Letter of Appreciation to Best Friend

Dear Mithi bhai,

I still remember our school days when we used to compete for securing the top rank in the exams. Those days were fun too and we both did not understand when that healthy rivalry turned into a strong friendship. Today, I want to admit that you are the best and the most honest friend I have ever had in my life.

I wish we hang out more like we did in our college days but I understand that you have your own responsibilities now. Anyways, I want to inform you that I will be in the city this weekend so let us plan something together. Also, I want you to thank you for your unconditional love and support. Thanks for being my career consultant at all times.

I have enclosed a couple of cricket match passes with this letter which you can use anytime this year. I hope you like this small token of appreciation. Thank you for being there always and hopefully, our friendship lasts forever!


Nancy T.


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