Love Horoscope - Astro

Love Horoscope

The Horoscope of Love, Flirtation and Sex

Written by John Townley

Love Horoscope


Adele Adkins, born 5 May 1988

Nr 6212.502-8

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Love Horoscope

for Adele Adkins

Introduction to the Love Horoscope

This report presents an overview of your personal expression of love and sexuality according to the positions of the planets by sign, house and aspect for the date, time and place of

your birth. The Love Horoscope is divided into eleven sections: one for each planet,

including the Sun and Moon, and one for the Rising Sign or Ascendant. Each section

begins with an introductory paragraph on the basic meaning of that planet.

The expression of love is of considerable importance to everyone. Few persons are completely consistent or predictable in their feelings toward their own or others' sexuality. You

may find that you have contradictory feeling about a sexual situation, either all at once or

in rapid succession. This is normal, for one's sexuality and personality are often an

amalgam of seemingly incongruous characteristics.

As an astrological outline on this subject, your Love Horoscope also may contain some

contradictory statements about your personal sexual awareness. Such statements do not

cancel each other out; instead, both statements apply to you, either simultaneously or at

different times. Reading your Love Horoscope from this point of view can lead to useful

personal insight about areas to which you can direct your energies for enhanced sexual

fulfillment and awareness.

Much of the material in this analysis deals with your potential for sexual expression, not

necessarily with experiences that you have already had. Discussion in your Love Horoscope is intentionally restricted to different personality styles in the expression of love and

does not touch heavily upon specific sexual techniques or methods, as these vary tremendously with experience and conditioning. We hope that by learning more about this vital

area of your life, your experiences will be more rewarding.

This horoscope, entitled 'Love Horoscope', is also available under the title of 'Astrotext

Love'. Apart from the title, the two horoscopes are identical.

The report was generated with the following birth data: Female, born on 5 May 1988 at

8:19 am in Tottenham, England.

Your sun sign is Taurus. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Cancer, and your Moon is in Sagittarius.

al as.6212.502-8 Adele Adkins


Love Horoscope

for Adele Adkins

Rising Sign

The Ascendant represents how your physical body appears to others, so it is quite important in the discussion of sexuality. The sign on the Ascendant at your birth colors your

style of presentation to a lover and the image you project to others, especially at first meeting.

Your image may or may not be consistent with your inner personality. It is important to

understand the relationship between these two areas of yourself so that you will be able to

tell when others are misinterpreting you because they are judging only by superficial

appearances. At times you may want to consciously alter your image to suit your inner intentions or, on the other hand, you may just wish to be aware of the impression that you

make so that you can work within it.

Aspects to the Ascendant have a significant effect on your physical energy and timing in

sexual and social situations. If there are difficult aspects to the Ascendant, you may have to

modify your approach to others in order to become more in tune with them. Reinforcing

aspects can provide valuable clues to why you are as successful as you are and what reputation you may have to live up to.

Ascendant in Cancer

For you, probably the most important aspects of a relationship are integrity and security.

You do not rush into an affair helter-skelter, and when you do commit yourself to a lover,

you expect it to be a lasting relationship. You will persevere through many trials and tribulations in order to make an affair work out, as long as you feel that your partner is equally


If there is any problem with this position, it is oversensitivity, a tendency to take remarks

made in jest too seriously. You can overcome this difficulty in part by choosing your lover

carefully. Then you should watch your emotional reactions and be discriminating about

what you take to heart.

This position makes you a very faithful lover, but in the liberal climate of today, an incident

of unfaithfulness will be very traumatic for you. You should avoid being overly possessive

in the physical sense; faithfulness belongs more to the heart than to the body. If you can

keep this in mind, you can avoid much unnecessary emotional injury.

Physically, what is most meaningful to you in sexuality is love and devotion; sincerity in a

partner far outweighs technique. For a truly happy and fulfilling long-term relationship, sex

and love must be synonymous.

al as.6212.502-8 Adele Adkins


Love Horoscope

for Adele Adkins


The Sun represents your basic inner ego energies, and its position in the chart denotes your

overall inner direction. Its influence is quite general, referring to your orientation and style

of life than to particular physical or mental attributes in love.

Any difficult aspects to the Sun mean that you are under a certain compulsive pressure, the

effects of which depend on the nature of the planet aspected. Easy aspects, on the other

hand, lend self-assurance, confidence and a feeling that you know where you are going.

Where the emphasis of the Sun by sign and house is different from that of other planets in

the chart, there may be a dichotomy of inner direction and mental or social influences. For

the most pleasure and reward from sexual expression, you must take into account all these

factors, but in the long run the position of the Sun is likely to have a stronger effect.

Thus your eventual path of development will be fundamentally shaped by the position and

aspects of the Sun, especially concerning your inner feelings about sex. However, at first

your sexual habits and attitudes will probably be determined by the accepted social norms.

Sun in Taurus

You are a meat-and-potatoes person when it comes to loving, possessing both consistency

and endurance. For you, love is something to be taken in good-sized portions, with enough

left over for a second helping.

You are very good-hearted and generous with your lover and will go to any length to lavish favors on your partner. In return, you expect great loyalty and consistency more than

physical generosity, although you do prefer a physically demonstrative partner.

You would do well to choose a lover who is emotionally adaptable, for you are not one to

give in very much; when you make up your mind, it stays made up. Two stubborn people

make for a contentious relationship.

The ideal partner for you would be someone who enjoys sexual variety, someone who can

introduce you to new and exciting forms of lovemaking. You have a great capacity for

sexual enjoyment, but it is not your usual style to initiate experiments. You'll be happier if

the initiative comes from your partner.

Unlike some others, you seldom fall into the trap of jealousy, for you value your lover's feelings about you more than technical chastity or faithfulness. For this reason, you are one of

the most easy-going partners a person could have.

al as.6212.502-8 Adele Adkins


Love Horoscope

for Adele Adkins

Sun in the Eleventh House

You have a natural desire and ability to turn yourself into an eminently desirable partner for

almost anyone you meet. As a result, you will have to carefully weed out many casual

acquaintances from among the friends who truly love you.

Socially, you tend to be quite upwardly mobile and quite successful in finding others who

live up to your high social standards. This ability can bring you great success and even

wealth, but you must be careful not to leave old and faithful friends by the wayside. In the

end, it is they who will stand by you and mean the most in your life.

In general you are a good influence on your lovers, causing them to dress better and take

better care of themselves than before you became involved with them. This is true also of

your environment, which you tend to rearrange and improve.

Since your social life is quite important to you, try to avoid the lone wolf or wallflower type

of lover. You're much better off with a partner who likes to be right in the middle of the

crowd with you. The more involved you are externally, the more fertile and happy your

personal involvements will be, each one stimulating the others and propelling you along an

upward spiral.

Sun Square Mars

You may have some difficulty in properly expressing your energies. As a result, they may

build up to an uncomfortable level or find release at times or in areas that you have not

deliberately chosen.

Pent-up energies can also add fuel to repressed anger and frustration, which may then

overflow at inappropriate times or in situations that are not really that important. You will

be most comfortable with a lover who understands this problem and can absorb or defuse

these energies.

However, you have a unique kind of spontaneity, and you may initiate and enjoy love at

unexpected times and places. This can add a great deal of fun to your love life if your

partner is willing to make love into an adventure and if you temper your spontaneity with a

modicum of wisdom.

As you grow, your abilities and, particularly, your endurance in love will probably increase significantly. You may find that the areas in which you felt insecure in early youth

will become strong points with increasing age and experience. This will happen, in part,

because of your ability to amass a great amount of energy in order to solve a problem.

Also, practice brings perfection, and experience brings confidence in personal relationships and sexuality.

al as.6212.502-8 Adele Adkins



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