency portion.

a. The written portion will consist of 50 multiple choice questions. The facility may read the written test to the student in a neutral tone if the student desires an oral test. The answer key will be provided.

b. Per CFR 483.154 (c)(4), the skills portion of the competency must be administered and evaluated by a registered nurse. The RN Coordinator shall conduct the skills portion, which will follow the Prometric Clinical Skills Checklist, and must consist of 5 total skills.

i. All students shall be tested on handwashing and indirect care;

ii. Three (3) other skills shall be randomly chosen from the Clinical Skills Checklist.

iii. In order to ensure “social distancing” mandates are maintained, a mannequin must be used in place of an actor.

c. The facility must keep copies of the competency exam answer sheets and skills competencies performed for review by the Department.

3. The CNA Registration Form COV19 will be provided to the NATP with the competency exam. The NATP shall electronically submit the CNA Registration Form COV19 to the LA Nurse Aide Registry for all students that successfully complete both the written and skills competency exams. The form shall be emailed to the dedicated email address HSS-CNA-DSW-Request@ in order to have the student placed on the LA Nurse Aide Registry. The email subject line should include the name of the school and “CNA Registration Form COV19.”

• Please note: a student submitted for certification which was not submitted via the Nurse Aide Competency Evaluation Request will not be processed.

Nursing Facilities:

Per memo sent to Nursing Facilities, dated March 22, 2020:

“Trained CNA students who are currently unable to test for certification may work provided that those students can provide a verification of training form from a NATCP and be under the supervision of appropriate staff. LDH can provide to the facility a version of a test that could be administered and with successful completion the student could be placed on the registry.”

1. Nursing facilities who have students that need to test, or have individuals that trained at another school but have not tested, are eligible to work prior to competency testing, provided the facility has verification of successful completion of a nurse aide training program.

2. Programs who have completed all training (i.e., scheduled or waiting to schedule with Prometric) may conduct competency testing for students.

3. If your program wishes to test students prior to resumption of Prometric testing, please follow the instructions provided above. A request should not be initiated until your students have completed training.

Proprietary schools:

Per memo sent to Nursing Facilities, dated March 22, 2020:

“CNA students that are currently enrolled, but whose proprietary schools have closed, may continue to perform clinical studies under the supervision of appropriate staff of the nursing home facility where those clinical studies are being conducted. Upon completion of requirements the nursing facility will be provided a version of a test that could be administered and with successful completion the student could be placed on the registry.”

1. Healthcare facilities are currently required to restrict visitors. Students are considered visitors. Therefore, proprietary programs must contact the nursing facility in which clinical instruction is conducted to determine whether they will allow your program to complete training. The NH’s have indicated a staffing shortage and therefore a willingness to assist in the training needs of your students.

2. Online instruction is not feasible for the portion of nurse aide training which requires lab instruction, skills demonstration, and competency evaluation. If your program has a class currently in session, you must ensure “social distancing” mandates are maintained, including use of a mannequin in place of an actor.

Community colleges and high schools:

1. Programs who have completed all training (i.e., scheduled or waiting to schedule with Prometric) may conduct competency testing for current students, if you have access to a lab. In order to ensure “social distancing” mandates are maintained, a mannequin must be used in place of an actor.

2. Programs who have not completed training—

a. If possible, it is encouraged to complete clinical instruction in a nursing home (NH) or SNF unit. However, for those who cannot access a NH or SNF unit, a waiver has been granted which allows lab simulation in lieu of clinical instruction in order to complete clinical training. The lab simulation hours will be in addition to the theory instruction which also include lab/skills instruction.

b. If your program is currently approved for greater than 40 clinical hours, this memo shall serve as approval to decrease clinical training to the minimum of 40 hours for the current school semester, if desired.

• If students have completed 40 clinical hours, you may consider your students as having met requirements.

• If students have not completed 40 clinical hours, students may utilize lab simulation until a minimum of 40 hours have been met.

3. If your program wishes to test students prior to resumption of Prometric testing, please follow the instructions provided above. A request should not be initiated until your students have completed training and will have access to the appropriate facilities and supplies to conduct the competency exam.

As noted, this process is temporary, and normal testing procedures through Prometric will resume when feasible. Once Prometric and the LDH are able to return to previous processes, programs will be notified. The LDH is aware that a backlog of candidates at Prometric testing centers may occur once Prometric resumes testing, and problems will be addressed as needed. LDH and Prometric will monitor closely, and updates will be provided as necessary.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through these unprecedented and uncertain times. Please contact me at ash-leigh.garcia@ for questions or concerns.



Ash-Leigh Garcia, RN, MCSII

Medical Certification Program Manager

LA Nurse Aide Registry/Nurse Aide Training Programs


John Bel Edwards


Stephen R. Rࠀࠁ࠹࠻࠼ࡀࡆࡈࡉࡊࡋࡱࡲࡳࡶࡷࡸࡺࢌࢠࢼࣄࣈࣉࣶࣹࣺ࣠࣡ࣷࣸऑऒधनऻ़ऽஔ퓢닃꓃鏃鎤꓃臃鎤鎤鎤鎤ꑳ鍢鎤늤护鎤鎤ᔠꝨ㩜ᘀ乨䩉䌀ᙊ伀ъ倀ъ儀ъ愀ᙊᘚꝨ㩜䌀ᙊ伀ъ倀ъ儀ъ愀ᙊᔣ乨䩉ᘀꝨ㩜㔀脈䩃䩏䩐䩑䩡ᔠꝨ㩜ᘀꝨ㩜䌀ᙊ伀ъ倀ъ儀ъ愀ᙊᘚ乨䩉䌀ᙊ伀ъ倀ъ儀ъ愀ᙊᔠ乨䩉ᘀ乨䩉䌀ᙊ伀ъ倀ъ儀ъ愀ᙊᔠ乨䩉ᘀꝨ㩜䌀ᙊ伀ъ倀ъ儀ъ愀ᙊᘚ眉䌀usso, JD



State of Louisiana

Louisiana Department of Health

Health Standards Section


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