Hello to all of our beautiful family and friendsWe’re gathered to celebrate a love that doesn’t bendBefore we delve into the love story of Megan and her misterSome words about the bride and groom from her Maids of Honor and sisters A little bit of info. about our sister and beautiful bride Everyone in Megan’s life is lucky to have her in their tribe Megan is the hardest worker, most loyal friend and loving sister The first person to call with good or bad news, she’s truly the best listener You can ALWAYS count on Megan to make you feel special and loved At your heart strings, she has probably tugged A little bit about Marc, our brother-in-law to be Aside from his constant learning of others and curiosity Marc is extremely loyal, intelligent and a great problem solver Which enables him and Megan to have intellectual conversations with one anotherMarc will surely be the disciplinary figure of the house Especially since he has to protect Megan when Charlie’s attacking her like a mouse So let us now talk of the tale that brought us to this wedding Before we toast on a love and future that we’re betting We are going to revisit their very first date Bistro Cassis was the meeting place for these soulmates Out of all of the people living in New York City A Columbia Grad student met a ballerina that was more than just pretty Megan was thrilled to bring him to a restaurant featuring French cuisine But when the waiter didn’t even speak French it was like a movie scene Their first date continued to the movie theatre to watch “The King’s Speech”Pretty much one of the least romantic movies in reach At this point in his Marc’s life, his English was still improvingAnd as you may or may not know, Megan’s lips rarely stop moving He did not really understand much of what she was saying Which may have been why to go clubbing he tried persuading Marc had been trying to get Megan to go to the club since date one But it took a few dates for this ballerina to let down her bun Although Megan’s career was something she talked about a lot that night Marc didn’t fully understand until a poster of her on a bus stop was in sight But with all of the jokes and funny first date stories asideTheir love for one another through many life changes has survived A long distance relationship between New York City and Switzerland They visited often and romantic trips together they made sure to spend The distance for three years did not keep Marc and Megan apart As Marc moved back to New York to support the one who held his heart When you look at Marc and Megan, there’s something you can’t ignoreThey find ways each day to show just how much they love and adore They both challenge each other to stay current with events Talking about issues facing our world more than frequent A couple of the attributes that they both happen to shareAre the same family values and how much for their circle they care We wish this happy couple nothing but the very best With an infinite amount of Marc’s Sunday pancakes in their nest And many more date nights at Playa Betty’s for Taco TuesdaySafe adventures, travels and starting a family someday Megan and Marc, we wish you eternal happiness together With good health and support through both sunny skies and stormy weather So let’s give a toast and a round of applause Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. de Murat!! ................

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