Mrs. Clark’s Shakespeare Extra Credit


Congratulations young scholars! You have been chosen to help expand the minds of other students by bringing to them the gift of Shakespeare. This will require research, time, and patience. The guide lines of this project are as follows:

• This project must be entirely yours.

• This project is to be done outside of class. You may ask Mrs. Clark questions in class, of course, but the work will be done at home.

Options for this project are as follows:

¤ Creating an informative poster over one of the following topics:

- Shakespeare’s wooden “O” theatre

- Other playwrights of the time

- Other potential authors who may have been “Shakespeare”

¤ Create a school appropriate comic strip of one of your favorite scenes in Romeo and Juliet. For this, you may use conventional language, but you will be graded on if your comic conveys the same message as Shakespeare. (So if Shakespeare’s writing was about love, and your comic is about how much this person hates this other person….that’s a problem.) You will need to select a play and a scene for this option.

¤ Create a movie trailer of Romeo and Juliet. (if you are familiar with iMovie and have access to some of the films). This trailer needs to include narration by you to make the story seem exciting. Much like our book hook, you don’t want to give away the ending. A trailer will be graded on the title how interesting it is and if it has anything to do with the play), who the stars are (are they the right characters from this play? Did you include all the main characters?), quality, and creativity.

This can award you up to 12 points to your grade for quarter 2.


Please sign below and return to Mrs. Clark. This letter acknowledges that you understand what is required of you to complete this project, and that you understand the due date is on or before DECEMBER 8th.

If you have any questions, please ask Mrs. Clark in class, or email.

Student signature___________________________ Parent signature___________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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