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CXI Edition October 2008

Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida

214 Stevenage Drive Longwood, Florida 32779

e mail pat@

407-774-9700 SSDA/NCPR-AT

Pat Moricca President Member Service Station Dealers of America




Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida is a non-profit association representing Independent Gasoline Retailers, Convenience Stores, Gasoline Service Stations, Repair Shops, Tire Retailers, Truck Stops and Associates throughout Florida. Our goal is to improve the interests of these independent businesses and the motoring public. Cooperation with insurance companies provides benefits for our members. These benefits include money-saving programs for group health, workers' compensation, casualty and property and gasoline tank liability insurance. Benefits also include financing to purchase your gasoline station property and much more.

The problems facing our industry today affect every dealer, no matter how large or small. And, since no one individual could possibly begin to solve these problems alone, it remains that each should join in a collective effort to protect his/her business investment.

Join the Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida and help in the fight to keep the

Motor Fuel Marketing Practices Act of Florida (Below Cost) law.

Make an important investment in your business future for less than $1 a day.

BULLETIN September 5, 2008 New State of Emergency

Gov. Charlie Crist declared a state of emergency Tuesday September 2 2008 due to hurricane Hanna. That means a sixty-day length required for a “State of Emergency” Executive Order 08-187 beginning from September 5, 2008. You will be under price gouging guidelines for the next sixty days until at least November 4, 2008.

As I have mentioned on many occasions it is absolutely imperative that you maintain accurate records and have them available to respond to inquiries that will no doubt be made in advance of possible subpoenas. Those records should extend back to 30 days prior to the original

Pat Moricca declaration. Comply with any requests you may receive. The law requires you to maintain the same margin of profit for each grade of gasoline whether prices go up or down.

The ‘State of Emergency’ will end on November 4, 2008 unless the Governor extends the ‘State of Emergency’ with a new Executive Order.

Executive Order—Members were notified that we are now operating under the fourth separate executive order issued because of most recent four separate storms (Fay, Hanna, Gustov, and Ike). One does not replace the other so it is extremely important that if you receive a price gouging complaint that you know the date of that complaint. That way you will be able to ascertain what the “thirty day look back period” is. That is an important part of defending yourself in the world of “guilty until proven innocent” of price gouging complaints.

For information Pat Moricca @ 407-774-9700.

Oil Speculators

Good news on the issue of oversight of oil speculators. The U.S. House passed HR6604, by a margin of 273 to 124. It has language that will provide the CFTC (Commodities Futures Trading Commission) with the needed authority to oversee foreign trading which is the source of the run-up in crude oil prices.

The Senate will take up bill S3268 or the bill the House passed. It is important that we contact Senator Martinez and Senator Nelson seeking their support for meaningful oversight language. The message you need to deliver is; tell them in order to avoid a speculative bubble like the economy is experiencing on Wall Street, S3268 must be included in any comprehensive Wall Street reform bill and OTC position limits must be included as well. As traders are pulling out of other investments, commodities are even more vulnerable then ever.

Oil Drilling—The House also passed HR6899 that addressed oil drilling. The bottom line is that the language in the bill is woefully inadequate. It maintains the ban on offshore drilling in Florida and limits other areas to 100 miles. There is a provision that would allow drilling up to 50 miles but it is contingent on what adjacent states are doing. Overall, however, even this bill is unlikely to reach the President’s desk anytime soon.

Senator Bill Nelson (D- FL) 202-224-5274 - Senator Mel Martinez (R- FL) 202-224-3041

Crude Oil Prices on Wild 24-Hour Ride Oil prices spiked more than $25 a barrel Monday 9-22-08, the biggest one-day price jump ever as anxiety over the government's $700 billion bailout plan, a weak dollar and an expiring crude contract ignited a dramatic rally. Light, sweet crude for October delivery jumped as much as $25.45 to $130 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange before falling back to settle to $107.33 a barrel -- overnight..

Hurricane Ike wreaks havoc on Gulf Coast; wholesale gasoline prices soar

September 12, 2008 - Hurricane Ike's assault of the Texas Gulf Coast spurred a slew of major oil refineries to shut down, stoking concerns that the lost output will further strain U.S. fuel supplies and send pump prices higher. The closures included ExxonMobil Corp.'s Baytown refinery and BP's Texas City plant, two of the nation's largest fuel-making facilities.

Ike has raised fears of a repeat of Hurricane Gustav, which plowed through a key refining corridor in south Louisiana. Some critical energy infrastructure remains out of commission because of damage from that storm.

On Friday 9-12, fuel station operators woke up to find the spot price for gasoline had risen nearly $1.50 a gallon overnight. We didn't see that big a rise in Katrina, gasoline stations will be unable to raise pump prices enough to cover increased fuel costs, fearing allegations of price gouging. Some gasoline stations were limiting customers to 10 gallons. The government is releasing oil from its emergency stockpiles to refineries experiencing shortages and politicians warn against price gouging.

Supply and demand should not be a reason to increase wholesale gasoline prices during a hurricane or natural disasters. Some retailers buy their gasoline based on the spot price, while others purchase it at a price posted by major oil companies. Many communities could see 50 to 75 cent disparities in gasoline prices because of the different ways that retailers buy gasoline.

On Tuesday morning 9-16-08, crude oil posted price on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) was $91.85. The correlation between crude oil prices and wholesale gasoline prices are way out of balance!

The question is; was there any violation of Florida “Executive Order 08-187” Section 501.160, Florida Statutes (commonly called price gouging). The Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services and Florida Attorney General will be looking at this to determine if there were any violations of Section 501.160.

Gas Shortages Continue With Panic Buying

Richmond, Va. -- Gasoline outages impacting operators from Atlanta to Richmond and points in-between could last a few weeks as refineries in the Gulf Coast region slowly ramp up production levels.

In Virginia it’s pretty bad, but in Atlanta, there aren’t any stations within a couple of miles radius having any product. Shortages in parts of Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee and elsewhere are worsened by panic buying.

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported Hurricanes Gustav and Ike caused the greatest drop in U.S. gasoline inventories since 1967. The U.S. Department of Energy reported five oil refineries with a total capacity of 1.23 million barrels-per-day remained closed since Ike shut 14 plants, representing a quarter of the nation’s refined fuel production.

While production levels are increasing, consumer patience is running thin. Motorists who are facing long lines are taking desperate measures in their quest for fuel and people are following tankers to the station.

In Nashville, Tennessee, television reports showed people cutting in line and fighting at gasoline stations to fill up after a news report stated the Colonial Pipeline was running below normal capacity. In Charlotte, police are helping manage traffic and tempers at gas stations with long lines.

The whole situation does point up the need for additional refining capacity in the country. Local laws resulting in over 200 "boutique" gasoline blends have also slowed production, industry observers said.

"Oil Profits Monster" Exploring and drilling.  ExxonMobil alone spent $31.8 billion in 2007 on buying back its own stocks more than three times the $10 billion that the entire industry spent on buybacks five years earier, according to a 2008 Congressional study. At the same time, major companies are squeezing maximum profit from current fields to make the quickest buck, while spending a great deal less on exploration and drilling.

The Lowdown on Gasoline Markets

EIA: Consumption decline projected to continue through 2009, beyond!

Washington -- After 16 years of continuous growth, U.S. motor gasoline consumption began declining in late 2007 and is projected to continue to decline at least through the end of 2009, according to the Energy Information Administration's most recent This Week in Petroleum. The decline in consumption is the result of slowing economic growth combined with the rapid increase in retail gasoline prices.

The decline in consumption began in fourth-quarter 2007. For the first 6 months of 2008, consumption declined by more than 130,000 barrels per day from that of the previous year.

EIA's most recent Short Term Energy Outlook projects a continued decline in motor gasoline consumption during the remainder of this year and through 2009, albeit at a more moderate pace than that seen during the first half of this year. Motor gasoline consumption during the second half of 2008 is expected to shrink by 100,000 barrels per day compared to the second half of last year. Motor gasoline markets for this period as well as for 2009 could be even weaker than those currently projected if monthly gasoline data for the summer continues the demand weakness evident in the recently-released June monthly data. In 2009, motor gasoline consumption is projected to decline a further 20,000 barrels per day from the average consumption for 2008. But that quantity includes ethanol, whose share of the motor gasoline pool is projected to continue to rise. After adjustment for the lower energy content of ethanol, 2009 motor gasoline consumption is projected to decline 0.5% for the year.

According to preliminary U.S. Department of Transportation data, vehicle miles traveled for the first six months of 2008 were down 2.8% from the same period in 2007. For 2008 as a whole, EIA expects the combined effect of the slowdown in economic growth and the impact of high prices to result in a decline in vehicle miles traveled of 2.1% for this year. In 2009, highway activity is projected to decline a further 0.5%.

Cumberland Farms, Pilot, others facing Price Gouging inquiries in several states

Hartford, Conn. Governor M. Jodi Rell yesterday directed the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) to subpoena records from Cumberland Farms Inc. after the governor's office and the DCP received numerous, specific complaints about a sudden increase in gasoline prices at the company's stores. She also announced that subpoenas are being prepared for several other gasoline companies and said her administration is crafting specific language to define "price gouging" and make it easier to investigate and prosecute suspected profiteers. The subpoenas for Canton, Mass.-based Cumberland Farms seek information about the chain's daily wholesale prices from the past two weeks, as well as information on the dates and times of wholesale deliveries. Subpoenas are also going to Cumberland Farms retailers seeking similar information. Connecticut had received more than 500 complaints by morning following hurricane Ike.

There may be cases of alleged price-gouging by individual gas stations; almost all retailers make only a few cents per gallon even as 'Big Oil' racks up unprecedented profits. The gas station owners must pay credit card fees and other costs yet they must also react to increases in wholesale prices that they cannot control. That is why our subpoenas focus on wholesalers and 'Big Oil' as well as local prices."

On 9-18, DCP subpoenaed 10 more wholesalers, seven of them based in Connecticut seeking further information about their pricing during the run-up to the storm and the ensuing days. The wholesalers subpoenaed were ExxonMobil, Houston; Alliance Energy, Branford, Conn.; Drake Petroleum, Thompson, Conn.; Aldin Associates, East Hartford, Conn.; Hendel Petroleum,  Waterford, Conn.; General Equities, Kensington, Conn.; Chestnut Petroleum, New Paltz, N.Y.; Sunoco, Philadelphia; Patterson Oil, Torrington, Conn.; and Standard Petroleum, Bridgeport, Conn.

"The local retailers the men and women who own and operate the gas stations we all use are saying they are squeezed between staggering wholesale prices and fuming customers," Rell said. "While we will continue to investigate possible wrongdoing at either the retail or the wholesale level, I understand the plight of local gas station owner’s consumer’s face the same grim choices when pinched by high retail prices and the need to keep their cars and trucks on the road."

Tennessee officials also have vowed to investigate price-gouging by gasoline retailers in the wake of the Gulf Coast hurricanes as Pilot Travel Centers LLC denied illegally raising pump prices in Florida and North Carolina. And Arkansas attorney general Dustin McDaniel is issuing more than 30 subpoenas to retailers across the state seeking information with regard to their increase in fuel prices. The moves follow similar actions by attorneys general in other states.

The investigation should include all the major oil companies. The General Accounting Office (GAO) should also investigate price gouging and punish the violators; no individual, company or corporation should be exempt from price gouging laws.

I wonder if the federal government will bail out the independent gasoline retailers???

Kentucky AG issues civil subpoenas in gas price investigation

Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway announced that because of information received during a preliminary investigation into Louisville gas prices, his office has issued civil subpoenas to refiners and suppliers of the Kentucky petroleum market and has asked the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the anti-trust division of the U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to review the merger of Marathon and Ashland Oil.

General Conway made the announcement at a news conference Aug. 22 in Louisville, where he joined Gov. Steve Beshear, Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) and Mayor Jerry Abramson to discuss initial findings from a joint investigation into Louisville gas prices.

“Our investigation has raised significant questions about the wholesale price of gasoline being charged in Louisville compared to other communities that utilize similar blends of gasoline,” said Gov. Beshear. “We intend to get answers.”

The preliminary data from the past two years shows that Louisville retailers have been paying about 10 cents more per gallon for gas when compared to prices reported in other parts of the state and region. Higher wholesale prices result in higher prices paid by consumers.

Conway, Beshear, Yarmuth and Abramson have urged federal anti-trust authorities to review the 1997 merger of Marathon and Ashland Oil and its impact on the entire Kentucky petroleum market

New York Legislation Supports Unbranded Gas

Albany, N.Y. -- A new bill was introduced here that would allow gas retailers to offer "unbranded" gasoline at discounts equaling 20 cent per gallon. The "Open Supply Bill" would require oil companies such as ExxonMobil, Hess and Sunoco to allow station owners to sell unbranded gasoline.

"We think it’s a great idea," Ralph Bombardiere, executive director of the New York State Association of Service Stations and Repair Shops, told the Albany Times Union. "There’s no competition at the wholesale level. This would level the playing field to some degree." Currently, major oil companies make station owners sell only their own branded gas. The Open Supply Bill would "null and void" any contract provisions that prohibit a station from selling unbranded gas as long as they own their tanks and pumps, reported the paper. And while previous versions of the bill were presented in the past, this year’s high gas prices have garnered more support, according to the report.

As gas station owners post flyers in support of the bill, Michael Doyle, executive director of the New York State Petroleum Council (oil companies), told the paper his group opposes it, adding it doesn't allow oil companies to control their own gasoline. It would be impossible, he noted, to know if branded and unbranded gas is getting commingled as tanks are emptied and refilled with the different types.

Governor Paterson Signs Law Allowing Owners to Sell Unbranded Gasoline

Albany -- Gas station owners are celebrating a new law signed by Gov. David Paterson that will allow them to sell cheaper unbranded gasoline. The new law, signed lets stations that own their own tanks and pumps to get around those clauses allowing owners to buy cheaper unbranded gas for as much as 20 cents less per gallon than branded gasoline, however there is nothing that the oil companies can do now that the bill has become law, except comply.

LA. to buy $20 million in generators for stores

Baton Rouge, LA

Louisiana will hand out $20 million in generators to quickly restore power to gas stations, pharmacies and grocery stores - essential services for thousands of evacuees returning after Hurricane Gustav's destruction.

Gov. Bobby Jindal announced the plans Thursday to buy 400 generators after Gustav knocked out more than half the state's power grid. He said it's critical to get services running so people can buy fuel, food, water, ice and medicine. The purchase will mark the first time Louisiana has provided state-owned generators to private businesses after a storm, Jindal said.

"This certainly is just a bridge, but we do think it's critical to help address some of our critical energy needs," the governor said.

Drivers aren't buying the drop in gas prices

Americans who began using their vehicles less don't plan to shift gears again, seeing the dip as temporary.

Though prices at the gas pump are dropping fast, experts say Americans won't return to their gas-guzzling ways because most drivers assume the dip in prices will be short-lived and have adjusted their habits. "We've been through almost eight years" of rising gas prices, AAA spokesman Geoff Sundstrom said. "Any notion that this is a temporary thing has pretty well been erased."

At least for a while, consumers may continue to see falling prices because oil markets continued their stunning collapse yesterday. On October 10th light sweet crude closed $8.89 lower at $77.70 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. It was the lowest settlement price since Sept.10, 2007. The reduction in driving was noted in December, when vehicle miles traveled began to slip and demand was down 6% for May and 4.5% for June drove over 22 billion fewer miles compared with the same two months last year according to the Federal Highway Administration. There also have been broad changes across entire industries. UPS Inc. and the U.S. Postal Service are turning to alternative-fuel vehicles.

On October 12th national average price for unleaded regular gasoline was $3.20. July regular unleaded gasoline hit a record national average of $4.11 a gallon.

Thieves skim credit card data at fuel pumps, and consumers worry

Prominent credit card issuers—American Express, Bank of America, Capital One, Citi and Discover—provided a broad basis representative of the issuer community, the Javelin Strategy and Research, a consulting firm said.

Across all three age groups, security from identity fraud is paramount with more than 80 percent citing it as an important concern, the research firm found.

Javelin reported that, as fear of data breaches rises, security at the point of purchase increases in importance to consumers.

Police in communities across the country are busy trying to solve cases in which thieves who install hard-to-detect electronic devices at gas stations have stolen credit and debit card data, according to an article by Katharine Lackey in USA Today.

The skimmed data are used to create cards, which are then used at the victims' expense, James Van Dyke, president and founder of Javelin Strategy and Research, told USA Today.

Investigations of theft related to skimming devices at gas pumps are underway in California, Washington, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Delaware, according to the article in the newspaper.

FuelCo Group to Acquire 150 Shell Locations (a sign of the times?)

New York -- Approximately 150 Shell stations in New York are set to be sold to Fuelco Group, a Shell jobber owned by Sammy Mussa, reported Oil Express.

Fuelco Group is expected to assume the existing supply contract with Motiva, Shell’s East Coast marketing arm. The stations sell roughly 200 million gallons per year.

The units are a mix of lessee and open dealer locations and multi-site operators, and are located in New York City and Long Island. Mussa is expected to sign a 20-year supply contract with Motiva.

Earlier this year, Mussa acquired 22 Shell sites in Fairfield County, Conn. Mussa used Wholesale Fuel Distributors to handle the aforementioned deal as the company recently hired marketing manager Ed Kielkucki, who spent 30 years in Shell’s marketing department???

ExxonMobil has recently announced that it would be divesting its assets in the retail market, BP and other brands tomorrow.

Correction—announcement regarding Marathon Petroleum’s decision to offer a “recreational” non-ethanol blended gasoline contained an error. I have been told that the 91-octane fuel is not intended for use in small private planes. A copy of the technical bulletin that they provided explaining their position in detail below.

Aircraft Use.doc 11/27/2007

Marathon Petroleum Company LLC Gasolines Not for Aircraft Use

The Federal Aviation Administration has issued Supplemental Type Certificates approving the use of unleaded automotive gasoline with a minimum (R+M)/2 octane of 87.0 and meeting ASTM D 4814 in certain small aircraft. Although Marathon’s gasolines may meet these specifications, Marathon does not recommend them as a fuel for small aircraft.

ASTM International has published stringent quality specifications for aviation gasoline in ASTM D 910. Marathon’s automotive gasolines do not meet these specifications. In addition, special handling procedures are necessary to prevent contamination when transporting aviation gasoline from the refinery, through the distribution system and lastly to the aircraft.

These procedures include special loading practices at the terminal, filtration to remove dirt and water, and specific testing to ensure quality integrity. The distribution of Marathon gasolines from our refinery to our customers requires fewer elements of the controlled system mandated for aviation gasoline.

Although Marathon gasolines are manufactured to meet high quality automotive standards, including those of ASTM D 4814, we cannot guarantee that some contamination will not take place

somewhere in the distribution system. Therefore, Marathon does not recommend the use of its automotive gasolines for aircraft of any type.

Compatible Software Systems of Florida

*How would you like to raise the ACTUAL PROFIT in your store by 10%?

*How would you like to know EXACTLY how much you are making in your store every day?

*How would you like to be able to say good-bye to monthly accounting fees?

*How would you like to do all of this and more and have it pay for itself in just 90 days?

We are your complete service station and convenience store back room scanning systems provider. Let us show you how easy these things can be.

For more information contact Kevin Headlee today.

E mail: cssfl@ or 941-650-8920

American Equipment Finance

258 King George Road

Warren, NJ 07059

Contact Len Baccaro VP @ 800-785-3060 ext 202

web site

Paid dividends last

six years on paid premiums.

Meadowbrook Insurance Group Workers’ Compensation dividend program

The Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida proudly sponsors Meadowbrook Insurance Group as its source for workers’ compensation insurance. Meadowbrook Insurance Group Workers’ Compensation is available to the Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida membership.

For more Information contact:

Cindy Winternitz 800-575-1816 or Pat Moricca 407-774-9700.

Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida-Meadowbrook Group Workers’ compensation dividend program has produced a dividend on paid premiums for eight out of the last nine years.

New Address and telephone numbers

Direct Phone 305-789-2789

Luis S. Konski Partner Direct Fax 305-537-3989

701Brickell Avenue Email Luis.Konski@

Law Firm Suite 1900 http//

Miami, FL 33131


Affordable ‘Health Insurance’ Program

Our partnership with Benefits Now LLC is based on the mutual goal of bringing value and service to participating Gasoline Retailers including automotive repair shops, automotive suppliers and specialty business, tire dealers, towing operators’ truck stops and associates throughout the state of Florida and their employees.

I am confident that you will find Benefits Now LLC programs and services beneficial to you.

For Information, contact Sharon W. Cockrell @ Toll free1-800-253-8036 xt 200 or Pat Moricca @ 407-774-9700

U.S. Department of the Treasury

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network


FenCEN’s Web site is located at:


December 4, 2006

FinCEN Announces Launch of FinCEN Updates E-mail Subscription News Service

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) today announced the launch of FinCEN Updates – a new, free

e-mail subscription management service designed to keep the financial industry, the media and the public informed of news, rulemakings, advisories and other developments at FinCEN. This new secure e-mail subscription management service permits users to customize their updates, which enables them to receive e-mails related to the topics to which they have subscribed.

FinCEN Updates allows users to choose their subscription preferences. Subscription items include advisories, guidance, news releases, rulings, enforcement actions, and current career opportunities at FinCEN. Users can add or delete subscription items themselves, and have the option to password protects their accounts for increased security. Users can opt to have FinCEN Updates sent immediately, daily, weekly, or monthly to their e-mail accounts or directly to a wireless device.

FinCEN selected the GovDelivery® E-Mail Subscription Management service to monitor designated website content and to send an e-mail to alert subscribers when there is new information posted on FinCEN’s public websites. Subscribers will receive e-mails from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network at the address fincenupdates@.

To subscribe to FinCEN Updates, visit FinCEN’s website at or subscribe directly at .

Contact Larry G. Schmaltz, P.E. @ 813-248-8558, ext 305


Corporate Defense Strategies Inc. / Information Research Specialist Inc.

Corporate Defense Strategies / Information Research Specialist provides national and worldwide services. We are a full service private investigation firm that is licensed, bonded and insured. Our principle investigator has over twenty-five years experience in loss prevention and corporate security.  Our investigators are also experts in corporate theft investigations, background checks, interview & interrogations / skip tracing and major asset investigations / judgment recovery.  In addition, CDS is a member of many national investigative associations.

Toll free (888) 361-3800

Fax - (407) 324-9856

e-mail- CDSInvest@

Web Site- Corporate Defense Strategies Inc.


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The last minute policy renewal quote:

By waiting till the very last minute it will prevent the insured (you) from being able to shop for a lower cost policy. Below are a couple tips to help you get the best deal on insurance.

Liability: At least six weeks before your policy expires, seek out competitive quotes from at least one additional agent/company. You will need to know your current policy coverage and terms to get competitive information. Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida’s/Insurance Office of America’s money saving programs and a complete insurance package to meet your business responsibility.

Contact Glen Esbjorn from the Insurance Office of America for your insurance needs @ (800) 242-6899 (407) 788-3000 or Pat Moricca @ (407) 774-9700

S. O. S.

Safehouse of Seminole Domestic violence is a social issue, which crosses all boundaries and threatens the very fabric of our society. At Safehouse of Seminole, we are dedicated to breaking this cycle of violence through our shelter and community outreach programs. Our crisis line and shelter programs provide victims and their children with the resources they need to begin healing from past and preparing for their future. Believing that education and awareness are vital tools for change, we provide educational programs in Seminole County Schools and other community organizations. 24-Hour Crisis Line 407-330-3933.

Safehouse of Seminole needs your donations

Your contribution to Safehouse may be tax deductible on your annual tax return, as Safehouse is an organization of the type described in section 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(A)(vi) under the Internal Revenue Code. Our registration number is SC-05086.

Safehouse of Seminole Wish List:

Personal Needs – Bedding Needs – Baby Food & Needs -- School Needs – Grocery/Kitchen/Cleaning Needs – Holiday Needs – Miscellaneous Items for everyday Needs!

Contact the Safehouse of Seminole @ 407-302-5220 for a copy of their Wish List.

Please make checks payable to and mail to

Safehouse of Seminole PO Box 2921, Sanford, FL, 32772




Equipment for Sale

All items except the water filter are used but in good condition.

1. Wall mounted Elkay water coolers Model EBFSA81D

2. 3 Head Bunn Cappuccino Machine Black Cabinet Model FMD3

3. Qty 5 Coffee Air pots with stands Luxus 1 Gallon Model L35-10

4. Creamiser 2 product refrigerated cream dispenser Model 200

5. Countertop Stainless Steel Cup Dispenser with cup holder tubes

6. Bunn 2 flavor Gourmet Ice frozen slush dispenser Model CDS 2----Sold

7. Everpure Model EV9328-06

Water Filter System for a combination of drink machines, ice maker and coffee this will treat the water for an entire store setup!

Combination system provides quality ingredient water for fountain, coffee and ice machines.

New and improved MC2 cartridges feature Micro-Pure media II with antimicrobial protection to inhibit any potential bacteria growth.

System features three quick-change MC2 filter cartridges, a 20" coarse prefilter, and an SR-X Scale Reduction Feeder.

Manifold features water shut-off, flushing valve, inlet and outlet pressure gauges.

Capacity:  27,000 gallons (102,600 L) Flow Rate: 5.7 GPM

Certifications: NSF 42, NSF 53 This item is new in box

We would sell all as a package or individually.

Contact Kevin Headlee * Creekwood Crossing BP * Cell 941-650-8920 * Office 941-756-2458 * Fax 941-755-8521



*Grogan Realty Co. Specializing in Gasoline stations & Commercial property financing available (904) 737-3493

*Meadowbrook Insurance Group Workers’ Comp. Dividend Program Contact: Cindy Winternitz (800) 575-1816

*Insurance Office of America Property & Casualty Liability Underground Storage Tank Insurance

Contact: Glen Esbjorn (800) 243-6899-1855 W.S.R. 434-Longwood, FL 32750

*Chokshi Accounting & Tax Services, Inc. 682 Maitland Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 407-332-8311

*RPM inc. Receipts-Printing-Marketing 1536 Bonair St. Clearwater, FL 33755 1-800-398-0987

American Equipment Finance 258 King George Road Warren, NJ 07059 800-785-3060 ext 202


Bill McKnight Art McKee Eduardo Rodriguez

Automated Petroleum & Energy Co. Lewis & Raulerson, Inc. Macmillan Oil Company Of Florida Inc.

.P.O. Box 1110 P. O. Box 59 2955 east 11 avenue

Brandon, FL 33509 Waycross, Georgia 32502 Hialeah, Fl. 33013

(813) 681-4279 (863) 401-3937 Office (305) 691-7814

Cell (305) 283-8580

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No wonder: With all the mergers, acquisitions and closings, your lender is probably lost too.

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Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida

The Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida is the leading voice for individuals with Down syndrome and their families. We offer hope, encouragement and acceptance through advocacy, education and awareness so that each may realize their potential as members of our community.

For information, 407-540-1121 web site

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